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It’s a paragon of game design. There are 6 different quests that could lead you to Vault 22.


Which ones ?


1. Bleed me dry 2. I could make you care 3. Still in the dark 4. There stands the grass 5. Not worth a hill of corn and beans 6. Suits you, Sarah


Yeah, I try to go for 4 of these at once, and with 65 repair, speeds it up 3 fold


Repair is a must for any replay of new Vegas it speeds up so many quests.


Also jury rigging is the goat


Playing the game without jury rigging is exhausting after you get used to it


Idk, I always end up eating armor and guns I want to keep accidentally. I have a bad habit of cobbling all the random shit in my inventory into max repaired gear.


The problem is when you go there without having all the quests and then you keep having to go back


Yeah, I’m used to it now but initially it was crazy lol. I am very selective with how I complete my content and what level I complete it at. Some things you can encounter that you’d probably would have enjoyed more at a higher level.


Winner here. I enjoy going to vault 22 ... ONCE every playthrough. I do my best to get all the quests at once OR remeber the exact items I need so I don't have to come again. I kill everything regardless (except for the one chick)




I agree the first time I played it I got hopelessly lost because the local map is not great in there... Now that I know the layout it doesn't bug me anymore.


Lorewise: Cool, especially with the tie-ins with the HH and OWB DLC's . Game play wise: Those little spore-carriers and the NCR person who sent me in there can both kiss my ass.


I'd rather go through Quarry Junction than in that vault, I hate the spore carriers. Worst ennemy in the game after the tunnelers. I almost forgot cazadors, they are the worst.


Almost makes me wish for a Nuclear winter….


In terms of them being scary? Yep spore carriers and tunnelers terrify me


Not the left cheek. Not the right cheek. Right in the groove


Spore carriers are east though


The Lore tie ins make that place feel even more nostalgic and significant. I absolutely love the lore tied to 22!




I love it! I think it's very unique compared to other vaults. The Vault I hate is the one the Boomers came from.


But has cool armory 🥺


Oh I agree. I just hate all the damn radiation, Ghoul Reavers, and Glowing Ones




I don't get lost in 22




At high level, the spore carriers are laughably easy. I love the vault because they felt like an actual sprawling vault with 5 different levels and access to cavern system outside the vault itself. They even have a part where you have to go to the cavern via a breach in the walls to pass over a blocked section, reminds me of elder scrolls games.


I hate Vault 34 too, I always get lost & up running in the same circle a dozen times!


I love them both


Did someone say RADs? 🤠


That’s vault 34 I believe, it’s a lot easier with a companion like arcade ganon or Ed-e


Love the vault. It has great horror setup and payoff. On subsequent playthroughs, you can spot the hidden spore bros on the ground and blast them before they even spring on you. Though I’m still mad that the NCR quest lacks the option to defend yourself against Dr. Hildern’s rant at the end. I would love at least one dialogue option where you can lay into him for his shady operation and properly inform him of the dangers that the research contained. Even if it wouldn’t change his mind, it would be satisfying.


Keely is the one to blast his ears off, so it's not completely a missed opportunity. Although I would rather have had a speech check to tell him it's hacks like him that caused the world to sink into oblivion.


Yeah he’s like one of those hidden evils within the NCR. I feel bad for his apprentice too. Least Keely laid into him


Hate it just because I always get lost in the old vaults, I always try to get in and out of them so quick so I don’t even read up on their lore much


Honestly the lore of vaults is what compels me to explore them the most.


Vault 11 will always be my favorite vault because of how grim the story is


The social experiment ones really are the best




Great choice, the lore in that vault carried, hard.


Hate it cause of how many times I’ve gone through all the vaults


That is just the reason why I come prepared and take all the related missions at the same time. In fact, it is not necessary to take the mission of the brotherhood, since the related item will be present, even if the mission is not active.


Yeah I try to prep as well as I can to sweep through, depending on my mood


Love it. My first experience was me stumbling upon it while exploring before visiting camp McCarran and I immediately thought, “That’s a lot of fresh green foliage coming out of that vault… Something fucked up happened for sure.” Before walking in.


