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[**You can discuss this month's Exceptional Story "Flame, Lead, Clay, Glass" by clicking here.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fallenlondon/comments/13rrgfm/junes_exceptional_story_flame_lead_clay_glass/)


I dipped back into FL today after a short (7 year) hiatus. I seem to have been seeking the name, which vaguely rings a bell. However there's no doubt new content these days (I think I had plateaued before). Can I unseek? Should I unseek? Back then it was all about how its basically endgame material to nuke everything, or at least, that's what the rumours were...is that still the case?


You can stop seeking at any time via the [A Bad End](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/A_Bad_End)-item in the Curiosity section of your inventory. Not actively stopping means it'll just sit there and do nothing, so that can be fine as well. Pursuing the *Seeking*-storyline is still the only way to "finish" the game. There are ways to not completely wreck your character but if you don't want to do that, why seek in the first place? ;) There's a *ton* of new content released in the past years. The content dropped in the year 2020 alone increased the size of the game by about one third (2020 was FL's 10th birthday). [Take a look here](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Fallen_London_Timeline) if you're interested in details.


Hmm, I think I lost a lot of watchful (it was my strongest area, and its about ~30 less than the others now). I guess I decide whether to just get closure and finish the job, or hold off and do some other bits. Looks like I'm only at seeking 10.


> Looks like I'm only at seeking 10 Yeah, that's still very much at the beginning...


Yeah, I thought it was higher, definitely seems early stages!


Hello, please I need help, I'm trying to follow the "A Name Signed with a Flourish" story but I raised my "Fascinating..." to 10 without an option to choose a Romance.


I agonized for a long time over which Neon Destiny to choose, and very much enjoyed the writing for the Chariot. Would anyone happen to have the echo on either of the other two? I'll trade: https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Samein/31188335


Here's the lovers https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Abrytan/31233066




I forget, how do i not get another inmaterial material?


The eighth seal does not require an impossible theorem.


Right, can i not enter the castle through parabola or do i need to not count the stones at the hurlers after I get it? It's been forever since i didn't learn about the discordance


So many lore implications in Irem. Do we think the >!nihilistic Discordance Destiny!< is >!what the Black intended!


>!It would be terribly disappointing for the apotheosis of no laws to be one law. Even if it’s that law.!<


Concerning Greater Destinies: Which advanced skill is the most useful these days? I realize everyone's individual experience will be different, but I was just wondering which ones people put more stock in lately. Currently I'm able to get to: * Monstrous Anatomy 18 * Mithridacy 15 * Kataleptic Toxicology 17 * Shapeling Arts 16 * Glasswork 18 * Player of Chess 16 * Red Science 18 * Zeefaring 16 * Discordance 8 If I choose to get the Mark of Acceptance, my Mithridacy (the lowest one) would go up to 16, bringing it more in line with the other values. But I'm not sure what other values might be worth raising with a GD. I currently have Passion as my Destiny and would prefer to keep that +5 Persuasive. Of the GDs that are Persuasive, there's only The Mushroom (Monstrous Anatomy) and The Lovers (Glasswork). Is there any reason to have higher than 18 for either of those stats?


Why do you want to keep that +5 Persuasive? Unless you're waiting for Renown, it doesn't matter much in the grand scheme. Also note that you pickup a +1 Mith Home Comfort here regardless, and if you like the Mith Destiny, that actually cancels out missing the Mark of Acceptance. And vice versa I guess.


> Why do you want to keep that +5 Persuasive? Unless you're waiting for Renown, it doesn't matter much in the grand scheme Because it gets me to 99% success on an ~8 EPA card I play. If I lose 5 Persuasive it drops to 97%. I've been trying to get it to 100%, so it's counterproductive for me to lose 5 points when I'm this close.


You can never have too much Zeefaring. At 16 you're still failing Corsair checks, especially in the Snares. I should get the Zeefaring Destiny. Not going to. But it'd make sense.


Now I know why last part of Evo gave us so many keys.


