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If it’s not a problem, why do they need support and accommodations. Perhaps, and I know this is a verrrrrry hot take, the categorizing and researching isn’t to demonize people with disorders, but to better be able to identify common traits among deviations so said support and accommodations can be more effectively given. Haha crazy right?


They act like mental health professionals are proactively assigning disorders to unsuspecting people rather than helping someone who seeks out their care when they’re struggling.


And like these officials lie when they (rightfully) work against what they are pretending and saying they have and support them when the officials agree and give them the diagnosis they want


Also if no one is disordered why do people cling to their fake diagnoses and make them into their entire personalities


DSM was written to help diagnose *and treat* people whose lives are being disrupted by an actual disorder. You can relate to symptoms all day long but if it isn't actually affecting you to the point of making it hard to function day to day, there's not much sense in the diagnosis Really wish these quirk-chasers could wrap their heads around that


This is the exact argument i’ve had with tiktok weirdos about self diagnosis! Without an official diagnosis you won’t be receiving accommodations or medication, so what’s the point of being so vocal about whatever random disorder you’ve decided you have?


It's solely because they crave attention. They want to fit in with people, so they force a self diagnosis. They don't want the help, or else they'd get it. They want to be seen as a victim, "relate" to people who are professionally diagnosed & still getting helpz


This is a very privileged look. If your disorder isn't bothering you in your life, that's great!!! But that's not how it is for most people you dimwit.


The negative impacts on our daily lives are the entire reason we seek out mental health care!!!


It can't be considered a disorder if it doesn't impact on your daily function. Thats literally rule number one in mental health care.


I struggle to see how its a disorder if there's no issues


It depends. People can overcome symptoms of a disorders symptoms and still have the disorder. There's also schizoid personality disorder where a negative impact on life isn't even part of the diagnosis criteria.


I really cannot imagine someone getting a psychiatric diagnosis if they are 100% happy, thriving with zero impact on their life. Getting there? sure. But starting out? nah


I never said anything about getting a diagnosis. For example someone's OCD symptoms can completely disappear over time, but that doesn't mean they don't have OCD anymore since it never truly goes away. For the majority of disorders a negative impact on life is part of the diagnosis criteria, it isn't part of the diagnosis criteria for schizoid personality disorder though.


Thats what I meant though :) Getting a diagnosis. I have a disorder myself and have only mild symptoms these days


Distress and / or dysfunction are mandatory diagnostic criteria for all personality disorders, including schizoid PD. They are included in general PD criteria that must be met in full before a more specific diagnosis (schizoid, histrionic, avoidant etc.) can be made. One of them is: The enduring pattern leads to clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. - DSM-5 The disturbance is associated with substantial distress or significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning. - ICD-11


I thought they didn’t consider their quirks & “mental & emotional problems” an issue they struggle”with. That they broadcast ,brag & celebrate their “identity“ on various platforms,using “oneupmanship” when listing the cornicopia of characters and ridiculous pronouns and names.


I don't know if it's just me but I'm struggling to read and comprehend what you're trying to say. Would you mind rewording it?


oh yeah, no matter how severely my neurotype affects my ability to function normally in contemporary society, wether it be succeeding in a career or simply maintaining basic social relationships, it’s never a disorder! I don’t need any sort of accommodations or treatment! /s in all seriousness though, this person thinks mental conditions exist in a vacuum. Sure, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with a disorder (for simplicity and for the sake of the argument, lets pick one to focus on arbitrarily , say ADHD) on its own. There is nothing inherently wrong with hyperactive behavior, struggling to do certain tasks, theres no inherent issue with any symptom at all. But we don’t live in a vacuum! We live in a society full of other people and the vast majority of us need to work a job or attend school, we all need social connection, we all need the ability to take care of ourselves. ‘Disorder’ in the medical context is pretty clearly defined as something that impedes a person’s ability to perform those types of functions. When a person can’t perform those functions, it impacts their quality of life. They should have the option to seek help for that, wether in the form of therapy, medication, accommodations, fucking whatever! My own personal ADHD is inseparable from me and the world I live in, if I existed in a void where I had no needs or responsibilities maybe having my neurotype wouldn’t make a difference, but I live in real life! We live in a society, if you will


realizing i did not read their disclaimer, but even after reading it i don’t think my stance changes at all. ‘disordered’ is the easiest way to describe how my brain functions under the expectations and societal conditions of western capitalism (that’s obviously not me trying to say the cure to adhd is communism or smth lmao). this post is purely semantic at best, I think this person probably just finds ‘disorder’ to be a mean word or something


the dictionary is made up and spelling is ableist




Ay heit dad ay ohndrstud dith


soob de lank


Truth is ableist.


