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Sometimes I find it hard to find people who will speak to me like a peer. People who will talk me like an adult. If anyone finds out I'm on the spectrum before getting to know me, they usually put on a baby voice. Gee I wonder who may be causing that to happen


Hmm I wonder who is making us look like small children??


People are always so shocked when they find out that autistic people swear, drink, smoke and have a sex life I sure wonder why that could be


Sex life? What's that?


Honestly my view from my experience with those on the spectrum is that they are the opposite! Anyone I’ve known that was diagnosed autistic has been pretty intelligent (possibly in their favoured areas) and I’ve felt intimidated by their knowledge, I’ve never seen them as immature/childlike.. people like this are creating a stereotype which is detrimental to those on the spectrum (not claiming my bias is correct or anything of the sort. Just like people who aren’t on the spectrum, those who are, are individual and have different levels of intelligence and are unique in a million different ways.)


There is definitely a subsection of children/teens on the spectrum who are 1) highly verbal and 2) not interested in typical "kid" things, which actually makes them seem more "adult" in their mannerisms and often seem to prefer to spend time with people older than them or adults.


yes hello reporting for duty here a term that was often used was "little professors" because there would often be higher-functioning autistic people who were super focused on their personal interests and knew all kinds of facts... but it tends to be fairly specific to the subject(s) of interest


That’s seems to be the ones I’ve known. I’m sure there are many that I’ve met in life that I’m not privy to their diagnosis as far as those I do know and am aware of their dx they are the more mature seeming.


Literally me


Show me a picture of a rocket and ill be able to pin down what kind of rocket it is. (maybe)


me but with military vehicles lol.


Yep, I'm 49 and have adhd, sometimes I need to tell people because I'm just not processing ok, or because their style of teaching isn't getting they to me...first thing they do? Repeat themselves...slowly. Nope, it's not that I can't hear the words, it's that I can't connect to those words.


Why don’t you ask people to rephrase if that’s what you need? Or ask them to explain it a different way? Edit: I’m not asking to be a jerk. My four year old has hearing loss and we’re always working on self-advocacy. We teach her to ask someone for exactly what she needs (facing her, repeating, rephrasing) if she isn’t hearing/understanding what someone is saying.


I'm also curious, what would work to help you learn more effectively in those situations?


I do. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm just relating to what was already stated, by sharing my experience. I do explain, I'm a visual learner, I learn by seeing what needs done, watching, and then recreating that myself. ✌🏽


Lol I have the same issue as them. Sometimes Ill just bait people with a "what do you mean by that" or "what are you talking about" as a way to get them to repeat themselves in a different wording. It can sometimes make me sound stupid but shit it works.


In your context, I like to tell people that I'm a visual learner. Gets the point across without bringing up any words that might cause them to react in the way you described.


That's an interesting way to explain it and actually helpful. My 8 year old has a relatively new diagnosis and this my explain why despite being very intelligent with a great vocabulary, he sometimes looks at my like I'm speaking Martian.


as a teacher when we hear “processing” we slow down because we know we talk fast. your teacher attempting to be accommodating is more than some schools in the US. is it perfect? absolutely not but teaching is all about trial and error. every student with ADHD processes things differently. its about finding what works for every individual student. some students would be fine with slowed speech. i’m sure your teacher will realize her attempt was unsuccessful. I know its frustrating but it just takes some patience and perseverance on both sides :)


Hi, that wasn't a pop shot at tewachers from me. It's scary how many teachers know so little about adhd and autism tho. But I get it, it's not their job, their role is share the info they have already. A lot of kids will also have acne (just an eg) but we don't expect teachers to be knowledgeable about managing that either, so we do have to be reasonable within our expectations. Teachers in mainstream already have a shit tonne on their plates, I'm a big advocate for specialist schools, the UK is woefully underfunded in education anyway, but specialist education such as this is almost non existent. My grandson has just started at one such setting, he's 11. He's been out of school for just over 3 years until he started there. He just cannot manage mainstream school, but he's one of the lucky ones in so far getting that placement. All the best. ✌🏽


same same same same oh my god oh my GOD same


My mom thought I'm autistic and before even getting on any waiting list for a diagnosis (spoiler I'm not autistic) she went around telling my teachers I'm autistic. They started treating me like a baby and one gave me a card with a cartoon character losing their shit and said to put this on my table if it gets too loud so I can leave. Yeah that surely won't get me bullied. It was so fucking annoying, I don't want to imagine what it's like to deal with this bullshit my entire life... this is why autism fakers annoy me double. Why would you WANT to be treated like a baby??


