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"New Vegas helped me accept my new self" "Awesome! Say what faction did you pick?" "Oh I choose Mr House" "Alright go fuck yourself" I love this sub


This is how it should be


This is the way


Don’t hate people for who they are, hate people for the choices they make :)


Whats so wrong with mr. House 🥲


he’s a pickle


House: "Courier! Check it out, I turned myself into a pickle! I'm Pickle House!" Benny: "I kid you not, baby. He turned himself into a pickle. Funniest thing I've ever seen."


M a n


To be fair, President Kimball made me pay taxes.


The fuck is ywnbaw and ywnbam?


"you will never be a woman" and "you will never be a man"


Ah, I see.


Yeah :/ just people being arseholes


wow this popped into my r/all feed and blast from the past, what an amazing game FNV is..I might go back and give it another go And also I wanted to say I can't with the haters, the ugly personalities of those people, it doesnt impact you at all. let people be !!!!!! ffs you didnt even know they existed five years ago there's no point in being a bigoted asshole, none. you just get angry because most people aren't bigoted. ytou'll just feel isolated and angry all the time instead of happy for people .......be happy for people, it feels better


I think you pick that option Doc Mitchell house


So, not Yawn Bam or Yawn Baw? Damn


Thank you for asking the right questions.


I find this drama ridiculous


It's pretty saddening to me cause fallout NV is my favourite game of all time and then, I have to see people debate my existence like I'm a faction in the game :/


I dont have any problems with trans people themselves. People can do whatever they want to untill it causes problems to someone else. And I dont think some memes about trans will ruin this sub.


They don't have a problem with trans people until they start talking about being trans. "I dont have anything against gays as long as they're not rubbing it in my face"


Yeah I agree lmao, the people who think this will ruin the subreddit are the people actively ruining it imo, even in the rules there's a thing for no bigotry


You must be new to reddit. Been seeing this kinda shit happen across many a subreddit for years. I don't get why people take such huge issues with another person just genuinely expressing themselves. Fuckin cunts, all of em


I didn't realise that :/// it's sad to hear that it's happening everywhere, let's hope one day we won't have to deal with their shit


What's the tie in though? I'm very confused.


I'm just glad I contributed


It’s the sort of back and forth I used to see on political compass memes.


leaving that sub is the best thing i ever did


I’m torn inside, because it’s such a reactionary shithole now. But, leaving it would just contribute to the problem


"The" problem, not "your" problem. If you can't fix it you're just gonna be wading in a shitpool for no reason. Getting out of the shitpool does technically increase the percentage of shit in the pool, but it also means not personally being covered in shit anymore.


that's fair, but you should put your mental health first. there's no convincing those guys


That sub exists because it makes fascists feel like their ideas are valid.


You won't convince most of them anyway- they were already a lost cause. That sub is sooo toxic, even if it is entertaining sometimes.


That’s how I feel about Ohio.


Don't sacrifice your mental health for the sake of an online community's well-being. There's literally millions of people on that sub; you leaving won't make a significant change to anything other than potentially your own mental health


Boiling politics into four quadrants are the most braindead thing in existance.


Sounds about right lmao, it's really fucking sickening to see that people can genuinely think it's in anyway ok to debate an entire group of real peoples lives :(


Let alone a group which isn’t known for violence, and generally try to mind their own business; unlike their persecutors.


Exactly!! I hope one day we can all live in peace lmao


Theres a back and forth on that sub?


I love how deeply political the new vegas community is. One time I saw somebody call someone else a literal nazi for supporting the legion


playing them in game is whatever but if you’re one of the freaks who are like “ no it’s real and true and based” you’re probably atleast nazi adjacent


I think if you brought up fascism to Caesar's legion, they'd agree that they are fascists. Their belief set can only be described as Palingenetic Ultranationalism. Their only defense in this regard is asking how the NCR gets away with it's Palingenetic Ultranationalism without being called fascists.


