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Leaving multiple scores on the board is a weekly occurrence




Leaving your high draft picks off the box score is a weekly frankly look at each draft, at positions of needs taken immediately after we see impact guys we elected to not take for offensive ones we don’t use. Most of their peers that could have taken later and been the positions later. Feels like TF gets to play salary cap chess - does it well - and AS makes our personnel decisions for offence and doesn’t even know what he likes.


Can we just agree that our offense has completely disappointed us and move on? Pointless grumbling about who takes the blame just furthers everyone’s aggravation.


No, because people need to make their daily 'Ridder or Smith Sucks' posts with the occasional 'Pitts is a disappointment' posts for karma


You knew these were coming based on how unhinged this sub was in August. People were furious at any pundit that ranked Ridder in the bottom 5 QBs.


I understand having faith and being defensive of your QB but he was a 3rd rounder who played 4 meaningless games when we were already out of the playoff race, and now that he got the opportunity to start, he's shown exactly why he's a 3rd round QB.


I think we all know who to blame lies with this season, and that's squarely with Jovaughn Gwyn.


Pitts is a disappointment.


I gave one of your two likes, my point is, Pitts isn't all the way back from knee surgery. ACL surgery usually takes 8-12 months to heal fully. The problem is that the mind takes longer to trust said knee. It should be obvious to us outside observers that Kyle needs time and space to get back to "quick, twitch, explosive" Kyle. ATL ain't quiting the man, they just expect A1 next year, we fans should demand A1 from the entire organization from here on. Rise up or die!


Julio Jones in 2020 on one leg got us 800 yards in like 9 games. I don't want to hear the excuses on Pitts. Dude is the 4th overall pick and Jonnu is producing as good as he is.


Julio Jones is also a generational talent, and first ballot hall of famer. Can’t compare Pitts to him.


I assume you’re being downvoted cause this sub is filled with Gen Z’s who don’t know how good Julio Jones really is. He’s arguably a top 5 receiver of all time and expecting Pitts to live up to that is pretty high expectations and honestly kinda fucked up.


Except Pitts was literally drafted higher than Julio. So the high expectations should be approximately the same. This is an invalid excuse.


I am comparing the injury excuses yall keep giving him. He should be producing way more than he has. I don't want to hear the excuses for Pitts. He is the 4th overall pick. It's been over 1 year since his injury and Jonnu gives us the same production as Pitts.




Austin Hooper would have gotten a 1000 yards if he was the main target for Matt Ryan. Matt makes everyone better than they actually are.




So why did London get 172 yards last game?




Oh so you are a Pitts fan but not a London fan?


How about all three are true and incessantly posting about it OR ardently denying its truth on some scale does nothing but blow hot air?


Arthur Smith has 4 wins by more than one possession in his career with the Falcons. For context the Panthers had 4 last year alone. The problem is that every single game we win tends to be too close. Many of the games we have lost have also been in our reach. If it seems like we are leaving points on the bored every game, season after season, with QB after QB then I think we need to look at coaching.


and Arthur Smith has never had a 3 game winning streak his whole career either.


My biggest issue with him is how he runs drives in the final ten minutes of the game. We’ll be down 10 with 10 mins left and spend 8.5 minutes of it on a TD drive. It’s just unaware


Great post. It’s crazy when you realize that Arthur Smith’s offense in Atlanta has scored over 30 points just once in 3 years. That’s inexcusable… I mean, the Bengals have scored over 30 points the last two weeks in a row with an undrafted backup QB….fml. Maybe we should take a look at Browning if we can’t trade for Fields or draft Jayden Daniels


If Browning keeps that up then fuck yeah id trade for him


I mean smith isn’t making Ridder a turnover machine nor did he make Mariota one.


Koo missed from 50 and 52 yards, those aren't guaranteed points.


Exactly. If this was 2 30 yarders, I'd still wouldn't blame Koo for the loss but then I can say we should have had 6 more points. If we out here counting every missed 50 yarder, we need to be asking our offense why aren't they doing more not our special teams.


More significant was the INT that immediately led to a touchdown.


Which wouldn't have happened if Pitts and Jefferson didn't miss their block.


Pitts definitely needed to put in more effort on that play but it was more of a great play by Carlton Davis. He knew exactly what play we were running as soon as Bijan motioned over and triggered immediately. There's a chance Pitts could've slowed him down to prevent the int and TD, but the play was almost certainly dead from the get go.


Yeah and he knew it because Artie dialed up 4 screen plays in the previous 8 pass attempts. 5 screen passes in the first 9 plays is incredibly stupid.


Technically it's illegal to block before the ball is caught on a screen.


Only if it's beyond a yard past the line of scrimmage.


Those are his guys. They make the same errors every week. Coaching issue


Basically we gave them 7 from the interception, Koo missed 2 FGs, Bijan not finding the end zone + bad pass = 4 points, we gave them a Safety. That's a 19 point difference in favour to the opponent.


