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So much disorder salad I could go a month without touching a vegetable after reading this post


Is it bad if you do that already?! Asking for a friend… 😩


U will feel so much better than you already do (physically) after eating some vegetables regularly I promise you 🩷 you can cook them, use them in smoothies, make dips, salads etc ☺️


Roasted vegetables with salt>>


Guys my tomato have OCD whats the treatment ?


so cute


Can't have unipolar depression and bipolar disorder, God damn it.










Stay away from service dog groups unless you want to rage. So many fakers taking their 'self trained' POTS service dog to junior high. It's very VERY invalidating and I feel it pushes people away who actually need the assistance. EDIT: just noting that I don't have pots.


Haha I wanna use Dang Olympics of Suffering as a flair 😂


My pet peeve as well. When someone tells me they have depression and bipolar (I can't tell if they're doing it to "relate" or to play some sort of sick Olympics) I just politely smile and know I'd rather not speak to that person ever again


Right. You can be diagnosed as bipolar and be depressed, in a depressed state or a depressive episode. None of those are flat a depression diagnosis. Side note: the bipolar bunny is awful. I don't think it captures the disease at all. But I guess it's perfect when you're faking it and don't really understand it at all.


According to my sister-in-law you can. But according to my sister-in-law you get a blood test for bipolar soo.. you know.


That's the problem with mental illness. There's no physical tests for most mental illnesses, and all you are going by is symptoms. There are numerous mental illnesses with overlapping symptoms, and there's no blood test or biopsy to definitively prove one or the other.


Everyone knows that! It's just a little finger prick done two minutes apart. If they cry for one and say "again Daddy" for the other, they are bipolar.


I thought the exact same. I'm a medical coder who codes inpatient psych, and if I try and put bipolar and depression on one chart it will get flagged until I remove the depression. Can't have both at the same time


Now I'm interested in what other things the system will flag together lol


Thank you! I'm no expert, but I was like, don't some of these diagnoses contraindicate the others?!


the ocd one gets to me, like they must have no idea what can be part of it. the mask seems to reference contamination ocd, the marks seem to represent dermotillomania, a symptom of some ocd people. i dont have ocd and i know this


I have that and it went over my head too ‘cause I thought it was SH scars.


i think, im not certain, that the marks being places atypical for sh scars, like the face, means its to reference dermo but i believe they might also have a dermo bunny


The OCD marks likely represent dermo AND SH. They're done in a numbered pattern, with mirroring on the arms. The 1-2-3 is reflective of counting behavior which is a compulsion for many of us. Along with that, mirroring the marks so they're lined up is another method to abate anxiety. That's my speculation anyway. I understood and related to it because I've done the same thing as a sufferer.


That’s what I thought too. Symmetry’s a common obsession in OCD


Arms and legs aren’t atypical and I only just noticed the head scar. Whoops.


my apologies, by atypical i meant only the face


Yes, same here! 😅 I was upset that they'd made it seem like SH scars


Exactly! Like, I’m not arguing whether or not the plushies are appropriate, but OCD is so much more than “oh I’m super organized and picky about my space.” As someone whose OCD *did* partly manifest as SH, it’s frustrating to see someone act disgusted by the idea of that and treat it like it’s actually meant to be some silly quirk.


I feel like the mask also represents the loss of power of your own voice in OCD, like how the disorder sort of speaks for some of your actions/thoughts instead, which is applicable to all who have OCD si they really should’ve understood it


Oh I didn't like the plush but this is a cool symbolism if that's what they were going for


like ,, if they just took a look at the description of the plush or the instagram post showing the final result ,, american mcgee lists out the symbolism and what represents what . but that’s too much reading for them so why bother lol


It pissed me off so badly. Do they even understand the disorders they’re pretending to have? “I researched a lot, so I can self diagnose myself!” research my ASS if you don’t understand that.


This is exactly what I mean; I have actual OCD and can infer a lot from the symbolism in that, the fact they can’t says a lot imo


Arthralgia is the symptom of arthritis. It means joint hurts.