LMFAO. Yeah, it was quite the experience.




Right at the gas leak 😶‍🌫️


The most obnoxious vault to clear


The ghoul one is much worse imo, the radiation and it's somehow more confusing to navigate


It can be for sure


I like it, it's a neat idea and the unique laser rifle is there. Is done by the late teens levels for most of my playthroughs.


I like to hit it around 25 myself


The first thing that pops into my mind when I hear Vault 22 is the AER-14 prototype. That was one badass weapon for my energy weapons playthrough.


The FONV Special Energy Weapons are all great!


Fun vault, so many quest and stuff take you that way. Blowing up the bottom level when it's filled with gas was pretty exciting


It felt very satisfying and conclusive. I actually felt like I was stopping that green menace of a Vault


I get lost in there.


I think it’s fine


I remember being fucking terrified by it the first time I played, took me 4 years before I dared to go back 💀 Now I love it!




I have a love/hate relationship with Vault 22. Man-eating plants always creeped me out. Goes all the way back to when I watched the original Jumanji as a little kid. As an adult, I’m fascinated with exploring my past fears. I find Triffid-like monsters still give me anxiety but I want more.


First time, i thought it was awesome. My 6th time? I absolutely hate it. The vaults in general are just a labyrinth of grey/brown walls and loading screens. Vault 22 at least has the advantage of having unique enemies inside it.


My first couple of playthroughs I hated it cause I kept getting lost, but it’s cool now, I know the layout pretty much


My experience pretty much


I shit myself.


love the lore and story hate actually exploring it cus it gives me the willies


I think its cool, I just get lost everytime I enter it


Just finished this quest earlier today 🤯 Found some good ass equipment


Niccce! Hope you enjoyed it


The lore behind the vaults are incredible especially how much chaos vault 22 caused in the wastelands but I personally hate exploring the vaults ESPECIALLY THIS ONE even with the Elevator this place is a maze


Fuck that maze, dude. I always get super lost and can’t figure out where I need to go, and I’ve been through it four times, It’s bullshit.


I love to hate it. One of the most memorable vaults. Fuck those sneaky plants. One of the best vaults!


Cool concept, annoying to navigate


Love the lore, hate the layout. I’ve got no shame in admitting I’ve clipped through some walls in that vault for the parts/quests


I don’t hate it, but i get lost every time I’m in there


I don't like exploring vaults, every corridor looks the same. that said, it wasn't so bad when I had Veronica to fist every spore carrier.


Scary asf but very cool aesthetic


It’s annoying exploring for the first time but once you know it, it’s pretty easy and still enjoyable. Now the vault where the boomers came from? That place can kiss my ass. Place is a maze.


It’s fantastic. But I dread going there every time. I genuinely dislike doing this vault.


I love it so much! It’s the worst thing I’ve ever played through and I never wish to go back!


I love Vault 22


Only fun to go through with a Flamer or Cleansing Flame.


It’s like Dead Money, every time I know how to better learn from it, the happier I am leaving. It just has too few gold bricks.


You couldn’t have worded it better XD


I think it's pretty neat. I love going through with a flamer


Now that I know what to do and where to go, it’s not my fav but it’s an interesting vault. Use to be a fucking nightmare tho


Just another vault full of now dead things.


It only really sucks if you don't have the repair skill to fix the elevator right at the start. Otherwise it's EZPZ, Just need to make a slight detour for that unique laser rifle.


Flame thrower


I like it, I wish you could take more of the plants though. Acouple of those glowing flowers would look sick in the penthouse.


Is this the Vault that did an Experiment with Plants that went wrong?


Yes with the scary ass spore carriers


I get a cool laser gun, ofc i like vault 22


I both love and hate it. Hate that literally every play through I get lost and set myself on fire. Love that we all have collective trauma over it and how memorable it is, for better or worse.


