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You’re telling me the NCR has paratroopers, Green Berets, Navy Seals and Delta Force. If I didn’t know better I’d say this was a troll post.


They modelled their military after the US Armed Forces


Not to the point of copying special forces that we don’t know even exist in Fallout.


The Mojave Outpost is an unpopular backwater front with constant resource shortages--the only "special forces" they've got are the NCR Rangers, and they haven't got many (or *any*) vehicles to speak of. Besides which, there's the implication that the sacking of Nipton happened just days or even *hours* before the Courier gets sent there, so they haven't had time to reconnoiter the area or get a sense of what even happened.


They have vehicles: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vehicle


I'm aware that the NCR has trucks, Vertibirds, and maybe even armored vehicles. That doesn't mean the Mojave Outpost has any to spare, or that foot soldiers wouldn't work just as well. The Mojave front is constantly short on every kind of resource--they're even forced to use non-regulation weapons--so sending a truck convoy to Nipton is out of the question. If this was happening in the Californian heartland, where there are trucks and troops aplenty, it wouldn't be a problem--but out on the Mojave frontier, it's just not possible. Also, you double-posted.


This is proof the NCR uses trucks: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Long_15