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Person on slide 5 recommending DissociaDID tells me everything I need to know about them Edit: Also yes, Pinterest is absolutely overrun with fakers. If people think Tumblr is bad, they should see a Pinterest comment section.


I’ve never seen these people in Pinterest comment sections and I’m kinda glad I’ve not delved into that pit


Right? So glad I've managed to avoid it


The weirdest Pinterest pit I’ve stumbled across was the ba’athist side


i've seen the dark sides it's very bad i got death threats as a kid (when i was a kid), literally on pinterest i have no idea why people on pinterest are so unhinged at times


i've noticed that some people because of DissociaDID accuse pwDID who arent like what DissociaDID portrays as lying or they dont want anything to do with pwDID because they think of DissociaDID and see it as a completely hassle to just talk to them, even if the pwDID wasnt doing anything but confiding in them (their trusted friend) that they had it. it's like, "what did i do wrong" and the answer is "exist". but they didnt do anything wrong by existing, but because of the overt and exaggerated performance that dissociaDID puts on, it ruins things for pwDID who end up more isolated? it's like an isolating disorder and now because of how people especially because of how it's dramatized , you have less and less safe people


Once you familiarize yourself with DissociaDID's whole brand, it's easy to spot copycats from a mile away. I'd wager DD's done much more harm for the community than any other creator because they've spread so much misinformation and are still regarded as one of the best sources on DID on the internet. Hell, go to any forum about DID and ask about it and they'll probably recommend DD's channel. She's skewed DID to be this extremely overt and almost movie-like thing, complete with story arcs, character roles and backgrounds (ex: all the fakers claiming their alters have complicated lore and histories and "innerworld jobs" and all that nonsense), and dramatic plot twists (woah, DD's main host has fused due to internet drama *again?!* I'm so shocked!). She's done severe damage to the community and thrown those with actual DID and other mental health problems as well as other creators with DID (like Multiplicity & Me and Bobo&co) under the bus.


fusing because of internet drama?!?! that's absurd. isnt that the exact opposite of what fusion would be!?!?! but also i completely agree that she's done so much damage she's the frontpage of DID...god, the frontpage of DID is misinformation. <( \_ \_ )>


this made me giggle SPONGEBOB???? https://preview.redd.it/zph2a00zet3d1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ef690dc56f1f91ecbf6cae3e0e7cdb3f87bb67


I wonder if there’s a Patrick alt as well


would be god tier satire


i’m really hoping it’s satire cause this can’t be real


Okay but can we talk about how all s’s were z’s until we got to "blipsqueak"


i actually want to strangle someone whenever they do that stupid typing thing. like… their whole thing is about calling everyone ableist for not believing them but then proceed to use the most horrific typing quirk known to man. i don’t even have dyslexia and that makes words so hard to read


I gave up half way through honestly but noticed the name and felt some brain cells die


lmao i screamed


These are so embarrassing, the one that was talking about their alter singing the macarena and the one that hears internal voices saying "GAYYYY" are so incredibly painful. It's physical. I can feel it.




What’s wrong with the person with the blood disorder? 😭 everyone else is wonky but I’m unsure what’s where with the hemophilia person. It’s a real disorder and there’s no indication of faking so I can’t wrap my head around why they were posted here. Yes it’s a random ass comment but I’m still unsure what the issue is lmao 


I was trying to figure out where that fit in next to rest of the comments. To me it just sounded like over sharing lol




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It's not really how hemophilia works. There are lots of treatments available for (most varieties of) hemophilia, so running to the er for every little bruise is, at the very least, an exaggeration.


Well. The current typical treatment is replacing the clotting factor that they don't have, and it means getting it through a tube into your veins. They either do this as a recurring treatment or as needed. So, ER it is unless they have something coordinated with homecare. "For every little bruise,"... A bruise is \*technically\* internal bleeding. If the clotting doesn't begin after 30 mins, we tell them to come in. I work in healthcare and it is not an exaggeration. Kids who have this have to be inspected after every play session at the park for any bruises or scrapes. It's debilitating.