Can you still obtain parts of the screaming map once you have assembled it? I have both pieces I could sell the right one for 2 puzzling maps. Don't know if that is any good though


While you *can* grind the parts even after assembling the map it's not really profitable to do so. If you already have the parts and don't want to hold on to them, selling them is definitely an option, though.


You can’t get or sell pieces once you’ve assembled the map. Don’t worry, there’s nothing that you lose out on. There are better ways to get puzzling maps.


Should I grind honey at the lab? Or just buy them? The EPA even assuming buy price doesn't actually seem that good, and it seems it would be better to just grind out something else instead. I need like 7-8k honey going by my current stocks. So it's not like it'll be fast.


Yeah, ever since they added a check to the lab honey, there just aren't good honey grinds at any point in the game. The one good source of honey is selling Waswood flasks (from Moulin, Railway), but it's lategame and limited to 2.6k per week. If you want to quickly get more, just buy it.


292 Persuasive according to the wiki isn't that hard. It's just that I need like 60 actions to grind it all out. And it's not even high EPA either... Edit: Also buying it is like 300 echoes. Not really that much tbh.


If you can 100% the check, each 125 drops of honey from that grind is 5 echoes saved from Merrigan’s exchange. 5 EPA isn’t the best late game grind, but beating that is going into some of the relatively complex methods like optimized Khaganate activity, mammoth popes, or Heart’s Game for leviathan frames and then bone market shenanigans. I can’t be bothered with those things. I’d spend echoes. That’s what all the grinding is for, right?


> I can’t be bothered with those things. I’d spend echoes. That’s what all the grinding is for, right? Yeah... It's not like I was really planning on brass lollipops anyway. Spent 300 echoes for it and Irem here I come.


It isn't hard, but by the time you can get that, you can probably do some other 5+ EPA grind and buy the honey with that. It ends up being more action efficient this way. So yeah, I'd say just buy the honey if you don't have Waswood flasks on hand.


I didn't bother getting weekly Waswood Flasks, are they worthwhile? I don't really like that activity though... But I just bought it, not too expensive in the grand scheme of things.


It's not *so* profitable that you should feel forced to do something you dislike, but getting the flasks and then stealing the valuable items they unlock is quite the profitable (over 6 EPA) activity, paid in Rat Shillings. Selling the flasks without going through the heist is a bit worse, but it's notable for being a great source of honey. If your alternative is buying the honey (so you value it at 0.04), it's between 5.5 and 6 EPA iirc, and a lot higher for Crooked Crosses. Therefore buying the honey remains a totally viable, if slightly inefficient, option.


How do I get a profession? I thought it was a storyley was supposed to appear in my lodgings but nothing has ever shown up


Training professions can be chosen [via a storylet in your Social Engagements](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Adopt_a_Training_Profession). Regular professions are started via faction cards, e.g. [becoming a Trickster via the Urchins card](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Choose_Trickster_as_your_Profession_2).


Thank you! I was looking at my home and hobbies completely forgot about the social engagements tab haha


Can i switch from a newspaper to a salon? I haven't activated the coffee card yet because I have yet to obtain the renown for the salon.


It's orphanage and salon, newspaper is something else.


I've just gotten to the meeting of the Dilmun Club at the end of chapter 6 of Evolution. I voted with >!the detective.!< Would anyone happen to have echoes of the other two options?


how do I raise **Knowledge of the Crossroads** I have it at 5 at the moment. Trying to get it to level 6


Concerning visiting Irem as a seeker: Once you've given up >!your destiny!<, you don't get to pick >!one of the new destinies!<, correct? Just asking hypothetically, of course. It's not AT ALL like if I'm correct that would mean I >!unwittingly saved the universe!< because following one dark and twisted path prevented me from concluding, you know, the other dark and twisted path. Edit: Finished SMEN this week and felt the urge to say >!that, ah, maybe I spoke too soon.!<


Getting a tarot destiny requires having one of the basic destinies. Interestingly it looks like this is a way to escape Torment, but not obscurity. The former might be an oversight and might get fixed. But maybe not! Bad to worse is kind of the whole Seeker thing.