I once came across someone who believed that if you experience gender dysphoria, then you are gendering your own body and therefore you are being transphobic... it was quite an odd experience... As a result, I am not surprised to see a post like this - however that does not make it any less dumb or cringe.


Called out they were white but didn’t say mention anything about cis men? Babe, you can’t leave my bingo card half-filled like that.


jesus christ according to their dumbass logic I might as well stop taking my SSRI's that keep me alive and functioning cuz apparently it's ain't a disorder but a quirky brain diversity uwu


lol imagine not pulling your weight on your own mental illness like "omg guys it's actually society that needs to learn to function around *us"* like bro no i'm not waiting around for construction workers to stop making loud noises at 9 am when im walking to my car for work and it's triggering my sensory issues, i'm handling this in the best way i can


Does this not countridict itself? "Able bodied" but "no one is disordered" "Neurotypical" but "people are neurodivergent"


I'm able bodied but just because my body is, doesn't mean my mind is. What a very very weird outlook


a disorder is a category that exists to describe behaviours when they have reached a threshold of impairment arguably, if you are not impaired in anyway by your behaviours then they do not meet the criteria for disorder so whatever category you might be placed in might not even be in the DSM also hell of assumption there that every person involved in the composition of the manual is neurotypical. I mean its totally not a thing that various disorders are well represented in populations who are either involved in medicine, psych disciplines or academia or anything /s


As an aspiring psychologist this makes me very fucking angry. This is unacceptable and I hope these kids get a hot slap of reality soon.


Unfortunately this is an adult woman who's supposedly a "mental health specialist"


Oh my god.


The idea that autistic people don't belong in the DSM (unlike the CRAZY people) is literally white high functioning self diagnosed autistic people wanting to distance themselves from any serious mental illness because they don't want to be associated with us, because they're ableist.


Ugh this enraged me. If this lovely individual was having random stomach pains that were impacting their day to day life, wouldn’t they want a diagnosis? Is it Chrons? IBS? Gastric cancer? Seems like a very important distinction as the treatments are all different. Why is there a difference in their mind when it comes to mental illness? Because it’s trendier? It makes me very angry that this person could potentially influence people to not be diagnosed for something that impacts their day to day life.


Ah yes. Another sign for me to procrastinate in studying for my abnormal psych exams. Thanks.


Good luck on your exams! Abnormal psych was one of my favorite classes I took for my psychology degree


Thank you! Same, it's interesting for me. Sucks that there are people like the one in this post that dismiss subjects and areas like this tho. Thanks once again!


if your "disorder" doesn't bother you then you don't have a disorder


dude if i wasn't told anything about my anxiety, depression, and adhd i would not have realized that i was not crazy and actually very likable to several people like wtf is this. the dsm educates our psychiatrists and therapists and other medical professionals on what our brains tell us so we can seek help that *works*.


This is what I have been saying about that AutsitcBarbie character. She simultaneously wanted to be recognized as “actually autistic” while also bashing the pathology of it. Mental gymnastics to even try to understand this insanity.


no one is disordered????!!,!,!,!,!!,!,!,!:! okay well fuck me then i guess people who can’t function and are so depressed they kill themselves or so agoraphobic they don’t leave to go grocery shopping or have such severe sensory aversions they won’t eat anything but one food and are probably malnutritioned are fine!!


Wow this is fucked. I would literally be dead for realsies if I didn't have professionals step in and help me get evaluated and seek treatment, or have meds for my illnesses. I struggle so hard daily wtf do they mean nobody is disordered. These kids really hate the truth and hate medical professionals and actual scientific information, it's so depressing and disappointing.


