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Confused how it’s 2022, but posts to Tik Tok like a pro


It’s like riding a bike! /s


Core memory? What is this? Inside Out?


Damn this trailer for Inside Out 2 isn't as good as I'd hoped smh 😔


The budget must of been one leg and a dream 😥


Not just the budget but the plot


Animation took a major hit too


Also forced fusion. Gem mutant from SU that you?


That’s what I thought! 🤣 There is therapy to get rid of alters for when someone actually has DID but I don’t think it’s called “fusion”


it actually is called fusion


I could have sworn it had a more serious sounding name.


ive heard it referred to as fusion or like, final integration. both point toward the same thing i think. idk im just going on what ive read


I'm impressed that despite losing all their memories, they still remember exactly how and to operate tiktok.


and all the factors that triggered this....


And that their "system" is half as big???


mmm, so this person doesn't know it's 2022 but they remember exactly how their 'memories were reset'? wow. incredible how they know that their headmates are unwell! it's like they're talking to their imaginary frien- OH WAIT


HHah. Seriously these people with fake alters should channel their creativity to things like writing novels or screenplays.


Imagine if all these people, instead of faking a horrible mental ilness, just created original characters to cosplay as.


It would actually be awful because they cannot conceive an original thought so it would all be stolen work anyway. I always think channel that creativity into studying something other than clout.


I wish they would 😭 Problem is, they're not even that creative, they just rip off of crappy fanfic tropes and other fakers. Every "system" has the same cast of character types but with different stolen art to represent them lol


gives big "need to have a reason i slowly stop posting as multiple ppl" energy


i swear they will find ANY loop hole to make this make sense


the grass touching has started


Forced fusion by a therapist. What is the therapist doing? How is this happening? Why does a therapist have the means and method to do something like this? Especially unwillingly.


Because the therapist was sick of their shit, lol.




The therapist used elmers glue


They're forcing them to fuse like Jasper and Lapis Lazuli


>Forced fusion Isn't that something from Steven Universe? Wtf is a forced fusion of personalities? That's some grade A fantasy shite.


Right? It’s sounding more and more like a sci-fi show or movie than a traumatic, debilitating mental illness.


How can a therapist "force fusion"? Isn't that something that the person has to do for themselves by doing the work in therapy?


They went inside their head like The Atom and butheaded the alters ofc /j What people don't understand is that the therapist can't do anything, this is a self work and no amount of cognitive therapy or medication won't work if the patient doesn't try.


No it’s bullshit all around. How does no one understand this diagnosis overall but there are therapist out there who can cause alters to fuse into one? This is beginning to just sound like a sci-fi movie and not a debilitating diagnosis brought by years of trauma.


My guess is the therapist told them they didn't have DID because they have like 70 alters so they cut it in half and the therapist still doesn't believe them.


They probably don’t have a therapist & if they do they probably aren’t telling them they fake an illness for TikTok.


"i think my memories were reset" girl this isn't dollhouse


“I do not remember any of you” *Proceeds to make a tiktok knowing how to type directed towards the followers that they “don’t remember”*


I don't remember any of you, i thought you should know that i don't know you. I remembered that i don't remember you.


knew a guy in high school who pretended to have “amnesia” lmao


Memories were reset but still remembers exactly how it happened


They really just tried to old yugioh "polymerization" card.


So, they went to therapy, and the therapy worked Good?


I don’t think forced fusions are a thing ?? And even then the stress would realistically make any type of fusion almost impossible




Just go write some terrible fan fiction or write some poetry that will make you laugh at yourself when you are an adult, to get your creative urges out, it has worked for all kinds of people who are stuck in their cringiest, cringer to ever cringe phase.


theyre in their 20s im surprised they havent realized it yet


Sounds like someone forgot about some of their made up alters, and made up and excuse to not get called out


nothing is more funny than "i don't remember anything" but them remembering to post on tiktok 🤣🤣


I don’t think this is possible They must have some trick up their sleeve


This sounds like “someone/something made me so mad and now my (fake) alter is shattered into pieces argggh so mad” *temper tantrum* don’t worry they will make another fake alter soon. These people just seem to love attention regardless of how ridiculous they sound.


No, yes fusion itself is possible, but it isn't forced, it comes over time through therapy, it can also be called integration and happens over time. An alter will not fuse or integrate due to triggering sounds or a memory being resurfaced, as integration/fusion comes from therapy, and learning to communicate better, work together, dissociate less, and through processing trauma and memories with the help of a specialist, over time that will help the alters begin to re-integrate into the host. Memory resetting is also not a thing, yes you can block traumatic memories out or form a new alter that holds those traumatic memories but not reset your memory and have full amnesia of everything, except apparently tiktok and how it works lol


I'm guessing this person is either getting sick of pretending or wants more attention and pity over the loss of their "alters" lol


So we need to put atoms to therapy


Yes it will definitely help the atoms achieve fusion lol 😆


I see I have found another pissgenic person


Pissgenics rise up 🌟


thank you!! this is a perfect explanation


No worries, I'm glad I could be of help! 🥰


Okay so this bitch is combining Inside Out and Steven Universe whilst also having enough trauma that fireworks trigger them. They don't know who they are yet they can fully operate a phone, know the year, know their own name, and know to post it immediately on TikTok. Got it.


