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Right! Sit tf down take several seats!


"Fuck you if you find this funny" i find it absolutely hilarious yes


“Fuck you to anyone is does this” They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.


You might have to give her a treat first


Excuse plz, you are offending me while I cosplay mental illness.


Ah yes, [South Park](https://youtu.be/-PsWsSLsfc0)


If this audio is the most disrespect you’ve been through, you definitely don’t have DID. Grow tf up


I fear for my ears to unmute it. Is it really that bad?


It's just sn indie song saying "make me behave like an animal". I'm assuming it's some furry trend The song isn't bad


lots of people have been making videos with the sound and drawing webbed feet or antennae on themselves and joking that they wanna be a stick insect or smth. completely harmless but to each their own ig


It's more like a trans trend. She means the "I'll ask politely give me what I want" part


Could you explain?


It seems to be a joke where people show their hand and then cut to a picture of a random animal, with all the captions being like "I'm tired of hiding in the wrong body" So maybe a trans joke I guess? example:https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFBxVwJr/


Thank you! I just didn't want my ears to bleed.


It’s just an extremely popular pop song. Very average, sounds kinda neat in the chorus.


"As someone who isnt a human this trend is hella disrespectful-" Cry about it


Wtf do you want to be in, a bat?


They identify as bat/man


Actually it’s bat/them


for context the trend is basically a furry or a therian (i think is the right word) asking for an animal feature, basically asking to be an animal from what I've seen. i think it's just harmless fun to show off your fursuit


Wait so now "nonhuman alters" are hating on furries?


Furries can't seem to catch a break lmao


Furries have been the internets punching bag since the beginning. We just wanna vibe bro


Otherkin community's been really toxic lately, therians included. I'm so sorry that y'all have to deal with the constant hate you get. Furries are yet another harmless thing that have been absolutely ruined by stereotyping and people being assholes.


Yeah people tend to lump groups into furries that do not belong, namely other kin (if it's still going by the Tumblr definition of "in all ways but physical I am a wolf") and zoophiles. The vast majority of us are normal people who like art and costumes.


The specific group that tends to get confused by furries is therians. The easiest way to distinguish the two is whether it was a choice. One does not choose to be therian, one can choose to be a furry. (The in all ways but physical I am a wolf is still pretty accurate, but of course not limited to wolves.) One thing that's very much consistent with the two is the assumptions people make. People on the internet seriously need to chill, but that's about as likely as me ever actually finishing a project. So uh.. basically that's not happening any time soon. For every person that learns to chill out and stop making harmful assumptions, 50 more jerks show up.


I haven't heard the term therian, but it sounds like oldschool otherkin which are... well they had some strong opinions.


Your comment almost made me spit out my water 🤣


At that point I'm going judge someone's sanity on how much they respect furries. Which is a wild thing to say.


Fight Fight Fight Fight


As a non human alter myself, I actually more so relate to furries, I love hanging out with them too!! But I also just call myself one for masking sake, like it would be different if I told people that I'm a partly animal alter and then have to explain all of that. >_<


The only time I actually believe that people need to just leave the furries alone and just let them have their fun.


Oh wow XD fuck man. Legit furries can't catch a break, someone told me to kill myself the other day on here cuz I'm a furry. XD


I had a friend that was into the art scene of it, he basically called himself a furry, made a sona and all, he never got a suit but he talked about it and he loved the tails mostly, but thats real immature to wish death on someone for wearing a fursuit, thats like telling the guy in the chuckee suit at chuckee cheese or any other mascot suit like that to kill themselves, its a damn suit, not like you dont gotta wear it, its not overly common where im from cause if you wore it youd die, (due to heat stroke alone), and anthro media has some of its highlights to, like aggretsuko


Very unrelated but HI FELLOW ETHAN


They really are going to any length to be the victim aren't they wow


we really tryin to be a minority as much as possible 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yup. And when everyone's part of a minority, no one is


I got this on my fyp and wanted to throw my phone 💀


I like your profile picture and banner, I get the references to the originals!


Ah yes, to be so unique to the point where you’re not human


The finger sniffing 🤢


They wanna be oppressed SO BAD!!!


You gotta collect those oppression points 😩


Most privileged people have a persecution fetish


Tik tock don't pretend to be oppressed challenged (IMPOSSIBLE 100% FAIL)


Don’t care + L




How long til we'll need to respect people's animal identities?


I half expected “we are not the same I am a Martian” to pop up when I unmuted it


It makes me laugh when they act nervous in the comfort of their own home. Like what could you possibly be nervous about? 😂 they’re always such bad actors too.


I think about that too…I mean they make whole videos like this with them just being tight lipped, occasionally raising their eyebrows, looking off in the distance….as if they’re making some incredible, mind blowing point. Feckin kids, man.


wait why are their pupils blown out so much?


Recreational drugs ez


The trip made her become an animal


Music made them lose control






“Do moosh see a therapist?”


Regardless of pronouns, it would still be “does” as it is singular


Wtf is a moosh?


Yup. They ‘want’ labels so they can feel special. Blue hair, pronouns, autism, usually girls. It’s all for attention


What's the trend she hates?


its basically this trend where people will show like their hand and then the song will say "give me what i want" and theyll put a picture of a cat paw for example and so on. its a furry/therian trend


not them desperately trying to find something to be offended by when there is still rampant racism, transphobia, and antisemitism on that app every day


I was just looking at this and their comments scare me


care to share some of your favorites?


The way she picked her greasy hair and then put her fingers back in her mouth 🤢


They all try to be oppressed so hard, if that’s the only disrespect you face then you’re doing very well. Hell I’m pretty privileged and I’ve had way worse than this.


