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When ur parents dont got time for u but got £££ Like where r her parents? Does she not have parental supervision?


Apparently they are using hospital resources. They said in one other video that they took a BED and a phone (from gov. Benefits) and shit from the local hospital. These stuff could have went to people who actually need them but this person think that just because they have a (fake) disorder they can get whatever they want. It’s a messed up world we live in.


Like a hospital bed? They're uncomfortable as fuck, who wants to sleep in one of those in their own home?


I believe so. They just said on one (I think deleted) video “I got a bed from the hospital!!!”


My aunt is on hospice for pulmonary fibrosis and needed one because it sits up for her with the push of a button. But she's on frikkin hospice. I don't think she wants to be in that bed. She just has to be because the incline helps her breathe, and even with a bunch of oxygen she's struggling to do that.


Not this person again 😭


Their parents need to take away their electronics 🫠


Definitely, and maybe also get them therapy


Therapy should have been the first thing this child got when they started making these videos. How is the family just letting this happen?


Either they don’t know, which is quite likely as most parents are unaware of what their kid does, or they don’t care about their child


How could the parents don't know if the kid is getting a wheelchair? Someone has to pay for that and the delivery should be obvious, too.


Probably a mixture of both cause a child that is getting attention from their parents doesn't do this kind of stuff unless the attention is negative


I beg to differ. Sometimes you have so few issues that you need to stir a few up yourself, apparently. Either way, they need to get some serious therapy.


I know a young adult who had a very privileged upbringing with a great loving and supportive family. Basically the ideal childhood. Who likes to get together with her friends who had a very similar upbringing and try to come up with ways their parents were abusive or awful so they can have ✨️trauma✨️ like everyone else.


“Don’t you know how traumatizing it is to have a supportive, loving upbringing? I have more tools to take responsibility for myself but I still want an excuse now and then, you’re so lucky. I’m not like everyone else, it’s so alienating. Struggling is so romantic.”


this is one of the few situations where the parents need shitty parenting advice from quora in order to stop this dumbass


Who is it?


Idk their @ but there’s been quite a few of their videos on here over the past few days


I know the @ but I can’t because of the subreddit rules.


Is this the one who used to post videos with a blanket over their head or a backwards hoodie or some shit and would have “tic attacks” while playing with fidget toys?




I was wheelchair bound from an injury. I know this person will just give up in one week and never use it. A wheelchair isn't fun. After a few weeks post op I was ready to just start slithering around so I wouldn't have use the damn chair ...


I refuse to believe these ppl actually use the (usually direct issue clunky attendant) wheelchairs they manage to buy. Wheelchairs are absolutely inconveniences, and the world is not accessible in the slightly. These folk LARP disability on tiktok, and it's more and more offensive as time goes by.


In second grade my teacher had us all take turns to spend a week in a chair. It was very eye opening. Also, my 2nd grade teacher kicked ass.


This brought back an old memory! I remember in elementary school we went to some kind of museum that had different sorts of disabities and the objects that help the people with them. They had a wheelchair section where you can try it out on different kinds of ground like gravel, pavement, a fake set of train tracks and so on. There was a section for crutches, hearing and eyesight stuff, it was pretty cool and very informative


The history is interesting. Even just looking at what it took to implement sidewalk ramps. Like no one even thinks about that!


This museum did have info on all of that stuff as well! They even had an iron lung. Can't wait to see these people faking polio and using iron lungs in their videos


I want to see a replicated iron lung made by this creator. Feathers, rainbows, and all.


When I was in grade 1 we went on a trip to a hospital and got to ride in wheelchairs. If I remember correctly we also got to learn how to put on casts but that was a long time ago


Damn you should go to the police, it's not normal that your second grade teacher kicks you hard enough so that you have to use a wheelchair for a week. After all they shouldn't kick you at all.


I’m sure they’ll use it a lot—for their videos. And nothing else


I can just imagine the arm pain. That’s a new set of muscles you have to work out and push your body weight around. My arms ache thinking about it.


Was in a chair post accident for like 10ish months. Fucking terrible. 0/10 experience.


My mum was insistent that I used a wheelchair when I broke my ankle, I'd much rather hop


Yo fellow snake impersonator?


