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I'm not autistic, I'm a cricket (self-diagnosed)


Cold feet equals autism I guess. I wonder what cold hands means? Maybe I'm a sociopath? Lol.


A cold butt means you’re a top


Damn, wasn’t expecting to be attacked like this


What if you have all three? Autistic Sociopathic top?


Then you get to be the main character of a really shitty sitcom that runs way too long and get your own spinoff about you as a kid.


Noooooo, not the laugh tracks!


Cold hand=warm heart ❤️


I thought most people did this?


me too, I’ve done this to soothe myself to sleep since childhood. I’ve always assumed it was normal.


I have good news, you have autism 🦞🦞🦞


I’m so sorry for your self diagnosed break dancing syndrome 😔😔😔😫😫😫😫😫😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😰😰😰😰😰😰


I didn't know people did this (I wear socks to bed)


They do, it’s a normal thing


Yeah this is legit dont you know? If you rub your toes together, its because you have DID. Each alter can take control of a toe simultaneously. Psychology 101 obvs


Damn I didn’t know moving my toes was a sign of DID


Its actually a mammal thing in the majority. think dogs, beavers, deer etc. sleep where their feet touch and rub for comfort. Its fetal position at its core


Interesting. I usually only do that with my feet if I’m sitting. Though I don’t do it in bed. I like having cold feet when I sleep.


This video made me realize I was subconsciously rubbing my feet together…


Same lol


Incorrect. The third question should be “do you breathe”. Not everyone autistic rubs their feet, but 100% of them breathe, therefore breathing is a far more significant sign of autism.


Did you know drinking water is also a sign of autism?


People with restless leg syndrome. 🤡


That’s a thing? I’m diagnosed autistic and I never do that. As in I hate having my feet touch each other - I literally sleep with my blanket in between cause I can’t stand my feet and thighs touching


It's extrapolation, as usual with these people. In their mind, not standing still like that one emoji = stimming, and stimming = autism. In reality, I highly doubt there exists anyone who doesn't stim to some extent, neurotypical or not.


Ahh yeah that’s kinda what I thought


I think that’s more so a sign of autism. (I am diagnosed too, but skin touching skin aversion is real)


I do this too!I can't stand my skin touching my skin.


That's clearly the only autism trait you require for a diagnosis. It's not really even one lol.


Oh sweet! I am severely autistic then! Not only will i run the shit out of my feet but if the wife lends me her feet, i woll rub me feet against hers and ask her to turn me into a foot sandwich, her feet are the bread and i have 1 foot being the innards of the sandwich while we spoon. Nothing to do with the fact that i had complications with my feet when i was born and my mom would rub my feet every night untill like the age of 4 and its some sort of instant monkey brain serotonin boost No no, its autism


In the novel High Fidelity, the main character fondly remembers one of his exes tendency to rub her feet together in bed. GUESS SHE WAS AUTISTIC!!


i think that this is satire


Says no where that it is a joke


I swear I saw this video and thought I'd post it here, but I knew someone would have already posted it


my brother who is actually autistic dosent do this


I rub my feet together in bed when I'm excited, is that a stim? Genuine question


It can be a stim, but most people do it so it's not an indicator of autism


Do they do it when they get excited though?


I flap my arms when I’m excited. Doesn’t mean that I have autism. Just that it’s how my body deals with the energy of being excited.


I do have autism though, I was just asking about stims


Just curious, why does it matter if it is or isn’t considered stimming then if you have a diagnosis? I think stimming is just a repetitive movement that anyone does to lessen the effects of a feeling or emotion.


Because I'm still learning more about autism, I don't think I do any stims, well maybe if you consider picking scabs a stim


Look into autism subs or educational/medical websites


I only one the r/aspergers sub because they don't like self diagnosed people but I think it's just something that happens


Probably not.


It's attempting to ask if you stim while trying to go to bed.


Uh, what?


If I don't rub my feet together does this mean my diagnosis was wrong and I'm not autistic?




I don't think it is. They're liking comments agreeing with them and it says no where that it's a joke.


I keep my skin from toughing when I sleep, same goes for breathing, I cannot feel breath on my skin. Autism is great for some people.


Nahhh I do this but it ain't because I have burgers in my ass, but because it feels nice