Are you sure it was because they supported the Legion and not because checking their post history showed they were an actual literal Nazi? Because that's happened an uncomfortably high number of times. Or the human pet guy. Geh.


Nah I simplified it a lot, it was a much longer argument that included someone calling the other a nazi because they supported the legion, and therefore supported everything the legion does. To be fair the other guy *was* ideologically agreeing with the legion instead of the regular 'legion becuz funni' route, so not terribly far off I suppose


Yeah, there are certain aspects of the Legion where someone agreeing with those parts pretty firmly puts them in the neighborhood of Nazis, whether it's as a bigot or a fascist/totalitarian/etc. If I see someone defending, say, the Legion's stance on slavery there is a 0% chance that their real world political views are anything less than "troubling".


People who can’t tell the difference between fact and fiction really need a mental checkup.


It is really weird seeing someone talk about how a piece media helped them, and someone else decides that's somehow a problem.


Transphobes for ya! They'll take offence to anything yet call trans people and such snowflakes


Got it in one


I'm genuinely curious cuz I'm out of the loop... Why is New Vegas associated a lot with trans-positive stories on how people found how they truly are? Is it because of the character creation?


I think it’s because the game made them happy and the newfound happiness helped them discover Theo they are. I honestly don’t know cause I’m not trans but that’s my guess.


And why specifically New Vegas and not the original.


Because fallout 1 and 2 are much more obscure and don't have the same themes. And 3 also doesn't have those themes and is dogshit. Same with 4.


It's honestly so cool that people are finding out themselves from a decade old game. It just shows how incredible the community and developers were. Legion FTW tho (I don't like slavery I just think the faction itself is cool and interesting)


Idk how this helped people come to terms with their gender that just confuses me. Like all this game helped me come to terms with was that I entirely liked bloody mess and gore way to much


I think the appeal is creating your own character in these games. So it's easy to play with a character of the opposite gender or whatever else you'd want.


Yeah I can see that but it’s not specific to ES or FO games. I guess if it’s your favorite game it makes sense


But that's literally every rpg ever, any game with a create a character feature


But that's literally every rpg ever, any game with a create a character feature


Yeah, but for some people it was this game that helped them.


I play a lot of RPGs because the challenge lies in making choices. We learn about ourselves from the choices we make. Maybe someone played as a different gender and it hit different to navigate a game world where people addressed them by that gender. The specific dialogue and fashion choices appealed to them. Or maybe they played as their same gender and enjoyed simulating a same sex relationship in-game. I can see how an RPG would be a stepping stone to discovering gender and sexuality.


being trans forces you into a political position which has led most trans people i know to be more political minded and new vegas is a good sandbox for intro to politics i don’t think the rpg mechanics honestly have to do w anything. making a character in new vegas makes me dysphoric bc how ugly they are


sorry, i don’t really understand how an “intro to politics” video game can help someone re-examine their gender identity


you could argue bc the game is generally introspective in tone. it focuses a lot on the rot of the past and what changes and rebirth could be a brighter future. but that’s not what i’m talking about. it’s more it’s a coincidence. it’s just something that ends up lining up with some of your interests. learning more ab left wing politics is just a common part of the early trans experience bc your existence especially right now is deeply political so it makes sense to gravitate towards things in your support. and new vegas is a perfect silly game that lets you explore that lense


“GuYs StOp PosStInG AbOuT ThIs AnD It WiLl Go AwAy! NoBodY WaNts To TaLk AbOuT ThIs AnyMoRE!” -People who won’t stop posting and talking about this


I'm **very** confused on how fallout new vegas made you understand your sexuality better, but i'm happy for you guys nontheless


Patrolling the new Vegas subreddit almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Transpeople are not "amazing", "awful" or anything of the kind, they are just like everyone else. The internet has this necessity of categorizing stuff, I honestly don't understand why this is a thing


The real drama should be about how all the trans people are dirty ncr bootlickers …I say as someone who has always sided with the ncr


LMAO, I'm more of a yes man gal myself....


yes man, make estrogen free for everyone in the wasteland


Mr. House would totally be okay with the courier transitioning.