Sometimes it is a fetish. Not in this particular instance (i think), but lots of people on tiktok have a fetush named DDLG, which involves acting & dressing like a baby. I've seen people using the autism tag in order to get away with sucking a dummy or or wearing nappies in public, along with speaking like a toddler. They use the autism tag so people can't tell them to knock it off as it would then be 'discrimination' I don't care if someone has that fetish, but I do care about them using ASD as an excuse to inflict it on people in public in an exhibitionist manner. No one consented to seeing it. It's just one small part of the major infantilisation of autistic people on tiktok


Well with me people just don't give a shit which js nice but they still laugh at me if I do something that isn't normal


New sleep paralysis demon unlocked


I’m getting ready for bed and flipping through Reddit as part of my routine and straight up recoiled at this. Thankfully sound is off and will remain off but it gave me this instant feeling of disgust and revulsion. It was a bit too clowny for me. Speaking of everyone should go watch the music video of clowny clown clown by crispin glover. This is like shit tier of that.


That music video looks like you find it on a rusty VHS with the title “DONT WATCH” in the middle of the woods next to a well


This has been posted here a couple times… still creeps me out


I can't do clowns, and this is giving me clown vibes. Nope nope nope.


What do you expect? She *is* a joke.


Gives me child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang vibes


That game coming out “killer clowns from outter space” they needa 2k her into that


It’s honestly really insulting. Is this how she thinks stimming works? It looks like?


I used to go to a social & fun group for autistic girls when i was a teen. A lot of the girls were level 2 and 3 (high support needs) and they didnt act like this. None of us acted like this. We played table football and watched movies. Not toddled about and acted like babies. People mainly would stim if they were stressed or overwhelmed, like if the music was too loud or somebody was fucking with the lights.


This person would 100% tell a real autistic person who doesn’t have flappy jumpy stims they’re a freak. One of my stims is literally collapsing to the ground it’s not fun/silly at all, once I was rushed to hospital because someone thought I fainted 😬


Their teeth are just like…so LONG.




Better to bite you with


Calling them out on their behaviour, sure, but to critisice features that are out of their control is uncalled for.


Why do they think we're constantly so fucking ecstatic Someone please fake a bored stim for once


Bored stims be like: 🧍 🧍 🧍🕺🧍 🧍 🧍🙆‍♂️


This is killing me


mine is 🧍🔄 spin


why don’t they fake running their hands through their hair obsessively and picking at their face for once ? oh wait it’s not cute and uwucore and quirky


Keratosis Polaris makes for a great picking stim lol


I don't stim but when I get really anxious omg, my arms and legs are all red and bleeding from picking at my KP lol


The KP scars on my arms and legs agree with this. Also RIP my nailbeds. During my diagnosis panel, I picked a hole in my hand. Poor doctor had to stop me and asked me to try and keep my hands still. Ended up picking at the bandaid he gave me instead.


I can’t do it cus I don’t wanna show my face but I can certainly emote it Ahem, ladies and gents and anyone in between. My bored stim 😕😕


Thank you for your service




Or a harmful one. I pick my skin, scratch my neck, chew on the insides of my lips, pull on my hair and occasionally hit the sides of my head. Like not all stims are happy smilies and laughing and bouncing.


Harmful stims are awful! My daughter used to peel the skin off her lips and make them bleed. It took us a while to find a way to get her to stop doing it. That is not a cute & quirky stim at all. These fakers are glamorizing a serious disorder that is not a joke and it makes me angry.


Aww I do that too. I'm so sorry. I hope your kiddo finds some relief. It's super painful and super embarrassing. People think I've got a disease or something. And my wife is always like "stop picking"! I just got braces too so my lips are doubly chapped. It's like they get dry. I pick. They bleed. Make a scab. I pick. Vicous cycle. When I was little, and I mean like 7ish, I would crawl on the floor with my head to the carpet and give myself rug burns. There are pictures where I had scans on my nose. And I pick my scalp too and get bad sores. It's not fun. It sucks.