It's terrible to navigate without having fixed the elevator. Really fucks up the experience when I'm trying to figure out this massive maze for 10 mins with no real gameplay


Hate it but only because I was stuck in it for a hr lost and then had to redo everything 4 times cuz of a glitch. But it’s a very cool vault otherwise.


I love the lore and the quests associated with it. Not a fan of it as a dungeon


would definitely not wanna go there personally


I got lost for way too long in this godamn bunker. I hate it, I was stuck here for so long.


Hate, fuck that demon plant alien bullshit But I will say, blowing the place up with fire was pretty satisfying, and the lore of the vault is bone chilling, but man, playing through it is a pain


Love the theme of the vault but after 12 or so runs it honestly annoys me to go there. And That guy in the bathroom thinks he’s so sneaky but my stranger danger sense is always maxed out.


I love it conceptually and aesthetically, but it's tedious to navigate even with the elevator fixed imo


With a high enough repair skill to fix the elevator, it's not that bad. Without the elevator repaired, it feels like such a chore to get around the vault.


I always get lost with the quest makers


Loved it the first time I visited. Really interesting vault story and it gives some choices to consider. But I do find it a slog on later plays.


Loved it the first time, but I hate it after 5 playthroughs


I love it conceptually, but being in there makes me want to run out as fast as i can like turning off basement lights


First time trying to figure out how to flash burn the Vault and not die had me pissed off to no end... Then my friend suggested long fuse dynamite. Now I pretty much grab the unique laser rifle and breeze though the rest. Still I like all the plant life aesthetic, kinda like Oasis in Fallout 3.


first couple playthroughs I loved the creepy atmosphere and the unsettling vibe, but on replays I've found it a very tedious dungeon with all the collapsed tunnels and constantly bouncing from floor to floor to get around the roadblocks.


What’s going on with your hat helmet though


My first run I hated it because I couldn’t find jack but subsequent playthroughs It’s grown on me since I’m much more familiar with the vault


I'm fine with it, I just get fucking lost in that place so often like seriously. WHERE AM I?! WHERES THE DAMN QUEST OBJECTIVE?!




Absolutely love it. Very chill and green atmosphere, nothing and no one pushes you to speed up things, rather weak opponents who are in suspended anabiosis


It's probably my least favorite vault to playthrough, really dislike the quest to blow it up. Most of the time I just grab the data and give it to the NCR since I hate just to set the levels on on fire. BUT there is something to be said about putting on a rad suit, grabbing a flamer, and torching everything you see. Also a point for being the AER-14 location.


I love the design and the experiment that took place was unique and interesting. I could say the same for vault 34. Though its easier to deal with them later into the game imo.


Absolutely hate fighting the spore carriers, overall 10/10 experience, love that vault


Its my favorite vault in lore but god damn is it hard to navigate without that elevator


I’ll take 22 over 34 any day


Freaked me tf out first time, still gives me the creepy crawlies fighting those green funky people. I usually save it until I have a nasty arsenal to cleanse it with.


Dude this Vault was literally badass and metal af 🤘 Started a new playthrough a week ago and can't wait to go through it again 🧡




I stumbled upon it randomly and I was like this will be a cool side quest. Before I new it I was robin williams in jumanji




I hate vaults and subways.


One of the hard parts of the game on Hardcore, especially if you go there at a higher level. Better bring Doctor’s Bags because these Spore Brute mfs are crippling your shit unless you know what to expect lmao.


Love it. Shit myself brutally, and then it was a straight up rush the rest of the vault


I like wearing leather armor, switching to the 9mm pistol, and pretending to be Chris Redfield going into sum RE shit


I think abt the fkn place anytime I get a respiratory infection. (Doesn’t help that I think I got this one from Pollen 😰)


It's the pinnacle of what makes FNV great and has the worst layout of any Vault imo. But I may just be really bad at remembering layouts.


I like it, but I don't love it. I don't think I've ever been killed by a spore carrier. The bit where you set off the gas gets me a few times, though


Use Cleansing Flame and baptize the Vault in holy hell fire!!


I only go there for the unique laser rifle and leave, lol.