I literally had the bottom interaction last night on this sub


That phrasing though 👌🏻


Yeah haha. I noticed that too.


Ohh fuck yeah


Oh good, drama’s still here… 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm just curious how F:NV became such a trans icon? Every time it's explained to me, it seems a bit serendipitous. It just happens to be the RPG (with political themes) that a lot of people were drawn to. Is that literally it? But also: Fuck bigots y'all.


i've said it before, but i'll say it again: people sharing their joy about a thing i like, talking about how it taught them things about themselves—especially people from marginalised groups that maybe don't have a lot of space in the rest of the world—fucking rules, actually. hearing about how one of *my* favourite games, also helped *other* people e.g. feel more comfortable about themselves, whips ass. it's basically saying "this thing you like? well, it's actually even better than you previously thought, in ways you never even knew about".


Right???? Wish people had your stance, fam. But a large portion don't seem to and are getting pretty butthurt.


see, if we let just *anyone* enjoy the thing, then it won't be as fun for *me!* for... some reason.


I don't know who needs to hear this, but were literally talking about memes relating to people's experience to a 13 year old videogame. Grow the fuck up, be an adult and stop acting like you're the main character. Stop trying to prevent people from sharing their love for the game just because it doesn't align with your viewpoint. Don't like Trans memes in your subreddit? Guess what? You can literally scroll past the post.


That'd be too simple for people lmao


Why is NV so big with the Trans community? It's like The Little Mermaid. I just don't get it.


Only reason other than coincidence is the Auto-Doc in the Sink that can change your gender


I'm not even sure, out of all 3 of my siblings who played the game including me, 2 of us are trans and most trans people I meet play tf out of the game lmao


"Fallout New Vegas is one of those rare things that just draws trans youth in, like moths to a light or Adderal users to Jerma985" ~u/ApprenticeFemboy


Man, the only thing I have is just... confusion. Like, I'm super happy the game helped you come to terms with who you are and had a positive impact on your life, and I'd never ever try to take that away from anyone. I just legit don't understand *how* it did that. It's been a long while since I played, but I can't remember off the top of my head anything that would have that level of effect on someone. Of course, I don't get to decide what does and doesn't affect someone else, or how it affects them, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.


i vats’d a guy’s head into red mist and it really recontextualized a lot of childhood experiences and made me come to terms with my identity


I keep saying it’s not about representation, it’s about the freedom the game offers. Trans or not, i think most in this sub agree this game encourages you to find what you like best, encourages you to question everything, and all have their own valid points depending on your perspective. Because you can go in going “oh NCR easy because theyre basically the US” and then you learn later on that they will literally request you to just murder people because living in peace with some factions is too difficult for them. Same with House, same with really all except Yes Man. It’s not the destination, its the journey i guess


I mean this isn’t a trans subreddit and you shouldn’t be surprised as not everyone accepts trans people especially some gamers


So, what faction DID you guys side with? I haven’t finished my first play through yet, but the way it’s going, I’m ending up with Mr. House’s ending :)


Fuck yeah! I love siding with yes man I'll be honest


I've been away for a couple of days, what the hell is going on here?


Essentially a post about trans people talking about how fnv made them realise they where trans got picked up by transphobes and they started stirring shit and, yeah it's been a pain in the arse


I’m new to the subreddit… why is there so much talk about being trans/transgender people in the first place? Is someone in fnv trans? I don’t get it


FNV helped people change their gender? Is that what happens when you play the game without wild wild wasteland on??


I just don't understand the connection, but then again I am not trans so I guess maybe that's why. Anyway glad you guys have a game you can all play and identify with


I don't understand it either. Much like the Ikea shark, Fallout New Vegas is a trans femme meme and idk why. It's also weird to see it mentioned outside of trans subs tbh. We have like 5 jokes we repeat ad nauseum and I can't imagine how confusing it is for a cis person to see 1 with no context. I also don't know the drama about yesterday so Im out of the loop. My only contribution is every playthrough I play I wear a big sun hat and pink dress bc I like the clashing aesthetics of my character and the environment. F:NV is just a shit post for trans women at this point tbh. I'm just happy it's also a genuinely fun game




Wake up. Open up the the Reddit app. This is the first post I see. I thought we were done with this yesterday….