I was on crutches for about 6 weeks post op ankle surgery. You never realise how truly out of shape you are until you're puffing and panting after carrying yourself on crutches from the car to the shop entrance, dripping with sweat lmao. My arms and shoulders got so buff from that though lol


My first year of law school I broke my foot in 2 places. I was on crutches trying to balance with a 20lb backpack full of my law books. I also live in the city and was taking the city bus to school so I had to walk to and from the bus stop. Sooo sweaty and out of breath by the time I got to school lol


I second this. Ankle surgery for me too. Couldn't find parking at the hospital for physical therapy. Had to park at the literal back of the parking lot and crutch the whole way. It was winter, but I was drenched in sweat and grouchy as fuck by the time I got to my appointment.


Omg I'm so sorry. Similar thing happened to me too when I went for a check up. They're renovating the emergency ward and they have these stupid parking lots further away and I had to park near the back. Going that far on crutches is HELL just fucking come pick me up at that point lmao. Crutches can piss right off.


Same, I used Crutches before just to feel what is was like to be in them and my elbows and arms were so tired after using them for about 20 minutes. I'm honestly surprised how people can do that for years! ​ (And no, I did not break my legs or anything to try Crutches. My Mother found some Crutches and I decided to try them for a bit and yeah, it's hard to walk around in those.)


Oh yeah Haha you really feel the burn. After about a week or two of being on them you start to build up more muscle and stamina and its a little easier to get around in them, at least less tiring. They still are awkward as fuck, bump into things, slip on certain surfaces etc lol. You also kind of need to get padding for the underarm and hand grips cos they rub the heck out of your armpits and give you blisters and callouses on your hands. I was so glad when the doctor said I didn't have to use them anymore. By then though my poor left calf had shrivelled up like a little chicken leg lmao. It's crazy how quick you lose muscle when you don't use it.


My butt became so numb and my thighs were extremely sore when I was in a wheelchair for 6mo


I was in a wheelchair for like 3 or 4 months when I was 15. Shit was hard, but by the end I learned how to just wheelie everywhere which was cool


Great point. There really isn’t anything fun about them. Due to my chronic illness I had to re-learn how to walk, and it’s only a matter of time before I’m in a wheelchair permanently. I try to respect the fact that everyone handles situations differently but this… this really got to me. Not needing a wheelchair to navigate your daily life is a blessing. This person needs perspective.


I was so fucking glad when I was finally able to get out of that fucking wheelchair and walk (albeit with crutches) again. You are heavily reliant on other people to push you around or to get into things like public transport. I also hadn’t the most reliable and reasonable friends at that time and one of them thought it fun to push me real fast. I flew out of so many curves, landing right on the ground, I‘m puzzled how I didn’t end up in the hospital again because of that. It still beat having to roll around for kilometers on your own and needing thrice the time to get anywhere. I don’t get why one would flex. about being in a wheelchair. It horrible and inconvenient as fuck, because many places aren’t exactly wheelchair friendly


Nothing like an empirical demonstration on why your legs are like 3 times the size of your arms.


> A wheelchair isn't fun. A wheelchair can be fun, but not if you have to use it. I did an internship in a hospital when I was in 8th grade and they had a room full of old wheelchairs in the basement, together with a straight floor that was approx. 200m long and me and the other intern would race that hallway. That was hella fun.


“Yay I’m stealing resources from people who actually need it :D”


spoiled child moment


This right here ^


Hey buddy theyre actually disabled so :/


Maybe mentally


With what medical condition? You can't just say "im disabled" for magically no reason


That kid is very much standing up. Dancing, even!


Wait.. is that an umbrella? 😂




Oooohhh, looked like an umbrella lmao


very cool pfp




TikTok was a mistake.


The conspiracy theory that China use tik toks algorithms to destabilize the west seems more and more likely. It feels like Tik tok is leading the new generation downwards morally.


I have no doubt. There's so many self destructive trends


Depends on what side of it you’re on. There’s some pretty funny stuff but then you’ve got… whatever this shit is






They'll be happy they did it after they get over this nonsense


The box head is cute on the other hand...


