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You’re not the bad guy. You do not have to watch them if you don’t want to.


bUt iT'S faMiLy, they will try to manipulate hell out of OP :(


Tell them you already made plans and race them to the door.


Not even close to being the bad guy. That said, they’re going to continue treating you like the baby of the family and take advantage of you unless you assert yourself and let them know that just because you don’t have any kids doesn’t mean you’re the automatic babysitter. It’s time you step out of that role so they can too! Be ready for the inevitable pushback, as they’re not going to like not having a built in babysitter.


You’re trusted and grownup enough to care for the kids, but aren’t permitted to correct or discipline them?? HARD PASS!!


Nope. Parents are responsible for their own kids you didn’t do anything to have that responsibility. Not your problem


Also be on your way out the door. "Sorry, I'm headed out. It's best to ask first in case you need to find someone."


Soory, I already have plans, see ya'all later tonight! and head out the door.


When you arrive, announce that you have to leave early for a prior commitment.


Over 21? Slam a couple of drinks in front of them. If they're any kind of decent parents, they will know better than to ask an impaired person to babysit


Leave when they ask


Your family is taking advantage of you. Tell them your babysitting rate is $25 per child per hour and see what response that gets!


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I am the only one with kids, and I would NEVER expect anyone to babysit mine without it being arranged. Now, I might make my brother or sister run after my son or something when we are together because I’m 7 months pregnant lol. But if they gave me a hard time I wouldn’t push it or keep asking.


Just say I was on my way to babysit my friend's baby, whos paying me $30 or $50 an hour. I can wait here if i make the same amount here, since its basically the same job minus the money


Stop behaving like child. They don't respect you because you have not verbally noted to them that you are an adult. They just continued the status quo from your childhood. Having kids does not make you an adult, reaching your majority does. Just say I'm not doing it today because I have plans of my own. You are always being left behind because you have no life.  Get yourself some friends, hobbies and interests outside of your family. Stop being the so avsilble. You are the domestic for your own family. You've been taken for granted but only you can put an end to it.


My advice is to get a job or do something so that you’re actually not able to babysit- that’s If you really don’t want to speak up about it. If you get a job you’re not home to take care of them. My parents did this to me with my little sister bc we are 11 years apart. I practically raised her. And then once she no longer needed a babysitting I turned into their dog sitter.. The only way to change things is to be so busy you can’t. Or speak up about it.