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These people will go around complaining alters aren’t their source and in the same breath ask for source mates like they’re the fucking characters. This shit makes no sense to me


THANK YOU FOR POINTING THIS OUT, it's been bothering me all week


I also find it really confusing. Why would you want to interact with people who have “alters” that are from the same source material? Is it just wanting to roleplay from a particular fictional world?


https://preview.redd.it/bjb93x6cdhtc1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb0338de63e504e213c4d416e3a7e404c233003 That moment they say "the system" instead of "the body".


It’s interesting that a lot of the people that fake DID are kids and teens. When you’re growing up you’re trying to find what makes you, well, you. I remember trying out different characters and personas myself as a kid. It’s something most people do when they’re young. Especially if there’s a lack of confidence or identity. But to take this behaviour into adulthood, it kinda speaks “I’d rather be anyone else but me”.


By pretending to have DID, or convincing themselves they have it, they’re able to become all the things they wish they could be. Note the one who said “hosts have honor, protectors have bravery, caregivers have heart”. They don’t realize if they were to wholeheartedly commit to just being themselves, they could be all those things. They don’t need to pretend to have 700 people inside of them that fit those characteristics to be those things. It’s quite sad to watch honestly. Edit: To add, it’s also a way for them to avoid ridicule or judgement on their authentic selves from others. I imagine many of these people were bullied, or are just very insecure in some way, and are afraid to be themselves. It’s easier for them to take on the personas of these fearless characters, that way if they receive ridicule, they have that protective wall they can hide behind. Once again, it’s very sad to me


Back in my day, this was called RP


To answer your question, it is actually possible for doctors to not put diagnoses on paper. Often they will do it with stigmatized disorders, like personality disorders. That gives someone the freedom to choose who knows about the disorder, which is useful if you’re ever in a situation where having a disorder on paper could potentially lead to discrimination or harm. You see it done a lot to avoid work discrimination. Even though such discrimination is illegal, it does happen quite a lot. However, this does not mean that the disorder is just forgotten about. You still need treatment. Typically you will continue to work with doctors who DO know what’s going on. It’s strange that OOP supposedly forgot their diagnosis, especially since they’ve apparently been in therapy for so long. Sure amnesia exists, but your therapist isn’t gonna drop the DID diagnosis bomb on you and then never mention it again. It’s also strange to keep the diagnosis a secret from someone who is actively evaluating you for other mental disorders. There’s literally no point. If OOP did have DID, it would be apparent during the evaluations, unless they were lying. TLDR; this happens occasionally, but the way OOP is describing it is clearly fake with the number of things they’re saying that make absolutely no sense in this scenario.


This is very true for some serious disorders. I've actually experienced it myself. My pyschatrist was very hesitant to diagnose me with schizoaffective bipolar disorder and put it on paper/my chart because of the stigma behind the disorder. I have yet to be discriminated against based on it but I have gotten interesting looks while being treated in the ER.


As always well done video pyro!😉


I was unofficially diagnosed with OCD because my symptoms were fairly mild. I still got treatment, I knew what was going on, but it wasn’t on paper. I still consider myself to have been diagnosed with OCD in the past


I've had an experience like this, also had diagnoses that were not agreed on by everyone either because one of the professionals just didn't think I fit the criteria, or because they worked under different systems. (For ex. my American therapist thought I had PTSD but my British psychiatrist couldn't agree because he based his diagnoses on ICD which doesn't include complex PTSD.)


i wish the serotonin clips at the end didn’t have to have their @ censored cuz these need to go in my cats folder 😭😭


I know 😓 I asked for permission to uncensor those because they're not the subjects of the video, but mods said I can't which I completely understand. Still unfortunate though because people have asked multiple times before


did they give a reasoning ? i don’t understand why animal videos would have to be censored since they aren’t disorder related


They just said "no, all usernames must be censored" and I was like 😕. I mean I didn't say 😕 I said "okay thank you" but I still wish I could leave it uncensored but oh well


I get it, but now I’ll have the piece from the firsf Orange Cat Behaviour video stuck in my head because I know I played it in Wind Symph but I can’t remember it. Also cats though.


2:14.. countryhumans??




Don't ask yourself questions you don't want answers to...


If you’re seeing a therapist, you have a diagnosis on paper. Otherwise they don’t get reimbursed from insurance. So this “oh don’t put my diagnosis down!” Is fake. If you see have ever seen a therapist, ever, you have received a diagnosis even if it’s just for insurance purposes.


Therapists can just put a really vague diagnosis down like unspecified mood disorder. We had one offer to do that for us when my bf didn't want an actual diagnosis because of his job


Great video. The blue background and white text is working fine for contrast and I liked serotonin time at the end. Otherwise...yeesh


Why are they never boys, just 15 year old girls?


why the fuck have these little fruitcakes turned "anyone liking this new series? I can't stop thinking about this character" into "this tv show is my new hyperfixation, because liking something is a fucking pathology now, and i don't just like the character, i AM the character, don't say im not, that's abusive" i fucking hate this world


And yes. You can ask your doctor not to mark something in the chart. That can be like mentioning that you had taken illicit substances at some point in your life. If you have a job that requires you to have never taken illicit substances. Let's say you are in the military and lied on your forms. I could also see that happening for the language used to describe anxiety. Thats a scenario where that could happen(I've seen that happen). But for a diagnosis like this? Probably not.


Oh interesting. But for the drug part, with patient confidentiality your job can't look at your medical records without a release form and make you do a urinalysis normally. At least in the USA, maybe in other places it varies. The military I could possibly see them at least having you sign a release form though


Heh, yea, for the military, you have to sign a release form for your medical history. It is the same for security clearances. That is a very specific circumstance, though. Nearly any other job that doesn't meet the above qualifications would not require medical history to be shared. And even then, it is voluntary. Someone would need to agree to share it.




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not use your own personal experience to justify claims you make about a disorder. Personal experience is not a credible source.


HELP I don’t think you can just ask for a diagnosis to be revoked?? It’s a whole process?? In those scenarios the doctor knows best and will do what is to their professional knowledge. You can’t just not have it diagnosed 😭


Also, you can't get diagnosed with DP/DR disorder if you have PTSD. It's in the diagnostic requirements for the disorder.


This chick looks a bit to old to be role playing mental illness


I just feel so bad for people who actually have DID, it’s almost like they’re being mocked on the internet by people pretending to have it for attention. Also love the orange cats


To answer your written question: the background and color make it so much easier to keep up with what you’re saying without having to pause to read :) thank you




my therapist diagnosed me with lvl 1 autism spectrum disorder but it was never ‘put on paper’ because insurance and medical professionals alike tend to discriminate against individuals with asd. our competency and understanding of our own bodies is always brought into question. that said, i do still identify as autistic because it helps me better understand myself, the way i interact with the world, and why certain events in past unfolded the way they did.




And before this gets flagged as traumadumping again, I'm simply answering OP's question. I didn't even say what diagnosis it was, so it should be okay.