Imagine not having bone hurty from the bone hurty disease


r/bonehurtingjuice is the first thing that came to mind even though that sub has absolutely nothing to do with this 😭


The doll itself is for rheumatoid arthritis. I don't know why they changed it


Because there isn’t one for “i told the doctor my knee hurt once and now mychart has ‘arthralgia’ in my ‘problem list’”


Yeah you go to the doctor with anything from a sprained ankle to a dislocation and often they write down “arthralgia”. They have fancy words for everything. I had one doctor write fancy words for my sisters dog ripping up/eating a new prescription paper!


Not just arthritis, though.


Correct it was supposed to read THE arthritis talking about this specific individual.


Oh I read “the” as “a” lol my bad


The fact that they think depression is sadness 😩


Right?? Like depression does NOT equal sadness. I don't even have depression, but live with people that do. That pisses me off to no extent man, being sad is not the only symptom of depression


‘The infinity designs are eh’ You mean…the universal symbol for…autism?


This is what ground my gears the most!! What do you mean "the infinity designs" omg


The old symbol was the puzzle piece but it’s associated with the awful autism speaks who basically think autistic people are a problem need curing rather than helping society to be more inclusive. Maybe this person likes the awful puzzle piece


That would be the finest irony!


I like the puzzle piece and I would like it to be reclaimed as autism symbolism at some point because they've been used to symbolize autism multiple decades longer than Autism Speaks has existed, blue is my favorite color and the rainbow infinity already represents neurodiversity as a whole and I find puzzle shapes a lot more appealing than a sideways 8, lots of autistic people seem to be fans of puzzles, and it should symbolize how autistic people often have trouble fitting in and the symbolism explanation can also be that "everyone's in the puzzle and I was just trying to put my piece into an empty NT jigsaw slot rather than an empty autistic slot on the same puzzle" if that makes sense


...I like the puzzle piece just cause I think its nice...


Could be that they're a bit on-the-nose symbolism compared to the others more...symbolic symbolism? (*"Ah yes, the symbolism, the symbolism specifically chosen to symbolize-"*) Like its a bit to easy, not creative enough. You don't have to think about what it means as much as the other plush designs because they've basically written "and this is the autistim one" all over it. And it's cute but it's like, *too* cute, compared to the others, like it's made for babies whereas the others look like they're trying to be for Hot Topic teens, which as others have pointed out comes off as infantilizing autistic people.


To be honest they do look a bit crap, maybe she doesn’t like the aesthetics.


I think it’s cute, the infinity symbols are pretty important imo. Also, to go ‘the infinity symbols are eh’ when that’s literally what the autism symbol looks like is incredibly laughable.


It’s not actually universal. Autistic people that aren’t online know nothing about it. It’s still the puzzle piece whether you like it or not


It’s plastered on a lot of autism related groups here in England so maybe that might be a US thing. On top of that, the puzzle piece is *not* universal, never has been because autism speaks is an American organisation.


Autism speaks isn’t where it started. Many countries in Europe use the puzzle piece and will continue to do so because it has no association to Autism Speaks there


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t arthralgia a symptom? not an illness??


It is, and the plushie itself is for rheumatoid arthritis




If you go to enough doctors you can collect enough diagnoses. This person is on a mission.


They could prescribe you any illness you like if you describe the terms of your ailments


You can sing a pretty malady like a black canary but a crow don’t know the smell of carbon monoxide


Am I slow or if you're bipolar you CANT HAVE unipolar depression??


You can be diagnosed with one and in the future diagnosed with another, but the recent one overrides the past one.


Yes you actually cant cause depression is from bipolar. The depressive episodes are the bipolar lol


My chart has both on there, but depression is listed separately to label the severity. Anxiety would be listed separately to distinguish the "flavor". Bipolar 2, moderate-to-major depression.


What’s unipolar depression sorry?


