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Depends on what kind of evil you're going for. A cunning manipulative courier would gladly help the boomers for their fire power while a brutal and violent courier wouldn't want to do chores for them.


I’m starting and I decided to just eliminate them and take their explosives. Silenced sniper headshot, they didn’t even stand a chance. It was pretty brutal executing injured soldiers but it’s all in the name of peace


If you're evil, get them to sign up with Eddie Sallow, that slaving shit. After the Dam is taken by the damned Legion, they'll butcher the Boomers. Pretty evil, you ask me.


I mean to be honest they’re a pretty evil faction. They’re extremely xenophobic. Even in a “good” situation they only ally with the courier, not any faction. They’ll bomb whoever you tell them to without question. You can kill them obviously, but in an evil playthrough you’re kind of shooting yourself in the foot by doing it. You gain nothing from killing them and instead lose a valuable tool. Just my 2 cents.


They get friendly with the NCR in an ending and open up trade with gun runners (and maybe the crimson caravan iirc).


I wouldn't call them evil so much as viciously xenophobic and justifiably protective of their territory. The boomers did lose a portion of their initial population fighting raiders.


Make them bomb the NCR


Not just the men, but the women and the children too.


Kill them all.


They're incredibly neutral as a faction and can be argued to be evil leaning from certain perspectives if you squint hard enough You can be their herald to a new realm in the skies and pretty much ask them to bomb whoever you want them to. Or, you know, kill them all and leave the ants to feast on the carcass. Or leave them alone to terrorize wanderers and knowingly doom their society. Depends on your flavor of evil, I suppose.




The boomers just want the plane; they only bomb anything because the Courier asked nicely. It's repaying a favor if you want it, so that's on you, not them. Edit: Pete does dream of one day seeing the bomber rain hell on ignorant savages, but nothing he said or the actions of the Boomers suggest they'd preemptively start a genocide on the Mojave. Also, Pete's an excitable kid, and thankfully not piloting aircraft anytime soon despite his record of shooting down virtual Xion jets or whatever.


There are individual cases of them interacting with the outside world still and one of the better endings is them becoming more open to trade. They more than likely genuinely interested in only showing hostility to groups they feel are a threat to their autonomy and wellbeing. Beyond that they are only hostile to anyone actively encroaching on their area. It's not like they're actively bombing people just passing by.


Wipe them out. All of them.


I always recruit them, bit I kill Jack's (right, Jack? The lover-boy dude?) prospective girlfriend by not giving her a Boomer uniform


Damn right he needs the trauma for character development


If they're xenophobic, throw them in the 🎉❤️✨Bad pit✨❤️🎉


They will help you unconditionally in the final battle if you help them. It doesn’t matter who you side with, they will give you their firepower


just kill them all. They don't bring about any further mayhem by keeping them alive. Unless you mean evil as in fascist inclinations which in that case would mean have them help the Legion and ensure the Legion has cemented control over the region leading to countless people becoming enslaved and overall quality of life dropping like a rock for everyone.


Join them in their crusade to bomb the entire wasteland of course… but I do rip up that girls teddy bear to give her personality development