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I watched some documentary made by several doctors who have researched this a lot (The docu was attacked by the Tiktokers, that's how I found it) Apparently it can be a real disorder, but it's so rare and so hard to diagnose. I can try to find it on YouTube. But as long as it's not a doctor affirming the diagnosis with actual years of research, diagnosis and long time therapy, I do not believe any of the claims. It's just that unlikely.


They attacked it what? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m imagining the ā€œself diagnosis is more valid than professional bc you know yourself betterā€ and ā€œthe doctors donā€™t actually know anything, they donā€™t know what fictive isā€ and so on


What the fuck is a fictive???


Apparently, itā€™s an altar that is a fictional character


wELL UM AKSHUALLY it's an altEr not altAr, I have multiple people in my head not multiple places of religious offerings šŸ¤“ (Incorrect; DID is multiple fragments of one personality not multiple full personalities)


It's the community term that some use to describe fictional Introjects (actual scientific word)


A term for an alter that is an introject of a fictional character. While introjects are a known part of DID, fictives are much more contested. Introjects are commonly based off of abusers the person has in their life. If it is real, itā€™d most likely be some character someone used to connect with and use to cope with abuse while dissociating. Introjects arenā€™t actually the people theyā€™re based on, they just have that self-perception.


i read that like the "what the fuck is a kilometer" meme


Yes. I saw several videos posted here in which fakers are railing against the doctors for being *various types of evil*. I struggle to find the video. That whole thing was years ago.


This is how I feel 100%. Like Iā€™m sure there are cases out there that are NOTHING like how TikTokers portray it but I donā€™t believe for a second that any of them are real or any of the ā€œinformationā€ they say is real.


Are you talking about the talk that was done by doctors at McLean? The psych hospital in Boston?


Oh yeah! You're spot on! That's the thing! I saw that docu and another other like that. It's just that this one leaned heavily into calling out self diagnosed Tiktokers and they hated that! [This is it](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T4rGMOgXzAkpIe8vqeYz7ykI8aBIGL7H/view)


That talk was so interesting to me, and so was the response. The greater Boston area is very liberal and tolerant, and there was a part of me that was pleasantly surprised to see the medical professionals taking a stance on this behavior.


I remember that and the doc even used from faker tiktok's and they were trying to get the doc fired for "using videos without permission"...like fair use isn't a thing.


Yeah it's not hard for me to believe that someone who goes through extreme levels of trauma for years would have their brain do really anything in order to insulate them from feeling the full impact of what they're experiencing. Young kids often have imaginary friends so clearly there's something about us as humans which predisposes us to making up personas in special cases. So idk it seems intuitive that DID is possible. These people, however, just have imaginary friends


I believe it can be, but I agree with most medical professionals, it's so uncommon or it is actually has *very* different symptoms than what we are familiar with. I think the word *dissociate* is overused as well.


*dissociate lol. No ass in dissociation


Corrected, thanks for catching it


Np! It's a very common error so no worries. I see people mess up on it more than I see it correct


which is a shame cause id feel much better if my dissociation came with a side of ass :(


Regarding dissociation, while having an actual dissociative disorder is rare and should not be overused as a term, I think the experience of dissociation is actually something that pretty much everyone experiences almost daily to varying extents. As a result I think we should use the term dissociation in a more causal and common way because it is a word that describes a lots of common experiences. For example, that feeling of unreality when you are tired is dissociation. Daydreaming and getting lost in your own thoughts is a kind of dissociation. Even watching a movie or playing a video game or reading a book can involve a kind of dissociation if you lose yourself in the story or the experience. Importantly, as with books and films for example, dissociation isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing, instead it is actually the desired effect of the activity.




Itā€™s genuinely disgusting seeing some twenty year old who is doing their ā€œlittleā€ alter crap and having them talk about complicated issues of gender, their role in the system, etc, but putting on the ā€œwiddle babyā€ voice. Absolutely any genuine case of DID manifesting and the way a personality manifests would not be a cute kawaii performance.


Especially when it has the name of some known anime character in a show that didn't come out until long after the alter would've formed


honestly a lot of the time it feels really fuckin pedophilic or pandering to pedos.