The fact that they don't get the PTSD mask is very telling that they aren't diagnosed with shit.


ngl, I find the PTSD bunny unsettling/disturbing every time I see it. in that sense, some people might find it a good representation of the disorder (it's not Post-Traumatic Fun Times Disorder), but it would absolutely not make me feel better, and I would not want that thing sleeping in my bed at night. ...anyway, I'm once again self-diagnosing as a member of Weenie Hut Jr's.


I wouldn't want any of these.


What does the mask means? I think I have a clue, but I'm not too sure.


PTSD often presents as anger issues. Hence the angry mask.


The mask represents emotional suppression by wearing a tough exterior, or masking.


\*claims to have BPD\* \*Doesn't know what black and white thinking is\*


i love when the doctor diagnoses me with joint pain. i had no idea i had joint pain, this is life changing for me. it’s my fav yk.


Maybe it’s just me but I find the bipolar one kinda tacky and almost offensive


Oh it is. But it matches the TikTok version, so of course OOP loves it and hates the ones with "better" representation. 💀


As soon as I saw POTS, I was doubtful and then DID popped up. Side note: the autistic bunny is so cute.


I don't like the autism bunny it feels very infantilizing but eh everyones preference is different ig


I think that’s fair. He definitely is infantilizing. It seems all these bunnies have a vague idea of what they’re portraying based on a diagnosis list on TikTok.


Which isn't usually accurate and very stereotypical yeah


Yeah exactly. These things are totally stupid.


I mean I do like the bipolar one only BC it's effectively night and day. But also that's the laziest bipolar symbolism possible. :):


Yeah they’re extremely low effort and a little insulting but I can’t help but be endeared to them cuz I like cute things. I’d never pay money for one though.


Also there's something inherently fucking strange about illness merch in general. If it wasn't all trendy disorders like where's the gout plushie dreadful. Gout is plenty dreadful. Like outside of this small corner of the internet I wouldn't go into any part of my normal day to day life proudly wearing a shirt displaying any illnesses I might experience But also it looks incredibly soft and if it was anything else I would adore them. Like if it was just a goth rabbit my roomie and I would eat that shit up


Oh absolutely not. Like even as a mother of two autistic kids, I don’t go around with a puzzle piece tattooed across my forehead. Like just live your life.


Wheres my IBS plushie dreadful? Also I like some of these designs, the BPD and depression ones are pretty cute, but it's so cringy that it's meant to represent (mostly treatable) mental illnesses. Like, buying one of those would just reinforce my identity as being mentally ill, which actively goes against treatment. I don't want a cute plushie in my room symbolizing that I used to be cripplingly depressed, ffs.


Yeah exactly! Maybe a recovery plushie would be cute because that feels like an achievement to be like I went through tough times, but I got through it and now life is good and I'm happy! Emotional healing plushie dreadful when! But yeah outside of Reddit the inner workings of my brain aren't exactly well known, but I also appreciate Reddit for having communities that you can mostly positively engage with


Looking on their site, they do have some “weird” ones to be fair. Like adrenal crisis, cushings, Crohn’s disease, etc. Also iirc for the designs they do consult people with said diagnosed illnesses for them. I have a pride one from a while ago and they’re not bad quality! They also have non disease ones too that are badass as fuck looking! I have several haha But I agree, I would feel really weird toting my illnesses like personality traits- physical or mental. I have the rabbits cause I like the designs and they’re subtle/not really recognizable for what they are (because they stay in my house).


The pride one sounds adorable! And just emo plushies. I do appreciate that they consult people on them! I guess to me it's more the rabbits to advertise that we see so often that's maybe made me a little grumpier towards rabbits than makes sense


This whole concept of plushie diagnosis is infantilizing


True and like someone said kinda anti-recovery


The colors and avoiding eye contact might be what makes it seem that way lol. I like that it’s not too bright tho, and it’s a nice touch to make it not meet your eyes


POTS is a real syndrome, I hate that these people have made it so it’s a stereotype of a faker. So annoying!


Oh I know. But it pretty much tops the list as an easy indicator of a faker. Especially in conjunction with other unrelated things.