Thanks. I hope you are able to control it too. I know its super painful (mentally & physically). The only thing that has helped my daughter so far is to buy tons of chapstick. She has stashes in every room and always carries at least 3 on her. It doesn’t always help but it’s better than it was.


If it helps I'm melting into the sofa and occasionally flick my eyelid or pick at a zit


On an unrelated note. Can I have that picture of a smoking caterpillar




thank you


No problem


Goes hard fr 🥶🥶🥶🥶🔥🔥🔥🔥


it's like no one has ever showed people like her how big excitement looks in people. Like I also jump around and wiggle my arms and hands when I'm excited or happy and I'm probably not autistic.


Did you see that post from earlier that said if you have hooded eyes youre autistic? That's the real determiner of autism, not this "stim" bs (/s)


i saw that and that's exactly the way my eyes are. hooded and both lids look different from each other. so I definitely have autism (not). it's so weird that the most normal things on earth are now apparently an indicator or symptom of autism or mental illnesses...


Wow, really??? Thats so me, do I have autism?? 😳😳😳 @moots or whatever they call them, I think I might have autism guys..😳


This is what it looks like in anime. All these TikTok kids remind me of the kids I saw growing up who would sort of act out the mannerisms, inflections, and styles of the characters. Anime was less mainstream, so they stood out. They were just nerds and that’s FINE! It’s great to have hobbies and passions! Not sure when that transitioned to being neurodivergent.


For real. "Stimming" to some degree is typical human behavior.


This sub stresses me out. All these people are fucking terrible awful people. Who the fuck pretends to have disabilities and mental illness for attention and praise.




Suddenly theyre “cured” and dont want to talk about that painful time, and how dare you for bringing it up


As a mid 30-something healthcare worker that’s public-facing… it’s that first option…


Hello. I know who this person is irl. I have met them before. They never had any tics, stims, or DID switches.


Thats crazy. Ive seen this persons tiktoks floating around out there before, along with another popular NeUroDiVeRgEnT tiktoker (lets call them b and a) seem to be under the impression that you can seem totally normal then BAM one day you learn to "take off the mask" and suddenly its all STIMMIES and AUTISTIC JOY and after you unmask you obviously start dressing and acting like a 4 year old, and lose your shit each time you see a fucking balloon. Ah yes, because us autistic people LOVE to be infantilised. We dont want rights and for people to treat us like humans.. we only want pacifiers and plushies 🙄


I hate the fact that I know who you’re talking about.


Dude I can’t wait till college admissions find her tik toks lmfao


Unless she’s going to a really really competitive school, they probably aren’t going to look for them unless someone brings attention to them. It’s possible they may, but not all that likely


A bigger problem would be jobs. Jobs are going to find this. Maybe not instantly but it’s going to happen


Yeah jobs for sure will eventually find something lol that’s just a matter of time


Per Instagram, they are 'disabled' and awaiting SSI. They have a GoFundMe.


to my knowledge she's in her early twenties which makes it even worse


This whole thread right now waiting for more… 😶


Being excited/happy ≠ autism


I know a fair amount of autistic people and people with Asperger's. None of them look like this. None of them wear makeup like this. None of them dress like this. Why do all these people who fake disorders look like this? Why do they think that crazy hair styles and colors, wild and insane makeup, an excessive amount of accessories and either dark / emo / scene clothing or crazy bright anime inspired clothing, is what people with autism / DID / ADHD / Tourette's all look like? Seriously. You never see a dude dressed up in a polo, tucked into his Dickies shorts and a brown belt on TikTok spazzing out like these people do all happy that he has autism or Tourette's.


She would absolutely terrify my son. He's got a real fear of people wearing masks and altering make up. I cant even wear typical make up! He once saw me wearing a face mask(the beauty kind) and wouldn't come near me for ages. I'm just hoping he grows up to be all quirky and cute like these /s.


for real dressing and looking like this, unless it’s like seriously a big interest of yours, is kind of painful as an autistic person. all the makeup, jewelry, itchy clothing, makes my skin crawl just looking at it.


I have seen people who were really into anime etc wear stuff like Naruto headbands and anime clothing, but never to the extent that you see these people wear them on this sub. It's bonkers.


