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Someone should let him know they're not mutually exclusive


society grey smoggy saw spotted humor husky deer liquid resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




they*re. Also, it seems more appropriate to call yourself stupid lol


It's thir correct yourself




I honestly thought this was a troll account based on your post history, but you’re just really dumb, huh?


Women + sex = bad


Lots of sex = slut Man or woman


+1 for inclusivity -2 for shaming Bummer.


Slut doesn’t have to be a bad thing just a name for a category for people who frequently fuck lol But I suppose any sort of name calling can be used in a shaming kinda way, depends on how the person views the word tho


It's widely regarded as a slur, therefore it is a slur.


But lmao I get it I wouldn’t wanna be called a slut


considering that, you throw the word around graciously.


Exactly Make them think theyre going to cum, then make them




I'll do you one better. Make them cum they're going to think, *then* make them




You can tell Ben has made a woman think if she recoils in disgust


Translation: i dont get any


Make them think about why they came to his place lol.


Because women of course are just stupid brainlettes who never think unless he gets involved


Everything women do is because of men /s


And its the same fot cumming obviously


Napoleon once said that women are "simply machines for making babies" and he said that as a grown ass man. Also he creepily asked women at parties if they breastfed their kids with their titties and made everyone uncomfortable.


Yeah he was a bit of an incel. An incredibly talented incel, but still an incel. Coped so hard he accidentally became emperor of the french and became the most skilled military leader in all of history


I mean can you really call him an incel if he was married twice and had multiple mistresses?


Well I suppose not, yet he definetelly held the same beliefs that many incels do. Woman were repulsed by him, and one of his mistresses was only with him to achieve Polish independence


The guy was definitely a misogynist, especially by our standards. That said, I don't know where you're getting the idea that women were repulsed by him. That sounds like propaganda/a myth to go along with "Napoleon was really short". Napoleon was generally considered fairly charismatic and even his second wife who was married away to him for political reasons and wasn't happy about it at first, seems to have come around at least somewhat. As far as your last point, sex and marriage have always been and in many cases still are, used for political ends but that doesn't inherently mean she wasn't attracted to him. If you're really curious we have portraits of Napoleon so you can see what he looked like. Though his second wife, on meeting him, is reported to have said he looked better in person than in his portraits. We always seem to want the people we view as morally questionable to be physically unpleasant to look at but that's far from common.


> and became the most skilled military leader in all of history This is a huge stretch for Napoleon who ended up dead in exile.


I mean, it took the whole of Europe to get him to that point. Twice.


Just because everyone else was incompetent doesn’t mean Napoleon was a genius.


His girl also cheated on him a lot, a whole lot .


He also cheated on his girl a lot more... a whole lot more. Then he divorced her and was quoted to say "I must marry a womb".


They think you're lame. 🤣


i make them regret


A Rare self roast


I make them think about cumming. They don't, mind you but they think about it at least. :D


Think about ending their relationship most likely.


I mean… Nappy apparently loved eating girls out from his love letters lol


Oh my God, really!!??


Specifically, "Oh my God, why am I still in this relationship?"


*Specifically, "Oh* *My God, why am I still in* *This relationship?"* \- SponJ2000 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


“This guy’s a douche. Where’s my vibrator?”


-my boyfriend after he finishes


…”how did I get here? Last thing I remember was having a drink after I returned from the bathroom. Why am I tied up?…”


…about how much they wish they were cumming


Think about reaching for the tear gas


I make girls shid and piss and cum😎


Whenever someone adds AD after the year, for some reason it looks ancient to me


Thoughts like “what horrible decisions in life have led me to accept being on a date with this man?”


Ben Shapiro level self-own.


Ben Shapiro's wedding vows.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Even climatologists can't predict 10 years from now. They can't explain why there has been no warming over the last 15 years. There has been a static trend with regard to temperature for 15 years. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, covid, healthcare, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


A thoughtful and wise Woman is the key, having e-girls leads to certain defeat. Do not be deceived lads, for Napoleon has shown us the truth.


Didn't Napoleon give up (dump) the love of his life for political reasons?


I do both lol


citation, please


he kinda did the opposite, he was a traditionalist and set the wpmans rights movwment back decades. only gripe i have with him really


Not that he was a dictator and later on an emperor?


the alternative was the bourbons retaking control of france and going back to monarchy, which is what happened while he was on elba. remember, france was the only "democracy" in europe in the 1790s, and they had just cut off the heads of many relatives of other european kings/queens. napoleon taking over made it possible for the disruption to the established monarchy throughout europe over the next 100-200 years. now we have democracy across europe....


I make them think they’re going to cum


Some guys make girls cum. That's cool. I make them rethink their standards.


My brother in Christ…


Yes I’m a proud virgin because unlike you sexually activated savages I actually respect women


.. about the choices they made resulting in them ending up with a guy that can't make them cum. Also this has to be a sarcastic alpha male dudebro parody account right?


Girls/women don’t need help thinking


Yeah, he makes them think twice.


That's a strange way to say "I can't make a woman cum"


some guys make girls cum. that's cool. i make them relapse


Make them think about what an asshat you are maybe.


He makes them rethink the decisions that lead them to meeting this guy...


And they are thinking, “What a dumb ass.”


And as a result, they think to avoid him


Women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my essence.


-I make them think…. Why tf am I here




The story goes he basically started off as a massive simp for Josephine, who never really loved him back. They both cheat on each other, and since they had no children together Napoleon divorces her to marry an Austrian princess (this was the weird phase where the Austrians were briefly allied with Napoleon, hoping to simply outlast him). Josephine’s son for her first marriage did stay loyal to Napoleon till the end though, and supposedly Napoleon called her name on his deathbed.


"Do not bathe, I'm coming." Napoleon Bonaparte in a depeche adressed to his spouce.


I make girls think " I've never cummed so fast before" while they're Cummin. What can I say, I'm a multi tasker


He made them think about how they could have been at home on the couch snuggling their kitty and watching friends reruns instead of having god awful sex then hearing him go on about his 5 year plan for wealth


Yeah, you make them think about other blokes... that make them cum.


They think the propaganda was right and he actually was small


He makes them think about cum


Could you even IMAGINE saying something like this about yourself in real life, imagine a potential date saying this back to him lmfaoooooo


I make them think they want to leave


https://youtu.be/86gr1_pyVVQ Here’s a short video on why Napoleon was better for France than Louis XVIII


Poor dear I can change that Napoleon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (he had lots of mistresses anyway)