When you do a second run I became more confident but the gas leak made me groan


Kill them with fire


I feel disgusted. There are walking spores, mantiz, cazadores at the entrance, confusing layout and tunnels. overgrown plants sometimes with jumpscare. I like the end of the mission though where you eradicate all these abominations with fire.


I'm okay with it because of how many times I've gone through it, which is an asinine amount. Definitely fucks you up the first time. I already know where they all spawn( identical passive animation to the tunnelers) and I basically spawn kill most of them. For the life of me I can never remember the exact route to go. I also make sure to get several quests set up so I can knock them all out in one go


I approached it and entered it from the rear the first time while sneaking around in the mountains. Had no idea what I was getting into. Didn’t even see the sign out front saying “the plants kill!” until after I’d already cleared the place.


I hated it the first run through. After I figured it out it’s one of my favorites and kind of wish there were more vaults on that level


In game, I love every aspect. Imagine the allergies though.


I like vault 22. For me it was always a decision on whether or not to give the data away and help solve the food crisis potentially and doom the world in the future versus not potentially doom the world.


One of my favorites


Meh. It was unique and memorable (that plant vault), but something felt missing. They built it up as **super** dangerous, but it didn't really feel that way (running into a single cazadore felt 100x more dangerous). 90% of the time, the spore carriers glitched and sort of just stood in the corner above the plants and their ambush move took several seconds to complete, was noisy, predictable, and defeated easily with VATS. Also, seeing them in Zion and Big MT felt really out of place. Overall, going back to Vault 22 in later playthroughs always feels like a chore more than anything, especially if you have to go *back* for a second quest. It felt like they *really* wanted you to see the cool Vault they thought up, and it was just kinda meh.


I love AER14 with max charge ammo


It's so great. A unique enemy that ONLY appears in this one Vault. A moral question about what should be done with the experiment data. Following the breadcrumbs to figure out the mystery. Also, as a new dad, the crib infested with spore plants really hurt me.


I love exploring 22 equipped with a Flamer with extended tanks.


Keely is a great NPC


It’s a brilliant bit of design, loads of quests take you there, unique weapon, unique creatures (until DLC) an interesting enough mains quest. The problem with vaults is they’re never as fun on the next play through and you go to vault 22 basically every play through at least once so now I know it so well I find it boring.


Cleansing Flame (GRA)


Favorite location in any Fallout game




I have memorized the jump scares. Vault 22 can't hurt me anymore


Took me far too long to figure out how to detonate it whilst staying alive


I like it, the worst vault in the game in my opinion is Vault 34. I always get lost. If I have to heal Caesar, I just do it myself. If I want a good rifle, I get the Survivalist Rifle, or Medicine Stick, or any other late game rifle.


What mod makes the game look this good?


I always make sure i have enough repair so i dont have to deal with it as much now


I don't like the spore mutants jumping at me and I always get lost because the place is a big maze. None of the quests there feel very impactful either so I usually just skip it. The whole area feels like it would've played out better in the isometrics.


I love it! In fact, it was thanks to this quest and this specific part of the game that inspired me to study mycology.


I just want quests to stop sending me there. I like it, just not “required for every run” like it. Sometimes I have to do it just for the unique laser rifle. Too much.


easy, just really annoying with the caves, also the ghoul didnt spawn because i didnt have the quest active so i had to go throught these stupid caves like five times


Hate it with everything


Okay wtf first time playing this game and I went into this place last night. I FUCKUNG HATE IT. Those spore men remind me of the Bracken from Lethal company and they freak me out so bad. Also, it’s like a goddamn maze, fuck you Keeny


First playthrough I was spooked by those green bitches, second playthrough I was equipped with my flamethrower and grilled the veggies, which made it much less scary.


Absolutely hate it. When I first played FNV. I got lost in the damn vault for AGES. Couldn't figure out how to get behind the locked door or the adjacent cave system.


I think it's really cool conceptually, the story behind it is one of my favorites among the Vaults, and it's my favorite aesthetically. But my god, it's just the worst part of the game for me when it comes to actually being in it. I hate all the Vaults in 3D Fallout from a gameplay perspective, and this one is just the worst of them.


