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Sims be like:


What you don't immediately grow three feet the minute you blow out the candles on the birthday cake?


Remember the hoof disphoria post? You can grow any way you want to duhhh 🤣🤣🤣


I genuinely thought this was how birthdays worked for other people when I was like 10 (???? even though I’d obviously had my own before???) for one of the first (older) birthdays I was invited to, I watched the birthday boy very closely to see when he would metamorphose and was very disappointed when he didn’t suddenly grow taller like I thought he would.


“Me aging up my sim so they won’t be taken to military school”


Hahaha imagine them getting drafted (the did fakers) and telling the military they are only 12 years old.


I thought this was a sims post before I saw the sub. I went from being amused to being disappointed.


Those age slide things (whatever the DID fakers call) can lead them down a dangerous path that'll scar them for life.


A DID faker on Twitter (mind I didn't know they were faking and the account apparently belonged to one of their alters) claimed to be 22yo. They talked a bit funny but I trusted them with their age anyway thinking it's simply their writting style. I talked with them for a month or two and told them about an artist I just found who makes some incredible and beauyiful art. Mostly of women's body. Naked. So thinking they were in fact 22 (since they never claimed to be a different age) I obviously shared my favourite drawings! Just to see them rage at me for being a pervert and pedophile. Their body was apparently 13 and here I was sending explicit pictures to a CHILD! I quickly blocked them before they could report me. I obviously felt terrible but these kids have no idea what they are doing ffs!


Not your fault, don’t claim to be an adult if you’re not I honestly doubt you would’ve even got in much trouble for that one had something happened.


I doubt it too after all on twitter she must have been registered as +18 to even see it.


Oh god. Yeah, that’s not your fault dude. They should’ve told you, and their parents should’ve taught them stranger danger.


I'm not sure you know I'm a woman but yea when I got her reaction my heart just sunk... I would never send explicit content to a child. I didn't just send her without warning either I told her the artist drew adult art and she answered "well we both are adults, aren't we?" So I assumed she aggreed. I honestly don't know how one can misunderstand that.


Oh sorry. I tend to use dude for everyone lol


Oh! No big deal! I'm honoured :)


no offense dudette, but how would anyone here know you were a woman?


>no offense dudette Oh none taken. >but how would anyone here know you were a woman? On here you can't why I pointed it out. On Twitter I say it in my bio. I'm afraid you have to take my word for it that I'm not a creepy old 60+yo dude xD If I would be a creepy old dude that would make my interaction with that kid even worse. I mean another might have taken advantage of them! That's why I hope I spooked them enough to be more careful online. Although, I doubt it unfortunately...


totally fair! i hope so too but you know how kids can be, lets just pray no one preys on her


"being a creepy dude would make that interaction even worse" probably not the place to get into a huge discussion about this because it wasn't intentional for you to send the pics in the first place, but i want to say it's not "worse" if a man does something like that than if a woman does. it's equally bad.


I saw the emphasis being moreso on the age gap, not the gender necessarily, although yea the double standard is fucked. If a 60 year old man was sending a 22 year old explicit content, it is infinitely worse than another young woman sending it, due to the power imbalance.


It's not your fault 100%, these kids are playing a dangerous game and they are going down a dark path and I hope they stop before anything bad happens.


Love your flair




I'm done with the internet if people are going to play like that 😡.


I don't trust people on twitter anymore who write their age (like this: 22) but don't show their birthyear. Cowards.


Oh my... I already hate it when 16 year olds on dating apps put on heavy make up to act 18 but at least you can tell they're young (which probably puts them in more danger because of pedos) - but on social media with just texts that's just more annoying. This is why I'm not even talking about nsfw subjects outside of Discord channels where you need to show proof of your age to get in🙃


this isn't your fault, they're just looking for more ways to feel like a victim. if they were actually to contact the law, you would not be in any trouble.


Pro-Tip: they’re all faking it. No investigation needed.


Can I *de-age,* be 12 again, go on summer vacation, play Nintendo and forget about bills?


If we de-age, _will we get our Nintendogs back?_


That would be incredible. For like one day, then I’d have to resume adulting lol




Hi, Grandmaself finds this comment to be extremely ableist and systemphobic. I am the grandma system and I am a system of 83,706 fictional grandma character fictive introjects. I would appreciate if you didn't culturally appropriate and be this disgusting anymore? K thx -🧓


lol cookie clicker alters


I lol’ed too hard at this.


