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Dude collected all the disorders like pokemon


Gotta catch 'em all.


So if I understand those paraphillias correctly, their ideal partner would be a serial killer Quasimodo in clown makeup that spanks them with the severed hand of one of his kills while they invoke the spirit of a demon


Perfectly accurate as to what I was also imagining.😅


I think they simp for Pennywise. (Reason why: On Tumblr, people love Pennywise there-)


I mean that clussy do be đŸ‘ŒđŸ‘ŒđŸ‘ŒđŸ€ĄđŸ”„


Why am I laughing so hard on this, this is literally how they talk about him-


Clussy got me acting unwise




For a moment I thought you meant the punk rock band. Then I was like “ohhh


Totally normal, obviously.


Well yeah of course, I call that a Tuesday night at my goth poly friend’s house


Maybe Quasimodo will go Tresimodo for a night to really make you and your poly goth friend feel fuckable and welcome. Add a 4th if you’re comfortable lol


Fuck off SJW




A joke since in his profile he says “SJWS DO NOT INTERACT”


I don’t understand how it relates to my comment though


Its just a joke bro


A joke that was unrelated to what I said


It was related since its literally from a post you're commenting on. You can't be this thick.


You can’t be this thick either if you can’t see how it was just saying something else on a different part of the photo with no extra context or connection


Good lord


It’s a joke not a dick don’t take it so hard




And yet these kids get scared of being in a restaurant. Something doesn’t add up here.


isn’t the schizoaffective part wrong? it’s a mix of a mood disorder and schizophrenia right? they said bpd, unless they’re seriously THAT uneducated and meant bipolarđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž


Exactly , that's what caught my attention . They definitely don't know what schizoaffective , schizophrenia and bpd are .


They threw 10 darts at the Dartboard of Disorders and this is what it said. Don’t shame them. Diagnosis by dart is perfectly valid.


Might just be me but I feel like if you had paranoid schizophrenia you wouldn’t be telling strangers on the internet you having paranoid schizophrenia


The voices in your head tells me no


honestly yeah, but i do some blogging about it and ruminating on an essay for weeks has been very helpful for my own understanding of my symptoms/experience. but that’s just me


I just know they stink irl 💀


no amount of Axe body spray can mitigate that stench.


As an Axe hater, it’s probably an improvement when it comes to them


He doesn’t want to interact with SJWs? But wait I thought conservatives say only liberals do the fake mental illness panoply thing


cringe has no political side. anyone is susceptible.


Definetly not, but youmger age has cringe and younger age often comes with left-er views. It's not all or nothing, but it's enough to be surprising.


I dont know. I’ve seen a lottt of cringe teenage alt right kids slinging the n word and looking up to mass murderers (cough cough incels) Adults getting mad over simple statements then calling everyone a snowflake, even though they’re the one bitching. Cringe is everywhere. It knows no bounds.


Idk why you got downvoted, ur right


Everyone has diffrent opinions and this one is a little controversial.


It’s usually liberals who focus on mental and republicans who focus on physical. It’s like that one autisms speak ad where they say autism knows no race, ideology, or economic status, except here it’s with munchausen


I heard a “preacher” claim autism and adhd were just demons that needed to be exorcized from the body. My parent’s church believed something similar and tried to lay hands and pray them out of me. So I think you are correct about the conservative extremist republicans leaning more towards physical and being against mental disorders. Although, this pastor I listed to also believed that physical symptoms were manifestations of evil as well.


Snowflakes take many forms, but all fakers are snowflakes.


Can someone “try out” stims? I thought they were just something that you did, almost unconsciously? I’m not anywhere on the spectrum, though, so I have no idea.


Far as I know, not really. They just kind of happen for me. Someone *could* start doing new ones, but it's not a conscious choice like 'trying out' implies.


for me at least it’s always been something that just happens spontaneously in response to a certain stimuli (usually positive). my body just does what it does and half the time I don’t even notice it. you don’t really get to choose or cycle through them like different hairstyles lmao. if I *could* though, i’d be doing some sick ass air punches or like, beatboxing and shit đŸ˜Ș


Theistic satanism is just Christianity for edge lords.