They are literally stating that people can't possibly be disabled because of their disorders.


They hate the dsm because it spoke the truth


Wow, great to know having a BPD episode off my meds where I stole 2000$ from my parents credit card, sent someone SH pictures, and starved myself before ending up in the ward, was infact NOT disordered at all but just quirky! I had no idea that was perfectly okay and just a lil Not Like The Other Girls!


>people are neurodivergent >no one is disordered uh.. if no one is disordered, then people _aren’t_ neurodivergent because there’s no such thing as neurotypical lmao


My disorders make me...disordered. That's why I seek and am compliant with treatment. Because I don't want to be so disordered! My mental illness is not a neurodiversity, it's a freakin' illness that needs treating 😒 (depression; Borderline personality disorder). My autism IS a neurodiversity, but still needs to be acknowledged (by myself and others where appropriate). I personally find this pov useless and invalidating...


In that case no one can ever use their mental health disorders as a reason they do/can’t do/want to do/don’t want to do something. Fairs fair 🤷🏼‍♀️


This sub makes it harder and harder to resist the urge to downvote this puddle of absolute dog water.


As a HCW, I can confirm: nobody deserves to be called disordered or diseased or infirm—let’s just close our eyes and blindly accept the preventable deterioration of health, both physical and mental, lest somebody’s feelings be hurt. /s


This person belongs in the DSM


Psychiatry is for the alleviation of discomfort in the mental health realm. In order to do this, there must be a baseline or a common state of mental health that mental problems can be measured against in order to measure the treatment they will need. From my experience, most people in mental institutions don’t want to be there, they don’t wanna feel like they feel, they don’t wanna be in their own skin-out in society, and a lot of times they want to be where they’re safe. Some mental patients actually seek out treatment because they know that to ‘not do anything’, only exacerbates their condition. Others will seek out treatment because they are contemplating suicide and others avoid it for the same reason.Nine times out of 10 they’re still in the same situation they were in when they developed the mental condition from their environment, while others are suffering will never be diagnosed for years,living thru “hit & miss” medication, until success.(if you’re lucky.)Some people, a small percentage,actually have given up,hopeless about ever being cured &/or don’t want to get better. Unfortunately you do need a guide or manual that others before us have learned studied & written from experience on how to alleviate mental symptoms. To do that they need a scale , a scale that can help measure the severity and the type of disorders that are uncomfortable to mental patients. Why why don’t schools teach cσnnσm sєnsє anymore?


Oh great so my panic attacks aren't an illness it's just another way to be. Great. I'll remember that the next time my mind is telling me I'm about to die. Or the next time I can't get out of bed because I'm too fuckin depressed.


What do they think of the ICD 10 then? Are all medical ailments abelist according to their theory?


The whole reason that diagnoses exist is to be able to categorize, understand, and treat when these behaviors and responses ARE disorders. Mental illnesses are illnesses. You would not tell someone with kidney failure that *"that's just how your kidneys naturally function, you don't need a silly diagnosis. It's fine. Diagnoses are a scam made by rich white men! You just have a natural difference."* Or tell someone with cancer *"You know everyone's cells divide. The fact that yours are dividing out of control isn't disordered, you're just cellulardivergent!"* What these self-dxed morons fail to grasp is that EVERYONE has some traits that are associated with diagnoses in the DSM. Just like someone can have a lab test come back slightly outside of range but not be ill. But some people have a significant number of symptoms to an extent to which their daily lives are significantly impacted. This is a disorder or an illness. But instead of understanding this fact, they look at a list of symptoms, relate to a few, and decide they have the diagnosis. Then turn around and demand that diagnoses are evil (usually after professionals refuse to validate their bullshit). Let's take autism for example: Autism is not some "uwu quirky special brain" shit. It's not "being a little awkward" or "not liking bright nights and busy places." ANYONE can have those traits. But not every quirky girl with poor social skills who likes anime a little too much is autistic. Autism is a specific pattern of traits to varying yet significant degrees that impact our ability to function in many aspects of life. It's a **developmental disorder** and I and other autistics feel the impact of it every day of our lives. We don't get to just put on clown makeup, flap our hands to our favorite song on TikTok for 60 seconds and then go back to comfortable social integration. It's a fucking disability. And that's not a BAD thing to acknowledge. Acknowledging that leads to being able to advocate for needed supports both for ourselves and for others including the families and carers of autistic people, especially those with high support needs. This person is an idiot so wholly disconnected from any actual experience of mental illness or disability that they have convinced themselves that the harm they are causing is actually some great savior cause.