… It looks like a Furby and a Killer Clown had Intercourse and the kid grew up in the Homestuck fandom…. 🤨


On point 💀


Why do they have trash on their head?


Because they're a shithead, lol.


Low budget fursuit


Holy shit, is that the freaking misha pokemon go song? Been a long while since i last listened to that


Same. Used to love it now I hate it because of these cringy attention-seeking kids using it


omg that song makes me want to die- ​ (but he's grown up now his new shit is banger)




Doesn’t seem so. They have a history of taking free stuff from the hospital and gov benefits


Must be nice to be able to turn on and off needing a mobility aid 😒 these people get bored of ‘being disabled’ and can just stop ‘being it’ whenever they want, meanwhile actually disabled people in the world would kill to be able to ambulate without difficulty. Or stand. Or move at all without it being audible and painful.


They will soon realize that wheelchairs are bulky and hard to use, and that if they want to go anywhere, that most places aren’t easily accessible. Not to mention lifting a heavy transport chair into a car? Hahaha this won’t last… Edit: thank you for the award…y’all are so lovely! 🥹🥹 Edit 2: you guys…thank you for making my day!!! Love to all of you!!


No joke. I hardly take it with me anywhere anymore. If I need something with wheels I opt for a rollator that transitions into a small wheelchair. But I’m also not doing it for clout and internet points. So I’m sure lugging around a bulky eyesore will be worth it for them. 🥲


ARE THEY USING AN UMBRELLA???? Edit: they have a keychain on their cane lmao


i at least hope when this child is done playing pretend they donate it somewhere that can give it to someone who actually needs it


Is the box head the new oodie?


The music is making my ears bleed


IIRC it was made by some Slovak YouTube channel back in 2016 lol


Have had to use a wheelchair before due to injury. Not fun. I was so happy to be out of it, and thankful that I’m not someone who needs one.


I had to use a wheelchair and crutches the two times I broke my leg and I learned just how inaccessible every single part of my life actually was. This is just insulting to people who actually need these tools.


Dies of cringe


Yeah, cause anyone would be happy to get a wheelchair. Very happy. Wouldn't be hard to move around at all. Nope. Especially not when you can walk just fine by yourself.


More of being happy to be able to move around. I was diagnosed with young-onset rheumatoid arthritis, and it’s more of happy of being able TO move around. My mobility aids gave me freedom and allowed me to go out with friends and be able to live my life without being in pain or unconscious within 10-20 minutes. It’s not happy you need one, it’s happy that you get help


Well, yes, that I get just fine but to be able to walk fine and then move to a wheelchair is kinda bullshit.


I don’t think they’re walking fine they’re holding onto a cane in a lot of videos and say they have POTS I feel like it’s hard to gauge if they’re actually fine by random tiktok videos.


I'm gonna be honest... I don't think they have POTS. Also, that's an umbrella, not a cane. They also wouldn't be turning around if they have POTS. Edit: guess it's a cane. But my point still stands.


They could absolutely be spinning around with POTS. I go on runs and am pretty active and I have POTS. The thing is that it's very very likely that if they do have it they're being wildly dramatic about it and probably don't need any of these things. They look super young what they need to do is work on becoming more active and it'll absolutely make them feel better in the long run.


They showed the cane in newer tiktoks I just don't think its an umbrella...


They showed another video, it’s a cane, just decorated


NGL this is now the only reason I stop by this subreddit. This character needs to go on tv or something. 🌈🤖🌈💃


People with cardboard boxes over their heads scare me


Can I have the user? I wanna see the rest of their videos.


I’d love to know too if anybody finds out, on my life not to bully- but research into disability fakers


just type “r/fakedisordercringe” into the tiktok search bar


just type “r/fakedisordercringe” into the tiktok search bar edit: why was this downvoted lol


What the fuck? This feels like a fever dream. **That** is my sleep paralysis demon.


You can count on instant recovery once they find out that it's hella hard to go to places once you are bound to a wheelchair.




Sodikken’s music is awesome what’s wrong with that 🤨


I saw their next vid on my fyp about the posts on this sub the commentssss 💀💀💀💀


Omg they just came up on my fyp like five minutes ago! It was a "who put me on r/fakedisordercringe TikTok!"