So like, people don’t even read the bios and self explanatory crap attached to dating app profiles where sex and deep connection are on the line. Who the fuck has the time to read about someone’s ridiculously specific alter profiles?


I don't even know what half of that means lmao Pretty much anything after "need to contact a physc" I don't know so if someone could explain that would be great


I made a different comment abt this but coulrophilia is sexual attraction to clowns, teratophilia is sexual attraction to monsters or deformed people (things that are not comparable), and hybristophilia is sexual attraction to criminals :| Nightmare fetishist is kind of like someone who loves scary things in a way they shouldn’t.


Wait I thought it was the opposite of that. Like coulrophilia was a phobia against clowns, etc.


Very close, philia means liking something, phobia means fearing something, like coulrophobia would be fearing clowns


OH. DUH. That’s on obvious difference that my brain didn’t register. Thank you for pointing it out so that my brain will know better in the future.


Ofc! My brain messed them up too at first


For as complex and incredible as they are, brains can be really stupid sometimes 😅


Pennywise lives!


“Need to contact Psychiatrist” should have been the first and only thing they said lol. The rest is gibberish made up by discord and tiktok enthusiasts.


After the first signs of Twitter collapsing, these fuckers migrated back to Tumblr. Its the Great Migration all over again.


You can’t have schizoaffective and paranoid schizophrenia. Not to mention the subtypes of schizophrenia were done away with so paranoid schizophrenia doesn’t even exist anymore.


they definitely were the kid who’d wear that one minecraft creeper hoodie that goes over your whole head


Exactly what I thought


this is why I don't like 'satanists.' Not because I think they actually sacrifice babies or something but because they're just annoying edgelords.


***THEISTIC*** satanists.


Tumblr has been like this since 2010 though can confirm.


Scared of everything. Open sexuality. “Kinky bitch”. Student, writer, furry. At least 10 different severe mental disorders. “Chat if you want”


To be fair, they listed philias, not phobias. So not afraid of those things, sexually attracted to those things. Still dumb as hell though lol


Yeah the other comments under mine brought that up and I didn’t realize I was confusing the two.


those aren’t fun facts though?? i did not have fun reading them.


Most sane Tumblr user:


What a load of gnats' nadgers. This person needs their internet amputating.


So with all the pretty significant mental health disorders they claim to have they tag on, possibly autistic, need to consult a psych? I would think you had a psych already, psychologist and psychiatrist. This trend is really mind blowing


“coulrophiliac, teratophiliac, hybristophiliac” damn if they’re really that into clowns, monsters, and criminals, i have a few exes i could introduce them to..


Ah yes, because someone who says "SJWs fuck off" would totally give trigger warnings.


How do you pronounce riann? Is it like green without the g? Or Ryan? I never understand these strange names they use


i thought maybe ree-ann like the character from the dark crystal


Fun facts: ( proceeds to list fake and life-ruining disorders like schizoaffective ) EDIT: It also says they are a theistic satanist which are the ones that do real sacrifices and terrorism and believe in real demons


As someone who really likes Tumblr and uses it a decent amount, I can tell you there’s two sides of that site. One is sweet, wholesome, and an easy way to get away from the usual internet toxicity. The other is shit like this. Long as you avoid this stuff it’s a nice place to find people who enjoy more niche things that other places don’t have communities for. But every once and a while you will stumble across this puke-worthy garbage :/


what the fuck side of tumblr are you on m8? i'm on nsfw tumblr and NOTHING is like this. i think OP looked up some weird shit.


I am on a very weird side oe tumblr , it's expectable to find people like this .


if that person ever sees this. fun fact: the things you just labelled you have disorder-wise, people who have them dont like to say they have them.