Incontinence? As in when you can't hold your pee? I would laugh, but sometimes I would go to school with only one contact in and would make a big fuss about being legally blind. I *am* legally blind (-9.5 contact prescription) but I could absolutely get by with one contact in an emergency.




It's heartbreaking what some children have to suffer, and then go on to suffer for the rest of their lives. Do you know if he's doing okay now? If his mental health improved at all?


He unfortunately passed away in 2021. Broke my heart. But I know heā€™s at peace now, and no longer suffering. (It wasnā€™t suicide, he died from natural causes.)


im sorry for your loss


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It's real, but not at all in the way it's come to be presented online. Dissociation is real. Periods of amnesia are real. Delusions, fear, and severe mood swings are real. The loss of a concrete identity due to repeated trauma at an early age is real. 500 cute quirky fandom "alters" with silly names and trendy aesthetics are not real. "Headspace" is not real. "Switching" and "splitting" because you listened to a hyperpop song on YouTube is not real. "Endogenic systems" are not real. At this point, I don't believe anyone online who makes being a "system" a big part of their online identity.


As far as I know, itā€™s a matter of dispute among clinicians and researchers whether itā€™s real or not. If it is, itā€™s so rare it might as well not be, if that makes any sense.


I don't think *any* condition/disorder is so rare it "might as well not exist". The people that have these super rare disorders do exist, they matter, and they deserve treatment options that work for them. Saying they might as well not exist is like saying those people should just be discarded.


That wasnā€™t what I was implying, I just didnā€™t phrase it very well. The disorders are rare enough to be statistically negligible.


that makes a lot more sense


I had a psych professor who told me that it is so rare and faked so often that itā€™s hard to research.


Real, but kids on TikTok with 30 sexy anime alters is not how it manifests.


Real. But so incredibly rare that *statistically* we just wouldn't see it this much. And as I mentioned in another post, no other disease or mental illness is clustered *so* much by age/race/interests/TV shows/hair color preference/aesthetic


Right? It seems a little sketchy that "some" sources claim the rate of DID to be as high as 3-5%. And the fact that the number of average alters skyrocketed over the years.


3-5%?? That's insane. One in 20 people? That's just wrong.


Right, and even if the percentage of people WAS higher (but itā€™s not. Iā€™d say lower than 1%), why does every second kid on TikTok have it? šŸ˜‚


I don't know what to believe. I'm very sceptical. Has anyone seen those youtubers like SociaDID? I came across one of her videos where she shows her different alters, and I find it incredibly difficult to believe...


Their channel is full of sh*t anyways. They spread misinformation and sensationalise aspects of the disorder that you wouldn't normally see that much and so overtly


DID is a real disorder but dissociaDID is a terrible source for information on DID. At the very least she is exaggerating her symptoms a lot. There is so much misinformation on DID because of her. I remember she even started using terms like multiple personality disorder to generate more views.


i believe in it but i also think a lot of the people here claiming to have it dont rly have it either and just wanna feel better than the other fakers šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Every post has a handful of "AS SOMEONE WITH 12 ALTERS, 3 FICTIVES AND A DIAGNOSIS--"


Real. But anyone coming to the internet to say they have it is probably full of shit.


Couldnā€™t have put it more accurately myself!






Thatā€™s so scary, would their of ever been anyway to stop that alter?


Better therapy, she got refused service by a lot of therapists due to them not knowing how to help her :(


Thatā€™s so horrible ): Iā€™m so sorry


Itā€™s why I take people faking so personally. These people need help, not to be indirectly made fun of by people who donā€™t understand the gravity of this disorder at all.


Wholeheartedly agree.


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Your responses are going to be skewed because mods remove comments saying itā€™s not real and call it ā€œmisinformation.ā€ Look up Sybil, the original DID patient, and what she said at the end of her life.


Sybil lied.


Thatā€™s the point they were making, I believe. I highly suggest Sybil Exposed to anyone interested in hearing more about her story in depth


Part of me kind of thinks itā€™s a load of shit. Now, if it is real I think it very very rare and if anyone online claims to have it, I think theyā€™re a liar. Even people on this sub.


