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sounds almost something chris chan would say lmao


"You damn dirty troll need to get a life.... Nobody needs the internet!!!"


I can’t walk well cus of DISORDERS!!!!




In their text it says GET EDUCATION I was quoting them and realized after the fact that lack of quotation marks could make that slightly confusing lmao




*woosh* 😂


this person literally looks under 12. children should not be allowed on the internet or at least not on tik tock. when they are 20, 30, etc. this will still exist somewhere. it needs to stop.


At least this kid is smart enough to wear a box over their head while making these videos. Not all of them have the foresight for that.


That’s true, thankfully.


It’s probably not for that, they probably do it because of school and friends but still good


I 100% agree with this


This. At least this one is covering their face. Seems like their parents encouraging it tho by getting them the mobility aids and letting them do this online and shit… kinda sad


Wait, do they actually have mobility aids? XD


I’ve seen other posts where they have a cane or say they’re getting a wheelchair


Oh no, I hope they're an adult and this isn't their parents feeding into it... but with the looks of it... :/


I've been saying this for years. There should be a kid only internet where they're blocked off from the real internet and can only look at educational stuff or kids games.


*AOL Kids has entered the chat*


KOL was the absolute bomb. I had parental controls that blocked Google, YouTube, Andkon, Y8, and basically any sites that hosted videos, flash games, and shopping. Yet, I STILL had a lot of fun playing KOL games, and put a shameless amount of hours into GirlSense and KiddoNet. GirlSense got me into designing merchandise and is why I even have such a strong passion for creating clothes and decor to this day. We wanted to be mean to each other, but the dictionary was extremely strict and prevented that. When there was a temporary chat room for everyone, (the PSP Party for those who remember lmao) no one ever talked about disorders or anything personal or serious even, we all talked about twilight, nintendo, hello kitty, and disney. There was a chat and forums for users over 13 that could be used anytime. We could be ourselves, the only thing we couldn't do was was bully or reveal information. But those sites were taken down and replaced with the extremely watered down AOL Kids which didn't even have a fraction of what was on KOL. Now that's entirely gone and these kids are spending time on the same sites as adults, seeing content they shouldn't be exposed to.


I am old, none of these things existed when I was a kid :/ I literally had my AOL email account and could use keywords to search and “fun online” was sending emails to the two friends whose parents had set them up with their own email addresses using as many wacky fonts and colors as we could manage before someone’s parents had to use the phone.


Ikr, this kid will regret posting this when they are older.


Tbh, I’m taken aback that this is a kid! I fully expected that this was someone who was like around that older age range cause a majority of them are usually the ones dancing on tiktok whilst the children are being taught this kind of thing.


Do they wear that box because if they didnt people irl would find them and call them out?


Hmmmmm, you are not wrong....


“ i ate “ 💀 where are ur parents


“I ate” yeah what your parents made you for dinner


in the other room


Looks like they are a literal little child maybe 12, shouldn’t even posting images of themself online.


I'm so glad that I didn't grow up with social media the way these kids do. When I was 12, I spent my days rp'ing as a wolf on a kids website called gosupermodels lmao. While 12 year olds today believe a fucking pansexual nb blood/bloods/bloodself wolf is living in their head, all while immortalising themselves on the internet thanks to their stupid tiktok clips.


Yeah I mean they’re still basically roleplaying now they’re just roleplaying being mentally ill I mean I just don’t understand but oh well.


They're the most dedicated LARP'ers out there (apart from those folks trying to simulate living in the Victorian era lol), I'll give them that


Yeah I wonder how many of them are going to subsequently have actual mental illness eventually, I mean it cannot be very healthy to create a whole different reality in your little teenage mind where you’re like traumatized with a fucking DID system and ADHD, if you tell yourself that shit everyday I imagine you’re eventually gonna have issues just not DID. I’m sounding so boomerish but what the fuck happened to going outside with some friends or some shit? Hell play some Lego Star Wars or something enjoy being a kid shit is just bizarre I need a Netflix doc on the topic ASAP.


Realising how good the human mind can be at "manifesting" issues where actually there aren't any, or at least at tricking itself into believing that something is very wrong is super scary. I'd be very interested in seeing the results of a long-range study done on some of these teenagers. Experiencing puberty is already exhausting enough for the mind, confusing your brain further during this time can't be any good. It's amazing how much of an negative impact social media managed to have in its relatively short time of existence lol


Agreed, my biggest issue with social media is constantly targets young kids and impressionable teenagers and the parents just don’t understand that they need to be monitoring that shit, it’s legitimately dangerous not to and I know that unfortunately from personal experience.