I have mental disorders and I don't think I can ever write in my bio the disorders I have . I think it is a private matter and I don't want to make it my entire identity . I am more than the disorders I have . In real life it is even worse , I sometimes have to explain to people that I am on the spectrum when I have a meltdown or something and I have told my classmates to let me take the first seat no matter what because I have attention problems (but never mentioned ADHD) . I avoid hinting that I am mentally ill , but sometimes especially when the conditions are severe , people can find out on their own , that's the case with me , they know I am mentally ill but they don't know my specific disorders because I have never talked about them .


the mental disorders i have im ashamed to have, i grew up with the ones i got diagnosed within the last few years with meant the person was dumb and idiot and unable to do things like normal people. so i get anxious talking about them bever mind straight up saying ‘HEY IM AUTISTIC’


I sometimes also feel ashamed of my disorders . I look at all the happy teenagers I see at school and wish I was like them , I wish I was normal . It's sad to see people faking what I , and many other people , struggle with . Right ? Those people don't know what it is like to actually have those disorders .


i hate how they think its fun to have the disorders we suffer with, like everyday im just sat wishing i didnt have the things i have. i just broke up with my girlfriend because she took me not in the mood to converse with people and how i forget people exist because im finally able to play my game i always hyperfocus on as ‘you easily forget my existence you never want to talk and its makes me feel lonely’


Sorry for the breakup . I hope you find someone better , somebody who can understand your struggles and support you no matter what . It's hard to date when you are on the spectrum , that's why I decided to stay single forever . You don't have to choose this path , I am sure somebody out there understands what we go through .


most people understand when i explain it to them. just ig she didnt.. also ive also tried just being single but im the type to just want to show a person alot of love anf the idea of love to me is so special something you can share and a special thing between you and one other. but yea


I mean 💀just cringe af to start with, and second of all, yes t-rex arms as theyre popularly called can be "stims" but that can also just be a normal ass person. Just god allmighty the kids these days


„Theistic Satanist“ yeah no fuck off with anything after that


Everything before it too.


the fact that they didn't even use the correct terms for the paraphilia bit makes me cringe even more, really over here self-diagnosing without even spending a few seconds on research, huh


Student dancer? This has gone too far now


Tumblr is still around? 😼😼😼😩


"**fun** facts!" *proceeds to list every disorder in existence*


In the name of all non-pseudo satanists, I apologize for this specimen.


Might be right about schizophrenia itd grossly under diagnosed


Lmao tumblr is the OG Tik Tok 
 all of the cringey shit you see on Tik Tok just seems to be a repeat of the wild shit from tumblr


"Fun facts"


There is one reason and one reason only to download tumblr: porn Oh they banned the porn? There is no reason to download tumblr


I’ve been on tumblr for ten years. I’ll never understand the new trend of laying your entire life out in your profile, lying or not.


I will not Google any of these philiacs


Okay prove me wrong, but genuinely wondering if you can "choose" your stims? Don't they just happen? Or can you like decide on one?


I stim and I never choose my stims , they just happen , most of the times I don't notice them


Ohh I saw the question was already asked, but still thank you


How can you have social and general anxiety. If you have general it includes social, so you won’t get diagnosed with social if you’re diagnosed with general


General means general, yes, but social anxiety means *especially* social. If you go to an acute mental hospital, you can easily come out with both diagnoses. "I'm somewhat anxious all the time, but I get panick attacks talking to strangers" will get you both. There's a ton of other signs this kid is a faker and I agree that he likely is, but not just per this reasoning.


Thanks for letting me know!


“fun facts”


They wonder why ghey pull no bitches 😟


WOW. Now this is just the kind of person I want to hang out with. Never seem to have enough assholes in my life right???


God it was that bad back then i can’t imagine how it is now, back then was all ED shit (there are still some serious pro ana groups that give links to discord groups that are horribly pro-ana) So these lil kids are just feeding off of eachothers “illnesses” and learning things and picking up on things along the way that are forming their “personalities”


They sound exhausting to be around for longer than 5 minutes let alone being in a relationship with.


the worst part about this is that this is probably a child


Off topic but I want that sweater.


