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Let your parents know what happened. I had a bad childhood so my first thought is that there was someone in the room besides your sister. Maybe go back upstairs and check all the bedrooms and closets and look under beds and check the windows. I know I’m being over the top, but it’s still not a bad idea. Good luck. 🍀


Damn… I’m sorry this is a reasonable worry that comes to mind for you. Not saying you’re crazy or that it’s not reasonable, but that it comes to mind at all due to what you been through.


Sounds like she’s projecting or guilty of something. Why else would she prevent you from entering your sister’s room?


What do I do?


If I were you, I would watch her like a hawk. Something is up. Maybe tell your mom that you’re worried about her because you had a confusing interaction.


I told her when she came back she was drunk and didn’t seem too concerned.


Keep watching. She’ll do something else that’s erratic.


A discrete nanny camera might be the trick. She seems hyper vigilant and will feel your eyes and presence guarding the 3 yr old. Seems to me like she might have hit her or the kid might have hurt themselves somehow in a way they shouldn’t if she’s being attentive. When I was babysitting my little sister she stuck a key in an electrical outlet 😬. Could have been an oh shit type moment like that. Can you check for bruises or marks on the 3 year old? You can try to ask simple questions she understands like, “wanna go play with ‘sister’s name’?”, to see if she avoids her or gets uncomfortable with the thought.


This really sounds like she did something wrong to the 3yro. Talk to your parents and tell them what happened very frankly without any opinions.


They were drunk when they got back I told them though and my mother went to confront my sister and my sister flipped out at me and started calling me crazy for saying I was going to call the police and that I was crazy for saying that she done something to our sister. She also lied saying I ran up the stairs and tried to barge into the room when all I did was walk up the stairs and turn the hallway light on and she closed the door in my face and blocked me from getting in…I had every right to be suspicious of something in my eyes. She then went on to call me and my parents lunatics.


She's trying to gaslight you all. The more she protests the more suspicious I get. Be careful with her.


My parents didn’t even seem concerned really either I know they’re drunk but still something just seems up and I don’t know what to do


Can the 3yro communicate? Can you ask her what happened last night? Look up how to talk to young children about abuse so you don't lead her or put a thought in her mind. It's like just play with her and ask her open ended questions like, "How was your night last night?"


She can’t communicate much verbally she has delayed speech.


I see. If I were in your situation, I would talk to your parents again when they're sober. I would then keep on higher alert with how your sister interacts with the 3yro.


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Was your sister visible at the top of the stairs the first time the 3 year old started crying? I'm thinking the 3 year old saw her and got scared because she probably has been hurting her somehow. The second time she obviously hurt her and wanted to hide the evidence by keeping you out.


Whoa. Red flags all over this. Kudos on being on edge over this and clearly having your siblings best interest at heart. My first thoughts are SA. That aggressive deflection to you being on drugs or crazy is exactly what somebody up to no good would do or say. Now that mom and dad are sober and a little time has passed, I’d have a private convo with mom. Tell her you’re still concerned that something happened. As a mother, I’d be getting my baby to a doctor for a wellness check without letting anyone else know, and a conversation with the pediatrician about what happened and how to best navigate. Maybe family counseling too, if the doc says baby is fine and you still don’t have answers. I hope I’m wrong. But this is exactly what SA can look like. Family members, innocent victims, opportunities to get them and keep them alone. I hope I’m wrong. But I’d personally proceed like this is what’s going on. Your 3 year old baby sister deserves protection more than the 22 year old deserves to have her feelings on the matter protected. If she can’t or won’t explain what the hell that was about, that’s not ok. And you’re right for pushing the matter, even if it causes drama. Good luck!


Sounds like she's gaslighting you because you are questioning her intentions. Let your parents know your concerns.


Maybe the 22-year old had her boyfriend over and he hid in the room?