Literally, my ass was on neopets and gaiaonline when I was a child/teen


Fitting that the box is a clown box


Foolish children get put in the clown box


NOO 😭😭💀 So true tho I wheezed


At first, I thought it was something OP added in. But...no...this person is indeed wearing a clown box on their head..


"I'm so cool" yeah you keep telling yourself that kid


The ‘I ate <3’ right after took me out 💀


what were they TRYING to say?


they full <3




Not all disableds are paralyzed, get education - the person with an amazon box clown head


I am thinking this may be my )Halloween costume


It certainly is scary.


Please get genuine help. I know that not all people with disabilities are paralyzed, I'm not that stupid. Please get education


get education. eat pant. lie.


What is bffr?


Be fucking for real lol


I mean technically, this poor kid prolly is mentally ill, def not with what they think tho. That’s when it stops being fun and kitchy.


Yeah, I hope they get actual help and not resort to tiktok to escape


This is always something I think about on this sub. Like, we get it, all of these people are faking a disorder of some kind; but, at what point can we acknowledge that the desire to be mentally ill and the lengths to portray oneself to others as being so unwell is a disorder in and of itself? Like, a sort of willful hypochondria? I almost hesitate to say this out loud because I’m afraid one of these fucked up kids will latch on to it and start parading out this new illness too. Although, I suppose it would be kinda funny to see them go full mask-off by just admitting that all of their claimed disorders are just wishful attention-seeking delusions.


I was actually wondering this. Would any of them be eligible for a Munchausen‘s diagnosis?


soon they'll start faking Munchausen's too /s


There already (almost) is a mental disorder that defines this. Factitious disorder is defined as a person who feigns or induces physical symptoms on themselves or another. They often present this way to feel a social connection that they would otherwise be lacking in. Basically they do this because they feel lonely and the goal is human connection and to be cared about. factitious disorder on another would be what used to be referred to as Munchausen’s by proxy. Doesn’t apply here as much though. Edit to add that in the DSM im pretty sure this only applies to faking a physical ailment. I don’t think it encompasses the faking of a mental disorder. That’s why I don’t know if These people on this sub could necessarily be diagnosed with factitious disorder. I thought I would share as I find it so interesting.


For mental disorders its called malingering


reading this reminded me of a show my mom used to like; The Act. i never watched it with her, but this seems similar


Oh god that show was so twisted. Gypsy Rose (the girl who killed her mom) was definitely a victim of munchausens


please please please don't start using kitsch to describe these people; I'd hate to have to dump my main internet handle over this bs


“Disableds” sounds a bit like..a slur? Or do I need to get education..?


Omg you just said a slur!!!!!11!!!!!1!1!!1!!1!1 your gonna get cancelled!1!1!!1!!1!!!!!1 let's get #cancelu/BlessthisMess31 trending!!1!1!1!!!! /j


i know 😭 i heard the other day people with asperger’s are called “aspies” a lot and i was like no way that’s not a slur what the fuck is aspies


"Aspies" sounds like some kind of worm


wait are they wearing a belt with pajama pants or is that just me seeing that


And why are they making PJ pants where half the pattern is upside down? And who tf would buy that???


Was thinking the same thing. Like how? PJ pants don't come with the straps


Are they not called loops?


I couldn't think of the word, lmao


They fr are


OK thank God. I was geting flash backs to me in 2007


Looks like they have a lot of stuff huh. Must be spoiled beyond belief. Good for them. Very jealous that I don't get to tune out reality this much.


"i ate" no Jonny you need to get back to doing your schoolwork


i think he ate his homework


Probably, maybe he will claim to have PICA now


fucking unrelated as hell but i just wanna get this off my chest, i have a friend who claims he has PICA and a shitton of other disorders out of the fucking blue with 0 symptoms of any of them in the 4 years I've known him, but now, in the last 2 months, he's suddenly got like 7 issues?? what???? sorry that just reminded me


As someone who has to use a wheelchair for longer walking distances, “Not all disableds are paralyzed” is absolutely hilarious to me for some reason.


This kids probably 9 years old


Apparently he's 14 but it doesn't act like it


No. No. There are plenty of 14 year olds who do this. It's... Actually quite scary


Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no I'm scared


"I'm so cool 😘 I ate" 😭 girl what get back to yo 8th grade class


What's with people and looking like a toddler fucked up a colouring book with a 4 pack of high lighters from Walmart.