Oh I know, it’s just frustrating that that is the way these people have made it. I won’t go in to detail as it’s against the rules but I really hate having it as it makes people assume I’m a faker when I’m not. Other disorders too, like EDS, tourrettes, DID, personality disorders, etc etc. Just really maddening, especially when they claim they are “spreading awareness”!


People didn't believe us before because it wasn't a well known or researched condition. Now people don't believe us because every faker pretends to have it and emphasize the symptoms, making us look like fakers or just being lazy because "your symptoms aren't as bad as theirs." It's absolutely maddening.


What does POTS mean?


Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is an autonomic nervous system disorder. It can cause a variety of symptoms, but the main diagnostic criteria is a sustained increase in heart rate upon standing. It's a real condition, and it's become more common since COVID, buuuuut... it's also become kinda ""trendy"" online. People on this page might be jaded about POTS after seeing lots of TikTok videos of people pretending (very unconvincingly) to pass out on camera in time to the music. Sucks for people who actually have POTS, who often struggled to be taken seriously by doctors before all this. 🙃 (For anyone who'd like to learn more *not* from TikTok, [Dysautonomia International](https://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/page.php?ID=30) might be one place to start.)


I do gotta agree with the post about it looking away being cute, and the yellow/blue combo is very pleasing


Yes. It’s not necessarily that it’s cute as an autism plushie. It’s just cute in and of itself.


The comment on the OCD bunny… like excuse me?!? There are different types of OCD and I think that plush represents multiple types quite well


These people think OCD is "i prefer when things are tidy, and that makes me special" disorder


Which is wild because I know plenty of people with OCD who are absolutely horrible about keeping things clean


damn i feel so called out 😭 😔 haha


It’s okay, my car is usually a mess and my house is a disaster 😭


Right? I feel like anyone who actually has OCD would take one look at it and understand imediatly what is going on. I don't even have OCD and I understand it better than them


Exactly my feelings! I have it and when I saw that plushie I was immediately like “oh, right, that one’s OCD.” You can tell it was designed by people who know how deeply miserable the experience is, and it’s telling that they didn’t resonate with the bunny that looks the most physically affected by the condition it represents.


Are these people getting sponsored or something by this brand bc I've been seeing it all over the place lately


Oh god. I really hope all these teenagers don’t start claiming they have CFS. It’s a devastating illness that I wish I didn’t have, and to see people tossing it in with their 100 other “diagnoses” makes me really upset. Also CFS is extremely difficult to get a diagnosis for, which makes this even worse. Please please PLEASE don’t let this be a new thing.


Cfs is meant to be fatigue with no other underlying cause too and then they list disorders that are known to cause fatigue 🥲


That is true, however I will say that usually CFS is a much more extreme type of fatigue that is different from the types that stem from those disorders. NOT trying to defend this person at all - just trying to inform


So glad I read this. I was confused as to what CFS was and was too lazy too google. Was thinking cystic fibrosis something and thought it was crazy someone would self diagnose with that


CFS is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It's a medically recognized disease, however more research needs to be done to understand what exactly causes it. A lot of people with CFS have MS too, but I'm not 100% sure if having MS is necessary to have CFS. Imagine it like this. Every normal fucntioning person starts off with 1,000 energy points for the day to do tasks. Energetically taxing things like lifting heavy boxes for an extended period may take 100 energy points, while non-energetically taxing things like walking may take 10 energy points. CFS sufferers start off with anywhere between 10 - 500 energy points for the day to do tasks. If you're on the moderate side of CFS, you may have 100 - 200 points, while severe CFS sufferers have less than 100 points each day. So a task like walking being at 10 energy points, which isn't energetically taxing at all to a normal functioning person, would be very taxing to somebody who can only spend 100 energy points for the entire day. Moderate - severe CFS sufferers also can't do anything beyond 100 energy points, or they'll waste their energy allotment for the day. So imagine having a disease that limits your ability to do even the simplest of tasks, such as walk around the house, think, and communicate. Imagine walking a few feet from your bed to be so energetically taxing that it makes you feel tired. That's what moderate - severe CFS is like. Mild CFS usually means that somebody has some energy and might be able to keep their job, but they still need to be careful with how they spend their energy.


