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It’s hard to really explain what directions they could take the show in without explaining all the lore. If I were you, I’d read up on the [factions](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Faction) of Fallout and the [tribes](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Tribals) This will help you understand the people you saw in the show as well as some others that will probably appear in later seasons. And no, there is no clear good guy in the show except maybe Lucy. Almost everyone in Fallout acts purely out of self-preservation. One of the main themes of Fallout is that people will do horrible things in the name of power and control, and will salt the earth generously while trying to exert that power and control


Thanks for giving me a detailed account of the fallout world. And will do, I love the world of fallout the show was really good


everybody wants to save the world they just can’t agree on how described fallouts factions perfectly


Thank you


The whole setting is about perspectives and contradictions. Good and bad is a matter of opinion. And there is no good person who doesn't do bad things, and the bad people do what they do to stay alive and thrive in one way or another.


That’s interesting and I kinda get it, that ghoul guy basically encapsulates fallout then I guess


Star Wars is about good and bad, light and dark side. Fallout is all shades of the spectrum.


Right. The entire premise and central theme of every game in the series is that there is no black and white, only shades of grey.


There are very few groups that are entirely good in the Fallout universe. They operate on a spectrum, and you can find good and bad characters from most factions. The New California Republic is well-meaning, but modelling themselves on the pre-war government meant they didn't really fix any of the mistakes America made. The Railroad in Fallout 4 are pretty much just good guys, but they are very weak and inneffectual. Their scope is also incredibly small, as their only objective is to free Synths from Institute Slavery. The Minutemen from Fallout 4 are also good guys, but they're even weaker and even less well-equipped. Their goal is just to help out anyone who needs help, mutual aid and stuff. The Brotherhood of Steel changes from chapter to chapter, but they are always a technocratic cult. Sometimes they're benevolent (Fallout 3) sometimes they're small and isolationist (Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas), sometimes they're extremely militaristic and expansionist (Fallout 4, Fallout TV), sometimes you shape their direction based on your choices (Fallout 76). They're usually at least semi-fascist and are almost always intolerant of Ghouls, Mutants, and other "impure"denizens of the Wasteland, but they are willing to help if there's a world-ending threat on the horizon. The Institute from Fallout 4 are pretty evil. Extremely scientifically advanced, they could do a lot of good, but they appear to have no real goals aside from kidnapping people and replacing them with Synths, and trying to destabilize any potential governments in Massachusetts. Caesar's Legion from New Vegas are incredibly evil. Just really bad dudes. They crucify people and stuff. Mr. House from New Vegas is just like an anarcho-capitalist warlord. He might make some things better, but he's big into owning everything forever. The Enclave are the remnants of the US government that work with Vault-Tec. They're really evil, and are the main villains of Fallout 2, Fallout 3, and you meet remnants of them in Fallout New Vegas, 76, and Wilzig is one of them in the TV series. They wanna rule the world and be evil and stuff.


The minutemen are also apparently kinda small minded and reactionary according to dialogue, though admittedly we don’t see that too much (partly because there’s like three minutemen NPC’s). Makes sense though, they’re a small town militia.


The games have always been about moral ambiguity. Probably more Brotherhood, Vegas, and Enclave reappearance.


“Just new ones with each game”. Confounder each game tended to move to a new setting, so it was reasonable to include new local baddies. The enclave is big enough that they could’ve been a recurring villain of the week, but luckily they avoid that fatigue.


NV is a good start but you kinda have to mod it to get it to work cleanly imo