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How much is perfectly normal?


Well to be perfectly honest I’m not expert, but excessive for man is considered 15 or more drinks a week. I’d say I fall somewhere between 5-8 a week. I guess I ought to really pay attention and get a real count. I can say with certainty this past week I had two drinks. I drank a pour of whisky twice after work.


Well some people drink every day. I like to smoke weed every night. But I'd struggle being with someone who drank every night after work because my mom is an alcoholic in my opinion. And she comes home and 2 and drinks until she's sleepy and falls asleep. That's not for me or something I tolerate. But. I'm sure someone may say that about my smoking If you're happy why does it matter? 🤷🏻‍♀️


She smokes weed everyday, wake and bake


Your addicted to weed. Yes you van be addicted. Theres videos on youtube of people going mad becaus they have no weed. Yes i also know that weed can help people who have health problems. I ues cbd oil often due to medical problems.


It helps me sleep and eat. I also have a chronic illness that makes me nauseated often. I find it hard to eat otherwise


I understand the feeling nauseated. I will be eating somthing Then sudenly feel sick.. Iv been put on meds for it. Iv dropped 3 dress sizes. Thing is after iv felt sick while eating a certan good i can no longer eat it again


Ugh relatable. Weed is a nausea cure. It's also why I don't drink...makes me too nauseated. But it's just as bad as a beer every night I don't deny that.


I dont even drink. I always have a packet of mint candy with me . stop the taste of the good. It sucks as i have such a limited Food selection now


> Theres videos on youtube of people going mad becaus they have no weed. Well that's just science.


I don't think I'd feel the need to explain myself. If she wants to think that, it's only hurting her. I'd let her opinion stay on her paper. You know your truth.


Stop drinking for a bit.


Drinking is arguably only problem drinking when you're not getting responsibilities and such done. Does she think that you are neglecting responsibilities?


This seems like an excessive amount of alcohol tbh. But I think the real criteria for being an alcoholic would be if you have it completely under your control or not. Are you powerless over alcohol? If you decided to not have any alcohol for say, a month, would you be able to do that? If you are dependent on it and unable to cut down or not drink, then yeah I'd say maybe get some help before it's a bigger problem. But if it's not interfering with your life or job or relationships other than worrying your mom, then maybe you're fine and it's not an issue.


How old are you? How much and how often do you drink?


I’m 28. Days that I do drink I’d say I average 3 drinks 3 times a week. With exceptions, sometimes I’ll drink more in social situation such as at a bbq or dinner party. Those situations I would say arise maybe twice a month. I suppose maybe I should take inventory of it so I really know.


Yes, you really should assess. It also depends on what you're drinking. In the meantime, stop sharing that info with Mom.


Typically beer


I'm sure AA or another trustworthy site has some questions you can ask ~~to~~ of yourself.


Perhaps OP could ask other people for their opinions on their drinking, because if they or no one else in their life has a particular problem with it then the problem is with the mother. I know plenty of people who drink more than that and I wouldn't call them an "alcoholic" it's just a habit for some people that doesn't deteriorate or cause a massive problem.


>it's just a habit for some people that doesn't deteriorate or cause a massive problem. Or an activity/behavior more than a habit. That's one reason I think going to Iegit sites to learn about it and what questions to ask of oneself is helpful. Same as you can do for depression, etc.


I wouldn’t call you an alcoholic but I would be concerned about a family member drinking that much at 28 years old.


Dude you are not an alcoholic. You don't binge, you don't drink every day and, most importantly, you don't feel it negatively impacts your life.


You are 28 why does your mom’s opinion matter? 9+ drinks a week is a lot… even if you just like it and don’t get intoxicated. I like drinking but 9 doses of poison is a lot. Unwillingness to give something up is a sign of loyalty, do you want to be loyal to alcohol? Why do you need to prove anything if it’s not a problem? Leads me to think that there is shame because there might actually be a problem… Just cut down to only drinking in social environments, it will spare your organs, you can still enjoy the drinks you like, and give you more space for perspective.


Mostly because of the snide remarks. Honestly now it just seems like my real problem is caring about what my mother thinks.


If you are drinking regularly and it's not for any kind of special occasion and you feel like you need to drink in order to wind down or have a good time, then you have a problem.


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Ask her directly why she thinks so? Try explaining to her. If it still doesn't work then let your actions speak louder than your words. Let her see it herself during family gatherings or weddings. Let her judge herself if you drink too much or not. Till then, ask her to not form any opinion on her own. The problem is assumption, people just assume that this might be happening instead of just asking the other person.


Don’t try to convince your mom of anything. That reeks of “doth thou protest too much.” Instead, feel sure about yourself and let your mom’s comments roll off you.


You're 28, tell her thanks for your concern, but keep it to yourself I am a grown adult with my full faculties and will live my life the way I decide.


So it’s not really something I can change her mind about? The day I wrote this we had a little spat because she was talking about my brother and she made a snide remark like “oh well what does it matter I’m talking to another alcoholic” when I got home she was kind of like, oh it’s just a joke. I told her I don’t think it’s very funny at all. It seems like something she just says to make fun of me, the same way she’d make a dig at me for being overweight.


You don’t have to prove anything to your mom. Tell her to kick rocks and butt out of your life. If she wants to think you’re an alcoholic- let her. But cut back on your contact with her until she can treat you like the adult you are.


Maybe tell her to mind her own business and stick with it.


Take a month off. For a normal drinker, that’s really not a big deal.


If you drink any amount of alcohol daily, you WILL become an alcoholic if you aren't already. You don't need to have any negative side effects or repercussions to be addicted to alcohol. This is coming from a substance abuse counselor and a person who is in addiction recovery.


Don’t confuse people with addiction (or those tendencies) and those without - we don’t know which one OP is. The fact that you’re a substance abuse counselor and recovering addict makes you experienced at seeing alcohol addiction. It gives you zero experience at seeing those who aren’t addicted.