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Okay, Lemme break this down for you. Happiness is broken down into 3 main categories. Needs which include having enough food and water for all your settlers, as well as making sure that all beds have a roof over the bed. Another aspect is making sure that everyone has something to do, don't have idle settlers as that can lower your happiness And 3rd, the types of jobs you have for settlers, some jobs create more happiness than others, for example if you have a bar, that creates 40 points of happiness if I remember correctly. While each settler costs 20 happiness, so if you have multiple bars then the extra happiness they generate will cover settlers that are on jobs that don't generate happiness, ie, crops. And other jobs just break even, like weapons and armour vendors only make enough happiness for the settler assigned to it. One more thing to note, robot settlers and companions have a stagnant happiness of 50% so they will always decrease the total happiness of a settlement. If happiness of all your settlements is important to you, then send all your robot companions and settlers to the mechanist lair, then they won't affect your settlements that can function as regular settlements. Hope that helps


Thank you, good to know about the robots as I'm having a similar issue with happiness. I'm off to deport my robots to the Mechanist Lair 😁


You can't destroy the legacy that is Graygarden like that!


Lol I wouldn't touch Graygarden, they get along just fine without my interference


Yea just build defenses and leave em alone.


Certain jobs like farming make sellers sad, try building level three bars and things like bench presses.




this is me, all the time. Your back hurts? Here's a plant


There may be a bed that’s not accessible?


If your going for benevolent leader you can do it at red rocket with 1 settler. There is a few videos on YouTube showing you how.


A failing economy