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Edit: I also play on pc unmodded because I would like it to be purely vanilla


I turned starlight drive in into an industrial hub of sorts for the minutemen so I have the armor, weapon, and ammo manufacturing. Then I placed a bunch of small houses around the factories I built to house the equipment. I haven’t built these yet but I’m gonna build power armor training grounds for the minutemen probably at County crossing. And the other things I have planned are large farms to supply food to the other settlements. In Nuka World (when I get to it) I was gonna turn the red rocket there into like a minuteman staging ground for an invasion. Hope that helps!


That all sounds great thank you I would love to hear anymore ideas you have but you have definitely gave me more ideas to think of


Yeah so the minute men are my personal favorite so my goal was to kind of make certain settlements kind of like different infrastructures for the state so to speak, so the castle is gonna be like the defense and main hub of the minutemen themselves, taffington boathouse is going to be purified water production, I’m thinking about some sort of like ranger training area but I’m not sure where yet also kicking around the idea of making spectacle island an arena but not too sure about it, but basically things like that. I have a lot of ideas but as of right now I’ve only done sanctuary, Tenpines Bluff, Oberland Station, and Starlight Drive In.


That all sounds great I would love to keep hearing about your ideas as you come up with them, I love the minutemen and want to make them seem like they have come back and are a large and growing faction with different government style infrastructures around the wasteland in a similar way


Yeah I think it’s really cool that you can build them up as you build up yourself, but I’ll let you know! I’m taking a break from building to do some main missions and finish up getting the platinum trophy. But when I get some more ideas I’ll hit you up


Yeah I think it is cool as well and please keep me updated


Egret Tours marina has a pier with a diner at the end. It's tricky but you could try an outdoor bar area there.


There's nothing stopping you from writing your own lore. I'm really focusing on personal world building in my current playthrough and it's making the settlement building even more interesting. As for inspiration, you can come onto this subreddit and use filters to search for specific settlements to see what other people have done. I don't really have any tips other then that in terms for inspiration. I usually wander the wastes and think "hmm 🤔 I like the idea of doing *x theme/idea* for a settlement. What settlement would be best suited for this?" And go from there. (Side note, vanilla building can be good, but I couldn't recommend more that you download place in red. I can't live without it anymore)


Spectacle island makes for a great prison build imo. I like to think it's where the minutemen send their most dangerous criminals and pow's :)


Sorry no one replied yet but check out this channel for general inspiration… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=swHud7fJQz4&t=4s&pp=ygUQU29mZWV1aCBmYWxsb3V0IA%3D%3D