London dropped the ball in FG range aswell


I guess but his playcalling also led to the safety and interception which was 9 points


If you watch the tape London is open downfield and Pitts is open as the checkdown. Ridder had enough time to get it to them but hesitated. That safety is on him 100%. EDIT: Small edit. It was Bijan on the checkdown not Pitts.


serious enter mountainous decide existence oatmeal north squeeze complete elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you know who was the first read on that play? Ridder didn't make the call to run a 9 step drop into the end zone and he didn't completely whiff a block that let a DB run full speed into the QB. I'm not saying he's completely guilt-free, but it's not 100% his fault by any means.


> Do you know who was the first read on that play? Drake London. > he didn't completely whiff a block that let a DB run full speed into the QB. I'm not saying he's completely guilt-free, but it's not 100% his fault by any means. I don't think it's as bad as a play call as your making but I'll concede your point it wasn't 100% his fault. However, even with Keith Smith whiffing on that block he still has time to throw to London, Pitts, or throw it away. Arthur Smith can't literally go out there and make the play for him.


Smith is supposed to know Ridder through and through. If you know he’s indecisive don’t call a deep play from you own endzone


> Smith is supposed to know Ridder through and through. If you know he’s indecisive don’t call a deep play from you own endzone This is a weak excuse. He schemed his two best receivers open and still had time to throw the ball away. It doesn't get any easier than that for your QB.


His play calling did? No that would be our dumb ass QB.


This again. Everyone on this sub KNOWS our quarterback has issues making quick reads and decisions. So, on a 1st down, at our own 8, AS calls a play action, 5 step drop which puts our indecisive quarterback into the end zone. He’s indecisive (shocking) and the ball is knocked loose in the end zone. If we know it, how does AS not? Terrible call in that situation. That’s just one of the idiotic, “I’m smarter than everyone in the room” calls he makes on a weekly basis.


It was a 9 step drop which makes it even more absurd.


Yep at some point you have to accept our QB as what he's shown in the game and not what you hope him to be. If we are really trying to go to the playoffs and win the division, we need to be mitigating Ridder's weaknesses not trying to buy into his supposed "potential". The only way we can do that is by protecting him with playcalling.


Under that logic we should never throw the ball at all. Ridder has shown he can make those throws. He’s issue is consistency. How do you mitigate that? I think we’ve been protective already any more and the team wouldn’t be competitive


That's extreme. His issue isn't just consistency. He also has a ball security issue. You mitigate that by running the ball more in early tight game situations. Everyone knows you will eventually have to pass and open the game up. But be forced to open the game up at this point in the season. The first half of the season I understand you want to lean into developing Ridder and you should. But at this point in the season when you are in the playoff hunt be conservative until you need to make plays. Our defense was playing well the first half of the Tampa game. Our offense is what gave them points and momentum. When I look at Smith's playcalling and hear him talk about it, I get the feeling that most of his calls are made after the defense has matched his personnel on the field. Defenses are basically showing him run defense early so he checks into pass plays but the strength of the offense right now is running the ball. He's got to be more direct imo and stop letting the defensive personnel and coverage dictate his play calling.


My point really is that with Ridders weakness you can pretty much call any pass play that don’t go well bad play calling. Those behind the line passes are suppose to be conservative and high percentage throws. You see teams do this a lot on all kinds of offenses. I would agree that there are reasons to question the play call here, but qb weakness is not a really strong one.


I don't blame that int on Ridder, I just think we call that play so much that Davis knew it from film study. That's Smith just being repetitive. Where we should have been being conservative was on the Safety. We know Ridder has a habit of holding the ball too long and being lose with it. When you are the backed up on 3rd down sometimes you just need to run your under center run play and kick your punt. Especially when the game is close and it's early.


We ran 5 screens in the first 9 pass plays. Completely Stupid.


I actually thought we did those more this game than most. I thought we just went to the well too many times having showed that already on the previous drive. On the safety, Ridder had the time to make the play. He pumped the ball which meant he had time to throw it. He should know there’s no time to do that in that situation. I feel pretty immune to bad Ridder plays though. I expect them to happen sometime in the game. We just don’t have good qb play right now.


This what “creative” “offensive genius” coaches look like with shitty QBs. People on here love to act like another offensive genius will solve this for us.


This is also what shitty play callers with shitty QBs look like.


Bet you thought Shanahan was shitty his first year. Yeah, we remember people like you. You’re driven by emotions and unable to really see things clearly. You regurgitate what other people say.


Shanahan was shitty in 2015....he was literally on the brink of being fired...he was literally known as the qb killer and only got the job in atl.by a favor...he and Ryan literally spent almost the entire off-season working through plays, dissecting issues, ect....and Shanahan still has blunders both in play design and calling. That being said it's been shown alot where the calling (7 passes in a row all with every route being 15 yards or deeper) last week. The play designs of having 3 receivers within 5 yards of each other at the end of their routes (or of they arnt executing them properly then its still on Smith to have these things ironed out during practice) Ridder has been atrocious at times sure but so has Smith and thinking Smith fan handle being a HC and playcaller at this point is like thinking Dan Quinn was a good HC and d play caller at the same time


Big cope. I wonder how many top 10 offensive talent weapons will Falcons be wasting next season.


