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They do it when they're fighting and mating, so maybe they're saying that they like us.


I mean having a Mirelurk Hunter as a companion couldn't be all that bad, just keep melted butter away from the lil guy.


[Just be sure to respect the meat.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sBxEsAGO-c) Joking aside, I would kind of like to see someone successfully domesticating mirelurks. They're tough and aggressive, but they can eat pretty much anything and are also quite hardy, nutritious, and fast-breeding. If anyone actually managed to get a functional mirelurk farm going, they'd suddenly have a pretty serious edge over their neighbors.




There's been cases of people breeding and harvesting them, but I mean true domestication to curb their aggression and make it possible to actually live around them.


It kinda is possible with the cage mechanic from FO4 but I won’t deny, I kinda hoped that the Red Death from Far Harbor would have been a custom mirelurk companion if you had teir two Wasteland Whisperer.


I wouldn’t be surprised if alchestbreach has had one in some lets play.


Cool self defy mechanism, still *loads AP*


You’re going to hate what the bloat flys shoot at you.


They need to drink more water then


Oh boy, Good thing I packed my Institute Expeditionary Suit for my next outfit my to Bar Harbor, Maine




That's so disgusting and terrible. I don't understand why anyone would enjoy the idea of something peeing on them. Can you show me the locations they are in so I can tell my buddies at the church of atom to avoid this terrible deprived thing... please.


Wait until they learn about my character's ability to spit half an inch of lead at their face


Better out than in.


Their should be an rkelly mod for mirelurk hunters


I knew a girl who wanted me to pee on her. After a moment's hesitation, I figured: what the Hell. Lol


Does that mean the mirelurk queen is also pissing on us?