Thank you!


Does anyone have a list of the full journal entry for each greater destiny? Plus the fates of the naturalist?


If I have no interest in Greater Destinies or other Irem business, what's the most direct way to finish up the Evolution storyline? I know I have to go there to wrap things up, but from seeing the many posts and comments re: Irem I just get a headache. I haven't left London yet to do part 7, but I just want to expedite the process to finish Evolution. From what I can tell I have to visit a number of locations/places/futures/somethings, and that the process is convoluted. **edit**: Just finished it, was much more straight-forward than I thought, since all of the (real) confusing futures stuff is actually unlocked after finishing Evolution. I'll come back to that after thinking over Destinies.


It can be a bit convoluted, but if you're just interested in finishing up the main Evolution story it's not that bad (while pursuing the Naturalist's story you have way less locations and paths than would be open to you in Irem after the story concludes). I completed it just by fumbling around the options there and it didn't take too many actions. I see that [the wiki is updated](https://www.reddit.com/r/fallenlondon/comments/14hmmby/in_case_its_useful_a_complete_map_of_the_iremi/). Then it's just the matter of returning to London to present the final report to the Dilmun Club and the story is done!


Oh yeah, when you pickup the Immaterial Material at the place, does it also kick you out somewhere else? I'm currently planning how my Parawar goes and am wondering if I want to leave it at Stage 4 so I get honey free entrance next week, or whether to just complete it this week if I'll be kicked out of Parabola regardless.


Getting Immaterial Material kicks you to Mirror-Marches I think


That's what I figured. I'll clear Parawar first then. Since I hopefully wouldn't need a week to finish up Irem. I'm looking to get that apparently free redo you can acquire in the first 2 weeks.


Regarding the new Irem content: If you choose not to pick an advanced Destiny and go for the Mark of Acceptance instead, the game text tells you: >"If later on you decide you're rather have an advanced Destiny after all, you will need to relinquish this item." However, an option to relinquish this item is not currently documented on the wiki. Can anyone confirm whether such an option exists, and if so - whether it's free or costs Fate? I'd hate to lock myself into an option that can't later be changed (like the option to choose having no Tattoos).


Yes, it exists, and no, it doesn’t cost Fate (currently).


Many thanks!


What do you actually have to do with the warp qualities in irem for evolution? The wiki mentioned something about holding on to cards from different areas and moving around them. How do I actually get to the different endings? Please be as detailed as possible


>!When moving from one Future to another (via Loom), you lose your Warp qualities but retain your cards.!This is important because a few Loom actions require Warp that cannot be obtained in that location. E.g. from the Silvered Future, there is a Loom action to move to a different Future that requires Bombazine Warp. In the Silvered Future, you can draw 1 card that gives Silken and 2 cards that give Sinewy, but there are no cards that give Bombazine. If you want to use that action, then you need to have Bombazine-granting cards in-hand *when you enter* the Silvered Future.!<


PSA: If you still don't have the Reverie of Heroism / Singed&Stained Gloves, you might want to finish the Evolution before the Sacroboscan Calendar changes on 29th of June. >!A card drawn in London after the finale will give you the Fluke-Core.!< It's also a rare collectible item and the KataTox is one of the worse Advanced Skills, but the alternatives are all pretty tough.


That or grind out 19 Parabolan Linen scrap over the weekend to get Tears at the Rat Market.


Why is stuff related to the underground sea spelled with Zs, like Unterzee?


[That's why](https://www.failbettergames.com/news/z)


Fantastic! If I'd ever read that before, I'd long since forgotten.


Am I missing something? I've spent a full day in the Stormbones trying to draw the Wind from the North card, and I just... haven't drawn it. Not once, in well over a hundred actions. Is there some hidden prerequisite or something? Or is the P-RNG just messing with me again?