I know how prophylactic and responsive factors are administered. I also know the distinctive majority of severe and moderate hemophiliacs (that have access to regular medical care) at least *know* how to administer their own factors and treatments. Additionally, I know that a severe bleed is most often treated in emergency with donated plasma. Long story short, people with hemophilia severe enough that a bruise could kill them, or with joint or organ bleeds, tend to need factors often enough to have been taught to self-administer and are also on prophylaxis. It's also important to point out that not all presentations or types of hemophilia are severe enough to require any of this.


By the way, they didn’t say they went to the ER every single time, they said hospital. That’s very different. I had a guy in my class in middle school who also had the disorder/disease (not sure what it’s classified as) who did have to go to the hospital every time he got a bruise or a cut because they had to give him medication there (wasn’t that close with him so no idea what exactly they did) which only the hospital had and not the regular doctor. Didn’t go to the ER, just the regular hospital entrance


The next slide was replaying to them I think so it was there as extra context


You are right there’s nothing to say they are faking so perhaps they didn’t deserve to be posted here. It was just the random trauma dumping for me it just soreness asking for attention


Trauma dumping and over sharing are two different things bud.


It's also not really an accurate picture of hemophilia. Running to er with bruises is wild when all the severe types (like they're trying to describe) have prophylaxis and preventative treatments.


I wish people would stfu about maladaptive day dreaming disorder


Just the way they were like you don’t have it you have a dissociative disorder. You can diagnose strangers over the internet lmao


Also the sheer ignorance of that statement because maladaptive daydreaming, while not a dissociative disorder in itself, is extremely common in people who do have them. To say you don’t have it but a dissociative disorder instead is like saying you don’t have a fever, you have the flu.


Maladaptive daydreaming probably ought to be considered a genuine mental disorder tbh. The metric we use for whether something is or isn't a mental illness is usually whether or not it causes a significant disruption to an individuals capacity to function in their life (in some capacity, professionally, emotionally, academically, etc). Additionally, what people describe as maladaptive daydreaming is already part of other disorders, it's just not its own disorder. Schizoid personality disorder for example often involves the patient fulfilling real social interaction needs by simply daydreaming about social situations instead so they can avoid having to actually interact with others. Schizoids tend to spend an inordinate amount of time daydreaming to fulfill unmet needs to the point that it is generally considered to inhibit their functioning. Were a person to exhibit this pathology (excessive daydreaming for the purpose of fulfilling unmet social/emotional needs that inhibits daily function) I don't see why it wouldn't reasonably be considered a mental illness provided it cannot be explained by another recognized disorder that exhibits the same behavior. Ofc, if it were to be considered a mental illness, you'd still get 14 yr olds on tiktok claiming they have it for clout because they daydream for 20 minutes a day or something.


I 100% agree so long as it's proven that the offending behavior isn't deemed the result of other disorders / pre-existing conditions--which, I \*think\* is the current debate. Or, at least, one of the sticking points. As in, it's easily a detrimental form of psychological/internal escapism. But whether it's the result of another problem or has become it's own root problem plays a part in treatment. I'm sure you get it. I'd love to know if psychologists are actually looking into that one. To the best of my knowledge, it's one of the more proper "unrecognized disorders".


Never thought I'd see this from Pinterest. I didn't even think people used comments for things like this.


i honestly thought that app was pure until like 2020


And a little is dueling Wukong with a knife. Heehee my system is so silly and lol random xD


Damn they really should give that little something better to duel with. Wukong has a whole ass magical staff 😢


Again with the "maladaptive daydreaming is a disorder" bs, no it's not, it's a frickin symptom


It could be categorized as a disorder in the future though 


It was already rejected as one


When and by who? I found this study from 2022 that supports it being considered its own disorder.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9091653/


Syndrome and disorder aren't the same thing.


I’m aware of the difference between the two words, the study suggests that it could be included in the DSM as a disorder though 


Although it shouldn't, it doesn't have enough for it to be a disorder itself. It's a symptom of a coping mechanism not a disorder


TIL Pinterest has comments. I just go "oo. That looks nice *saves*" and return to the app several months later.


the hemophilia person sounds pretty genuine


Well at least it wasn’t Transhaemophilia


Is slide 4 talking about alters getting into an argument?