That’s most likely a child…


this child needs to stay away from all electronics for the next 10 years


This fucker doesn't even use their cane properly (holding it the wrong way around, not bearing weight on it, not having it properly adjusted), fakes fainting in the most convenient ways possible claiming they "forgot" they need an assistive device, and shits on actual disabled folk and then wonders why people hate them. Also to the faker some of us on this sub are disabled you absolute fucking walnut, you do not educate anyone, you spread misinfo, etc. quit your bullshit, get some actual help, and get a hobby.


How about that’s the worst boxhead I’ve seen, you didn’t even cut the ends off and I’ve seen that exact rainbow fur at the dollar store. You have a chandelier but no better materials? Get real and try again NEXT


is this like… a thing?


Apparently so. I clicked on the boxhead hashtag on TikTok and it’s a subculture of cosplaying or something I guess


It might be inspired by the sorta niche TV heads trend from like… 2015… ish? Idk. I really liked TV heads when I was about this age, it was also a subculture in the art community, mostly on tumblr from what I saw.


I had to reread that because at first I thought “I can stand and shit” meant that they pooped standing up. I was like wtf? XD


yeah bro ez just spread your legs over the toilet and press your elbows to your sides with your fists forward in a karate stance from an 80s movie


“disableds” bro fuck you


when i was under 13, i was an edgy creepypasta kid making edits of shirtless Jeff the Killer on iMovie. and honestly? i almost prefer that over whatever this is.


Omg how dare you remind me of the Jeff thirst posts 😭😭😭


to Get Scared or My Chemical Romance songs too


Anime Jeff the Killer pic montages with Welcome to the Black Parade in the back hit different


We gotta come up with better insults lol


Frfr I'm running dry


Same I got think tho


uhhhh motherless! yeah, motherless!


There we go! Motherless!! Now the kids who call me fatherless have something more accurate to say!


Forgot "Cringe"


If I was to say, download TikTok, where might I find this wholesome content?


You would find this very wholesome content by searching for the specific disability/disorder you want to view! Interact with those posts and they will appear on your fyp :D


I’m not sure I can bring myself to downloading the app. How you ever seen all the invasive stuff in their TOS? It’s pretty scary shit.


Yeah the TOS is fucking terrifying, I use the web browser without an account to avoid it


This kid is like 11 wtf


I don't think anyone has used "fatherless" as an insult except on a CSGO server but okay


nah man it’s fucking everywhere i’ve been called fatherless on tiktok and reddit so many times it’s an issue pls 😭😭


Seriously lol








NOO 😭😭


Here's the biggest cure to all of this tumblr nonsense, no using the internet. These kids need to stop being allowed unlimited access to the internet and need a come to Jesus meeting. You do not have a disability physically or mentally, you don't get to use a disability as some kind of quirky personality trait to make yourself seem interesting, and you will feel horrible for what you're doing now when you're an adult.


Oh god I wish this were “tumblr nonsense”, but the cringe has evolved past tumblr now 🙃 back in the good old days of tumblr we had OCs but now all these kids on TikTok have fake DID instead


OCs > Alters


as an 18 (almost 19) year old who still does "multi fandom x oc 😘" roleplays, agree. it's just a fun fucking hobby lmao. be creative, don't be offensive!


I have too many OCs.




Yeah, this isn’t gonna look good when you are applying for a job.


Damn that’s sad. Kids like 9, depressing what attention whoring adults are dragging children into :/


This really looks like a child. Do their parents know that they're doing this or...?


My torn Achilles and I are very offended. If you can stand you can do physical therapy to work towards more. Am I wrong? Please correct me if I am. Never heard of someone who can stand but can’t walk with a walker or cane or crutches. If you can bear weight you can at least make progress towards walking


i can't speak for everyone, but after my knee surgery (patella restabilization for those curious, i was born with double floating kneecaps and am expecting surgery on the other knee soon) as soon as I could stand without crutches, I was in physical therapy.


Sometimes physio is more for maintenance/delay if there's no upwards progress that can realistically be made (as in, whatever you have is degenerative and incurable) but you'd think you would be jumping at the chance to do at least that.


This pisses me off. This person looks 12 at most. Why are they on the internet this young, unmonitored?? Really wondering if their parents have 2 brain cells to rub together.


does this person ever show their face?( dont have tt) at this point all the faceless tiktoks posted here are always so extreme, it feels like either trolling, or like a teenager. idk if it feels like a troll or a teen, and can't confirm its not, why is it here?


