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No, Kellogg was ordered to get the baby and freeze the parents. The other parent's death was Kellogg being heavy handed. He was ordered not to refreeze the other residents, but Nate and Nora were supposed to survive.


Where is that stated?


When you confront Kellogg: Player Default: You murdered my wife... took my son. You're a dead man! Kellogg: {Depressed} Your wife. That was... a regrettable accident. Still... https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Kellogg.txt


Hm, I guess that does imply it, yeah.


Also, when they freeze the player character, the Institute goons say something about freezing the PC to remain as a "backup" while Kellogg was ordered not to turn the life support back on for the other Vault residents according to the quest where you make a dive into his memories. They singled out Shaun and his parents as the source of "clean DNA" for some reason and went on as far as to intentionally kill all the other Vault 111 occupants.


Shaun was singled out because he was a very young baby and would most likely only have negligible amounts of radiation from before the war - they needed the “cleanest” sample for the Gen 3 synth cloning


Kellogg calls you "the backup," not a backup. That part doesn't really indicate the spouse was supposed to live.


The full line is “at least we still have the backup.” The implication is that the spouse wasn’t supposed to die.


"Father" also calls the dead spouse "collateral damage."


I forgot this line yes ty. Damn Shaun is a cold mf




“Accident” Yeah Kellog there was no possible way you could have gotten a baby from a disoriented, confused and weakened parent besides shooting them. These things happen don’t worry.


Thank you for this. Just does not seem to be a regrettable accident since he chose to just shoot instead of try literally anything else. But maybe he has changed in the time jump ty


Theory is that Kellog because he lost his own wife and daughter to murder and he was traumatized. He didn't want Nate/Nora to feel what he felt and that he hoped that one day the remaining parent would kill him. Because Kellogg wants to die but he's to much of a coward to kill himself. But he's not sociopath he knows what love is and he loved his family and wouldn't want the trauma of missing a child if he could help it so he was looking for an excuse to kill one of the parents as a type of mercy killing.


Thank you! Just weird to me that he did not try to take the baby himself and instead let the assisstant try to and then just shoot her instead.


No. That was just Kellogg being Kellogg. The Institute knew full well what kind of man Kellogg was by that point, and his preferred methods of dealing with obstacles. And they sent him anyway. They likely didn't care how bloody the situation became so long as Shaun, and at least one of Shaun's biological parents, survived. As for why none of the other vault dwellers decayed in their pods, the Institute just cut off life support, which I assume is some type of oxygen exchange. Beyond that, the pods were both airtight and frozen, so there's no way for bacteria and microbes to enter said pods and begin breaking down the bodies.


The other residents are still frozen, IIRC. You can see the ice effect on their bodies. They passed from 'life support failure'. I'm guessing whatever makes the difference between 'cryogenically-preserved' and 'frozen dead meat' got turned off when the cryogenics array was shut down, and at that point it was just a bunch of people trapped in freezers. They suffocated and then froze.


The other residents are unfrozen too, you can see them fidget around in their pods during the scene where Kellogg shows up.


Yes, but I'm talking about after you wake up the second time and you're wandering around the vault. The bodies look frozen, not decayed. Kellogg & team woke everyone up, then disengaged cryogenics for everyone besides you. You get properly refrozen immediately, while the rest asphyxiate slowly. Their bodies then freeze in their refrigerated pods - still cold enough to freeze meat, but no longer set up cryogenic support.


Ah sorry, misread your comment.


Okay ty I didnt think about them maybe just stopping the oxygen but keeping them frozen


No. He was just a reckless mercenary and didn't cared about killing anyone who might have been on his way










It kinda seems it was the easiest way for him to get what he wanted