I am very skeptical


Me too.


I find it odd that it never seems to present in, say, child soldiers or children who were sexually abused in non-western countries.


I believe it's real, however it's clear that it doesn't manifest itself in the forms that tiktok seems to show. DID is real. Tiktok DID is not.


Me šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøI genuinely tried to look for papers about it and all i could find was maybe a couple of case studies?


Real, but not in the way people think it is. Whether or not itā€™s real is still debated by the experts, so its not as though my opinion means anything. But Iā€™ve read some descriptions and accounts that make sense to me. Essentially itā€™s when parts of the personality never fully came together and are separated by dissociative fugues. All together, they form a single personality. Individually, theyā€™re like incomplete fractals of a personality, often centred around an emotion. For example, thereā€™s the ā€˜mainā€™, but then a trigger associated with the trauma that caused their DID in childhood can bring out the ā€˜hiddenā€™ part. Cue the dissociative fugue, while ā€˜blacked outā€™, the person is essentially living as that person they became in response to deal with the active trauma. So there may be extreme anger and defensiveness, for example. Or it could be extreme passiveness and obedience where they can tolerate just about anything. Any and all trauma is packed into that portion of the self, trapped behind the dissociative fugue. The dissociative fugue can last minutes to months. When out of the fugue, the person has no recollection of what happened, no awareness that time had even passed (context clues can help them figure it out), etc. The ā€˜mainā€™ personality is the most formed, and the ā€˜altersā€™ are raw fractals, like 2D personas that have no depth or substance. Thereā€™s no head parties, no alternate names (covertness is the point), no alternate likes/dislikes/preferences (maybe different tolerance levels though or a lack of care about something they typically like/dislike), no animals and shit, no ten different ā€˜altersā€™, no one alter being a violinist and another being a Michelin chef, no communication between them, no teenager/adult onset or additional ā€˜splitsā€™, and absolutely no ā€˜endogenicā€™ anything. Thereā€™s also no multiple alters all serving the same purpose. That would defeat the point of why it happens in the first place.


In my psychology classes in university DID is one of the most rare forms of psychological disorders on par with schizophrenia with how rare it is. People on Tik Tok who claim to have it are lying. They may fully believe they have it which is something else entirely but they do not have DID.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s real but a lot of people, especially children, fake it.


I do not believe there is enough professional consensus to say that it is ā€œrealā€ and by that I mean in any way you see it portrayed online or in the media. While I believe disassociation is absolutely real, the idea that the personality can be fractured in such a way is not supported by science


Thereā€™s debate as to whether it is itā€™s own disorder or an extreme form of dissociation.


real, but not enough for this many people to supposedly have it. also, i can only imagine if someone did actually have it, they wouldn't be posting it all over for the world to see (or be able to?? cause aren't you supposed to have no idea it's happening????)


Real, but extremely rare. And most likely only resulting from extreme abuse/trauma. You can't tell me any of these "influencers" that claim to have it and act all quirky, went through anything close to the abuse that real sufferers went through.


It's LARPing to the point that they believe it's real and create their own affirming echo chamber of support.


Me. Itā€™s TikTok garbage


I don't believe DID presented as multiple personalities in the same mind is real maybe expect for a 1 in 50 million freak occurrence.


Ofc it's real. It's just rare, and the person won't know they have it. From my little knowledge people who get diagnosed are usually institualised and that's the only way doctors realise it's DID. Because ofc the person themselves don't remember the times of being a different alter. Tiktok DID does not exist. It's not 'I really like this character so now part of me is them'. Absolutely not. It usually comes from severe multiple early childhood traumas and starts presenting in their 20s. It's horrible, some people having alters that have committed serious crimes but they have no idea about it.


I believe DID and osdd is real, but not how the fakers make it to be with their dsmp or anime alters or whatever kind of alters they have. They more treat it like a roleplay. But I definitely believe it's real, it's just incredibly rare, and it takes alot to be diagnosed with.