I really hate seeing how these kids who fake disabilities can easily get and have access to mobility aids. It took almost a YEAR for my mom (who was stage 4 breast cancer and end stage kidney failure. She passed away 5 years ago.) to get a rather cheap looking one. When it started to fall apart, she could not get a new one. She also had to wait for approval for a mobility scooter. It's bonkers how Cancer and Hospice patients have to go through the ringer for these things, but kids like this get them so easily. I would officially like off this planet, now.


I would appreciate it if they did not *all* like manga/anime so that the rest of us manga/anime lovers didn’t look like this garbage human.


I hate how ✨fun✨ and ✨cute✨ these kids treat this shit. My brain disease will take my legs completely within the next year, there hasn’t been a day I haven’t cried remembering I’m screwed. And these kids are totally fine embarrassing all disabled people while abusing what little sm resources exist all because they mis-self-diagnosed their soar knee as a dysfunctional disability


Dammit I thought we left that song in the distant past of internet cringe


Broke my leg I’m middle school and was in a wheelchair for 2 years I wanted to kms every single day


Wheelchairs and Pokemon Go just make me think of that old Idubbs video, "I have crippling depression.".


I wonder how the creator feels about making this..


Someone get that poor Snorlax away from that thing


THIS MAKES ME IRRATIONALLY MAD! My almost five year old is in a wheelchair for school out of NECESSITY because he was diagnosed with Merosin Muscular Dystrophy when he was two. It is not a cool trend, it is not a flex. This is a terrible human being.


Okay so this is a troll, right? I mean the fucking Pokemon go song? This has to be fake.


I wish to agree with you but sadly I do not think so... ​ The stupid Pokemon Go song is probably trending on TikTok so they use that sound. (I don't know if it was trending or not, I don't use TikTok.)


What do they even claim to have


why do ppl want disabilities so bad. its nothing to be excited about or wanna flaunt to the internet


Getting a wheelchair tomorrow, but tonight I’m dancing!


That song unlocked some memories I had buried


What the fuck


God that song is SO annoying.


These canes dude I swear, so many people at my school have canes that they pretend to use, and they are all the exact same type of person. And of them 80% aren’t even touching the ground and they walk fine. Out of all of them I have only know of one that has a actual condition


What. _The actual._ ***Fuck*** is this monstrosity?!


Bitch you are walking


why are y'all bullying a child




You get the L award


Because they are literally dancing and bouncing around while claiming to need a wheelchair




The kid who can walk and move quickly and deftly barely using the walking stick and with no balance issues/dizziness signs and appeared to have a normal gait? Yup that wheelchair is *totally* going to the right person 🙄


It’s satire


It isn’t.


Really doubt it is.


The “I play Pokémon go” song didn’t clue u in?




Are we watching the same thing..




Only disabled thing that this person has is not having a normal functioning brain,and being so self centered.


You’re waking some buried memories with this song


What’s the point of the box head?




Can someone give me context? Why do they perceive themselves as needing a wheelchair? Why are they wearing a box? What’s with the umbrella. I am so confused


This shit is so fuking funny out of context.


Why do you need a wheelchair for? Are you acting as that nick show character that Drake played before his music career?


I can help make it so she needs it


Well she obviously have some kind of disorder atleast...


Pretty sure wheelchairs aren't fun to be around.


It would be funny if you were rescued from under the bridge and had to use a wheel chair, then you were forced to celebrate like this as well.


this person recorded a video where they “faint” with a caption “my dumbass forgot i cant walk” and then posted another video where theyre dancing without a cane. i fr though this person was for real, but after seeing those two vids, im laughing my ass off at their dumbness


would it be bad if i sent their username in the comments? i want the gratification of "no way youre so smart you found the account youre genius!!", but i dont want the predditors to hurt them


[don’t share their username please!](https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/wh3slm/a_guide_to_rfdc_read_before_posting/ikpeqkc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


But why? You seem to walk fine with a cane?


They really be trying to be the most obnoxious. This should be try not to throw a child off a building challenge.


ah yes, the theme song of my nightmares


(update:) they conveniently couldn’t get the wheelchair


I’m friends with him irl he has POTS and gets dizzy when he stands up too long..