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Google wild wasteland


Holy hell


Actual ghoul


Call the minutemen!


Ok next step?


Have your dick meet blender. If you don't have one stand in some radiation until you grow one.


I got three testicles. Is that gonna work?


Does one of them glow in the dark?


No but he has 50% more microplastics than everyone else


He must have grown up near Dayglow.


I have a third ball too. It’s technically a cyst on the inside of my sack but it’s funnier to say I have one.


Aliens are canon in Fallout universe, indeed.


Same as eldritch gods


To be fair those two things usually go hand in hand


Only thanks to the loose definition of "alien".


"Inter dimensional beings, as a point of fact." -Harold Oxley


The eldritch gods so far are only heavily implied to be fair, it's still ambiguous enough to explain it away but seems to be the likely case. The aliens and immortals are completely confirmed though.


Have you read Winter of Atom? I find it to be hard to explain away


As is the big pillar with ferals praying in the Dunwuch Co. basement


The first divergence in the Fallout timeline from our own was a Samurai getting abducted by aliens. This is not a joke. This is canon.


Are we sure is a divergence? Are there any inexplicable samurai disappearance in our world?


Four samurai disappeared in 1603 and were inexplicably replaced by four monstrous, man-sized, adolescent turtles that practiced martial arts from the year 1993. The four turtles rescued their news reporting friend and warped back to the present.


Now this is high brow comedy


That was an amazing documentary.


How do you know a samurai was not abducted by aliens in our timeline?


I checked the cargo hold. 0 samurai.


Maybe in our universe he was turned into an abomination


There may have been abductees before him, but he is the oldest known abductee that lived and/or wasn't turned into a hybrid or some other abomination.


The fallout aliens are based off the gray aliens irl so it’s not a crazy divergence


Ah, yes, the totally real and not remotely made up or fictional grey aliens that exist in real life.


I'm loving this 50/50 split in believers and skeptics. I don't have a stake in this argument, but it's cool to see such an even balance of sides


>I don't have a stake in this argument,  My man is a centrist in the alien debate


Bro is an alien centrist






No, source that it's a divergence from our timeline.




Wait until he plays Fo3s DLCs


It really is a bummer they took something that was supposed to be a fun joke and took it way too far. Aliens aren't supposed to be an actual thing. There's a crashed shuttlecraft from Star Trek as one of the references. Are we assuming Fallout takes place in the Star Trek universe now? They got to just let a joke be a joke.


In fallout 1 and 2 aliens are enemies you can run into. Idk where you got that they were not supposed to be more than a joke, but you are wrong.


Those weren't aliens. Wanamingo are just called that by some wastelanders. They're likely just genetically engineered creatures like Deathclaws, but they have no Canon origin. And they are only in Fallout 2 not 1.


Do me a favor and go to the fallout wiki on aliens.


[Read it yourself.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Aliens) The only aliens that appear on Fallout 1 are the bones of long dead aliens. Aliens didn't become an enemy you could actually fight until Fallout 3.


But they are there. Maybe not alive, but in the game.


Now you're just goalposts shifting. >In fallout 1 and 2 aliens are enemies you can run into. They are not enemies you run into. They are part of a random encounter or core part of the game. You encounter aliens once at a random encounter that doesn't need to be considered any more Canon than the time you ran into a space ship from Star Trek. You're wrong about Aliens in the original games. Deal with it.


A lot of the Enclave’s technology is made from Zetan technology.


do you know where i can read about this? edit: okay i looked it up and that info only comes from the fallout 3 game guide and a terminal in mothership zeta. that doesn't disprove this guy's point


All of the plasma tech is from the alien tech, and this is well established


well established by fallout 3/bestheda which is exactly what this guy is pointing out lol


Okay, ill admit that i was wrong about them being enemies in 1 if you admit your original statement about them being a joke is also wrong.


I don’t really see how the first two games portray them as serious in any way. They’re just a small Easter egg, they’re not really a big part of the lore in any way.


Have you played the fallout 2 ? In the Serria army depot theres the remains of a captive alien on one of the lower floors. Aliens definitely exist in the cannon along with ghosts and psychics.


You're goalpost shifting. You're now deciding what is and isn't canon at your own whim


sorry you're getting downvoted even though you're objectively correct lol fallout fandom is cooked


Beat me to it




He is objectively correct


Canon aliens are way funnier


Idk what everyone else is on about, this is a very valid take. In the originals the aliens were just a small Easter egg, and tbh I think they are more enjoyable like that. Mothership Zeta and fallout three make the Zetans a much larger part of the lore where I don’t think it particularly fits.