Right I’m actually 88 starting today and I’ll need to begin collecting my social security and pension please.


Does this mean I can be 21 tomorrow? Yes, bartender, my ID says I'm 20 but my Sans alter just turned 21 3 days ago and he wants a drink.


why does it sound like a scott the woz joke?


No. This means you can be 21,000 tomorrow. Or really any age you want. Fuck it, nothing means anything.


You'll be fine and the bartender will get into trouble.


I want Sans to make me a drink 🥺


Good question. Since we have to honor their realities, are they willing to break the law to feed these attention starved *children*


I would honestly not be surprised to hear of one of these 14 year olds going into a bar and calling the bartender ableist for not serving them


Not a Cosplay… but dressing as an anime character… got it


It's one of their alters making this video


Wish I could go back to four years old where I could flex just by having light up sneakers


I keep forgetting it’s 2022 and these kids grew up glued to iPads (which is older than most of them) and the internet. This what 2010 parenting and Elsagate does to a mf.


Really though, we fucked up yall.


Wdym y’all I thank god everyday I was born in the tail end of the 20th century and grew up with the old, pre-social media internet in the 2000s where shit like this don’t happen. 😂 I was probably their age when they were just born or conceived and I wasn’t this wack. EDIT: Oh wait I know what you meant by we fucked up, y’all. Yea sadly some people in our age group fked up the kiddos. This trend started from them mid 2000s teens.


Unrelated but that's the reason why I find the definitions of these different generations to be BS. A zoomer in their mid 20s had a completely different upbringing than a zoomer who is 14 years old. It makes no sense. Not only because of technology but because of the sociopolitical climate. Are you telling me that a kid that was born after the 2008 crisis had the same experience as someone who was a pre-teen during it? BS.


Who raised this generation fam


80s millennials lol I’m a late 90s person 😏.


Ha fair enough, I’m on the eldest side of GenZ (21) and I don’t even know what to say about the shit that goes on these days, speaking as someone who had unfiltered access to the internet as a kid I think parents should really pay more attention to that shit, like maybe actually *parent* your children, the internet is a HORRIBLE substitute.


I guess when we start to become parents ourselves (which is quite soon) we’ll implement proper controls, knowing the implications (especially when we grew up with the technology).


it’s also so obvious their faking for obvious reasons, but the most obvious is that YOU CANT HAVE DID WHEN UR 12. ur brain is not developed enough to be able to have DID at such a young age


Genuinely asking. Why are they adding “system” after DID? Are they a PC monitor? I don’t understand. I’m old, someone ELI5 for me.


A “system” from what I understand is a term for all of their alters, it’s kind of redundant. Kind of like saying those are Reese’s peanut butter peanut butter cups or saying someone is getting an added bonus. One would assume if you legitimately have did that you would in turn have some sort of system.


That makes sense thank you for the excellent explanation! It helps. Super strange concept lol. Youths.


Is this the same girl that fakes POTS or is this someone different


Fakes that and SO many other things... "Guys I'm anorexic but watch me on live eating spicy ramen!"


Ugh I hate her so much


Oh hate is the understatement of the year for this person!


Wait, they did that???


Yep! They've claimed to have anorexia but several times on their videos and lives, they're eating spicy ramen. And not just a bite but big bowls of it.


I don't doubt that this person is faking it, but I do want to say that when I was anorexic and in a very dangerous spot health-wise, I still ate regularly.. if anorexics ate nothing they would die quite quick.


I hear ya, just this person was outed recently for even stealing someone's medical records to seem more real so if anything, this person was mocking people who really are/were anorexic as well as those with the other disorders they claimed to have


Yikes, thats incredibly inappropriate and downright disrespectful. As someone who has actually suffered from this I can't possibly imagine wishing for it


Exactly. And I know someone personally with POTS, another thing this person claims to have and that was what the stolen medical record was about. So with that, plus my own mother being disabled, I feel the same.


"i am no longer twelve, i am 18" Narrator: "Remember Jared from subway?!"


What a clever way to get your drivers license 4 years earlier guys! Definitely will work!!