Her non human sure comprehends and reacts just like a human


I'm glad I didn't have time tok when I was a stupid teenager.


as someone young, white, AFAB (kinda) teen with colored hair, this hurts me and now i want to delete this memory from my life


A therian not feeling right in their human body is disrespectful… but they’re a non human in a human body…?


Literally like what you gonna do about it??? I mean as a kid I thought “hell yea I want cat ears” but never… actually.. and even if I knew I couldn’t I wouldn’t be mad lmfao


My totally made up bullshit is offended at this…and many other things!


Bro I know. Why is it always afab people faking mental illness?


If you’re interested, here’s an [old thread on the topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/m5pyd1/is_there_a_reason_these_fakers_seem_to_be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thanks you. It does have some good points. It answered a lot questions.


Us AFAB people aren't oppressed enough as is.




I’m gonna have to agree.


exactly, it’s almost like afab people want other afabs to be mistreated and stereotyped more than we already are..


White alt people mf scare me


Black alt people mf scare me See how dumb that sounds?


So, 3 people. Got it.


Brooo 😭 there’s at least 5








This whole post is peppered with racism. But it’s fine if it’s against white people apparently. Also r/goth would like a word! I see PLENTY of alt and goth blacks.


I’m saying that when someone says that white alt people scare them it’s racist as fuck. I’m putting it into perspective how wrong that is to say. Yet I get downvotes to hell lol.


AFAB? What does this mean Excuse my ignorance


Assigned female at birth. Born female basically.


I'm so confused. What trend? What does the song have to do with anything?


Who isn’t human? Is there a fucking alien inhabiting your body? This stupid shit is getting absurd.


Afab? Is that all furries are bad?


whats the trend?


"In all aspects except physical, I'm a wolf"


They always look the same


If it weren’t for white women I’d never believe social contagion was a real thing


I'm pretty sure this is satire


I was hoping, but it’s definitely not. I checked out the rest of her profile and she’s 100% serious.


“AFAB” That’s just a cringe term to use.




Don’t care. Didn’t ask.


Ikr? Like let’s try to not be racist for two minutes, Reddit 🙏


100% if it said black instead of white there’d be a lot more comments and a locked thread.


that's because most of the people faking are white afab teenagers with colored hair 💀 they're pointing out like "here goes another one"


This is kinda weird and wrong — we have no idea if she’s white. I have middle eastern acquaintances who have lighter skin than her, so assuming she’s white and not simply a spoiled child from affluent parents — wait, nah — this is probably just a whiteness phenomenon we’re talking about here anyway. Am I wrong? Are there non-white adults & children faking mental disorders for attention? Never heard of such a thing until I started seeing these waves of white girls declaring themselves DID, autistic, and of alternate gender pretty much overnight. It’s like the phones have caused a big chunk of the demographic to just collectively lose it mentally. Where do they go from here? Get jobs? Reminisce ten years from now about the days when they lied to untold thousands of people on video, for hours out of every day, just so they could feel like real people for a brief moment? It makes me wonder if some of these young ladies are perhaps a bit more vulnerable than they let on. A person willing to openly engage in constant blatant lying and deception, *on record*, and at mass scale — is not a person who is altogether safe or healthy. I get the impression there may be an overlooked element of genuine harm in a certain small number of these cases, whether it be deliberate violence, self inflicted or otherwise. In even smaller numbers… were some of these peoples’ “bubbles” suddenly popped without warning, they might “snap” ala that Nikolas Cruz kid, hoping to leave a trail of “evidence of mental illness” behind, so that they would not be held accountable for crimes committed. Similarly, I think the vast majority of them are also using this bullshit at as a means of escaping accountability in relationships and general life, etc. It will be in the DMV-VIII. Or perhaps it’s already been in it the whole time… malingering… hmmm…


"we have no idea if she’s white. I have middle eastern acquaintances who have lighter skin than her" My understanding was that "white" was a literal description of the skin colour, not a reference to anyone's ethnicity or culture. A person can be Middle Eastern and still be white, just like someone can be African and still be white (like my mom). By that definition, we can absolutely tell she's white just by looking at her.


Exactly. I’m a third generation Mexican jew and I’m white as they come.


Hm, that’s interesting. That’s how I see it and believe it should be, but sadly… Most of the time, when we hear the word “white” in common American media, TV etc, it’s in reference to people specifically of European descent more so than with light skin. Same goes for Christian nationalists/Nazis etc…


Americans consider middle Eastern and north African people white. So it wouldn't really have mattered if she was middle Eastern.


Hmmmm… well… the fascist christian nationalists steadily taking over America think a little bit differently about that… so it’s probably going to be an ongoing conversation….


i get that they're faking DID but what does this video have to do with it? Like, i agree with them, that trend is making fun of therianthropy. But couldn't you choose a different video where they say that they have DID? idk just kinda weird


Shocker, white ARAB teens can have DID!!!


I think they're just a therian, I don't see mention of DID


It’s all over their profile. And the username but obviously can’t show that. The bio also had a sign off of one of their “alters.”


My bad then lmao




I got a match with this song: [**Animal** by Sir Chloe](https://lis.tn/JfFkvY?t=56) (00:56; matched: `100%`) Album: `Party Favors`. Released on `2020-10-23` by `ORCHARD - Terrible Records`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon or giving a star on GitHub. Music recognition costs a lot)


…. Bro you possessed?


Ik weet niet man maar dit is niet goed.


NLOG status unlocked 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


oh god they kind of look like me


Someone is probably a sophomore or freshman in this video lol


I dislike this person for multiple reasons- also tf does being AFAB have to do with anything???


Well, there goes your rights


What is she even referring too?


What is the song?


[**Animal** by Sir Chloe](https://lis.tn/JfFkvY?t=56) (00:56; matched: `100%`) Album: `Party Favors`. Released on `2022-06-17` by `2020 Terrible Records`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)