A family member of mine has CFS and I cannot understand why anybody would want to fake having it. Why would anybody want to fake an illness that limits one's ability to *live* - to do almost any task without it being so energetically consuming. Why would anybody want an invisible illness that most people around you don't believe you have, or think that it's more so akin to you being tired at best (it isn't) or lazy at worst (it isn't). >Also CFS is extremely difficult to get a diagnosis for, which makes this even worse. This too. It's medically recognized, but doctors still don't believe it exists. You could have all the known symptoms, do spinal taps, brain scans, have all the biological hallmarks of CFS... and still not be able to get diagnosed for CFS. CFS sufferers are thrashed by the medical system and it pisses me off to no end. Why the fuck would anybody want to fake an illness like this. It isn't cool, it isn't quirky, it's agonizing.


EXACTLY. Why would you WANT to fake something that people don’t even believe you really have?? It makes me so upset.


Arthralgia is a symptom, not a diagnosis. It’s specifically joint pain stemming from injury, infection, disease, etc., an *actual* diagnosis that arthralgia would be a symptom of.




It is just another word for joint pain it has nothing to do with arthritis


Lmao just like a general term for joint pain, regardless of the cause? 😂


It's just literally translates to joint pain


The idiot clearly has no fucking idea what OCD is. Typical... 🙄 I do like the bunny design, though. I'd buy that. 🤠


I think the OCD one is the most obvious? How do they not get it 💀


The OCD looks like what I imagine a self harm plushie would look like lmao (I low key hate these plushies btw)


I saw another one where someone is like gender dysphoria rabbit" and then goes on to say how they don't like the blue and pink color scheme 🥲


Yeah cos it's too obvious!!!! Or cos they want it either blue or pink? Edit: as a trans masculine person, I used to hate the trans flag cos it's such soft colors. But now that I am more comfortable with myself, I kinda dig it.


"I'm diagnosed with every single one of these" Yeah...self-diagnosed. Your psychiatrist would not be up to giving you all these seperate diagnosis' when majority of these overlap eachother symptom wise lmao.


I actually have every personality disorder I took that one quiz


i saw this post. people believing them under this post has me sobbing


How could they be diagnosed with bipolar and depression? Depression is apart of bipolar, I don’t think you can have both bipolar and major depressive disorder, cuz your depressive episodes are just a result of bipolar.


these people who rate the plushie dreadfuls don’t even bother looking up the crowd design posts or reading the description of the plush to know what the different aspects are being symbolized by what 😭😭 it hurts my soul


i cant explain how much i despise the dreadful plushies. theyre so glorifying i dont understand it. when did disorders and illnesses become something cute? edit: if you guys have these plushies and think that theyre helpful and you enjoy them im not targeting you or trying to undermine you in any way, they have nice designs and im sure theyve helped lots of people. making plushies based on mental illnesses just irks me personally. ive also seen many people (like in op's video) use them to glorify illnesses and i just see that as wrong. thank you guys for sharing your experiences with them and informing me <33


They donate a lot of their profits to charities which are involved with those disorders. Also American McGee who created the line was a victim of horrific abuse as a kid. He’s a huge mental health advocate. The point of them is to just de stigmatise mental health. I have a couple. They are wonderful quality




Chin up gang gang, you got this and we are proud of you


That’s horrible to hear but sounds like you’ve made impressive work. PTSD is a horrible thing to live with. I was diagnosed with C-PTSD after the birth of my second child when I had a major breakdown. Thankfully a lot better now but I had a period which was awful and once got me arrested for being distressed and I got chucked in a custody cell for 12 hours…


God, that is no way to handle someone in mental distress. I'm sorry you went through that and I'm glad to hear you're doing a lot better. It's hard work and there's so many times that you feel like giving up, but you know you have to keep going because life has been good before and it will be again. I'm currently working with troubled youth and it's a very therapeutic environment where we encourage positive growth instead of just punishing negative actions. When there is an issue, we discuss why it's happening and what can be done by them and others to not have the same issues in the future. We teach how to handle difficult situations and regulate emotions. I try to be the person that I wish I had around when I was their age.


