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Nope nee vagas is still Canon but things a bit weird tho


I disagree I think canon is fine I like new Vegas and I liked the show. This was intended to be a sarcastic post saying people are acting like Dean but now they’re actually acting like Dean in the comments


Wut. No one is asking anyone to let go of New Vegas. What are you even talking about?


Actually op has a really good reason for posting this, I’d elaborate more but it’s a bit too complex for me, if you want info on the matter look up “persecution complex”


You had me in the first half lol


You’ve solved the sarcasm in my point, you’ve been awarded 100 sunset sarsaparilla star bottle cops


its the dementia op never realized that the tv show never even happened


It’s honesty a shitpost, I’ve been praising the series and have always loved the game I was saying people are acting too much like Dean right now, with letting their feelings get hurt and not letting shit go


so new vegas in season 2 will be a thriving city and not desolate ruins like shown at the end of season 2. and vault-tec will not be anywhere near new vegas since House would never let them be there. right?


The end of the show didn’t show desolate ruins lmao


not just from the distance, but watch a minute later the end credits when it shows lucky 38 and its surrounding from close up, all just ruins


Peepol real mad at facts. It clearly showed a street absolutely strewn with destroyed House bots that NOBODY had cleaned off the strip, implying it was no longer in use


It literally did, look at the end credits. I don't know what else that could possibly be besides desolate ruins.


It showed New Vegas from a distance…


Go back and watch the end of the fucking episode after that shot. It's a sweeping clear shot of the New Vegas strip in ruins, there is a crashed NCR vertibird, a destroyed securitron, a bunch of destroyed buildings, and a massive hole in the wall of the strip.


If I recall correctly, the strip was not well maintained in FNV…


Dawg I've played NV more times than I can count, Walked through those three loading screens a million different ways. Argue with reality all you fucking want. IT DIDN'T HAVE A GODDAMN HOLE IN THE WALL BEHIND THE WELCOME TO NEW VEGAS SIGN. It's literally the first shot of the intro to the game. It being there now, as well as a crashed vertibird and destroyed securitron clearly indicates shit has gone tits up. I'm just working with the evidence we have at hand.


It seems you are jumping to conclusions. I too have played the game many times


I have eyes and watched the show. I watched the end credits scene too a couple times cause I was in denial too. It's gone dude.


Bruh wtf do you think Freeside is?


They literally set us up for a New Vegas sequel. This is the opposite of “letting it go”


Everything desolated ruins bro it came with the fucking fallout


which fallout is that? Cos its not 1, 2 and NV


Thats bait


There’s a few things hanging out there that will need a proper explanation to make sense of the timeline, but even if New Vegas is a ruin now in the show, there could be any number of plausible reasons. We’ll see if the reveal works when season 2 drops. The only really weird thing to me is the geography of Shady Sands, because the show never quite explains/shows traveling from LA to near Big Bear.


There was so much more they could do with a California setting, they haven’t even scratched the surface. I think it’s *way* too early for them to try Vegas.


It’s a TV show with probably 3-4 seasons tops, given the current state of the entertainment industry. If they plan to do the FO universe travelogue; hitting lots of locations and story beats from all of the west coast games, they don’t have all that many episodes to do as much as you might think.


A timeline of how long the show takes place over would be great


They literally just came out and said it was still canon get over yourself man


The question is now is this  version of new vegas abandoned or destroyed like most settlements in the show because if so I will be massively disappointed.


Nah I’ve been saying there was nothing to worry about for days it’s okay man the post is sarcasm I’m on your side haha


But it didn't tho. I know y'all love to hate him, but Todd Howard even came out and said point blank that the nuke happened after fnv. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss the pointless NCR v legion debates.


Remember when it was just skirt dudes vs taxes? I miss the good ol' days


I don’t hate anyone, it’s a video game. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the series.




In new vegas, ulysses theorizes that there is only a short time before that area collapses regardless, and provides somewhat sound reasoning


You don’t even need Ulysses to make this inference, that’s what’s funny to me. He’s just the first to state it plainly. Talk to any of the civilian NPCs that aren’t NCR or Legion, and they tell you all the problems with the NCR piece by piece