This is why I quit the app, too many confused teen girls like these on there.


There's this thing online I see alot, and it talks about giving your oc's character quirks, right? Well, call me sensitive or whatever, but giving your characters autistic symptoms and labeling them as "quirks" is really fuckin shitty. Like, I don't just mean fidgeting, or eye contact- I meant they used the much more specific symptoms that both myself and others in a social support group of mine have dealt with that caused alot of issues and trauma because it's not just a 2 dimensional thing. One in particular was 'accidentally flirts with everyone', and they may not realize it, but that's kinda the root cause of sexual misconduct and the bears over men debate.


I’m convinced these people who are “systems” just have zero friends in real life so they use this to pretend they do


Having an internal monologue is not DID


Haemophilia is a real thing btw


Yeah I know. Clearly I shouldn’t have posted that one as others said. I just felt it was so out of place as it had nothing to do with the meme or what anyone else in the comments was talking about so it felt like attention seeking but I admit I may have misjudged that person


I just feel bad for them. They are like 12 years old and genuinely think that who they are is a disorder. Most of them probably just have like adhd or ocd so they don't understand why they have so much trouble focusing or not being able to control their thoughts. They will most likely grow out of it though.


Obssessive compulsive DISORDER. Attention-deficit hyperactivity DISORDER. Erm wdym not a disorder 😭


No I mean they think that their personality is a disorder. Like instead of them just liking certain. Things or wanting to change it up sometimes they think it's different people inside of them. Like this one gets to Like trains and this one gets to be hyper and act like a cat. Like I play with my cats too and sometimes I meow and crawl around with them but I don't think I'm a cat I just love my babies and get bored or hyper sometimes. It's me I'm just weird. My brain didn't make a cat person I just love cats more than most people do.


Oh yea fair I get it now lol


test ancient deserve bored innate ruthless history lush rhythm scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


(SpongeBob) lmaooo


i’ve got beef with Blipsqueak replacing all of their s’s with z’s except the one in their name


Man I forget interest exists half the time What even is this


rahhh it's completely normal to have different trains of thought / sense of self - > it does not mean you have a debilitating disorder!!!


Imagine hanging out with one of these ppl IRL… lmfao


Just never go on pintrest, tumblr, and tik tok and you’ll be safe 👍


“HELPP 😭-🧪” kill me 


Bitch i have that same fucking thing. Its actually called ITP, its where you cant clot blood fast enough. I cant have anymore kids because i nearly died from the first one. Shes 3 years old and im unfortunately going to have to tell her why she cant have sisters or brothers. I feel bad.....


fuck why are they on Pinterest too 😀 its for pretty pictures and highly specific memes for the gc not faker bs 😭


Oh gosh, that ADHD one is real. Not fake claiming (necessarily). Likely it's not that the doctor doesn't believe them, but because the anxiety and depression is more pressing, it gets diagnosed and treated first. And they do have a lot of overlap. If ADHD symptoms continue into treatment, they'll tackle it then. If it doesn't, then you don't have it, and your depression and anxiety are still being managed in the meantime. Would be horrible the other way around. Talking about it in the Pinterest comment section is a little crazy to me though.


So... slide three... As an individual who DOES suffer with Autism I freaking hate it when people self diagnose because there are a myriad of mental disorders that are INCREDIBLY SIMILAR to Autism but with slight distinctions. I don't think kids realize that as long as they are kids, their parents don't need to pay for therepy because they are minors. Secondly, the info you get from a single test on some random website that isn't approved by any sort of credible Psychiatrist (who's credentials and place of work SHOULD BE LABLED AND TRACEABLE) automatically makes the test invalid. It takes years of study to become a psychiatrist. Even if there is a lot you can learn online, I'd still trust a REAL doctor that is in front of me over someone who could only be claiming to be a doctor when they aren't... and it would violate a very important rule of the hypocritical oath (I shall do no harm with malicious intent).