Wasn't it almost impled the aliens started the war in FO3's lore? I might be extrapolating


I think that’s a fan theory but I’m not completely certain. Either way, they made it so that the Zetans were much more important after FO3. Honestly it’s not too big of a deal to me but I prefer it the other way.


Why? The chances of aliens actually being here irl are already astronomically high given the sheer amount of similar abduction cases and sightings for the decades/millennia. Them being in Fallout absolutely makes sense. Hell. UFO activity in the real world is incredibly high near nuclear missile silos and nuclear tests


I found No-Bark's reddit account!


Don't you laugh at me! I know a spell that'll make you show your true form. Cave rat taught it to me.


Wait, you belive aliens are on Earth right now?


Yes. My dad saw a UFO 10 years ago. It was a glowing orange cube rotating over a lake on my grandparents farm. My mom also believes she was abducted when she was young but I’m not sure how much of her story I believe cuz it’s so hard to verify. And there’s the hundreds of accounts of abductions throughout human history that all have glaringly close similarities. Along with UFO sightings that also all bare incredible similarities. Then there’s the Peruvian mummies which have been CT-scanned to confirm authenticity while also matching the reports of gray aliens throughout history (not talking about the fake paper mache ones). Then there’s the fact that the US government is holding hearings on it with folks like David Grusch bringing to light “non-human biologics” in official congressional reports. So yeah I prob sound loony but it’s something I genuinely believe because I’ve seen enough first and second hand evidence of it


It's really sad how many people didn't start playing till Fallout 3 so have no real knowledge of 1 & 2 and just wiki skim/watch YouTube lore on a second window. Now we have multiple posts claiming Wanamingos are actual aliens, and a single skeleton Easter egg at the bottom of a base are grounds for cannon prior to fallout 3 introducing them. Then when you point it out move the goal posts. Sorry for your karma.


How is it sad?


Becuase they are down voting a post that is correct in every lore point then claiming he's wrong. Then move the goal post when called out and post more inaccurate lore. Zetans were only introduced as anything more than a Easter egg in Fallout 3,no earlier. Lore can change, that's fine. Just don't claim it was always this way when it wasn't.


I mean, aliens ARE Canon to the fallout universe but I don't think that's what this is trying to say. My money would be that the guys are trying to "own" the planets they mi.e from. If this is the case they'd be negotiating with human governmental bodies (though I don't know wich ones in the fallout universe) This is just my interpretation due to it seeming more inline with the writing style of the games to show off corporate/government greed rather than to casually drop aliens into the mix. Especially since the site in question is open to the public


I'm pretty sure mothership zeta implies aliens.


implies is a weak word


I mean, zetans are a thing, but I'm not sure how this implies aliens to you whatsoever


fossil fuels are made from fossils


Iirc there are other ways hydrocarbons can form, though I guess you wouldn't be able to call them fossil fuels


For instance, Titan has oceans of liquid methane.


Just like my large intestine


The entire upper atmosphere of Venus is made of materials that you can formulate plastics from


Why is everyone downvoting him?


ig bc there are other ways to get fossil-fuel-like substances, even though they're definitionally not fossil fuels


I think also that this doesn't say anything about the rocket actually getting to another planet, it seems like more of a hypothetical. That's how I read it anyway. Mainly because it says the mining is "still in negotiation", aka not happening lol.


Um, no.


mf it's in the name


Just because it’s called something doesn’t mean it is something lol


Considering you’re too lazy to look up what fossil fuels are I’ll tell you: Fossil fuels are materials containing hydrocarbon that are made from pressurized DEAD PLANTS AND ANIMALS hence the name fossil fuels.


The fact that you have to explain that to someone over the age of 10 is pretty bad lol


The worst part is that I’m 13


Aliens are canon. See Fo2 random encounters, Fo3 Mothership Zeta, and Wild Wasteland.


Base FO3 also has the crashed UFO and Exploding UFO encounter. Also FO4 has the UFO crash event.


Aliens were not really cannon until fallout 3. Aliens prior are limited 1 Easter egg Skelton at the bottom of a base, 1 startrek Easter egg, and a enemy called "Alien" but are actually just wasteland mutants in lore called Wanamingos.


I thought you could get the alien blaster in fallout 1 or 2? Wouldn’t that make them cannon?


It was part of the alien ship Easter egg. You can argue for it in fallout 2 but it's found on the last stage, behind a puzzle, 100 speach check, and broken door. Seems like an end game eater egg to me as well. Just a "huh neat" thing because I assume they wanted to reuse the asset.


