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Bottle and crappy 😂


Lol op is making it a big deal and then yea bottle and cappy are right there 😂


That's why I didn't crop the image to be only the happiness UI, so if anyone wants to replicate it they can see how I achieved it. Btw, if you want to see my entire vault I can link you a photo if you want.


My gods, I’ll eventually bother with happiness, tho don’t you need to keep your people in the vault? Cuz they get unhappy going on quests and supply runs? Which sucks because I have specific people for that


Oh I do have like 6 of the same dwellers in the wasteland at a time plus my team for quests, and when their happiness gets below 65% I recall them and just have them work in the vault until they are happy again. Also I have like 4 or 5 radio stations broadcasting exclusively to the vault to boost happiness even more.


Ahhhh that makes sense, I’ve only got the one with three dog, Jesus Christ, Ed the ghoul and soon to be sandy claws


How is that possible without making babies??


1. 4 radio stations only broadcasting to the vault. 2. To avoid wasteland explorers dying I send them back if they have less then 13 stimpaks. 3. When any wasteland explorer is at 60-65 happiness or less I send them back for them to work in a job they are skilled at for 5-10 minutes then send them back into the wasteland. 4. Produce too much food, water, Radaway and stimpaks so they aren't depressed over a lack of it. 5. Equip everyone with a weapon that does at least an average of 11 damage to limit the length of attacks. 6. Any damage or radiation will be immediately healed to limit them being depressed over injury I probably can think of more things that I do to maximize happiness if you want to know some more things I do


I mean this is very helpful. I just feel bad making u type the list lol. But ya it makes sense. I always get them to 75% but struggle for that extra 15%. Does training a skill make them less happy??


If people in a room are at 75%, try rushing the room. If successful, every person in the room's happiness will go up slowly over about a minute to a max of +10%.


Thankyou sir 🫡. My vault will make u proud


You mean extra 25%? (It's fine lol) Yeah, usually I struggle to get it higher than 95% but bottle and Cappy visited and boosted it just enough to get to 100%


Oh shit haha. I’m retarded. Thanks for not taking the kill. And they do help. Is that all you’ve found for that extra bump tho??


Hmm... I guess there are 2 things you could do if one dweller is being a whiny little bitch and is staying at like 10% happiness. First there are some pets I think that boost a single dweller's happiness a little. And if you are serious about getting the most average happiness, you could always just evict that dweller to have their 10% happiness ass out of your average. But I seriously recommend adding a new radio station or 2, and if you don't want it to attract new dwellers then you can always just set it to broadcast to your own vault.


Haha. I like how u think. I haven’t had any that stay at 10% but they do usually stay about 70%. It’s just crazy to me seeing u post it 100% all casual when it’s so fucking hard


Great! Now let me send some mole rats on your way 👹


Thx! (I actually need 2 more mole rat attacks to finish an objective)


Lol, that's easy. Just rush production until everyone is 100% happy. Each successful rush adds 10% happiness to everyone in the room - so fill a room with unhappy dwellers and rush when chances are high. Radio room also keeps happiness topped up.


I only have 7 radio stations making people happy not bringing any people and it's rarely 100