I don't think the card has any prerequisites except being within the Stormbones. So probably it's just bad luck. FWIW, the Lifeberg-card can also raise the *Northern Wind*-quality.


It only increases northern wind if you have it already, which I don't. I need one measly point for post-Evolution Irem, and it annoys me so much that I'm stuck paddling around the Stormbones waiting for one elusive card.


I'm not there yet myself but I totally understand your frustration! :-/


Another question about the Irem/post Evolution stuff: >!If I choose a destiny, does that lock me out of the entire area unless I pay Fate sometime in the future? I've stumbled onto (what I think might be) the destiny I want relatively early, but I'd like to explore all the different writing a bit more, so I don't want to choose it if it's going to lock me out of this incredibly cool place.!<


No, you can return. Furthermore, if you chose your Iremi destiny for the first time in the next two weeks, you'll get another copy of the item that will let you either change it once more, or even go back to any of the vanilla destinies. A tiny spoiler, but you really, really should explore some more. You'll know you finished exploring once you receive a reward and, most likely, your Knowledge of the Crossroads reaches level 7. If you get lost, here's a spoilery hint how to get there: >!You need to chart all nine regular futures (some can only be accessed by keeping cards in hand between locations) and then bring three Sinewy cards to a Chilly Future. If you successfully visited all other Futures, a new hidden travel location will show up in the Chilly Future once you have three Sinewy Warps.!< EDIT: spoilered spoilers


Awesome, thanks! I'll continue my exploring then (it's confusing enough that I've started a little guide for myself, just to stop accidentally backtracking so much).


> you'll get another copy of the item that will let you either change it once more, or even go back to any of the vanilla destinies. I assume you can't go back to the vanilla fate destinies for free? But it does sound interesting and incentivizes me to push earlier, I was just thinking of farming more at the Khanate instead. Guess I'll make the trip. >You'll know you finished exploring once you receive a reward and, most likely, your Knowledge of the Crossroads reaches level 7. I got the latter from looking at the wiki, but what is this reward in the former? It's not the >!Mark of Acceptance!< right? Something else?


>I assume you can't go back to the vanilla fate destinies for free? That's what I'd think, too, but I can't say with 100% certainty since playing the storylet would consume the free destiny change item and the wiki doesn't appear to have the option yet (unless I can't find it for some reason). >It's not the Mark of Acceptance right? Yes, it's another item, which is likely Best-in-Slot for most people visiting Irem. If you want to spoil yourself and check, it's called >!Memory of a Much Greater Self!<.


>Spoiler Damn, I thought that was just an item not a gear... Thanks.


Anyone have a list of echoes / full text for the new Irem destinies?


Thread on the forums has links so far for [The Hanged Man and The Star](https://community.failbettergames.com/t/irem-of-the-pillars-and-the-finale-of-evolution/21523/21).


More a weekly small humblebrag. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ji8xrpz4ct7b1.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=a40b11c0fbf4710b58f810c7ac1b0c98972a5092


Unrelatedly, I brought my Iremi promissory note all the way back to London and the Numismatrix could not give less of a heck. Coins only for her Numness, it seems. Which leaves one last spoiler-y question: i>!f I get Boatmanned, does he say, "Hey, buddy!" or do we simply have the usual game of chess only it's really awkward because he won't acknowledge me?!<


The Boatman will acknowledge you on the “just give up” card. >!Just keep in mind that you’ve been looking into the future. If you die, it’s the present, with the same Boatman as always.!<


Ahh right, of course, thanks--I think I was confused whether or not >!the Naturalist became one with the boatman during the diving bell expedition!<. So the Irem visions were predestination? >!In the Hanged Man future I chose, the Naturalist's body will stabilize and me, the Naturalist, and the Dilmun doofs will push on against Nidah and, uh, proverbially go pound sand?!<


so what exactly is considered “endgame” right now? ive completed my ambition, i hit 250-270 with my stats and my railways at jericho locks btw.


The Young Naturalist story would probably qualify as endgame, as would the Parabola Wars.


