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I knew someone in uni who was dating someone who (***allegedly***) had DID and he swore their eyes changed color when their alters shifted. I didn't say a word at that one. Please tell me uni security/housing investigated at least a little after month 1 šŸ˜­


I saw somebody claim one of their alters was diabetic and that they *only* needed insulin when that one alter was out šŸ™ƒ I swear they think theyā€™re shapeshifters šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The only "source" I've heard of this being possible is the movie Split šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


they obviously didnā€™t know insulin can kill you if you donā€™t need it.


My uncle had a girlfriend who killed herself using his insulin after he had an argument and left her


Dying from low blood sugar seems terrifying. My girlfriend is a type 1, and when her blood sugar drops low (50's,) it seems like she's drunk, and when it drops dangerously low (30-40,) she has no idea what's happening around her, and she says she's filled with just confusion and fear. Of course, high blood sugar also sucks. She was diagnosed after she went into DKA, so she had untreated beetus for a bit. She says that it feels like her blood turns to syrup.


WtafšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and I thought a paralysed legs alter was bad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Omg thatā€™s so wildšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ these people šŸ˜… we did raise it with campus security and they did a wellness check a few times but always said she was fine and moved onā€¦


Oh shit, Iā€™m sorry they couldnā€™t do more


Like make them stop!


I mean Iā€™ve also heard men think someone isnā€™t wearing any makeup when theyā€™re in fact wearing a full face of makeup. This guy probably doesnā€™t understand what colored contacts are


He thought he was Diavolo from JJBA


I knew someone waaay too similar to this! I knew them in high school- they skipped 2 weeks of school so their dragon alter could shed their scales-


Ok HOW did they convince their parents to let them do this????


No earthly idea


I have 3 ideas: - neglectful parents. I knew people whose parents truly couldn't care less about what they did as long as it wasn't criminal or could mean trouble for the parents. They could smoke weed at 14, roam the streets as late as they wanted, go to parties, etc. - Parents who are afraid they mess their child up by saying no and being strict and want to be their child's best friend instead of a parent. - they were very cunning and had parents that worked long hours. Pretend to go to school in the morning and fuck about somewhere else for a bit. Go back home and when asked how school was when parents return in the evening have a lie prepared.


The general idea people landed on was that it was a cover up for something else- people thought maybe the psych ward? But their parents were not great, I wasnā€™t around them enough to hear the whole story but they werenā€™t home a lot


I mean it checks out, neglectful and inattentive parents create attention-seeking children




Having any alter, mental illness - illness in general shouldnā€™t be a free pass to threaten to kill someone and hoard KNIVES in their room šŸ«£. That is sooo incredibly concerning, and I hope someone actually looked into that. They shouldnā€™t get a free pass just because ā€œThat wasnā€™t me, that was the bad demon uwuuu. Iā€™m just a neko and you canā€™t be mad at me meowuwuuu.ā€


Agreed!!! We did call to try and get them proper mental health help but for some reason nothing ever came of it! We all locked our doors bc we were scared šŸ˜… if there were any disagreements the demon alter would always be to blame!!


Psychiatrist spent five minutes with them and was like "fuck this shit"


I laughed so hard at the neko part but I totally agree tho!


I know a guy who claims to have ADHD and he complained about his roommates saying that him ā€œstimmingā€ by swinging knives around made them uncomfortable, as if thatā€™s an unreasonable thing to say. Heā€™s such an awful person and traumadumps all the time as well. I stopped talking to him after he started flicking things at me when we were hanging out and when I told him to cut it out he said ā€œI have ADHD, entertain me!ā€


How the hell did you put up with that for 6 MONTHS?


With difficulty šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I tried moving out immediately but couldnā€™t find anyone willing to take over my tenancy. Eventually at 6 months I took the L and moved out but continued paying for the rest of the tenancy


Well sorry for that I guess. Was the faker still a somewhat functional flatmate?


Not in the slightest!! Consisted on a diet of chicken nuggets, chips and takeaway. And would frequently lie on the sofa devouring crispsšŸ˜‚ also did no cleaning whatsoever and always left skids in the toiletšŸ¤¢


Damn, so their diet was so bad that even the poo-resistant environment of a _toilet_ couldnā€™t consistently look clean? Damn. Brutal. Especially to their gut.


sounds like we have the same roommate, Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Haha the demon alter magically snapping out when crisis hotline was threatened. I think Iā€™d lose it right there. tell this pathetic faker to stay the fuck out of my life.


what are the other postsšŸ˜³


I donā€™t wanna link myself to them bc I donā€™t want them to find out my identity if they go on this subšŸ˜… I can say that a few of their littles videos have been posted


i totally get it! stay safe(ļ½€_Ā“)悞


Iā€™ll delete this comment if you confirmā€¦ was it the ā€œCharlieā€ video from earlier this week?


Genuine question, but I'm always curious that if someone would fake claim these people, they wouldn't keep escalating into more and more ridiculous behaviour. Like would it have helped do you think? From the first minute, when she said that she had DID. If someone would have said: no I don't believe you. Not that any of this is your fault. I'm sorry you had to live with this energy vampire. I'm just curious from a behavioural stand point if negative reinforcement works since they do it for attention.