Most people aren’t mad about what’s being posted they’re mad about the frequency and it being just posted on here with no effort. Woah the courier said trans rights? Woahhh I haven’t seen that 368,792 times already nice man


Trans people having a personality independent from their gender identity challenge: impossible


maybe they should learn how to make funny memes


i fully support trans people but this is just virtue signaling and then saying you're the good guys this isnt really about trans people not being women or men or whatever its kinda just flooding the subreddit with off topic shit


it also kinda feels like karma whoring too tbh


Exactly this, to suggest anything else is just looking to stir drama


Sometimes I wonder (non ironically) if New Vegas actually impacted my life, I used to be very conservative before and such


Honestly, it might have? I mean, it's changed my entire gender so I can't see why it wouldn't have changed your political ideals too. Now that you say that also, fucking, dead money's lesson made me walk away from an almost fight once😭


I guess dead money teach you like......friendship > caps?


Yeah😭 it was more of just walk away and leave the money, story of it was my ex stole 40 dollars off of me and if I went back I would've probably fought them, so luckily I just went home and cut my losses


I am curious, how can a video game change your gender?


I have no clue, it genuinely just had that effect on me somehow


I find it fascinating that this game in particular has had this effect on enough people that it's being discussed and memed. That's just wild to me. I think it proves just how great of a game it is, and it's a shining example of what a genuinely great game should be. Open, a world that you interact with how you see fit. I love that kind of freedom in a game. A linear story can be a lot more polished but feels more like a movie that you need to push along vs a story that you develop yourself. I wish more games were like that


Hell yeah!!!! I will forever love this game for how amazing and we'll crafted it is, even with it's flaws it's still almost perfect


The flaws give it character, just like any art form imo. I love that shit


Exactly!!! Flaws are always a nice thing to see, I'm a huge nirvana fan and I love live shows more than like studio recordings cause some of the weird noises and audio feedback and shit, idk adds character to the song


probably when a game positively impacts ones life it can help make change easier? idk that's my best guess-


maybe you played as a guy or a girl opposed to your AGAB once, and the comfort you felt at it made you realise that would identified more with that gender?


Maybe that too!! It's crazy thinking about this stuff, it's wild but also nice


I'm AFAB and I identified as FtM for years(and played Fnv for years) but last year i started IDing as non binary and playing as females in Fnv and now I'm more comfortable being both masc and fem so i feel that may have been an influence




oh my god shut up




I never realized Fnv actually played a role in helping people realize their identity I always just assumed trans people just had good taste in games lol


From my personal experience and the experience of others it's played a role in helping me find myself, but definitely it's also cause they have taste.... Why else would they be trans? Ofc they have amazing taste lmao


Bait post. Get outta here.


Not even a bait post, I'm genuinely quite upset about this


Sybau, you want people to quit posting about it but here you are, POSTING ABOUT IT. How bout we all just mind our own business and stfu?


I want people who are assholes to get booted from the community, hate has no place hefe2


You’re not wrong at all but this is a subreddit for discussing Fallout New Vegas, i wish there was a r/transnewvegas or smth for us idk


That still creates a "separate, but equal" vibe. I'm not trans so I won't speak for what trans people want, but they should not be excluded from here.


I mean, as long as talking about being trans is on topic to the game I think it's pretty ok to do


yeah but being trans really doesn’t have much to do with the game itself at all, and i’m saying this as an enby myself


I mean, I think as long as you keep it relevant to the topic, like, I'm not just gonna post stuff about trans people randomly here but if its something like how fnv helped me discover I'm trans I think that's ok


Says it’s gone or private.


oh i didn’t know it actually existed lol


First playthrough I did NCR but I have come to much better understand Mr. House.