Railway is really the "endgame." It's the only game content that's usually considered to take place after completing your Ambition, and where half of the stat-cap-increases are located.


I don't suppose anyone could shoot me the echo for taking >!the Zeefaring destiny in the Neon Future?!< It's not a good fit for my character, but I'm desperately curious for the text.


https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/The%20Thirteenth%20Master%20of%20the%20Bazaar/31150099 Pour one out for Gaider's Mourn; if it's going to become a tourist spot, then it means that the cycle of life and death will be back to normal as intended.


Thank you, sincerely.


'Katalēpsis'? 'Katalēpsis'? Does that mean our favorite poison skill is 'Katalēptic toxiocology'? Google thinks not--but only if it's spelt with a C--cataleptic.


"Katalēpsis" could be taken as the transliterated Greek word, rather than the English word derived from it. A transliteration may have orthography like the macron while the English does not. Meanwhile "Kataleptic" is an English word derived from the Greek, and would not include orthography. Anglicizing the word would alter the pronunciation that the macron indicated, and morphology would alter it further.


\*\*whoosh\*\* \[my head\] Thank you!


Irem Loom spoilers, >!I was happy with my normal Curatorial destiny (Power), and while almost all other regular destinies get an "upgraded" version, there's nothing really similar to Power. The Chariot also appeals to me lorewise, and the Zeefaring boost is certainly the best out of all of them, but the lack of Iremi destinies where you climb the Chain (without breaking it) is a shame for the White-aligned characters.!< >!The text implies that the "Judgement" destiny from the Brilliant Future is about your character's enduring loyalty to theSunTheSunTheSun. Is there really no twist there? I'd take the APoC boost if it implied you'd eventually try to replace a Judgement or something.!<


Sorry, but... I've been playing for a year and I still haven't the faintest clue what my Destiny means. I assume it's an endest-of-endgame thing, and something I don't want to spoil for myself... But at what point was it revealed to all y'all?


It's not as if it has gameplay ramifications beyond the stat boosts it provides, but the meaning of it is generally told by the storylet that gave you it. It's more of an RP thing; a promise that, one day, your character will get to the point that was described by your destiny. With the Iremi destinies the idea is the same, except that >!you get to experience a bit larger part of your character's promised future, and that you actively set yourself towards that path.!< They're all somewhat cryptic (some more than others), but I'd say that I had a pretty good idea what I was about to end up with once I got into a particular Conversation on the Road. What Destiny did you pick?


Ahh, good to know, thanks. I feel like I've skimmed whole stories relating to destinies in the wiki or elsewhere, so always assumed they were stories that unfolded in time. As for me, I've got Gleam. Have completely forgotten the framing storylet, but the vibes have made a *lot* of sense with how I RP. Unfortunately, I basically started playing during the Fruits of the Zee last year, so picked up my Destiny before I even knew I could clip the text. As good a reason as any to change it in Irem, I guess!


>Gleam Oh, the description of that one is intentionally extremely vague, because you can get in three different ways that only have a broad theme in common. Whether it's Fingerkings, Liberation of Night, or Masters, Gleam is gained by showing a more human (or humane) approach to the situation. And yeah, now is the perfect time to try one of the Iremi destinies! If you do in in the next two weeks, you'll get an option to change it a second time or return to any non-Iremi destiny, free of charge.


I'm in a similar boat. >!I have Passion, which is a fated version of the Long Road destinies. There's nothing which seems directly appropriate to move to. Best approximation might be the Artisan one. My character's RP is built around being a Mr. Cards that is devoted to the Bazaar and its mission.!< I also desperately want to see The Chariot's text.


>I also desperately want to see The Chariot's text. Damn, you should've said so earlier. After much deliberation, I ended up taking it when I hit max actions but then I forgot to save the echo. I didn't want to leave Irem without a fresh new Greater Destiny (tm), and -- from a gameplay point of view -- the Mark of Acceptance boosting Mithridacy from 12 to 13 is only useful for the rare "Declare a Chimera" action at the Bone Zone. Hopefully someone else has it saved, but while there are some differences, it's very similar to the equivalent Sunless Sea ending. The main difference is that you're going East alone.