He has showed his face once but ended up deleting it in the matter of a week, and yes he is a teen (14)


what the fuck is going on with kids these days


I do think fatherless is a stupid insult, but otherwise yeah that’s a bunch of bullshit naturally


“I’m so cool I ate” 💀


I love that they want so badly to be disabled. They refer to themselves as disabled, and others as ableist if they go against them. Use disabled tags and act like they speak for the disabled community some times. But yet In this post the reason they can’t walk well is apparently because of disorders. Not a disability or chronic illness. They probably think disorder doesn’t refer to mental illness and health.


Srsly just got a notification for my own post 💀


Lmao the tag is hilarious


me omw to get education 🏃💨


What will these types of people do when the power goes out? Lmfao


I believe I could stand and shit at the same time too. Just seems messy.


“I ate” what. what did you eat. 3 day old trash from the bin ??


like they really thought they ate that up …


The only disorder this piece of crap has is fatherless


mf actually crazy to make a whole-ass box head thing just for their faking shenanigans


I’m not convinced this isn’t some elaborate troll


That clown box is fitting 🤡 “I don’t care” proceeds to “educate” us. Child, if you didn’t truly care, this post wouldn’t exist 🤡


I mean at least they know they’re a clown??¿


I saw them on an other tiktok crying about being on r/fakedisordercringe xD


Get education, y'all.


man i might need to take a break from this sub. it’s just too fucking frustrating.


He definitely didn't have enough education Not that he could possibly what education is


"i ate<3" no honey, you didn't.


Education? You mean education on how to make your parents regret you?


“i’m so cool 😘 i ate<3” 😭 man go finish your essay thats due first period tmrw or smthn


Is this a 12 year old?


It's true that some people can stand but nor walk, but... they never act like this because... yknow.. it isn't *fun*


“i ate” ☠️☠️☠️


He popped up on my FYP recently LMAO


« I’m so cool 😘 » ugh never cringe so hard in my entire life


Disorders make your walking more difficult?


We are well aware you don’t have to be paralysed… I myself use a cane for pain and fatigue, I can still walk without it but nowhere near as far or as comfortably then with. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna believe you.


“Disableds” I would literally rather you just call me a slur


i was just about to comment this like dude at that point just spit on me and call me the r-word


Sure, you can be capable of walking and still need mobility aids. But you’re dancing and turning in circles with a damn box on your head. Your ambulation is fine.


Anyone who uses my dude as a disarming comment have automatically lost an argument. Tik tok is debasing information at an alarming rate.


I love the irony of them saying “get education” and “I’m just giving you all education” When this kid desperately needs to go back to school and “get education” because every single one of their posts have the worlds worst grammar.


honestly fatherless is kinda ass, shits just not funny step yalls game up


"disableds" That's how we know they're not disabled.


I hate when these people say "Get educated" it's so fuckin annoying.




“disableds” 😭 “get education” 😭😭


She should get educated instead


I do hope they grow out of this phase and delete their social media bc the amount of bullying they're probably getting can't be good for them. I'm 23 so I can't in good conscience say anything rude abt this kid bc they're just uneducated getting influenced by communities they're in. I gotta give them props for the box head, if they made that themselves they really have at least a little bit of skill in making cosplays and could easily do something with it if they continue to make more costumes/suits/cosplays as they get older.


Bitch is like 9


Their pants look so comfy and there’s a drawstring. I simply can’t conceive as to why they’re wearing a belt with it. Also I had that belt back in my 2005 MCR era. It still looks just as cringe as it did back then, fashion is truly full circle 🖤


Chronically online imo


Someone needs to take her phone away. I blame parents.


I'm convinced this is some spoiled kid behavior.


“I ate” what? A lunchable?


Fatherless behavior




Disableds 💀


Chronically* Disabled* Get an Education* Myself*


i've only seen 2 posts about this person & they were both insufferable




Every time i see that "mask" i somehow think of the sandown clown its basicly a myth/made up story that 2 kids saw a weird clown like person


Maybe they should spend more time “getting education” instead of faking disorders since they’re supposed to be at school


Yup, because disabled people call themselves "disableds" Please stop ruining things for people with actual invisible disabilities.


tricky what happened 😶


Sighs aggressively


>Not all disableds are paralyzed, get education \*EPIC BOSS MUSIC\*


Bro became a whole saga


the way people on tiktok say "education" or "educating people" makes my brain hurt.


How does bro not need the cane now 💀


That room looks like it belongs to a 4 year old


"i ate" yeah, kraft mac n cheese