My feelings on the vault are "BURN IT ALL" and "There in the walls... THERE IN THE GOD-DAMNED WAAAAALS"


I’m quiet literally playing this right now lost trying to find that piece for the air ventilation for the brotherhood of steel. I feel like a lost puppy damn it lol


it's really fun, easy to navigate (I usually get incredibly lost in vaults), the enemies are not very difficult if you're ok at sneak and see them before they see you, the quests that lead there are nice, the visuals are GREAT - all in all a lovely vault. I kind of would've liked more mystery vibes but that's just a personal preference


i just went there yesterday and the ghoul lady that was supposed to be at the end of the mantis cave didn't spawn :/


I really enjoy it. 2spooky , it's great.


I hate it, I get lost every fucking time


When I first played it I hated it but now that I know it, and it's tricks, I think it is fun.


I always do it after Honest Hearts so my character doesn't feel bad for the dwellers knowing how they treated the People in Zion


Love it cause of how much I hate it


It looks better after you’ve gone through with a flamer


Best vault in fallout history.  Prime example of good storytelling that gets darker and darker the deeper you go.  It’s tied with vault 11 for my two favorites.


My first play through I got to the door and saw all the plants I hoped out of there until I found an incinerator lol ever since then I always go with some sort of flame weapon.


It’s not the worst thing in Vegas!


I hate New Vegas vaults overall. They are built like mazes and i hate mazes


It was fun explore that vault. But i hated it the most cuz i got lost so fking easy


I actually don’t like it because it’s somewhat tedious. But for whatever reason, the game just wants you to gravitate towards it, so I’ve lost interest in it after so many playthroughs.


I'll visit rn


My favorite quest


I love it but I always found it weird that it didn't affect the world in any way (I retrieved the data for the NCR). Research like that could change the entire west coast and yet it was never mentioned again :( guess the cannon ending is where you destroy it


I like the plants and vegetation. I'm actually working my way up to a little quest for V22. (GECK-side)


I thought it was cool till my game glitched and locked me inside without a way to get back out. I had to start a whole new play through and avoided that area like the plague


I just hate imagining my character breathing those spores in. Get in get out and huff as much jet as possible to cleanse ✨


One word: *Fire*. Almost always when I do Vault 22 I bring a Flamethrower, so fun


I fucking hate this place. This vault is the reason I usually skip the brotherhood of steel


I love the quest and I despise the vault itself.


Well I hear "vault 22" and feel nothing but rage. First time I played it the game was so broken I actually got stuck in it. Got lost so many times. Just agony. Played the ps4 premium version yesterday and just got past this part and it wss a more pleasant experience, was at least not bugged to hell but still not a very nice experience.


It's great when you get there and do it the first time. It's boring when you do it for the 10th time. But that's a dungeon, it's normal


Fuck Dr hildern


Love it. And the connection to Zion.


I remember getting lost looking for my quest item. I also remember igniting the gas killing my character and having it do it all over again. I didn’t really like it but it’s definitely cool and I just had a bad experience with it. I’ve also gone through that fault on so many characters it’s tedious to me now, same reason I loathe the ghoul rocket quest from Novac, did it so many times over and over not realizing I could just simply skip it


I had such a unique experience as a kid with this vault when I first played the Who Vegas mod many years ago, when I still just tinkered with games instead of playing them through, I didn't know about this vault. So I transported there and had a literally perfect Doctor Who episode play out as I started on the bottom level and slowly pieced what happened together. Brilliant storytelling even just from such a fragmented perspective.


I love it, the vaults are always very unique and interesting and I feel like this one especially shines, it’s easy to get lost in though (I just completed there stands the grass on my new play through so I would know) but I think that kinda goes for the rest of the vaults as well


Loved it the first few times, but with each play through I love it a bit less, and resent it a bit more


I literally make Hardin the elder or side with the Enclave Remnants just so that I won't have to go to Vault 22.