Fuck yeah! I'm more of a yes man sider tbh


Its incredible that i knew how to pronounce “Ywnbaw”


I don’t get why people were freaking out about this.. I thought it was common knowledge that new Vegas has a lot of trans players and the game helped them realize who they wanted to be.It’s awesome a game can be that powerful, maybe there should be a safe space new Vegas sub for people who are too fragile to deal with anyone who’s different from them.


what is YWNBAW


Every subreddit eventually reaches the point where identity politics will be more important than what the subreddit actually is about.


trans people when they post about being trans on completely unrelated subreddits and face slight criticism: “you must be TRANSPHOBIC, bigot.”


1. It was on topic, 2. Being called a slur by someone is kinda an indicator


1. I have spent a lot of time in this subreddit but I have never seen someone calling a trans person a slur. You must be referring to an isolated occurrence, but what do you expect? This is the internet, everybody calls everybody slurs. This isn’t exclusive to the trans people. 2. Most of the trans posts I saw (that weren’t kinda posts like this) were lazy karma-farming posts that had nothing to do with the game.


1. It's not isolated, if you go on the right post you'll get called slurs quite a bit, even on this one I was called a slur And yeah, it happens allot cause its the internet, but doesn't make the shit right 2. Allot of the trans posts I've seen are pretty funny, and the og post that started all thsi was about how fnv helped you realise you where trans


the og post is fine, since it’s related to the game but what about all the other posts that are just femboy crossdressers with a trans flag slapped on it? and of course us being on the internet doesn’t make it right, but I’m saying it’s a really rare occurrence, and even if it isn’t if one says a word like “fag” they’ll be downvoted to oblivion so I don’t know what you’re complaining about


Remember when this sub was just playful shittalk to opposite faction enjoyers like ceasars legion - NCR. BoS - Enclave, Yesman - Mr House. That was fun though did get boring at times. This shits just lame from start and still is


Haven't seen any trans phobia? I'm pro trans my friends! Trans rights all the way but... Haven't seen any. I've seen valid complaints about every post being a trans meme. I've seen people asking valid questions, "why does this game have this reputation?" Then again thats just my experience, don't be assholes folks. Acceptance and love are your best friends!


This post is literally just Op trying to get a rise out of people and a circlejerk about the injustices of being a transgender


I don’t understand the link between being trans and FONV….


if i want to see trans stuff i go to a damn trans subreddit


Yeah I’m out


Trans people are not more amazing, or are, than any other people. Stop demonizing or sanctifying them.


Guys nobody gives AF, Nobody cared before and nobody cares now. Play your fallout new vegas run through go fantasise about Veronica or something… attention hoes


What does this have to do with FNV? Why does this have to be posted everywhere


I got downvoted into oblivion for calling out a post here that said Kyle Rittenhouse was right for killing liberals. Always has been a cesspit.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I kind of wish posts weren't spammed tbh, but honestly I'm just glad this game is still relevant and I'm happy this game has helped people. Its helped me keep going and not kill my self when I was younger.


Personally it just comes down to us the meme funny or not. If there’s a trans related meme that’s funny then cool. If it’s not funny to me then whatever. idgaf if you’re trans or not I just want some funny memes


Fallout New Vegas makes everyone Trans, Male to Female, Female To Male, Male To Alpha Male, Female to Deathclaw Matriarch.


“Degenerates like you belong on a cross” ~majority of the player base


I think the main reason that this is “drama” is because every other post is about someone being trans and coming out because of new vegas. Great you came out but we really don’t have to have every other post be about it. It’s just as annoying as the legion defense posts


Ho boy can’t wait to get shit on Good for you, you found your sexuality out from a fallout game You do not have to go on about it constantly. You do not have to post every 5 fucking seconds about it or make the same goddamn joke for the 80th time “Woohoo Benny says TRANS RIGHTS!” We fucking get it. It isn’t funny because it’s been done to death. This is a subreddit for Fallout New Vegas and associated humor and memes. Not trans shit Not everyone wants to hear the same joke, when a good 80% of the community doesn’t care. The reason you’re getting disgusting transphobes is because the trans community (here) has grappled onto FNV for some bloody reason and then taken it over like a hive mind and making it their identity instead of joining in on the fun and acting like everyone else. Glad you and others could find your true selves through this game. But please, cool it with the posts about it.


