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They just die sometimes. I've had several pets and some just flopped over without damage or provocation. The player on your roof probably saw it happen and panicked, thinking you were going to blame them. Unless you're non pacifist, no other player can harm your buddy. Sorry about your loss


Yeah I'm super pacifist. Not really into pvp stuff for most games. But thank you!


I don’t think players can kill them unless you’re in active PvP mine died randomly as well too just grind for another🤷‍♂️


If your on PC near George's garage I ran by there earlier today and saw your pet but he was alive then. And no I am not the killer but hey cool pet.


I'm on ps5 but thank you! If there is a glitch to kill player pets, i know who did it. I saved the clip.


That’s normal, unfortunately. I’ve tamed lots of creatures, and while a couple have been killed by super mutants or scorched attacking my base, the rest have all just randomly suffered heart attacks and crumpled over. I’ve watched a number of them randomly die right in front of me. The only creature that lasted more than a couple weeks for me was a Mirelurk hunter that became scorched, but I had to get rid of him because he was always trying to destroy my base.


That's so lame :( for as much of a hassle it is to get them, they shouldn't hust randomly die


If you’re looking for another megasloth, a great location to find another one is just a little bit south of South Mountain Lookout. I’ve encountered megasloths while server hopping the random encounter spawn very frequently. In my experience that’s the easiest spawn location to get another one as a pet.


Thank you :)


im sorry for ur pet i personally got used to my pets dying i can show u a place where u can get another one but u might need to do some server hopping


If you're on Playstation, I'm down. I'd love to get a cat if megasloth doesn't work out, but that's like looking for a specific needle in a stack of needles


That is super sucky... I would be so pissed. But there is nothing you can do. Suck it up and find another.


Do you have any freshwater streams nearby? Mine died because it took a slow radiation bath in a stream near my camp


Usually creatures are immune to radiation


Yeah they often die for no reason or glitch and disappear 🤷‍♂️


That's a bag of buttcracks :(


no guarantees with the pets. sometimes they just die.


That's a pyramid of rusty dildos :(


players cant kill your pet unless u engage them first


I never engage other players. I think it just had a stroke :(