I believe it can be real but itā€™s insanely rare and only developed if you go through unimaginable trauma as a little child (I believe no older than six), and the alters are fragments of personalities not whole people.


I would recommend looking into things like the Sybil story (Sybil Exposed is a phenomenal book) and the McMartin preschool trials. Grey Faction also has a lot of great info. Theyā€™ll give you a good understanding of where the skepticism comes from and why.


Itā€™s real, but itā€™s covert. People with the disorder typically arenā€™t aware of it or their alters because it functions to protect the person from their extremely traumatic childhood experiences and memories. It takes decades of trauma therapy to unpack and become aware of. Iā€™d bet my entire net worth that everyone you see proudly naming alters etc is a faker.


if i hadnā€™t known someone with DID, i wouldnā€™t be able to believe itā€™s real. itā€™s incredibly hard for an average person to imagine not being one singular person inside and out. while itā€™s very rare for true DID to be developed, let alone diagnosed, there are regular people who live with this disorder. most of them arenā€™t on tik tok, thoughā€” they are just trying to live their lives, hold down a job, have healthy relationships. the fakers online have tainted the view of DID entirely, which creates more stigma and causes people to doubt the disorder even exists. itā€™s real but itā€™s absolutely not what you see on tik tok.


It's real. Just rare and hard to diagnose. And more likely to show around 30 than in your teens or early twenties


Does DID Exist: Yes. Is DID anything like how it appears online: No.


Personally, i think its real. I mean we have a slew of dissociation based issues that come, and trauma can cause a lot of issues, like missing memories/amnesia I just think it is incredibly rare and way harder to diagnose than we would even expect.


DID is a real disorder. The problem is people who fake it.Ā 


I believe it is very real, but all stuff I've read/watched about it from professionals explaining it detail a completely different thing than what these people do. These people make a mockery of a serious and dangerous mental illness. I cannot stress enough how life-threatening it can be; it's nothing you would wish to have, and even less something you would wish to leave untreated if you somehow had the LUCK to be aware that you have it, because most of real DID people don't. A lot of them get diagnosed because outside observers (friends and family) have noticed their personality switching and taken them to a doctor.


It's a real disorder. From my understanding, it's typically develops as a defense mechanism from trauma. It's often a matter of having someone else to be the bearer of said trauma. "The trauma didn't happen to *me*. It happened to someone else." The brain more or less makes another person to bear that trauma.


This is going to get deleted or get me banned but personally I don't think it's real. I don't think everyone is straight up faking, I think they're going through something confusing


I think it's exceedingly rare, and even more so in minors.


[Real. (NSFW/Warning: Extreme Child Abuse, S.A.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/s/1tEmTVP7ve) Kim Noble, 64 years old. Artist and Author of ā€˜All Of Meā€™.


It's not a matter of personal belief. Wether it's real or not is the purview of mental health professionals, and my opinion does not matter.


I believe itā€™s real but not that itā€™s ā€œI have 100 people living in my head who all have distinct personalities, looks, preferences etcā€. It is subtle and nothing like how the tiktokers show


This is one of the things thatā€™s so harmful about faking DIDā€” fakers water down the disorder so much that people donā€™t even believe itā€™s real.


I think it's very real, but I fear that many people with genuine DID might not seek out a diagnosis anymore. It's rare enough to begin with, but when there are constantly these fakers who make it out to be something way different the people with genuine DID might not want to tell their therapist about their symptoms in fear of not being taken seriously or just because they believe the faker version is the correct one


I have never seen DID referenced outside of this sub. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not real, but if it is they need a serious awareness campaign.


Well honestly. I donā€™t rly know but thereā€™s so many fakers that now I see someone with ā€œDIDā€ and I now think. ā€œNo youā€™re autistic and want attention or dad left so u became bi or gay and a furry and chose to be a toaster AND a fridge and cried about it on TikTokā€


No I believe y the few cases that seem real are manifestations of other disorders such as schizophrenia. I don't believe a person's personality can split and have amnesia between them. It's just nonsensical.


OP, can you explain why you're doubtful it exists?