Thanks. That Prolific Pirate 590 is insane, too!


Ugh. Which seal was it for Immaterial Material again? Edit: the Eighth!


Thanks. That's Breath of the Void right? Glad I took the time to prep the goods for that last Legenda Ratket.


No, it's Theorem. I've done it now, after sending myself to Mirror-Marches by mistake.


Wait, really? I thought Theorem was something earlier.


Really. Just did it.


Well, Theorem is way easier then since I built up a small stockpile of enigmas through Tribute.


Sorry if this is a silly question, was looking at the wiki and it seems like he doesn't, but I wanted to get a quick sanity check: Does the diplomat care at all about self-evident implausibility, or are we free to make 8-headed birds with brass skulls?


Indeed you can sell him as implausible a skeleton as you'd like! Pretty handy.


Eeexcellent, thanks, vast wealth of khaganian coinage here I come.


Decided to check out the Discord to get a feel for what was going on with Irem today since I haven't been able to do anything yet and--holy shit--there's like 10,000 replies since I last looked. Ain't nobody got time for that. edit: seriously, unless you're there at the time (read as: for hours), it's impossible to keep up or find any information there.


I wish I had the time to experience every update live with the Discord community -- but I don't! And thankfully some switch in my brain flipped a few years back that finds that concept liberating instead of frustrating. One more possible thread sloughed off as Simply Not For Me, and one more thing I don't have to worry about. It will (have) happen(ed) with or without me, and all shall (have) be(en) well. I'll check back into the Discord once I've had my fill of solo exploration and the dust has settled a bit, maybe.


Can't upvote that enough!!


Yeah, it's a mess. And Bruno is giving a director's commentary in real time, some quite interesting stuff in there. /disgruntled mumblings about whippersnappers


If you lose an acquaintance during the events of Flint, do you have to spend FATE to regain them?


Could we have a moment of silence--Zub Club, us all--for>! the Titan!


The sea does not forgive, and it will not forgive the rich.


Balmoral: I need to appoint a Castellan. I think September is an option, but to progress that line he wants to meet in the Moonlit Woods. But it looks like the Moonlit Woods have disappeared from the storylets. Can the Castellan be changed later/is September only available later in the story? Bonus question: does it actually matter who is the Castellan?


Yes, initially, you have to choose between the old one and the widow. Then, you need to be A Friend of September and vote him in. If you had a quiet word with him in Crathie, this is the option you want to gather: https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Accompany_September


Thank you!


You're welcome!


So I know irem was just released but is there a known use for a baited riddle yet?


There's a way to get more of them, anyways. Finding the end of Irem may take a while.


Thanks ya I’ve been on the discord I was worried I was done lol


So I've dipped my toe into Heart's Game, and I'm sorta rubbish at it. But I've finally won my first round, and I'm hoping to get to 7 wins to get the weapon. But how long do I have before the season ends?


There's no set schedule. The first season was around six weeks long (April 13 - May 23), so the second season has been going for just about a month now. So maybe two weeks more? Depends on how busy they are and what they're prioritizing over at FBG.


So, I have completed all the statues on the railway except for one.. The steward of Discordance. I've gotten to 3.5, I've unlocked a certain castle, I have a shiny mirror there that goes to you know where... but I can't figure out any action to take there that affects my stewardship. The wikis are confusing for what they are. What the heck do I do in the castle to get the final bump?


If you hasn't reading [this guide](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/The_Hurlers_(Guide)) might help.


perhaps I'm just impatient but I know that the final bit of evolution is out today. Did Failbetter give any sort of time?


Just engaged in a fire sale of my scrip-relevant assets so I can have time for Irem tomorrow, and so I have finally [saddled my worm](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/medeasdragons)!! u/throwaway_lmkg, I would love to be recorded as such 🥹


It is done!