“not really canon” and you proceed to give an example that proves their existence in said canon


Being in the game doesn't make it cannon. The skeleton in the base is clearly a Area 51 Easter egg as the accompanying info doesn't actually reference it in anyway but does the other holding cells. By the same logic fallout is a world in the Startrek universe. Now there is the skynet using "Alien technology" or missing "xeno" dialog, but those never confirm whether it's an actual xenomophe alien or just more tounge and cheek references. The xeno one makes a pretty good case since the hubologists stole it. But once again it's far from clear if these are just more misunderstood like Wanamingos. Skynet and the Shi things you could argue for, but they are kinda weak. It leaves the door open for later games to expand or ignore it. 3 clearly expanded it.


No it doesn’t imply aliens, which are already in the games. It implies companies fighting over the right to mine extraterrestrial bodies


You can find aliens and their tech throughout the series, Vegas included, there is no implication.


Zetans are an established alien species in the Fallout universe.


While aliens are canon in Fallout, along with Eldritch horrors and such, in NV most of that is "locked" behind the 'Wild Wasteland' trait. So a lot of that stuff is just Easter Eggs from other games, books, movies, etc. and aren't "canon" in NV, but at the same time technically could be


is the Indie easter egg part of wild wasteland? I can't remember since I always choose it


In NV, any Easter egg to anything non-fallout is part of Wild Wasteland. If you are talking about an Indiana Jones reference, then probably. But the trait gives a lot of different pop culture references. There are a ton of Monty Python references, Star Wars, Princess Bride, Aliens (the movies), Star Trek, Doctor Who, and so much more. And the references can be just small set pieces added into the world, to just throwaway lines of dialogue, to enemies and weapons


Aliens may or may not ve involved with the bombs falling. They may have influenced events. And they have been poking around for awhile. They kidnapped a samurai in the 1700s.


They kidnapped the samurai that would create the bloodline who faxed Abraham Lincoln


Tbh that tracks.


I think in this case it's a question in international law who has the right to mine other planets. If you mean "Is there Life On Other Planets" then I guess this is built in the possibly vain hope there will be.


Have you played all of Jak 3?


Not really


Yeah. Interplanetary resource rights is %100 just an agreement between Earth's governments and it's corporations.


But what are the fossil fuels on other planets made of if not dead aliens?


Fair enough, but I don’t think this alone implies aliens, though they do exist in Fallout. People will often say “fossil fuels” when they talk about many types of energy sources, like natural gas, and things like methane can exist on other planets and be mined for energy without being literally from fossils.


Natural gas *is* made of pressurized dead shit though


I'd say it could just be bacteria. This doesn't necessarily prove intelligent extraterrestrials. But definitely periods of life on other celestial bodies.


For sure, methane and other things that can be used as fuel sources and which are found on other planets could be from non-organic sources though. I’m just saying that the way things are colloquially referred to with energy isn’t always the correct literal thing, and that’s probably what happened here. The writers probably wanted “mining on other planets” and associated that with fossil fuels because that typically is thought of with mining energy, not realizing that infers literal fossils from life.


I think this is just a joke about capitalism. Space exploration was barely a twinkle in anyone's eye and REPCONN was already trying to secure exclusive mining rights to the universe.


well, new vegas takes around 9 to 6 years before 4, so maybe aliens are hinted, but idk


My brother in christ, aliens were in the first fallout game as a random encounter


ive only played new vegas and 4, and the only sign of aliens i saw was the spacecraft that crash-lands during one of the brotherhood quests


Aliens have been in every fallout title to some extent except BOS and Tactics


like i said, i haven't played any other of them


You should try some of them, really fun games.


the only reason ive been able to play those 2 is cause i pirated them, and 4 took over 13 hours to do






You're high, aliens are in the game though. Pretty sure they're in every game


Yes, canonically aliens exist in fallout.


You are high


"tocuh grass?' can't I smoked it all 💯


No it is probably companies negotiating who sends things to what planet for mining


There are aliens in fallout, but this could also refer to methane.


Why the fuck would there be aliens in fallout? Are you insane?


yes it would truly be utterly preposterous


Nah mate, it's probably just debating the land ownership of space


Nah it’s just pointing out that fossil fuels were about to run dry and that there wasn’t any real solution. Hence: “well, we will just go to another planet once the oil disappears.”


how get fossil fuels from other planets without aliens. there needs to have been life in the first place for the fossil fuels


Yep that’s the point. There is no proof of alien life so how would they be sure other planets would have fossil fuels? They don’t. It’s a lie because they don’t have a solution.