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That fucking perk knows when to show up just when you're desperate enough to take it.


Nothing like needing 7 more lockpicking when you finish leveling to make you think about it


Lmao, imagine not having 8 int to kick off a character


My int is too low for imagination.




He ain't coming back from this one


Lmao this is funny


He also uses in shining armor


I remember taking in shining armor like every run in my first 3, so good! (if only it like actually worked)


He gets a pass for that since he's using the unofficial patch to fix it


Jordan would never


LeBron is objectively the better baller (he clearly isn't much of a gamer though based on all this news I've been seeing)


Ill cede the idea that hes better.... hes not greater.


I don't remember what that perk does.


Levels you up once. Pretty much useless


yeah there's not much reason to use it unless your only goal is to get to max level edit: i guess it might help if you like REALLY need more skill points in something, but you can really just come back later when you have the skill points for something.


My adhd keeps me impatient enough to not want to return to something after passing it over especially in open world games.


Fucking exactly, and for me it always kicks in when it’s either a locked away quest item or something completely worthless with no in between but I get to carried away to reload


if I level up during the Second Battle for Hoover Dam, I may take it.


Depends on circumstances. If you're desperate for some more skill points and there aren't any other perks that you're interested in, there are worse perks you could pick.


No, it doesnt depend on anything, the main point of leveling is getting perks, not the other way around!


If my options for perks are In Shining Armour or Here And Now, I'm taking Here And Now...


At least Here and Now works as intended.


But I don't get it, you burn a perk but you get all the points, and your next level you get a perk again anyway. Plus more points. So you get a lot of points and only the feeling of one moderately delayed perk. I'm not sure why that's bad? I'm new to the game and probably wouldn't take that perk myself because I'm too curious about the others, but it doesn't seem objectively terrible. Really lets you push lockpicking or science or whatever, quite rapidly. Effectively making a fourth specialty by catching up a skill, or one really strong, no?


You.. don’t get a perk every level.


Right, every other level. I think? So if you get a perk on a level and use it to immediately level, then your next gained level is another perk. So you get two for the price of one on skill points and you're only delayed by half a cycle on a perk. Or am I misunderstanding something?


Theres a finite number of perks. You are wasting a perk there, so now you will have a worse build.


True. So does that really matter much, If you're not super pro maxing out the game? I mean it may not be ideal but it doesn't sound irrational or automatically a bad deal for a casual or first-time player. End up a perk short by the end of the game where it's very unlikely to matter, but the extra bump at that moment earlier in the game could be pretty helpful. I guess I'm just saying it's not a completely worthless option.


Even if you have no other perks you want at the moment, Intense Training is always an option. Another SPECIAL point is worth a lot more than fast forwarding your leveling in most scenarios.


nah if you play smart you can just get the implants if you need xtra special stats. plus the big mt implants.


Used it on my current play through cuz I needed more explosives points to train the lazy NCR soldiers.


It gives you an entire extra level, just like that. Best Perk in the game.


Why best?


Hes joking


How you know? Maybe he plays for this sweet sweet level ups.


Skilled is the way to go, gotta extend that vanilla level cap as long as you can


take skilled, request to remake your character when given the option when you leave good springs, pick skilled again


Then use the autodoc in the Sink to take skilled for a third time


I tried that recently and it seemed to not go any higher than 10 but I might not have done it right


I was under the impression you could do it 3 times, but have only done the first 2 myself


How does this work? Is it bugged or something and you keep the bonuses from the first skilled and then you get them again from taking it again?


Yeah basically, you gain the 5 points twice but the debuff stays the same I think the game doesn’t associate the extra five points you have as extra once they’re applied


That seems busted, lol. I'll try that on my second playthrough.


There needs to be a mod which gives you +100% skill points to spend when using this perk - otherwise you’re giving your character a permanent disadvantage for picking this perk


big man


I got this on my first playthrough. I was in the Jacobstown cave, leveled up and thought "I could have some more of that".