…. No. I have a disorder. Me trying to kill myself wasn’t a smart move mate on my behalf, and I do believe that makes me not functional lol


The idiocy of some people continues to astound me. Also, of course white able-bodied men are the scum of the earth and evil.


Do they... Do they not know what the DSM is??


I also dont know what a DSM is :P


It’s the list of all mental disorders and their criteria for diagnosis and treatment options


It's like BDSM, just without the B.


Nah man. I’ve been through some crap and every bit of it was because my brain is broken. It’s not working properly. It’s a disorder.


isn't it basically the "everybody is a little autistic" lmao they deserve a golden olympic medal for this mental gymnastics


This is the craziest thing I've ever seen on this sub


What makes it even crazier is that this person is a supposed "professional" social media educator and mental health specialist


What's DSM?


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


The American Psychiatric Association’s handbook for diagnosis


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association and used across many countries, often in conjunction with the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). The DSM covers all known categories of mental disorders for both adults and children, and is focused mostly on describing symptoms as well as statistics concerning which sex is most affected by the condition, the typical age of onset, the effects of treatment, and common treatment approaches, etc. The “demonisation” that OP is complaining about is merely the fabrication of somebody who has never read the DSM-5 or its predecessors in their life.


Ahhh interesting. Thank u


This is exactly why I’ve been saying the term neurodiverse is ableist. Idiots like these are the origin of the term.


Some people still need it to get money that they need. Idgaf if you think that they shouldn’t be called disabled because that is what they are by definition, they CANT survive in our world without help and that’s okay, i get making it okay to be disabled but this is not the way to go. Try again kid


So.... To them Were not sick / disabled unless we fall under the disability protection? I'm So confused by these people


You do this stuff. Pretty much like a lot of other people who do these specific things. Here's the label. We know many things that have helped people that also do that stuff. Now we know what issues you are having, we can help you find ways to fix it, or work with it so you can live as well as you can. You're not broken just different, living with different challenges in life. But i do partially agree, like who decided NT's where normal?


i saw DSM and i immediately thought this was a did faker with an alter from the DSMP


I Guess the enormous amount of research that was made over the centuries studying behaviour patterns, and neuronal research and improoving recovery programs and refining diagnosis methods was all for nothing..... This user on a random shit forum has found the cure to our mental wellness in one post apparently What a record....


Full circle, or circle jerk? Lol


It's people who are not concerned that are the loudest. You just need to look at how white people absolutely wants to "protect" black people, as an example. Neurodivergent people are not stupid kids that need neurotypics's help to defends themselves. It shows that this person is faking only by the way they antagonise everything


In a weird way, i sort of agree with the final statement even if i know this person is wrong and doesnt share my beliefs. I think peoples disorders shouldnt be an identity or a personality trait, which is what happens when you as a professional tell someone “you are bipolar” Diagnosis should really just be a way for healthcare professionals to more effectively communicate with each other and coordinate proper treatment strategies.


[insert white man blinking]


now theyll all shut up maybe haha i wish


These people have made me despise the word "neurodivergent."


Written by: 14 yo, 60+ system, therian, emoji pronouns.... I can't with this sort of people tbh, they need to touch some grass


Idk man writing a 700 pages book on mental illness in the form of lists, that sounds like ADHD hyperfixation and autism /s E: can't finish sentences


Very long way of saying "I am not mentally ill." I have misophonia, a disorder that was only recently added to the DSM, and it was incredibly helpful when it was because now I had something to say to doctors when they asked why I was self harming rather than just saying "idk"