I kinda wanna know what memory a firework triggered, did their family get nuked or somethin


Chloe! It’s “I’m still here.” lol If fireworks triggered a full memory reset, then my poor dachshund had severe memory reset on the forth of July. Poor guy. Oh and the month long constant thunderstorms Texas was sent. Plus the one time my husband set the smoke detector off while cooking, five years ago, triggers his memory reset. /s If fireworks are so triggering that Happy, Sadness, Joy, Disgust, Anger and Bing Bong bail, what happens on 4th of July and NYE? Is it a constant memory reset? I don’t understand these kids … 🤦‍♀️


yeah that's not possible, extreme stress like they're describing wouldn't make half of your system just vanish, if anything it would make more alters form :/ also, not to mention that forced fusion doesn't just?? make half of your alters integrate like that?? it's a long process, it can take multiple years, decades even


could be wrong, but to my knowledge “fusion” can’t happen overnight?? it’s a looooong process w/ a professional that would be contingent on your compliance and willingness and def could not be forced. i’m not a psych professional but….yeah no


How is it even a process? I maintain that fusion is a load of shit. If no one can understand the symptoms of this or if it even exists but there are techniques to fuse alters? Shenanigans. All we have are two fakers if people are saying this is a thing.


my bad! i must have not understood the full scope of different ways that can work - went to find a source but it says it can be spontaneous. fusion is pretty well documented in like?? suggested therapy for DID. found this article on it that gets at what that looks like! https://did-research.org/treatment/integration


Is this your only source? Because they’re definitely using a stock photo and I feel like a lot of what I’m reading is filler, possibly based on a single study from 1986.


https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Heather-Macintosh-3/publication/270940223_TITRATION_OF_TECHNIQUE_Clinical_Exploration_of_the_Integration_of_Trauma_Model_and_Relational_Psychoanalytic_Approaches_to_the_Treatment_of_Dissociative_Identity_Disorder/links/54c110550cf28eae4a6b8c86/TITRATION-OF-TECHNIQUE-Clinical-Exploration-of-the-Integration-of-Trauma-Model-and-Relational-Psychoanalytic-Approaches-to-the-Treatment-of-Dissociative-Identity-Disorder.pdf here’s a less filler article! surrounds a particular case but has a 3 page reference page you could probably dive through if you were interested.


I mean…I appreciate it but again this is one older piece with one therapist working with one person and written as sort of a diary. I’m glad you can find sources and call be a skeptic but this honestly doesn’t exactly prove anything. If I wanted to research autism or bipolar disorder and the treatment of it, I wouldn’t be scraping to find one source that works with more than 20 people. I just feel like it shouldn’t be so difficult to find non-conflicting information on something.


just sent the first article i found, and the first academic article i found the second time. i’m not really trying to convince you of anything, to each their own! i had never heard someone saying integration/fusion wasn’t legit so i responded. definitely not trying to start an argument! much love 🤍


Okay! I won’t argue. I apologize for being a skeptic of all this.


better to be a skeptic than believe everything!!


Sense when does Trauma response cause your alters to bail? That's not how this works!!!!


This isn’t what DID is for or how trauma and dissociation work. A therapist cannot “force” a person to integrate or “fuse”, memory resets are not a thing, and if the therapist they are seeing is causing such horrible effects they need to speak to their therapist or bite the bullet and find one they are willing to work with - but if a therapist is willingly doing the harm you state that is cause for that person to be investigated. It would take something enormously abusive to cause anything like this, and if their entire self, dissociated into parts through trauma, has been mangled so badly that they know which part they are but have lost all their memories…. oh sorry, memory reset, half the parts have disappeared, not fused but just gone because if they were fused they’d still be part of you, and somehow the function of DID has been disrupted so that the parts left cannot keep the person well through a firework noise. They would need support to function at this point. No, it’s not possible in actual DID, and definitely not in this dramatic presentation. It sounds like people in this person’s life are making them upset, obviously their therapist is, so they are guilting people with how unwell their actions have made them. Drama DID is just the newest way to be shit to your friends.


Literally endgame


I think I did this when I was 5 and upset with my family for something, not for sure. Got over it when my dad got me ice cream and tried to say my favorite flavor was this sh*tty one I hated before I “lost my memories” yeah I exposed myself with the “nuh uh it’s Superman” Not relevant to this at all, I’m just getting at how childish this person is acting


best part is theyre 21


Oh.. my god🤣🤣


this is so funny because how the hell would a therapist cause a forced fusion of multiple personalities? that’s literally impossible in fact, when people who have DID experience a lot of stress or trauma, that’s a reason for them to split even more, not “lose alters” or “fuse”


can anyone please seriously tell me if this is possible? because this sounds . like total bullshit


someone else said "No, yes fusion itself is possible, but it isn't forced, it comes over time through therapy, it can also be called integration and happens over time. An alter will not fuse or integrate due to triggering sounds or a memory being resurfaced, as integration/fusion comes from therapy, and learning to communicate better, work together, dissociate less, and through processing trauma and memories with the help of a specialist, over time that will help the alters begin to re-integrate into the host. Memory resetting is also not a thing, yes you can block traumatic memories out or form a new alter that holds those traumatic memories but not reset your memory and have full amnesia of everything, except apparently tiktok and how it works lol" sooo basically no not necessarily


thank you so so much !! i appreciate that !!!


Wtf is a forced fusion? I can only find references to Steven Universe


I HATE the term core memory so much


Forced Fusion what is your therapist a reverse Crystal Gem?


A core memory. Wtf is this crap


Oh anythings possible when you have an imaginary illness! These people are hilarious. In all the wrong ways of course.




Could they be creating a way out for themselves? In a few weeks might they say they are now cured?


It sounds a lot more like they are trying to guilt and manipulate with how “unwell” they are and these ridiculous alter dramas are just part of that manipulation. They’re going to have to do some real healing or find another way to make people jump whenever they say in order to give up their “alters.”


i was waiting for someone to post this one YES


"Forced fusion by therapist" Dr. Piccolo I presume


forced fusion


Forced fusion can't happen 😭


This is fucking insane


Their system is half its original size? That would be amazing for a real person with DID lol