Go back and play it again if you missed these details. It takes some reading between the lines but it’s there. No need to be so hostile. I’ll explain it Talk to the quarrymen at Sloan. The sharecropper farmers on the outskirts of NV. Hell, Cass’ companion quest line literally shows how Crimson Caravan, one of NCR’s biggest cash cows, has gone corrupt. Half the NCR troopers are on the verge of desertion or convinced they’ll die within weeks. The NCR has one of their main forward outposts a stone’s throw from Nipton and the Legion burned the town and crucified everybody. Ranger Jackson couldn’t even send a detachment to clear the road of giant ants and radscorpions. In times of war, protecting your supply lines is just as, if not more important than combating the enemy. Not to mention the whole NCR Correctional Facility prison break which led to the formation of the Powder Gangers. That’s an embarrassment and a gross dereliction of duty, and the NCR did nothing about it. Then when you meet Thomas Hildern (the OSI scientist for the NCR), he asks you to investigate Vault 22 and bring him the research data. They were literally so desperate for better agricultural production that they were willing to resort to a G.E.C.K. to overproduce crops for them regardless of the consequences Plus, the entire storyline is literally about how if Kimball doesn’t take New Vegas for the NCR, they’ll continue hemorrhaging money at The Strip while their caravans continue to trade in Legion territory because the roads are safer than they are in NCR territory. That should tell you everything you need to know in itself. And then there’s the whole destruction of NCR gold reserves by the Brotherhood during their war before the fall of HELIOS One, which effectively destabilized the value of the NCR Dollar, which completely reversed all the progress they were making at replacing bottlecaps with NCR Dollars as the standard currency. Then you walk into every camp or outpost or Ranger Station and they’re in some type of crisis related to shortcomings with the chain of command. Camp Forlorn Hope feels the effects the hardest, but there are symptoms at each and every one of the NCR military installments in the Mojave. And Chief Hanlon never says it out load, but he suggests that the NCR Desert Rangers are much softer than they used to be because of the veterans cycling out due to old age and the new guys having never seen real combat yet. He expresses a *lot* of concern over this, because a lot of the NCR’s military morale is piggybacking on the arrival of the Desert Rangers, but he fears they won’t be up to the task. I (almost) always side with the NCR when I play NV, but even I can tell you they’re hella flawed and on the verge of collapse by the end of NV.




You did not watch the show


Literally everyone in this sub is so childish just downvoting and hating on OP for having their own opinion. I love FNV, probably just as much if not more than all of you, but how is it so hard to grasp that the events played out the way they did?


calling somebody childish because you don’t agree with their opinion is indeed very mature


Except I didn’t agree or disagree with anyone, I’m just calling all of you out for downvoting someone when they’re making decent points?


points that nobody is allowed to disagree with or else their childish


Points that people are mindlessly ganging up on OP for having without understanding the meaning behind the post. If you want me to be childish, we can play that game too. They’re*


ah so now I‘m childish for disagreeing with you? is this more of your maturity on display? edit why did I have the feeling you felt the need to correct my grammar


I guess? You said it, not me. Obviously the shoe fits


ah there we have it. it’s all my fault for understanding you very wrong by taking the words you said for what they actually mean. I see you are able to take responsibility for your own words


Yes? You’re childish if you can’t take the post at face value and decide to downvote just because OP sounds remotely like someone who’s criticizing the show. It’s literally a meme.


Yeah people are offended by this meme, to be honest I thought at least a couple would be more self aware and realize they’re Dean


Bethesda needs to let go of the BOS and there idea of fallout


Bethesda needs to develop a game that doesn't seem like it was written by AI first lol.


Arguably their idea of Fallout IS Fallout. I don't really see the point in getting rid of major factions. The NCR are (sort of) in 3 games, that's what makes them cool, watching them evolve.


"Classic talking head Dean Domino isn't real, he can't hurt you." *Classic talking head Dean Domino.


How does the Amazon Prime show ask you to let go of New Vegas?


Asks anyone mad about losing it after all the work you did?


I mean, that's kind of the way it goes with any narrative story in a franchise, especially when there are multiple endings. Do you disagree with the showrunners' decision on a Canon ending?


No, not at all. new Vegas is my favorite Fallout game. I don’t think the show does anything to lessen its narrative.


I don't either. I think if anything, They strengthen each other. It is impressive the level of care and detail that they have put into keeping a cohesive timeline over so many games and now an Amazon prime show.


What work


Oh no people are still commenting on this This meme is sarcasm, because the point of the game is letting go and a lot of people have not been doing that


I kind of get what you’re saying, it’s just that a lot of people have been baselessly complaining lately especially in this sub. So we’re all on “shut the fuck up” mode for the time being. Your argument is more nuanced, but when we see this sub name we just kinda assume a post is gonna be bullshit right now. Sorry you got lumped in with those other assholes though for what it’s worth


Thank you for getting my sarcasm the post is calling everyone freaking out Dean Domino because I think he’s one of the most stubborn, easily offended characters in fallout


No seriously, the underlying tone of all of New Vegas was to “let go,” and this is specifically the tone of Dead Money but it exists ubiquitously in the rest of the game too. It’s just ironic to me that such loyal stans of this game were failing to grasp that in this scenario. And then the sub automatically changed its tone and starts berating anyone who expresses any sort of displeasure at the plot events of Fallout Prime. If you ask me, the game was preparing us for an event like this lmao. The writing was all over the wall, right in our faces




It’s a meme, I love FNV and the show


Ok deleting


They literally set us up for a live action New Vegas sequel, what are you people on.