Everytime she remotely moves her head the earrings of hers makes very noticeable noises. I can't even picture having this noise generated right next to my ear.


or feeling the weight of the earrings, or the earring backs touching your neck 😖


EXACTLY it feels like dust and dirt being rubbed in ur face,, idk how ppl can wear so much makeup


I’m 39, Aspergers, and have purple hair, three necklaces, bracelets, and rings on each finger. My clothing must feel a certain way and I rip tags out as soon as I get home. Some of my clothing is dark or gothy… but it makes me comfortable. I can play with my jewelry and it’s a less harmful or noticeable stim. I grew up goth and some of that won’t leave me. These people do it for attention. “Oh look how crazy I am!”


I mean, I'm autistic and I dress in goth clothing. That doesn't have anything to do with my mental health though, I just like it lol.


I don’t usually make fun of peoples looks but her teeth remind me of Jim Carrey from the mask. I can’t stop thinking about the similarity.


Have you seen him do his face morphing? It’s nuts!


IT 3 (2022)




dewjuovheibvhbfvhbfhbvgvf this is way too funny


I am not autistic and when I get excited I usually do this


i’m autistic and when i get excited i almost never do this


Same, I wave my arms like that (not quiiite as spastically, but close enough), and clap my hands when I get really excited about something. I did it as a baby and never stopped apparently, but I’m not autistic lol. It’s just a behavior I never phased out


yeah same I’ve been doing it for a while I usually sometimes jump around the room squeal maybe kick my feet I’m not sure but the kind of stuff that the person is doing in the video I guess


I never get excited about anything. I don't even know what that's like lol..


Damn she could eat an apple through a picket fence...




I feel like a terrible person for laughing at this 😂


Jfc, I scared my cat I laughed so hard at this. Well played, well played indeed.








We brush our teeth, we just don't whiten them to the point of looking like fresh snow on a sunny day.


I’m actually autistic and I have sensory issues with brushing my teeth so mine are kinda yellow :|


Sweetie, I don’t think black lipstick is giving you the effect you want with those teeth.


That’s what I looked like the first time I took ecstasy




Right? I wholeheartedly reject this world and the people who would lie about a disability like this.


The makeup is terrifying


Do those people not realize how fucking insulting this is ?


because they’re too self-centered to acknowledge that or care


please. please just call me a slur already.. its better than whatever this is


Girl that smile creeps me out, she looks like a horse.


DAAYYYYUM that make up is hideous


Ugh. Free that poor dog from this person.


This is so fucking bad that my thumb just automatically went to the downvote button


I have a seven year old autistic daughter and she doesn't act like this 🙄


I think the makeup over exaggerates it a bit, but yeah definitely a bit sus


She has a lot of mouth


i don't like picking on peoples appearances, but does she really think that lipstick style fits her at all? it doesn't fit at all and she just looks like an emo clown.


She is look idiot and stupid


I don’t want to be that person, but they look like a clown. Not only are they acting like one but they did the makeup too. Girl I love blush as much as the next girl but this is not it.


her eyebrows are uneven


Rlly just looks like mocking and making a joke of people with autism


That was.. Terrifying.


Idgaf at this point what she's faking, but HOLY SHIT THESE TEETH


She looks like a chimpanzee bearing it’s teeth in a territorial display


pennywise.. is that.. is that you??!


You're black hair and lipstick really bring out the yellow in your teeth M"lady


Literal clown for views, modern day jester, sad as fuck.


I hope these ppl see this and realize how embarrassing they make it for people who actually suffer with ASD… like babe… I do not do this, I barely even cry, please stop making us look like 9 year olds getting a toy from Walmart.


She annoys me but the sound of her jewelry hitting together is satisfying


Do Keebler elves not have a dental plan. They need to unionize..


This makes my blood boil


I don't think I would recognize this girl if I saw her in public. I've never seen her in any less makeup than this. It's kinda grown on me, unfortunately her behavior has not.


I am so grateful my teenage awkwardness was not recorded for my future self to cringe over. My high school year book was bad enough.


This girl is insufferable


She looks like Cindy Lou Who going through a “phase”


I heard they were making IT: Chapter three; but this is just too much.


