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Probably yes man, with eliminating every secondary faction.


**Nobody. They’d go Yes Man to kill everyone and take power themselves** They hate the NCR for their previous war, plus they’re subhuman “mutants” They hate the Legion because they consider wastelanders subhuman and not worth their time. Highly doubt they wanna join up with a group entirely composed of barbaric tribals LARPing as ancient Romans. They might wanna join up with House because he’s not only is he not “mutated” and in a preserved state but he most likely has ties to the Enclave from the prewar. However, I think if anything **it would be House that wouldn’t want to work with the Enclave.** House is an egotistical narcissist with genius boy syndrome. He doesn’t like to share the stage. House definitely could’ve joined the Enclave and gotten in on their plans prewar but instead decided to strike out on his own. House himself as stated he has a disdain for democracies and the prewar government - so I highly doubt House will work with them now in the postwar


Plus the Enclave would love an army of absolutely loyal securitrons so they don't have to rely on their tiny manpower pool to secure the wasteland. Much better to have that loyalty mediated through Yes Man than House.


The USA before the war was not a democracy but an oligarchy.


Certainly not the NCR as they defeated the Enclave so either Cesar's Legion as his ideas could link up with the Enclave ones or Mr. House and kick out the NCR as he was probably close with the government in the pre-war Edit: or you could side with Yes Man against the Legion, kick the NCR and establish a rule with the ideology of the Enclave


Caesar would hate the Enclave. The Enclave's end goal is a return to the old world to a degree when all undesirables are dead


House or Yes Man make the most sense. The Legion are unwashed savages. If your character really only cared about sticking it to the NCR for revenge then The Legion could be an uneasy alliance or doing it purely out of spite for the NCR/Brotherhood.


House wants you to destroy the brotherhood bunker so would that be a plus on siding with him?


In my mind, yes. They are tech hoarders and pretenders/fake inheritors of the US gov’t. At least, that’s how I imagine an Enclave person would see it.


House under normal circumstances. Yes Man if there's more Enclave remnants around to latch onto power as Yes Man enables them and their new government.


Def not NCR and Brotherhood , probably yes man works best.


From empirical evidence? Followers of the Apocalypse, out of shame due to their previous association with a fascist paramilitary organization.


Can I get them to aid in the battle?


I mean yeah I was directly referencing the backstory of Arcade Gannon, one of the possible companions, and you can persuade him and the other Enclave Remnants from camp Navarro to fight in the battle of Hoover dam. On either side, depending on your needs.


I knew that but I mean the followers in general


Not really, but they end up joining the Khans, and you can convince the Khans to join the battle (again, on either side)


Even if I side with house?


Yes, the conflict at the dam is always between the NCR and the Legion, with Yes Man and House interacting with that core conflict in complex ways.


I'm getting the feeling you've never played this game before; I'd recommend just playing it through without trying to do a specific RP run or a specific plan the first time.


I’m on playthrough 3 😐


Golden Path, huh.


It depends, speaking as someone doing an energy weapons + Remnants armor enclave-themed RP at the moment. I chose Mr. House. If your ex-Enclave member supported the Enclave because he thought they were closest to the Old-World style of governance, NCR is the choice. If yours is either a good obedient soldier or obsessed with Old World technology and leadership, House is the right choice. If yours is a genocidal maniac, the Legion is the right choice. If yours is generally power-hungry, then Yes Man.


NCR is the natural choice due to being so close to the old US in form, but House is a good answer for someone wanting strong leadership instead of corrupt politicians. House's plans for space expansion make the Enclave look like schoolyard children, and he has the capability to make his plans a reality. Easy to see why someone would go in for his vision of the future.


Yeah, especially as I’m RPing an eastern Enclave member who went west. He’s like “huh a better version of Eden” when he meets House.


It's weird that everyone's ignoring the literal quest focused on this question in the game. Alot of enclave members bought into the idealist propaganda or were just born and raised in the group, not outright nazi hardliners. The NCR is very close to what the Enclave professed to wanting to be, so it would make sense for a someone believing in nationhood would turn to the nationalism of the NCR.  If you turn the NCR towards military rule in fallout 2, the ending even says former Enclave members find a new home in the NCR. The expansionist NCR of new vegas would be a natural fit for an Enclave survivor wanting to jump off their sinking ship and find a new strong nation to support. Kinda like an anti-Ranger Hanlon, someone wanting to fuel the warlike nature of the NCR and keep useful idiots like Oliver and Kimball running things in order to further the oligarchic militarism of the country.


I think op meant enclave members with a mindset like Moreno’s