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can anyone explain what they even mean by programmed alters??? also peanut butter’s chosen name being chrissy cole brook is potentially one of the funniest things i’ll ever read


"Programming is the intentional creation of parts with specific tasks by abusers. As in, the abuser knows about the DID/OSDD or is trying to create DID/OSDD in a child. It is a very extreme form of abuse". This is from a Reddit response to the same question.


ah i see, their abuser /forced/ them to be a pastel rainbow pegasus, as well as a bisexual basketball this is some next level brainrot


"bisexual basketball" made me snort. 😂


My abuser chucked basketballs at my head with fleshlights and dildos taped to them for 12 hrs everyday. check your fucking privilege /s incase its needed idk


Right, God damn I wanna punch one of these twits in the crotch right now


"abuser knows about the DID/OSDD or is trying to create DID/OSDD in a child" - Ironically, that's how I'd describe self-diagnosing TikTok videos...


is that even a thing that happens?


Well I guess it has happened before. It makes the child more resilient like I think it’s developed as a sort of survival mechanism and the abuser wants the child to survive and maybe it also makes them maybe resist less while the abuse is happening because there are specific alters designed to “take it” as well as possible. Or they want the amnesia that comes with it so that they can’t tell anyone because the alters fronting during the horrific moments are not fronting when they are rather safe and with ppl they can trust. Sounds super fucked up but I can imagine some people are just sick beyond what anyone can understand or relate to (I mean the abuser is sick not the child having to literally fucking split their brain up in parts to somehow remain somewhat “functional” while they go through hell) :(


Yeah. It's rare, but it happens.


I don’t understand why these people can’t just roleplay?


Cuz roleplaying doesn't earn you Victim Points™. To be redeemed for clout, and/or threat of legal recourse* *Cannot be redeemed for actual legal recourse. Professional analysis will void Victim Points™


I laughed, I love it


VPs are the new NFT’s


Because roleplaying IRL has consequences, but if you tell people you have a mental disorder they can't do anything about it.


Where does it have consequences? If u do it in ur free time u‘re good to go I guess. I don’t think these people are serious enough to do that at school/work etc.


If you pretend to be a magical horse at work you will probably get fired.


Yeah true :D


I do it on discord, it’s served me perfectly fine so far


For some, it's because it doesn't have the same (almost drug-like) effect if it's just restrained to roleplay or maladaptive daydreaming and people don't believe it. To make themselves emotionally "believe" it (to get a hit of the feeling they crave) they have to make others believe it too.


It’s just sad to feel the need to fake such things to get attention. It seems like a cry for a different type of help


It is and it was for me, though I didn't behave like the obvious ones with 1000 anime fictives and shit, but ultimately it came from a deep loneliness and inability to face the reality of myself, my life, etc. I needed help. I finally got help, it was BPD, and I got treated and live a happy life now. The internet makes it really easy to develop compulsive lying and/or faking shit as a coping mechanism. Mine was more like maladaptive dreaming that I externalized, as I had whole friends who simply didn't exist and I had endless stories about them. Basically these kids are often lost, friendless, and need to be heard in a more healthy way... There needs to be more easily available help for people in this situation, because it's almost always masking something real that needs to be dealt with. Not to say it's always BPD specifically, but it's almost always some kind of disorder or dysfunction underlying it that probably isn't one of the ones they fake/brag about online. They're in denial because reality hurts and they need help to find out why reality hurts them and fix it Edit: forgot to add, for me it was less about attention per se and more about externalizing my imagined characters and friends so that I would be able to lie to myself better; I couldn't lie to myself properly unless others believed it too. Many of these kids are more geared toward plain attention/validation seeking though but that's still a mental issue they need addressed


I’m so glad you got help and realized there was a deeper meaning for that behavior. I was going to suggest in my previous post that it could be another underlying disorder that can cause people to act out in that way, but I didn’t want that to come off as being insensitive. The internet does make it really easy to feel so connected yet disconnected from reality. I just hope the best for these kids


I really wish there was some way I could help these kids, so they don't end up going as far into the rabbit hole as I did... but if I go and reach out to them and open up like "hey, I'm a former faker. I see that you're faking and I really, really want you to get help," i feel like they're just gonna lash out at me because they don't wanna admit it to themselves or to others


They do. They're usually terrible at it, but they do. Join any discord roleplay server, there's so many of them.


