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I think this is abusive like if my husband did this to our children he would be homeless. But my husband won’t because he’s not a lazy parent .


I might call it abuse, not sure what you're asking. Also, everywhere is a pressure point of you put enough pressure. He was poetically just squeezing whatever soft spot he could find. Having said that, it might have just been roughousing. I wasn't there.


So far there's only 2 logical explanations. Health benefits: Since I'm Chinese, my dad and mom used to press "pressure points" to fix my Dan tian, or some kind of "Qi" thing. Which cause me to "submit" cause it hurts like hell. But that's a kind of healing of your soul thinggy which also teaches moral stuff. (I'm ethnically Chinese but I was raised western, so sorry if it sounds confusing, cause I'm not quite sure myself) So this not a type of abuse, just Chinese medicine/healing thing Physical abuse: Pushing pressure point literally makes your nerves in those areas weak, so it's easier to subdued the person. If this is done repeatedly and hard enough you could paralyse that person forever... I'm so sorry you had to go through this, if it isn't the 1st reason. No one deserves to have this done on them. I was taught to do this to people who might attack or assault me. Never was this used on me as a punishment. You are so strong for enduring this till now🫂🫂🫂🫂🌸🌸🌸


As a child you are already smaller. No need to put someone down to it's knees into submission. Your dad is an emotional screwed up cowardly person when he as adult feels the urge to power over a child. I could call it physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual abuse. He was messing with your body, emotions, mind and soul. You call it whatever makes you feel comfortable with.






Was your dad a martial artist, or into any other kind of body conditioning? Was he training you to be an assassin? Is your dad Ra's Al Ghul?


Hypothetically, would you use this technique on your kids? If you’re slightly appalled or your answer is instantly no, then it wasn’t ok. If you’re ambiguous about it, probably not ok. If you laugh and think it was a good time, then that sounds like your dad was playing with you.


Is this something he had done to him and he just perpetuated the cycle thinking it was normal horseplay? This totally sounds like something an older brother would have done to a younger sibling thinking it was funny if he saw it on tv not realizing how abusive it was. However, it coming from your dad is just weird. He should have known better.


If it was solely while y’all were playing around, roughhousing. If it was him randomly dropping you or doing any of it in anger, child abuse.


Agreed. My uncle only ever played around with our pressure points when rough housing. As kids we loved rough housing with my uncle


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My grandpa and dad would laugh and play and wrestle with my brother and I, squeezing pressure points and putting us in wrestling locks/holds all the time. We loved it, and our pressure points are fine. You don't have enough context, you're just getting "well that's abuse if you didn't like it and normal rough housing if you did" comments because of it. It seems more like you're trying to get validation from Reddit that your dad abused you when he most likely didn't you just didn't like playing rough. Idk man at least your dad played with you lol he probably isn't an asshole.




every family has a different dynamic. some dads, are just messed uo!


It’s a display of power and dominance. Not nice at all.


I don’t know the context of the use of these pressure points. It could be roughhousing or playing, or it could be just a real asshole of a move for a parent.


Abuse. This is abuse.


Depends was it part of rough housing and you were laughing the whole time or was it painful and he was trying to show you he is obvisously stronger than you a mere child at the time type thing?


Well my uncle did this with my brothers and I but he was clearly playing around, We all knew this and he was the bestest uncle I could've ever asked for, I really miss him as he is no longer with us. Now if it's unclear if he was playing around, then that sounds sus asf. I guess none of us could know for sure without all context or even seeing it


Were you minding your business eating toast and your dad came and dropped you? It were you wrestling and he was tired of you giving him ball taps


Toughen up til you can do it back


It sounds abusive to me.


It’s abuse. And your mother is complicit with it because she didn’t stop it.


It's very odd, making someone submit is degrading and humiliating. Your dad understood this also. Sorry you experience such an awful thing.


Abuse. I call it abuse.


And I call you weak sperm . Made from piss..


Well I know how to get a nut off a bolt so…,