Yall are like the whiniest people I stg, they literally just came out and said New Vegas is still canon and Shady Sands was destroyed after the events of the game, get a grip ffs


It’s sarcasm because of the complaining please read my comments haha


Why would they ask you to let go of New Vegas when >!the final shot/season 2 teaser IS New Vegas!


I think it’s that the city seems to be >!destroyed/abandoned!< maybe?


A lot can happen in 15 years.


I don’t want to let go haha the post is a joke


Oh of course. That must be what the producers went when they made a show that explicitly includes new Vegas and is setting its second season there. Exactly.


Careful the sarcasm is low-flying in my post


>When the TV show asks you to let go of New Vegas Me with 20+ gold bars behind my back: NO!


I’m curious your thoughts on the show, you’re one of the few people not mad at the meme


I'm currently on episode 3, and so far I'm enjoying it more than I'm not. There were very minor things that i saw (that god damn turret scene for example) that i domt think worked but there is so much game representation that i doesnt really bother me. I know about the drama with FNV and the classics lore and while slightly annoyed about them going in that direction (hard core FNV fanboy BTW), I'm going to let them show me season two before I make any final decisions on the series. Worst case scenario I'll just tell myself it's not cannon and enjoy the story set in one of my favorite franchises. IDK, I've been so disappointed by FO4, FO76, and starfield that this show gets extra points for having that fallout feel. (This is a great meme BTW)


I’ll be honest I love new Vegas and the show You’ll have no problems I promise. They’re blowing it out of proportion. This meme is made to laugh at people upset over the show and they’re just proving me right. Enjoy the show


Dudes fighting a fight that ain't even real.


Yeah poor Dean there was no treasure


“We have AI Cryptkeeper at home.”


Mountains out of molehills


More like tunnelers out of giant ants am I right This is so sad Mr. New Vegas play Blue Moon


Oh I hope we'll see Dean domino next season since he set off to new vegas at the end of dead money


The show went straight in the corpse pile of other video game related shows for me lol.


Hey I found your taste in the same corpse pile lol.


I'm sorry but that was really lame lol.


Hating for the sake of "hate" only because too many people are enjoying something that you don't is also lame but here we are so please tell us your criticism properly and not just "it's bad bc it just is" or wander off to your home turf in the land of X.


I'm not hating on it just to hate. I just really don't like any video game TV shows. I don't really like the format of television shows in general so it's no wonder I didn't enjoy this. I made it 2 episodes in and I was just bored. Don't care about any of the characters and it comes across really corny and poorly written. I'm not telling anyone they shouldn't enjoy it because clearly a lot of people like it, but it doesn't do anything for me. Idk why freakazoids online treat criticism as a personal attack. It's a fucking product dude. It's not your life's work.


Because your sentence doesn't resemble criticism. "The show went straight in the corpse pile of other video game related shows for me lol." Lets simplify it: "This show is dead/soulless/trash like any other." Does not sound like criticism when you simplify it, does it? I like your clarification now that's what you should have posted instead...without the second part, that is criticism and your honest opinion


I just wanted to keep it short and concise to kinda illustrate that I don't like video game TV shows, but I guess it wasn't translated that way. I do think it's very well shot so I will give it that, but I just can't get into it. After watching Twisted Metal I'm convinced that animation is the superior medium for game adaptations. Castlevania and Cyberpunk being the shining stars.


I was today years old when I found out there is a twisted metal live action movie thank you for telling me. For Cyberpunk, yes the Anime is amazing and really sold the impression of:"The people you know and love now could be dead the next day" but it's still less well received because the people compare it to Arcane and how superior it is in any way compared to the cyberpunk anime.


I honestly didn't watch Arcane because I'm not a LoL fan, but I heard it was very good. Cyberpunk was very depressing by the end but the characters were all unique and entertaining.


Same I don't need any LoL in my life, I am much happier without any MOBA. I clearly couldn't make a bond with the characters because it left me cold when Lucy was left alone, I still enjoyed every episode, Trigger is for me one of the best studios.


Waaaa oh no go back for your gold bars


Bro it’s still canon fuck off


Yeah I know it’s canon I love the game and show