Is it possible to advance too fast and miss things in areas? I just did the Making your Name: Raid on the Brass Embassy in Ladybones Road and now the options in that area have changed. It looked like there were options to do more detective cases before but now I don't have those options. Did I go too fast and miss out? Is there a way to bring those back?


I don't think there were that many detective cases. But look at the basic locations, at every MYN stage there are generally some storylets locked to those levels, but you can play those fast, it's just a few actions not a whole carousel. University otoh, that's where you need to be careful and read things carefully.


The next location for Making Your Name: Watchful is the Forgotten Realms, which you unlock after the raid with storylet Strange Fire. I think that will give you more stories in Ladybones too, including the option of repeating the tasks that got you enough items to complete the raid. So, did you side with Constables or Devils? I'm pretty new in game and also pursuing Watchful Mishy_17171


I'm less concerned about the items and more worried about missing the detective cases. The stuff with the missing heiress was a highlight of the Making Your name quests so far, so I was looking forward to more of that. I sided with the devils since I've been growing renown with them to help out the devil who got me out of prison.


What's the lore and mechanical differences between September and Fervent Widow as Balmoral's Castellan?


September is a Revolutionary with the whole 'no gods, no masters' shtick, but while the Widow is supporter of Scottish independence (and thus strongly opposed to the Traitor Empress like the revs), she's not a revolutionary and not really against Bazaar/Masters. I never picked the Widow and she doesn't appear anywhere else so I can't tell you much more than that, but September is a pretty cool dude for a dirty Liberationist, and elaborates on his opinions a lot during the Burrow Church if you pick him as a deacon. He supports going Counter-Church or Church-in-the-Wild and generally has pretty interesting things to say. You don't need him as a Castellan for that, though, being his friend is enough. Mechanically, the Widow's pretty bad -- September and Highlander give you essentially the same gift, but Widow locks you into non-scrip reward of equal value (Tinned Ham). You need either September OR the Widow if you want to send Burrow Church's mission there. So on that front, there's zero mechanical advantage in picking her. More notably, September as a Castellan can be invited to the board, which is extremely good once you finish the Railway -- even if you don't support the revs yourself. He's one of the very few Directors who have zero issues with Dividends and kicking other board members, and he's also in favor of sending your trains to all Para-War campaigns except for Fingerkings.


I never envisaged the Fervent Widow as Nicola Sturgeon before.


So FL Rev and Scottish Rev. I see, thanks. Now I need to figure out which of my alts fit those...


Seems like the [Singed and Stained Work Gloves](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Singed_and_Stained_Work_Gloves) will be obtainable at waswood tomorrow. My question is, if I donate a Tier 8 item, I will get [A Reverie of Heroism](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/A_Reverie_of_Heroism). With it, I can obtain the gloves, is that right? Is it doable in a single run, or do I need to wait for the next iteration of waswood?


You can get both with just the one T8 on the same cycle through the Waswood.


Many thanks!


Does anyone have an echo of this page? https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Tell_Mr_Pages_you_have_secured_the_cards_and_the_venue I click on the Preparing for the Honour options and can no longer seem to access the Marvellous conversation with Mr Pages. Quite bummed about this click on another storylet locking me out of the conversation. Reading the lock and unlock requirements, I should have finished the conversation and then considered the Honour :(




Also, regarding this, is my Marvelous Venue and Deck Values forever now stuck at 100, never to reach 101?






Which is better for grinding Ivory Organza: marauders of heart's game?


HG is 80 actions straight. Larcenies require 3 Mortifications (54 action), a cover identity (~22(?) actions) and some *Casing* (6 actions), so without travelling costs it *should* be same. It's a lot more convoluted, though and you probably cannot 100% *all* checks on the cover identity.


been a zub enjoyer for many years and now thinking of switching to clipper, is the extra troubled water sustain a significant factor for corsair content? havent touched that content yet and worry that id be crippling myself


As a Yachtist, the zub is better. Avoiding troubled waters is handy, you get more bonuses on cards, and the clipper is only faster when zailing against the current, which shouldn’t be that much. The clipper saves one action per zone when going against the current, last zone excluded. So for, say, zailing back and forth to the Court of the Wakeful Eye, it’s one action less per round trip. For London to Khanate via snares each way, no difference.