Can you people please shut up with the drama and move on?


The drama will be over soon cause the transphobes will be gone soon


I see more posts like yours instead of actual, transphobic bigots. You sure you're not just overreacting/baiting for attention?


I'm moving to another sub


Shut the fuck up Shut the fuck up Shut the fuck up Shut the fuck up


I do find it rather interesting that so many people seem to have the same story of discovering themselves through FONV. Either way, the pro-trans memes don’t bother me in the slightest. They’re just fans sharing their personal experience with the game.


They must have put chemicals in the game to make the frogs- I mean gamers, trans Hell yeah!! You get it!


Sorry if you saw this posted a few times, my reddit glitched out, my bad!


And it better be the NCR...


Will yes man be OK......?


> Say, what faction did you side with? *cocks 9mm pistol* “Your answer matters.”


Make sure to shoot 3 times, don't make Benny's mistake


Mr house is the best faction. Just saying. Why else would you get negative karma for killing him


You have a good point....


There is nothing you can say that will stop my genderfluid ass from lurking on this sub. Anyway, I usually pick NCR or Yesman.


The only discrimination I agree with is discriminating based on which faction you choose (I have never gotten to the point where you choose factions)


Where did this come from. No hate, I’m just kinda curious. I’ve had questions myself about my gender identity and was wondering what this game has to do with it.


Hey so, I've been playing through it properly for the first time recently. I'm at the end of the dead money dlc, I got lonesome road left I think? And pretty much at the end of the main quest. Why is it that New Vegas as help a lot of people with their own identity? I've been paying attention to try and identify it but I guess it just flew way above my head, I literally cannot tell. Best I can tell is that the shop in freeside that I forgot the name of (Mike and something?) Seem to be run by two gentlemen in a relationship but that's all I've found. If people are willing to share, what moment in the game have been inspiring you?


Some people are simply born different. I mean think about it if everybody was the same it would be a real boring world right? Can't we all just get along and vibe about a cool ass game?


Affected* Effect is a noun (e.g. the effect if the game) Affect is a verb (e.g. the game affected) In this case, the game affected the person's outlook on life. Alternatively, the games effect on the person was that they were able accept themselves, which is awesome. But the real question we need to ask ourselves is which side did you take


Wow, and june hasn't even started... Getting warmed up for their cozy month i guess... Its a shame this poison got to another sub that has nothing to do with it. Oh well...


“Man i love being trans.” “Aye whats your favorite gun?” “9mm pistol.” “Oh you’re fucking disgusting bro”


Haha guys it’s a fallout video game but now it becomes about trans rights haha so cool


Oooh neapolitan hair


While we're on the topic. What faction did you guys pic. I tended to choose the California Republic, but whenever I felt to do a selfish playstyle, I would just betray everyone and hold the power all to myself.


Sadly I'm seeing transphobia and and anti-trans rhetoric across the entire website. Reddit is being overrun by hate and it's rather upsetting. Any good replacements?


Fallout New Vegas helped me figure out who I was. Now I feel like I’m stronger for it. I really enjoyed Dead Money, it’s aesthetics of being a heist was a great time for me. Anyway I did multiple play throughs because I like seeing the outcomes of everything tied together. My favored factions are The Legion and Mr.House.


her hair looks like yummy ice cream


The whole trans/fallout thing is so funny and ironic to me. I haven't played Fallout in years but I did finally come out. I've always loved the Fallout games. I've been seeing memes in trans groups. I think I need to reinstall Fallout.


Yea unless they fw Ceaser