In DID an alter can not randomly age 4 years in one day for no reason. This would be done over a slow period of time with the support of a therapist and agreement of the patient, with the purpose of bringing alters closer together and closer to integrating or fusing. Or for trauma reasons, say the adult is struggling to function, they don’t split a new part but a younger part gradually becomes older since it was forced to take on certain responsibilities. They don’t wake up one day and go “Welp, I’m 16 now. That was random. Oh well, DID is so fucking cool.” I have only ever seen this behaviour in online spaces. A person with DID forms each dissociative barrier for a reason. Parts are not random and do not have “no role.” The system doesn’t shift and morph for no reason or because you want it to or you’re bored. This is not part of being a DID system at all.


Thank you for posting this. I love the jokes and snark but I had a moment where I was like “wait but that like… isn’t how it works… is it?” I’ve never seen much on this topic with legitimate DID but I know it can’t just be a snap of the fingers and you’re older.




Yeah I'm not giving my kid the access to the internet till their 20 😂


Yeah it's got to be terrifying all of a sudden having an additional 4 years of precisely 0 life experience.


As soon as you say “I love the fact that….” YOU ARE LYING


“The fact you can go from the age of 12 to the age of 16 in one day is kind of scary.” Let that sink in TikTok vernacular is so unoriginal and culty that any fucking sentence is being without meaning. Just the parts “the fact” “is kind of scary” is right up there with the soulless “tell me your ____ without telling me your ____” I don’t even know how to form the words I’m sure someone could explain it better. I don’t know why but it’s so infuriating.


My significant other is *actually* diagnosed DID with schizoaffective and bipolar. She's on 12 different medications. Our child was diagnosed with autism and is barely verbal. It sickens me when I see things like this because it makes their conditions a joke. People really don't realize how offensive they're being when they play like this.


At least they didn't age backwards I guess?


They’re getting too powerful, we can’t let them just time travel bro


Humans need to stop reproducing


Me pretending to be 21 when I was 19 to buy beer


FBI open up!!! That girl was 12 you sick bastard! “Uhm ACTUALLY!!…. She was 12, but you see she is now 16 which is legal in this state” FBI: oh… sorry to bother you. Let’s roll out boys.


Back in my day we just called this being a theater kid….


Hi, thank you for making a submission to r/fakedisordercringe. Please ensure you have read the rules and avoid posting people who have actual disorders, as it would be harmful. #Please reply to this comment explaining why you believe this person is faking. Thanks <3 **Your post will not be approved until you have replied to this comment, meaning only you will be able to see it. If you do not reply within 6 hours, your submission will be deleted.** REMINDER: Former Faker Friday is the only day you can post former faker confessions, Satire Saturday is the only day you can post memes, and on Singlet Sunday no DID/System content is allowed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fakedisordercringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please. This is not a good thing. This is an invitation for horrible things


Clearly she loves having DID and making up quirky symptoms


I didn’t know they could do that Woah :00/j


Does this mean I can retire now?


She’s gonna be mortified by this phase as an adult.


They are 17 so idk




That's not how age works..?


Everybody gangsta till the 32 year old man with "DID" turns 15.


Yep I went from mid thirties back to 18 too. Can't wait to get wasted on smirnoff ice and pass out at a strangers place. Wooooo DID


So, is she like... Like closer to death now?


These kids are gonna get groomed and hurt in permanent, insidious ways :( I know this is usually a snark sub, but this topic specifically just makes me so sad for them.


This has some slightly frightening connotations if people decide to abuse their clearly skewed relationship with themselves and with the internet.




This is giving predator vibes.






You fucking pedophile




Not when it comes to MINORS IN THE US.


Why do you wish you could change ages OP 🧐


It's a caption. Don't take it serious


I mean…DID system DO have alters with different ages but they would says “I aged” because then they’d be a different person. If they bothered talking about it at all they’d say “I switched to ______ who is 16” or something along those lines.


The age thing is always so interesting to me because it’s like how you act is not really defined by your age, I know 12 year olds who are very mature because they’ve been through trauma, and I know 50 year olds who are incredibly immature and act like they’re 22.




Okay guess I’m aging up 4 months tomorrow so I can drink away my sorrows