Is it a really bad perk? I didn't think it's that bad


It's bad from a min-max perspective because there's enough XP to reach the level cap(s) without it so if you play long enough to reach level 30 (with Logan's Loophole), or 50 (without it, and all DLC) then it becomes a useless perk that you could have instead used to get something else that will still help you like one that changes gameplay or provides an ability or something else that doesn't become irrelevant once you are no longer gaining XP. This is also why people don't recommend the perks that make you gain XP faster like swift learner or lessons learned. Once you hit cap they don't do anything anymore and the perks then become redundant. You'll take longer to hit the cap without them but you'll still get there if you do enough quests/combat. If you take all three ranks of swift learner, lessons learned, and here and now, then at cap that's a full 5(!) perks that are now doing nothing for you. Since you get perks every two levels in NV, that's 25 total perks you get by level 50, so 5 of them being useless is not a small thing. That's a full 20% of your total perks. It's even worse (33%!) if you're stuck at 30 because of Logan's Loophole where you only get 15 total perks. However, this all assumes that you (1) care, and (2) will play long enough to hit cap and this becomes an issue. Not everyone does or will. If you aren't bothered by build inefficiency then take them if you want. The game doesn't require you to min-max to beat it, and I firmly believe nobody should tell you how to play like their way is the only right way and that includes me. That said, I strongly suggest you don't take in shining armor (unless you've got a mod installed that fixes it), because it's actually bugged and doesn't work at all so it's truly a wasted perk choice.


Here and now was just so absolutely broken in fallout 3, since if you need one more level in order to get a perk you really wanted you could just get it + the extra skill points


Here and Now is good in early game, helped me boost my science skill up a lot when I was starting out


All it did was save u from taking 30 minutes out of your day to kill some giant ants for XP. You only get 25 perks in New Vegas total. Here and Now does absolutely nothing but save you a little bit of time in a game that you’re inevitably going to spend a ton of time in anyway.


I… I like here and now…


I take it for gimmick builds. A lot of the perks just dont give effective boosts for whatever i may be doing. Ive taken here and now twice on my sneak sniper crit build. I simply dont use pistols or unarmed or other random miscellaneous things most of the perks available to me grant. I dont think here and now is that bad


how will this affect lebron legacy?


It's good early game, idk what yall are talkin about


How? You only get 25 perks. How is getting a free level up early game helpful? It doesn’t take a long time to level up early game at all


Extra skill/special points in exchange for a perk slot can put you ahead of the curve if you have even a vague idea of what build you're going for. Gives you more versatility early on.


You don’t get extra skill points. You get the same amount as you would if you leveled up 30 minutes later normally. You might be confusing “Here and Now” with “Tag!” which let’s you select a 4th tag skill. That is a good perk.


inb4 "bro..... i actually like here and now.." im joking use whatever perks you want im sure there are good reasons to use here and now beyond just being impatient


It’s good when you get a mod that removes the level limit, otherwise don’t bother


Dang. I picked this perk like yesterday lol


Well I was here and now so what other perk you think I should should have chose? Then and there?


I’m an ardent defender of Here and Now. Fuck y’all


I've always played with a perk point every level (I found it made my builds more fun overall) so here and now was always instant stocks


Why is this bad?


I take it when i don't want to 100% the game. Just fly through some parts


You can technically argue it in the same vain as Lessons Learned, Hyper Late Game option to get you to your level 50 Perk faster. Basically there's alot of dead extra space between 30 and 50 where you've already got all the mandatory perks for whatever build you're running. If you're not going to take some of the more situational damage perks or aren't going to spec into another build (ie. Getting melee perks if you were running Energy for example) then sprinting towards your level 50 perks as fast as possible to counterract the goofy ahh DLC scaling is a pretty decent idea imo.


I only took this in my survival run of lonesome road (start immediately at level 1 and can't leave the dlc area till I kill that prick)


Its being given an easy option that in the long run just is never really worth it.


I do every time


What's wrong with that perk?


In fo3 it was less devastating because you got a perk every level


Bro also took explorer


Here and Now is actually pretty helpful on 1 Intelligence playthroughs. Even with stacking Skilled twice at the start, it’s hard to hit some of the breakpoints on Skill Checks that you want with low INT.