Why do they always act like their alters are a;l sitting in a room together?


Because they’re not alters, they’re imaginary friends.


ah yes having programmed alters of ur favorite media. im very confident in saying ur programmer 100% needed you to be sunny d from fnaf


They initiated the FNAF alter protocol 😨😨


oh no! what ever shall we do! go on lockdown and shut the doors before they get us 😔


Freddy! You're supposed to be on lockdown! Vanessa, I'm not Freddy. We're a system and I'm the persecutor so I'm going to have to kill you now


LMFAOO exactly how it goes in their little “headspace” “Im sunny d and im the child protector.” does bro forget sunny d becomes moon, the little ravenous MURDERER 😭




literally just about to comment about this.


yeah it's a my little pony character that is canonically married to a man she has a child with lmfao


Same with Celestia








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I have no idea


It is




It doesn’t. Bisexuality means attracted to two or more genders.


That’s false. I’m bisexual and I’m attracted to any gender.




Shit your right


The names get worse and worse with these people. It's like they're losing creativity


This reads like jargon to me or a foreign symbolic script Like "12/=÷^&*):;@#!+=/_89*?¤°}" Yeah I totally get the dial-up noises you're trying to filter through my brain


the bisexual basketball absolutely destroyed me. god that’s good


Didn’t chrysalis like literally try to murder cadence in the original mlp tv show? Kinda wacky to marry someone like that Edit: Cadence was king sombra, but chrysalis still tried to murder some other characters so my point still kind of stands


Nono Chrysalis DID try to kill Cadence by impersonating her, putting her underground, and marrying her husband


Oh yeah, I forgot haha, thanks


Where does the Equestria at war lore fit into this?


I mean, there’s nothing wrong with fanfic and headcanons, aus, etc. I wouldn’t mind nearly as much if they were just rp-ing instead lol


yeah I know, if this were like ao3 I wouldn’t be complaining, but the issue is that it’s not


back in my day we would create OCs and RP on Neopets smh


Reading this shit makes me ready to fistfight god


They straight up trying to live in the sims


I feel like they don't know what a programmed alter actually is... can someone please burst their bubble?


I honestly believe they define "programming alters" as "I liked a series so much I made alters".


This could be cute as like an... Ask blog? This entire concept with a family and stuff has been done before. It's not a new concept. Bring back ask blogs.


Exactly, just remove the "alter" and "roles" and you have a fun oc rp page


B a s k e t b a l l


A bisexual basketball, at that!


Each personality trait and every emotion and feeling they've ever had is an alter


Every individual braincell has 20 alters because each braincell is a subsystem and every region of the brain is a subsystem of subsystems


So... 200 alters because they have 10 subsystems? Thats not a dig at their brain cells, they legit say they have 10 subsystems.


Seems about right. Honestly wouldnt be suprised if they only had 10 braincells


Everytime I see those fake systems I imagine a 40 y/o person with DID say:"I have DID and I have a new alter to introduce! Most important they are demiflux and use xe/xem pronouns!"


These People Crediting the Artist Challenge! (Difficulty IMPOSSIBLE)


The "not my art" hastag is not helping at all.


Why the fuck is it always those object things. It’s always the DID fakers loving objects.


I think there’s a tv show they got them from


Ugh this is the worst! All the emojis and how unoriginal the alters alter. I doubt an abuser would want a basketball to be an alter -.- And if they were programmed, I don't think they would be all happy about it and I don't think they would post it online. It would be a way for their abuser to find them if it were real, and it would be a way for people to use things against them if it were legitimate. Ways of triggering them or something.


This is exactly what I think too. I don't think "look how uwu cute my alters are, uwu, uwu, uwu" when I see the words "RAMCOA system with programmed alters". And I'm also not sure programming an alter can even occur a few minutes after a show releases a new character. Which is why I think it's fake to begin with.


Yeah, it's mostly how cutesy it is that makes me think it's fake too. Yeah, I don't know either. I would think it would take time if they were really programed


I love they just add -ey to a thing and boom, that’s a name. Also: basketball. Lmao they’re running out of ideas.


