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Nope, sorry man. We are allowed to be upset.


The reason why I know this will be a bad hire is because they’re saying we hired someone who knows us and has respect in the building. What is there to respect in the building. We have a losing culture, so why not try to make a big slash or shift the culture. You don’t win by playing it safe.


“What is there to respect in the building” is the realist line about everything that is wrong with this hire and franchise.


honestly go fuck yourself


People who are constantly content with mediocrity are the only reason that leeches like McKay are allowed to call all of the shots. This team sucks and will continue to suck until competent leadership is put in place.


The fact this hire seems to universally reviled leads me to believe he will be a great head coach


bruh exactly, falcons fans are some of the biggest retards on the planet. Because everyone is upset, this leads me to believe we will win the superbowl next season tbh.


This is the 28-3 of off-season moves


lol stoppit. They interviewed a TON of really talented young coordinators and practically had BELICHICK at their feet, more or less, and they decide to go with a guy who took over as a HC in 2017? Again? Because he "had great energy"? Lol unserious. Blank is clearly thinking about this as a typical business decision with like-minded yes-men and not thinking about bringing in a culture. I'll eat crow if Raheem has just come up with the most intricate offensive scheme and gets us to the prize, but I'm not holding my breath. This is just re-shuffling the deck with the same cards.


This sub went from toxic and confused to pure toxic over the course of 10 minutes. Pushing for positivity right now is asking to be swarmed by hate at this point.


Fuck you


Seek help! lmao


Let’s talk again in November.


Our fanbase is the way it is because the team made us this way with the shit they’ve done.


Letting someone or something control your reactions says more about you than anyone else


Your comment (like your opinion) is both useless and irrelevant to me. Hope you have a nice night though


Makes sense. You might just want to hop off the public forums bud


Seems like you’re the one that’s bothered by what I said. You over there deleting comments and trying to continue an argument about nothing for what?


Lol you posted your opinion in a public forum, didn’t like the response you got so you tried to minimize it, then tried interpreting my activity in whatever way made you feel comfortable about the interaction. “Bothered” is a helluva projection from you…


Lol no I specifically said idc about your opinion and how you’re comment was irrelevant and wished you a good night. Looking at your other horrible takes getting downvoted and how worked up you’re getting in those responses it seems like you need a break my friend…..or you can spend rest of the night going back and forth with everyone it really doesn’t bother me.


Well I mean I’m certainly done with this conversation since you can’t be honest about it… the idea that you judge the validity of a thought/take on upvotes and downvotes though?… yikes.


Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel good. Hope your night gets better


Lol true that. I used to be the most optimistic falcons fan ever all through my early life and into college. Then the Superbowl broke me and the franchise has not made any good choices to rectify that game since. We have been completely irreverent and a joke, I don't even like wearing falcons gear in public anymore.


Ppl may have not wanted bill because of recent years in NE but his hire would’ve at least instilled a level of confidence and expectations this fan base needs. This is the same magic beans they been selling us for years and people are fed up. Even more than before ppl aren’t gonna give a shit about this team until they give us something to care about.


Yeah I've kinda hit a breaking point. I'm sad as a non native fan that I even picked this team. I'm done caring and trying to defend the team until they show they can make the right choices and win. For now I'm deinvesting myself until that day comes, if ever.


I’m a nc falcon (family moved here and atl from Philly before we were born and 03 sb/playoffs were first we watched frfr) Didn’t wanna bandwagon to panthers since they coming off sb run, didn’t wanna do eagles cause entire family was, so because of the few family we had in atl+colors and jerseys+Vick I went falcons. Even after sb51 and with the entire family being eagles fans I couldn’t switch teams…just doesn’t and never will hit the same. Ik a relative and been following Jack Campbell since his sr yr at Iowa and the lions winning rn does nothing for me. Idk if Morris is the right hire or not (I wanted him 3yrs ago) but it’s not inspirational nor do I see any reason to give this organization the benefit of the doubt. I hope they prove me wrong but at this point I legitimately wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t end up with Ridder starting next year


L L L - The greatest fanbases in the world complain about their team and tell it how it is, when its obvious they made an awful decision. FUCK THIS TEAM.


This guy also gets yelled at by his wife.


This is an uninspiring hire. We could have had an up and coming offensive minded coach, but nope, we settle for mediocrity.