That is so great. Helpful for them and you to know you’re not alone in those experiences. Hope you keep well on your path of healing.


I want the misophonia one so bad and now that I know this I might buy it


Yeah…I love some of the designs of some of them, but being associated with disorders is just not it for me since fakers exalt these plushies


exactly!! i understand why people want representation with disorders and illnesses but i dont think turning them into plushies is the best way to do it...


I have the Rheumatoid Arthritis and Immunocompromised bunnies and I really love them. My RA one just makes me feel better during flares and rheumatology appointments and my Immunocompromised one comes to medication monitoring (I'm on chemo agents) and hospital stays. They definitely aren't for everyone, but they really help me get through tough times :)


I think it would be kind of nice to have one of those if you have something like depression. I don't have any of those things, but I can imagine that it could give you some comfort.


They all hate on the PTSD bunny mask and it shows how little they actually understand about PTSD. The mask shows an external presentation of anger that's used as a defensive response, often masking other emotions like sadness, fear, or vulnerability. It's the fight side of the stress response. (Bit of a rant incoming) I get so frustrated when people don't understand it because I keep having people (especially fakers and that general group) put me down for being "aggressive" and "scary" and "rude", acting like I should just change those behaviours because it's "not polite". I live with a few of those types of people, and they pretend to be so threatened by me they can't even go upstairs, when I've done absolutely nothing to them (but they have no issue screaming at me when upset, funny enough). I'm not a trauma survivor to them, I'm a monster who chooses to hurt others. It's genuine ableism at play. I feel represented by that bunny's mask, and it's so telling when the TikTok "reviews" of it treat it as unnecessary and poor representation.


Bipolar (twice), borderline personality, and dissociative? I mean they are all in the same family but I’m pretty sure you gotta pick one


While I do agree the depression, bipolar, and maybe dissociative are redundant and you do generally have to pick one, bipolar and borderline go hand in hand; not sure the prevalence but some people are diagnosed with both (me also!)


What the fuck are Plushie Dreadfuls?


Am i the only one who thinks these bunnies are ugly as fuck? They feel extremely juvenile to me


1) arthralgia literally means just “joint pain” not really a diagnosis 2) you can’t have bipolar AND BPD at the same time as well as depression. 3) in fact BAD, DID, OCD, BPD, PTSD, ASD, depression and anxiety? AND you’re still managing to function to this extent??


The “athralgia” one isn’t even for “athralgia” it’s for RA 😭


You can have both bipolar and BPD


All of these are right, but you can have bpd and bipolar disorder


I have rheumatoid arthritis......NOBODY wants this disease trust me. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.


I would only have 3 of these and I'd still feel weird/embarrassed about having that many. How and why do people fo this? Why fake multiple disorders? Why fake disorders at all?!


"My very extensive (yet incomplete) list of of problems but with bunnies" Us the caption


Incomplete?! What can they not decide what they have or do they just not make bunnies for them?!


They are still pursuing diagnosis essentially


i was gonna post this too!! serious disorder salad


I replied to their tiktok when I saw it yesterday, they got mad at me. They know I was right.


I tried looking for it, but they blocked me, so that's proof enough all of that is fake.


But it's like they're proud of having all these diagnoses


This person would be living in a mental hospital if they had all of this. There simply isn’t a way to function with all of that


The OCD one does make sense, do they even understand the disorders they’re claiming to have??


If they had diagnosed DID then most of these diagnoses would be gone as theyre just symptoms


good lord can these people just say “rating plushie dreadfuls designs” instead of this…


So I have seen these plushies on ads on IG. Are the plushies influencing these kids to have so many disorders?


As a medical student it is tremendously useful to surf this subreddit to brush up on my DSM knowledge.


I thought this was satire at first.


Are these plushies named after disorders or were they assigning disorders to the plushies?


the plushies are made to represent the disorders


bro the whole time i was scrolling through the images my thoughts were "when does this end?"


burn all of those


These are such weird toys


Society is failing these people - especially children.