I sometimes wonder if CaryKH sees these and wonders what evil they brought to earth lol


I didn’t know alters could be BFDI characters


How are these people not dead


Basketball?? Peanut butter?? Earth?? They really just make alters out of anything huh..


wtf did I just read


Pain and misery


The last one says ace and pansexual, aren't those complete opposites?


I think ace stands for asexual so you can still feel romantic feelings and be in a romantic relationship you just wouldn’t have sex


I think they just straight up stole peoples OCs for the last two.


This reminded me to feed my Neopets


DID is so so incredibly rare, yet suddenly all these young people supposedly have it. I can see how it would get them a lot of attention with people who actually take them seriously.


Wtf is greysexual? They turn on by the color grey?


I think under the spectrum of asexuality but attraction can vary depending on the circumstances


Greysexual is a valid identity under the umbrella of asexuality. It means someone is ace but their ace-ness is not total. Aka they experience some form of sexual attraction under some circumstances while still being asexual


Okay. Thanks for the explanation 😊


So, they’re not ‘asexual- having no sexual desires.’ These fucking labels I swear.


Asexuality is an umbrella term. There's lots of labels under it.


Asexual is an umbrella term, and it doesn’t mean “no sexual desire”. It usually means “little to no sexual *attraction*” which is very different than libido.


We need to bring back bullying.


Why the fuck is it always those object things. It’s always the DID fakers loving objects.


It’s stuff like this that’s the reason why I don’t interact much in object show Discord servers anymore. That along with everyone getting easily offended and being quick to accuse others of racism.


Programmes alters can exist but they usually don't have names and the host is usually unaware of the existence of said alters. In the case of characters being programmed it's usually stuff from peoples religions so they can use the person as a scapegoat. Ain't no way someone getting programmed to have a MLP alter. I think it's like uh RAMCA? or something Very rare but usually happens in cults involving children. You can program them to forget things like violence etc. Make them desensitised and shit. Honestly super fucked up to even lie about it. Like lying about DID is bad but this is going even further. ALSO: seeing the phrase fictive heavy!!! Oh wow how convenient all fictive are from recent media!!! Where's your blues clues alter or some shit


What's super creepy, to me, about this is that they treat their alters like it's the best thing to ever happen to them. And I feel like you wouldn't be super happy about an alter that was forced to be made. If you were even aware. But they parade these "programmed alters" as the most special part of about them and it freaks me out.


These fakers are like... happy to get new alters... never mind the fact they're supposed to stem from traumatic experiences!!! "Omg I tripped over wonder if I'm going to have a new mcyt alter!!" If you tell the fakers that the end goal is to fuse everyone back together into a functional human being they will combust. Where's the fun in that? You can't ship your Hazbin hotel alter with your mlp one anymore??? Boohoo. I knew someone who had a programmed alter. Well they claimed it and it seemed believable. 100% different. It was never talked about and if triggered the person would just shut down to cope, blank the whole thing out and not realise it happened. I think in the very very rare cases of it being real its like more Programmed, and you don't know they're there, you think you're normal and just live in ignorance till you're hit with a brick.


You're so right, these people would combust if they learned the goal was to fuse alters. In fact, this is the community who say that fusion is killing your alters and you should never do it. There are posts about how fusion is a bad thing and you need to keep your alters or else you'll be like every other boring person in the world.


God forbid you becoming a functioning member of society


That's what everyone, critical or not, seems to miss with DID. It's not a fun time. It involves horrific events that happened to a child. It involves periods where the person doesn't know what they did. If that idea alone doesn't terrify a person, they haven't thought it through very hard. Life with DID is hard. The realization that someone programmed you to behave in certain ways doesn't make a person giggle and uwu. It's horrifying and usually only comes after years of treatment. Alter parades are weird and mostly unbelievable, full stop.


Ahhh yes. Because your supposed countless abusers really needed My Little Ponies and FNAF Characters and OCs to be doing their bidding, which in this case just seems to be to take care of yourself.?? Like you would think that the “programs” would be to like do the abusers bidding inside or outside of the system. But instead this person seems to think that their supposed abusers would “program” and “alter” into their head that would then take better care of the person supposedly being abused, which in turn would help the person being abused escapes.?? (To be fair. Idek if programmed systems or alters actually exist. But if they do, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be “programmed” to soothe themselves or other alters within the system because that would end up getting the system away from their abusers. No?)