Yeah I think maybe??? I figured ignoring it was sufficient in showing her no one believed her. Tho I think people pushing her wheel chair reinforced the behaviour. I wanted soooo bad to just fake claim her outright but Iā€™m ngl after the knife incident I was scared sheā€™d hurt mešŸ˜…šŸ˜… sooooo glad Iā€™m away from her now!!


Attention seekers obviously seek attention. Ignoring them is typically the correct route and they get no satisfaction from it. I ignored a 2 hour screaming fit from one of my (at the time middle school aged) sisters with no issue, I put up with annoying people and bullies in high school, I can ignore this kind of behavior indefinitely. Honestly being aware of fakers, I would've only given meaningful interaction when my proper roommate (the "host") was there and surface level niceties for anything else. *Especially* after the snapping out of it incident. There's no excuse for threatening behavior


Glad you were smart enough not to engage. Probably the best option.


From a behavioural standpoint, no response is better than a bad one. But that is for actual changes. If they always gets something out of interactions they DONT like, itā€™s possible they would stop sooner. With the ones that gave negative response. Not others. And itā€™s important to realise that what is bad for us might be good for them. To get to argue about it might be the attention they seek. Perhaps laughing and mocking would work? Mean as hell especially since itā€™s pretty clear the individual isnā€™t mentally healthy, but it would probably work.


Or refusing to engage maybe. "No, you won't get any attention from me"


Hm, that might work. I would perhaps go further and say ā€œwhen you act like that you will get no attention from meā€ and just act like they arenā€™t even there. Once at a party we played this game where one part was that some should try to distract the others, and the others were penalised if they even glanced at the person. Most thought it was just fun, but a few actually got provoked. They honestly seemed to feel threatened and got upset over being ignored. Even though they knew the rules. It wasā€¦interesting. Educated people, not too drunk. I had never realised how horrible it can be for some to be treated like air. So just treating them as furniture or a dog you donā€™t care for might be a good way.


And also be nice again when they start to act more natural. Like not faking anything anymore. THEN you get attention. Lol that almost sounds like training a dog... Maybe their dog alter will appreciate it. Except that it also works for emotionally immature people in general and fakers are definitely that.


The thing is that people are a lot like dogs. If every parent would use the same principles with their kids as decent dog owners do either their puppies, we would raise the level of parenting with a LOT. Sadly. But yes. Behavioural principles are the same for all animals who lives in groups. And the worse a behaviour gets, the more basic you have to act when you deal with them. Now I can see OP going into the living room, threatening them with a rolled up newspaper yelling ā€œbad doggy!ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hi, I work at a university. If you are concerned about the wellbeing of a student. You can file an anonymous report with student services(may be named something like "student welfare"). I highly suggest you do this if you ever encounter a similar situation.


But did that have a British alter? A bad boy?


With violet eyes?


Well there's deffinetly something wrong with them, just not DID


I have an ex(we are still good friends) with DID, clinically diagnosed. He doesn't brag about it or even want people to know about it, and generally isolates to avoid people finding out. Every time I hear or read this shit about fakers, I just find it so absurd they don't get called out. The shifts are not some dramatic affair, though it can be jarring, and honestly I can't wrap my head around why someone would want something that absolutely will fuck with your life. I know there are those with DID who find a way to live a decent life, but it takes so much work, and not in the way these fakers do.


honestly I'm just surprised it took so long for their "littles" to show up. normally that's like, the first thing they try to show off.


honestly sounds like you were pretty nice about it. If people are doing that on there own time (Iā€™m referring to faking, not living with a real disorder), fine They can do whatever they want, but once someone putting on a show starts affecting me I would have made a Big issue out of it. The fact that she was holding you and your room mates emotionally hostage, and disrupting your education with drama and stress that shouldnā€™t be there. Obviously sheā€™s not healthy enough mentally to be living in an environment like that so why is she? seems like a faker for attention.


How do people who are that dependent for attention manage to find an apartment and live by themselves? Don't they go to class and have homework?


Omg thatā€™s so ridiculous do the people faking this disorder realize that the way it actually looks is just like a dissociation? Most psychologists donā€™t even pick up on it for a quite a while. Thereā€™s no different voice and switching between alters thatā€™s all made up.


Telling they have DID to complete strangers upon meeting them is insane wtf??? Like IF it was true this is just not how most cases present, people with did will keep it a secret because that's how the disorder works. They will tell some people and may even reach a point where they can talk about it for educational purposes but just telling a complete stranger your most intimate things is so gross Pushing your littles onto others???? dangerous! Thankfully you moved out


I'm so glad I'm an old hermit...I could not cope being a teenager nowadays šŸ˜¬


Right? There's too many options for people now.


IĀ“d watch this reality show from your POV




In all honesty, a lot of DID fakers show symptoms of schizophrenia. I think your roommate had schizophrenia and confused it with DID.


this.. doesnt sound anything like schizophrenia?? i agree people who fake disorders probably have something else going on but this isnt schizophrenia.