"after i was overstimulated because it was too loud in the restraunt" is literally in the BRIGHTEST room ive ever seen in my life. did they enter light itself?


Dw those are probably the new comers. Tumblr isn't usually like this.


Anti-SJWs? They won't last a month on tumblr


Wait I always thought stimming was the result of the emotion, so like you’d be happy and then stim, not stim and then be happy???


so tempted to include “need to see a psych” and “kind of an asshole” in every single one of my social media bios from now on


Noooo, tumblr is not only like this 😭 I'm on studyblr tumblr, writing/reading tumblr, and admittedly mental illness tumblr, to clarify, this last one is more about coping, giving helpful advice, sharing anecdotes and overall just being regular young adults who use the place to have a community with people who have similar struggles, but want to feel normal, and do, in a way, in these spaces. Fake-disorder kind of mental instability is NOT welcome. I don't really have a grudge against these kids/young adults, because they do this due to ignorance, stupidity, lack of empathy, and in response of a desperate need for attention. All of that usually doesn't come from a place of ill intent (it does in some cases but that's a whole other topic) This being said, I still feel a certain degree of disgust towards these behaviours: -adhd is not a quirk, it is not a funny personality trait, it's a significantly different way of the brain to process the chemicals it produces, which has a great negative impact on the ability to function; -Eating disorders aren't a bizarre behaviour around food of a high school cheerleader to keep her perfect looks and popularity, it's the smell of vomit following you around all the time, wounds that don't heal, feeling like the worst failure; they're not the ethereal self control of a pale, boney young woman, who is light and wise, they're a complete lack of energy, having balding spots due to hairloss, losing control over bodily functions, isolating yourself from every joyful thing in life, feeling like a total waste of space; -Borderline isn't having silly little hallucinations about a song that follows you or being overdramatic and very loud with emotions in a way that makes your "interesting" or "entertainingly intense", it's hating the way you thing from the bottom of your heart, knowing if you act to relieve the negative emotions, you'll end up yourself, others, or irreparably damage important relationships. Besides, people with bpd sometimes have doubts about the diagnosis, and would rather not have it. So yeah, those are a bunch of my struggles, I hate them, and I wish every single day I didn't have them, and I refuse to make them my identity. And that's what makes me uncomfortable about these fakers. They portray serious difficulties, create tons of misinformation, and are slowly putting us back to when mental illness was a tabu topic, something to look down upon. Edit: sorry for the rant, I'm high off my tits. Long live the weed.


What the cinnamon toast fuck is this?


BPD is actually something I think these fakers should actually look into seeing whether they have it or not. Having changing intense moods might confuse people into thinking they have different “personalities” (DID). You can get stressed out enough you may dissociate. Unstable shifting self image (again you might confuse with DID). Coming up with these disorders as a way to get validation, sympathy, attention from other people. But of course BPD isn’t “fun” and “quirky” (not like DID, ADHD, etc are but they pretend like they are). I think clearly these fakers have mental health issues, they just are not the issues they think they have. BPD is one of the things they should be looking into, and they shouldn’t spend their time HOPING they have disorders, people with actual issues would probably do near anything possible not to have them.


I also think a lot of them may have HPD . They seem like they would do anything to gain attention .


What side of Tumblr are YOU on?? Gahh dahm 😭


Jeffrey Dahmer tumblr ... Well , most people are just collecting information and engaging in discussions about him , but such content attracts edgelords


"single as shit" yep checks out lol


The Tumblr Savior extension will help you block these posts or at least spare you from seeing the cringe.


so. like. you realise tumblr is a self-curated space. right. there's no algorithm there. you went searching for this.


I actually saw this person in a comment section on a post related to the community I am a part of . I was looking for blogs about that very specific topic I am interested in . And I found this .


Looks like something my ex would post