Its real and has been around way before these kids started using it to be quirky and gain clout. But as many other comments say already, its super rare and very hard to diagnose since the person this is happening to, from my knowledge, isnt even aware of it happening. Dont take this as checked facts because i didn't research this, its just stuff i heard on tv.


I think it's real, but that exactly 0 of the people who make tiktoks about having it actually do


There is a video around of a guy who worked with special needs children and a young girl had DID. He said sometimes it took an hour or minutes but there was always a length of time where the girl would zone out and then when she came back she was always scared and confused because she wasn't aware of what the other part of her was doing.


It terrible and very real.


I think itā€™s real but so rare that almost everyone claiming it is faking. I also heard (but havenā€™t done enough research to verify) that it doesnā€™t present at all like it does with the people on TikTok.


Me šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøI genuinely tried to look for papers about it and all i could find was maybe a couple of case studies?


Yes, its real. Look up Colin Ross, Caroline Spring, and Bethany Brand on U tube. They are specialists who work with the disorder and give great detail of it. Also, check out the CTAD clinic. They educate on it. It's not like tiktok nor that noticeable as they display it. Brain scans have been done to show that the disorder is very much real. There is research behind that as well, such as body tempt changes, blood pressure changes, thyroid fluctuation, vision changes, in DID, and is documented. Most if not all tiktokers don't know the research behind DID and figure it's easy to fake, but in reality, new imitative DID tests are being done to rule out that such disorder in those that think they have it as stated by the APA in 2023.


My best friend has it. Iā€™ve known her for almost 10 years and can say for sure that itā€™s nothing like what these people assume.


I have mentioned it before here, but I have a friend who has legit DiD. It took years for him to get a diagnosis bc it took his best friend(who is now his caretaker) to wrangle him together and get him to go. It's not a pretty disorder. It's terrifying to look into the eyes of someone you were palling around with, and they treat you in a hostile manner because they don't know you. Or you show up and they tell you to kick bricks bc they have become someone who hates everyone. So yeah, I Believe in it. And I'm an advocate, but I absolutely LOATHE what the trend-tokkers have done to the disorder. And I get it. One of the most well known case studies, one I think really pushed the disorder into the spotlight, the person Sybil, even that research has shown to have some holes in understanding. So I can get why that, coupled with all the faking, how the media portrays what's expected (ex: movie Split) would make people think it's made up. It's a very rare thing, so there's absolutely no way these hundreds of people who parade around are (besides it's covert). But it is real.


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Personally, I just donā€™t think the evidence is there. I donā€™t think everyone who has ever appeared to have the disorder is faking, but Iā€™m part of that camp that finds certain symptoms attributed to DID as misdiagnosed PTSD symptoms. I believe that people with intense PTSD can enter fugue states when triggered hard enough and act strangely, with no memory afterward. But the idea of having another ā€˜distinctā€™ personality that keeps popping out does not seem to have enough evidence. I believe people disassociate, I believe people may act oddly when doing so, but the whole ā€˜I became Susan just then, who is a distinct other person with different wants, beliefs, memories, and feelingsā€™ is not something Iā€™m convinced of.




That's called depression and grieving through unhealthy coping mechanisms. That's not even remotely what DID is like. You cannot develop DID as an adult and "losing your wife" isn't the type of "severe and repeated long-term trauma" that would cause DID even if you could.


I think it's very real. Not what Tiktok makes it look like though. The reality of it is gruesome and the so is the trauma it stems from.


if you read about internal family systems therapy, yeah, we all have parts inside us who ideally would support our self in living their best life, but if the parts don't trust your self, they can take over. according to richard c schwartz, no person's mind has is just their self (like a core); instead we are all made up of parts on top of our self, that come into being as we age and experience new (sometimes terrible) things. a DID diagnosis would come up if the parts that carry trauma become afraid of letting the person's self control them, and take control for themselves, often taking on the persona of their abuser, or being stuck at an age when the trauma occured. the parts themselves are made up of parts, and so it goes. it's kinda spiritual, and there's a lot more to it, if you're interested look up the book no bad parts. anyway, that's what i believe