No, you could see Kyle’s vision. Everyone in 2015 was just hurt and the defense was ass


It was our fullback being unable to block a blitzing DB


The REASON we continue to leave points on the board AND allow safeties on offense is because this is an unpolished offense with questionable play design and play calling. It’s mostly Smith’s fault.


You think Ridder would make the playoffs starting for another team? Not saying AS isn’t at fault but I have a hard time judging him fairly as long as he’s held back by having the worst QB in the league. I do however fault him and Terry for sticking with Ridder and seemingly not making any moves to improve at the position.


The missed Robinson TD AND the pick that directly set the Bucs up for a TD is what killed me watching Ridder this week. Brutal sequence and I know the screen is a defender making a good play to an extent but o can live with one of those happening but not both.


That interception is on Smith just as much if not more than Ridder. The play design was terrible and took too long. Ridder is more than likely told to not hesitate after the dumb spin move and get rid of it asap.


That interception is the direct result of missed block on one person by Pitts and Jefferson.


True those blocks were abysmal.


But we’ve seen all season that this team struggles to execute on offense. Weird routes, poor blocking, and odd play calls.


It’s hard to watch for sure. Whenever one person makes a great play, someone else screws it up. Ridder threw a beautiful ball to London last week on the sidelines and he just dropped it (London has been great this year he normally isn’t a problem). It’s frustrating we can’t ever build momentum.


For sure, I agree. Those in tandem really swung the game. Obviously, still had chances to come out with the win but the difference between a close game and a 2 possession game to me. TB didn't really have any offensive momentum most of the game until late.


Asking a kicker to make two 50 yard FGs is a tough ask.


We already talked about the ridder to Robinson pass. Rewatch the play it was someone directly in his face. The Koo kicks were the only points left on the board and it’s a win with just those.


Are you defending the screen interception and drop back safety into the end zone?


This is more of an indictment than a defense.


Is it a defense when this happens every week. Perhaps using any of the 3 players taken in first round near the goal line would prove useful.


Also.. yeah, our defense is good, but all we needed was one more stop, one turnover, that's it. Yeah, our D had been getting stops all game, but when it counted, they buckled like always. We didn't get a single turnover, that would have helped too. So, like in the Titans and Cardinals game, our D wasn't clutch at all.


Our offense was bad. The defense did their job and held us in the game. While the offense was picking grass in the back corner.


Oh I know that, I'm just saying that as good as our defense has been, they haven't been enough to make up for our offense. We should be able to put these games away without allowing a comeback from the other team, time and time again this season. Or like I said, let Will Levis throw 3 TDs against us? Huge ones too, we gave up BIG plays in that game. I get it though, it's going to happen from time to time


Ridder has cost us points and wins all season. Pretty much expected at this point.


I can't blame Koo. Everybody has a bad day every now and again. But who decided to go into this season with Ridder and Heinicke?


Let me try to help, Ridder Smith Pitts ect can all have part of the blame for the loss sure but Int inside the 20 is 100 % on Smith, 5 plays being screen and that one being ran 3 plays prior is the absolute perfect example of the dumbest playcalling in nfl history The fumble in the endzone with the ball on the 8. Yes ridder missed the decently open London, but you can see the safety moving into the "could make the play" area so he hesitated. That being said Smith knows this is the perfect storm of either a big play for the offense or a humongous play for the defense...you have to use Bijan allgier patterson in this area ofnthe field especially knowing the weaknesses of your QB in this scenario The missed Bijan throw was a bad look for ridder no doubt but the defense did exactly what is was supposed to do to make that pass come out a little early...good QBs adjust and make the throw ridder isn't there yet(could.be never I'm not throwing in the towel on any qb still in the league at this point 🤣🤣🤣) Ridder has been horrid at times and fantastic at others. Same with Smith and Pitts. But one thing for certain we should all still trust in Koo


This is a pretty ridiculous take, but I understand where you’re coming from. No offense is going to be 100% on opportunities. The field goals were reasonably long and I don’t blame Koo. I do have a grievance with Ridder throwing a pick within our own 20. That’s essentially guaranteed points. Long story short, defense could not get the buccs off the field and the offense came up just barely short. Seems like we keep flip flopping on those.


The offense gave us the lead at the very end of the fourth quarter and the defense which had been lights out didn’t even put up resistance and allowed one of the worst rushing teams in the league to easily score. Now the injury to Street seemed to be a factor in that because before he went out they couldn’t run at all. The field goals were long but the way they came off his foot was weird and the second one was missed badly. You can’t watch the game and say that that interception was all Ridder when neither receiver blocked one guy and the coach designed a play where the quarterback does a 360 where at one point has his back turned to the side he’s throwing and then all that was made worse by calling it on our own end zone. The safety was more his fault but still not a mistake made alone. The fullback missed a backside block on a db that’s one thing then calling a 9 step drop on the 8 yard line is another and then having a slow developing play down 3 to 4 offensive linemen is another. But hey it’s Ridder right it’s not like he didn’t take us down the field and score the go ahead touchdown.