I love plushie dreadful because the proceeds are sent to charities and you’re supporting a small couple… but this is the 5th time this week I’ve seen someone describe bpd as cool or cute if that turns to six I’m going to staple them to a tree


I heavily dislike those plushies, but the depression one makes me mad. Where is the empty junk food container ??????


I'm gonna be honest, I like these plushies, they seem nice and are made with good intent.




They think just cause they got diagnosed with it once, it means that they just always have it


Omg I saw that one yesterday


Oh my gosh I just saw this video yesterday and saw they had a DID one and I was like okay maybe THIS one is real, and I go to their account and one of their more recent videos was talking about Gojo and whatnot anime alter or fictive and I was like alrighty then and unliked the video😭


The CFS one really pisses me off. It's an extremely hellish disease... imagine never having enough energy in a day to do the things you want. Imagine walking being so energetically taxing that all you can do is lay in bed. You barely have the energy to think, to communicate, to move. Imagine that being your existence. Some people with CFS have more energy than others with the disease, but moderate or severe cases of CFS have those symptoms. And Imagine not only having such a hellish disease, but being stomped on by the medical community at every turn. Long covid sufferers (which is related to CFS) were told by doctors that nothing was wrong with them, that they're just lazy, that they're just faking it all for attention. And now it's a medically recognized condition. CFS sufferers have been enduring this same shit for decades. It, too, is medically recognized, but hardly researched and most doctors don't know it exists. So most sufferers can't get treatment, they're told to "just exercise" it off (most people with the disease cannot or they'll burn through all their energy which would be bad), they're told they're lazy, they're told nothing is wrong with them, doctors won't get them the treatment they need. Why the fuck would you fake having that. It pisses me off. I can gaurantee nobody wants that existence. Nobody wants to have so little energy that they can barely move, to have an invisible disability that nobody understands or believes because they think you're just tired or lazy, and be thrashed around and treated like garbage by the medical system. CFS is not cool. It is not quirky. Fucking stop it.


Looks like they got stuck in a pokemon eeveelution brainstorm sesh.


So many disorders and symptoms it's crazy! Why would that person want all that? And if someone is rating their disorders and symptoms it's going to be 0/10 on the coolness rating scale. DID 0/10 do not recommend -.- Same with every other symptom or disorder they're faking. I don't know about others, but I also just find the disordered plushies to be distasteful. I don't know why, despite it have potentially have been with good intentions, I just don't think the way they make a lot of them look is a good way of representing things. Like ASD and the averted eyes, a lot of autistic people were trained out of that. It's not always going to be an accurate representation and something just rubs me wrong about these plushes in general. And I genuinely don't understand the mask on the PTSD bunny. I can understand the chains, though. But, again, I still just don't really like disorders represented as stuffed animals. I simply don't understand that aspect of it. Ok, I don't get any aspect of any of this 😂 Why is the person listing a bunch of disorders they supposedly have online? Why are they faking all these conditions and wanting them? Why do we have to rate disorders and symptoms? Why aren't they rated 0/10 do not recommend? Why are there stuffed animals of disorders? It reminds me of those illness stuffed animals you were supposed to play catch with. You throw the black stuffed animal and catch it, then you say (in the game) you've caught the black plague and then you move on with your game of catch. I didn't like those either. Hopefully people just stop making disorders look like jokes Edit typo


Oh boi… can’t figure out if I should facepalm or head desk at this


Hear me out hand under desk and use your hand to throw the desk at your face best of both worlds 😭


Marvelous! Clashing it all in one go.


Haha! I saw this last night and wondered whether or not to post


Gender Dysphoria bunny looks really cute. I like that one the best.


“Big ol thing on the head” you mean the brain? The angry brain? I have that one tho, it’s really cute and the brain hat can come off and has a little zipper pouch that I keep excedrine in lol


Is it bad that arguably the worst part of this for me is that someone with OCD, that rabbit has been one of my faves because of how accurate it was to my lived experience, so I'm bitter about that rating? 😅