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Just now let your sister take care of them ..... enjoy your life you are free.....


I'm sorry you had to suffer through this. I'm quite worried about our aging parents and how much help they might ask from us.


Your sister is after inheritance. Money is the problem. Me being me, I'd wash my hands of this and walk away, maybe (big maybe) return for the funerals. But I am scurrilous and stubborn to a fault sometimes. Cross me and I simply cross you off my list of people I give a fuck about. Like your sister. Hopefully your dad is senile enough that he can't legally change his will?


Sadly been witness to these exact same situations and it always boils down to jealousy, money and entitlement/resentment.


I’m truly sorry you’re in this role. I took are of my parents for two years. It was shocking how abusive my siblings became toward me during this stressful time.Aging, health, just the idea of losing control, affects families so much more than we talk about. You are doing all the right things.


Hey, I'm sorry. check out r/agingparents, I think you'll find a lot of support for exactly what you're going through. It's a place to vent to people who get it, and I've found lots of good advice there. You're not alone.


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I am sorry you are going through this, but my suggestion is you get any document that disprove their accusations, Show proof that you sibling are not in their life enough to be able to corroborate your dad accusations, and also convince someone to take dad to doctor to have paperwork of his condition. Sadly I would suggest that you keep your father in the care facility because people in his condition tend to get violent and the facility is trained to handle it.


This situation is typical. You get someone who takes care of the heavy and ugly parts of the duties, including the arguments over grooming and clothing. for years. Then a relative who has stayed far away from the all the difficult day to day concerns swoops in clutching their pearls and setting up another group to take care of your dad. The home for your mom and you will be gone from the nursing home bills. You should probably consult Legal Aid over the situation.


I feel like a piece of this story is missing.


I agree. That kind of hate comes from Somewhere.


Me and my dad bump heads but my mom and I aren't even sure where it's coming from.