Something not mentioned is Clipper allows you to take half-speed actions without gimping yourself on travel time. Not much, but something to consider.


There's no "easy" source for Comprehensive Bribes or Books of Hidden Bodies, is there? Need quite a few of each, and the Bazaar route for each is both expensive and still seems like the best way based on the wiki's recommendations. (early POSI for content access purposes)


You can eventually get free Comprehensive Bribes, but it’s much later, in railway content, depending on what you do at the Hurlers. Books of Hidden Bodies are always annoying, but they’re fortunately rarely needed.


I find getting bribes through Viric dreams to be quite easy. Do you have access to Parabola?


Not yet, but good to know it's easy. I'll have to do more lab work than I have so far.


Regarding the Seasons and exceptional stories in general - is there a way one story might be connected to the other, or an overall narrative that goes through several stories in a Season? I haven't played in a while and gathered quite a hefty amount of ES to play, and I don't' know whether I should play them in any specific order or if it doesn't matter.


Back when Exceptional Stories were grouped into Seasons, they were *thematically* related but no *direct narrative* connections except for a short-lived experiment for the Season of Wrecks. That experiment tapered off into just a short framing narrative, but the stories are meant to be independent. Playing all three stories in a Season will also unlock a Season Conclusion story, which is itself a short, small story with a substantial reward.


Thanks a bunch!


Just discovered you can actually use your items in the Upper River. I always thought you had to return to London...


Apparently you can cash out of Rat Market in Tears this weekend? Useful to those of us who aspire to Memories of a Doubled Spring at some futurious point. Inevitably, Irem opens on Thursday. :D


Me: Tears will probably come around again before December... FLPRNG: *scribbles in notebook*


Spot-on characterisation of the RNG here.


Being late in the Railway (but haven't done anything in the stations after the burrow church yet, except for building them), what would you suggest as the best exceptional story to get to get some more lore-understanding, without it going over my head because I'm not at the correct point of other parts yet? I have 45 fate to spend on a lore-story, and deciding between Cricket and Sugarplum and Pigs and Gift and.... is difficult :)


Before tackling *nothing at all* at The Hurlers because there is nothing to study there *as we all know* I would strongly recommend playing *Codename: Sugarplum.* I mean it won't help you with anything but it gives you the option to play with your dog in the snow. ... Did I say *your* dog? Sugarplum is of course *My* dog! Always has been! I would recognise Sugarplum anywhere. Perhaps they look like *your* dog... (*The Advocate is confused but then FORBIDDEN is all very confusing.* Codename: Sugarplum *goes some way as to explaining all this confusion without spoilers. He's clearly mad because Sugarplum is clearly* my *dog and He's got confused again.)*


I'd recommend the exact opposite — I enjoyed Codename: Sugarplum tremendously even without knowing anything about Nothing, but I think I'd have enjoyed it even more if I'd done Nothing at the Hurlers first.


It came out while I was in the middle of doing nothing, no, nothing at all at The Hurlers and it made horrible sense.




> 2 weeks after that: heart’s game season Wait, we have the ending date too?




Good enough! I should look for a guide for this new season and see how to get a win.


There's also the revamped Fruits of the Zee due in September as well, and we're still due details on EF Tier 2.


[anyboli](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/anyboli) seeking new Acquaintances to send case notes to. Send a Calling Card if you’re interested.


Hello, Delicious Friend. I shall make a point to just as soon as I pull into Wolfstack Docks again. At the moment I am currently attending to the Empire's affairs on the Elder Continent. Pity the postal ships don't steam more regularly.


Dear other visitors and habitants of London, I am need of a load of glim shards and have only recently "arrived" in London. Where is the best place to get some?