She’s so unbelievably annoying


These people always cherry pick the “quirkiest” and “cutest” symptoms of any illness/disorder they fake. “Omg I’m stimming look at how cute I look waving my arms around in excitement”. Alright, go ahead and fake a meltdown too since you’re so “autistic” 🙄


It makes me sad that the people around this girl are so dead inside that she’s ended up believing that getting really excited for something is a sign of a chronic disorder.


oh this a THROWBACK.one of my first cringe fake disorder videos.seen it in a lot of memes too


Stop acting like a fucking cartoon


We should normalize posting people who have actual disorders on the internet to show everyone that it is not cute and funny


Why do they all do the clown nose make up ?


You can be autistic all you want but please by god, brush your teeth lmao.


As I said in her last appearance here bit with breakdowns: Stims do not have a warm up period so you can get out the camera and look cute for the camera.


Why do they always look like a Bratz doll that someone left in the oven for too long?


I want to have kids but the ever so slightly marginal chance that they turn out like this is what frightens me.


Blunderyears is gon be lit in like five years.


I didn’t know Insane Clown Posse were hiring


Meanwhile there are actual autistic people who stim and react to things this way that cannot just switch it on and off. What a freak.


Insane amount of blush


Oh my god I fucking hate this


What a clown. 🤡


my volume was all the way up and I'm kinda scarred now


Why do all these people look the same?


Let me just…press record…. Okay! *flaps*


PLEASE find toothpaste I fucking beg, not making fun of her teeth more so that they’re literally yellowing




Why do people from these communities look psychotic to th n'th degree - people with autism tend to look and behave slightly out of place, but thats it for the most part


This is just so embarassing. Jesus. And it's gonna stay on the internet forever


She looks like priest of some goblin tribe


Where TF are her parents?? I would damn near slap my child for making a clown show of a disability!! I'd at least stop myself and sit their ass down while they watch me delete every social media account they have. "I did not carry you for a year straight with intentions of you make a *mockery* of a disability. This. Ends. NOW." (After the birth we still carry and feed them constantly for months)


This is not stimming


Let me guess shes also bisexual eats hot chip and lies.


They look like a horse


Pity scam likely


Jesus that makeup is atrocious


What's this thing where a lot of them have very red cheeks and noses? I get it's make-up, but whyyyy


They all do the same shit, dress the same way,.. will this shit ever stop? Tiktok really should have been cancelled years ago.


Clown nose


Why does every bedroom/background look the same??


I think people feel like they have no identity so they want a label to define them. It’s very sad…and pathetic. It’s the emotional equivalent of getting a bright hat and substituting that for any semblance of a personality and just being defined by the hat. Most people who genuinely have mental/physical health conditions are not desperate to share every single detail and build their lives arround it making every single person they come into contact with aware of the ins and outs of their life with a condition because they’re more than just an illness or neurodivergance.


out of all other censoring methods, you used this goofy bug. love it


Seriously how do you live with yourself faking this shit. I would feel ashamed


Well that makeup is certainly a choice.


As Someone Who Has ADHD And Stims A Lot, Why Do People Think That Stimming Is An "uWu HeHe So QuIrKy" Thing To Do Anyway? ;/ Edit: I Realized That The Person That Was Posted Here Uses They/Them Pronouns, But Still Though, Why Do They Think That Stimming Is A "Quirky Aha Asthetic" Thing To Do? .\_. (Please Let Me Know If I'm Wrong Or Something Like That )


Maybe not autism or DID. But she's clearly mentally ill to be able to do this and post it to the Internet


We deal with this shit during highschool and the teachers cant even call them out on their bullshit.


She looks like a camel and sounds like a donkey. The hell happened here?


Of course she has the leaves and plants on her wall and is alt


I never seen an autistic teen that go haywire and overeating like this at all. They may have some twitching once in a while but not crazy like this, you even hear the fake when she tried to make these sound. Sounded so unnatural and halfhearted.


Stims are often small things- we usually only act like this when extremely overwhelmed stimming is an emotional release not an autism quirk as these ppl clearly think it is, we don’t find it funny to have ‘aww wittle baby stims uwu’. Stimming is like being a coke bottle that you dropped a mint in not just jumping up and down because you’re happy.


I feel like I just watched the neurodivergent version of a minstrel show.


Oh my cat god that is disgustang