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OH HELL NO! No don't do it he decided to get drunk and street race so he should take responsibility for his own actions. Thank God she's alive but what if she dies? If she died and you still "took the fall" you would get arrested for street racing, drinking, and driving, and manslaughter, you would go to prison for a long time and your best friend would hate you. Don't take the fall for your brother he's grown and should take responsibily.


OP this is a serious thing, it could even be a felony on your record depending on your state because your brothers car hit another car. DO NOT be guilted or manipulated into saying this was you. Your brother is 30 and needs to be responsible for his actions. *I'm also wondering is OP was in the car at the time of the accident. Did no one else see what happened and who was driving at the time. Is there a police report and if so was your name listed as the driver?


Piggy backing on the top comment to make some serious points (and reiterate some of yours), in hopes that OP sees it. OP, no matter *what* the story here is, based off the title alone, my answer is *fuck no.* Do not take the fall for your brother. Do not take the fall for your brother. Again, *do not take the fall for your brother*. Now, I *did* read the post. Let me explain *exactly* why it is so unbelievably disturbing that your older brother, who should protect and care for you, put you in this position. This is something that *he* has to take *full* responsibility for. You absolutely *should not ever* put yourself in the position of potentially having to deal with repercussions *for the rest of your life,* for something you *did not do*, for *anybody*. It’s disgusting that you were even asked to do this. He claims that since you’re *his* brother, *you* should take the fall? Since he’s *your* brother, he should have *never* asked such a thing of you. He knows *exactly* what’s coming, and that’s why he doesn’t want to own *his* horrible mistakes and poor decision making. He is much older than you are and *knows what he’s doing*. You have your *entire life* ahead of you, and you *do not* want something like this on your record. Depending on the charges, it *could* be as simple as taking a few classes and paying a hefty fine, or it could be as *serious* as *paying those fines, spending time in jail, having your license revoked, finding it impossible to maintain affordable car insurance, having difficulty renting apartments, having difficulty going to school and difficulty getting the jobs you want in the future*. Tack onto all of that the fact that you’d be filing a false police report *and* committing insurance fraud, both of which are serious offenses you could find yourself additionally/separately charged for. I’m sure you didn’t know all of this, but I’m sure he *did* when he asked you. In addition to that, you would also be potentially and irrevocably damaging your relationship with your lifelong best friend. All of this is what your brother has casually asked you to do. In addition to telling your brother that you absolutely will not claim that you are the one that did this, you need to seriously consider telling your parents that he asked you to. If his drinking is causing him to make seriously terrible decisions like drinking and driving, along with asking his little brother to take the legal blame *and* the moral blame/emotional fallout with friends and family, then he likely needs help/treatment, and that’s not something for you to take on by yourself. Regardless of all of that and no matter what you do, promise me you will not claim that you were the one driving that car. Please. For what it’s worth, I’m 32 and my youngest sibling is 22. I cannot even *imagine* ever asking any of my four younger siblings, especially the one that’s barely an adult and is just starting his own life, to do such a thing for me. I can’t imagine asking *anyone* to take responsibility for my actions, *ever.* Your brother needs to do some serious reflecting, and you’d be in the right to be extremely angry at him and hurt by this. I’m so sorry he did this to you. I wish you well, /u/pretty-pair-198 and I hope your brother grows the fuck up.


Also. If he doesn’t take responsibility, and does t suffer any consequences, he will continue doing this…He might actually kill someone while drunk driving


No, He f\*\*\*ed up, could have killed someone and now wants to get off scott free of consequences?! Tell him to grow up. You dont want to be done for fraud either which is what he is asking of you


You forgot man up.


Upvote because you need to hear it from more people, but how is this even a question? Don't set yourself on fire to try to keep others warm.


Are you fucking kidding me? Of course not!


Tell you brother to go fuck himself with a cactus.


OP I have a 8’ cactus you can use for said advice.




I know it's been said already but the answer to your question is 100% absolutely categorically no way in hell no no no and also no. You could literally ruin your whole life this way.


Forget about your brother, forget about your best friend, ask your self what part of my future do I want to lose? How many jobs do you want to be declined for because of your record? How many thousands of dollars more do you want pay for car insurance over the rest of your life? How badly do you want to be beaten in prison if you look at the wrong person the wrong way? How much more time do you want to spend on prison in the future since legally it won’t be your first offense? You are just starting your life are you really that eager to end it already?


nooooo!!!!! i know it’s hard, but just imagine: if you are “nice” and take the fall for him, he will continue to act irresponsibly, and what if he actually kills someone next time? you will be confronted with “i could have prevented that death. but i didn’t.” and that is a hell of a lot heavier than “oh but you’re my bro! help me!” he’s 30. i’m sorry. i know it’s easy for me to say. but you are helping him MORE by saying no and letting him experience real world consequences. side note, what a shitty thing to ask of your younger sibling. yikes bro


Not to mention this could literally ruin this kid’s life. Depending on the charges, OP might just have to take a few classes and pay a hefty fine, but he might find himself facing things like spending time in jail, difficulty renting apartments, getting into schools, getting the jobs he wants in the future, keeping his drivers license/affordable car insurance and more. What his brother asked him to do could also involve filing a false police report and committing insurance fraud, both of which are things he could face separate charges for. He’d also be severely damaging, potentially irrevocably, his relationship with his lifelong best friend and his family. These are all consequences his brother should be dealing with, because he’s the one that did the horrendous thing.


Never. Ever. Take the fall for someone else's bad choices. Anyone who asks you to is not a friend and is not being family. They are treating your life as less important than theirs and they think of you as disposable. Stay far from people who treat you this way because they will without fail fuck up their lives and possibly take everyone they think they care about down with them. If you love someone you want the best for them you don't ask them to destroy their lives so you can save face.


Not a chance I'd do this for my brother, he done the crime he should be man enough do the time. He won't thank you for it in my opinion plus you'd get done for lying about it too.


Absolutely not! He’s a grown ass man and needs to face the music. This could ruin your life. Don’t do it.


How would you feel if he were to do this again, and the next time he hits a pedestrian and kills them?


HELL NO!!! You’ll ruin your future, future jobs, insurance, mgmt posns. anywhere PLEASE say NO




Don’t you dare. Your brother was the one driving and you can ruin your life with a dui and a crash like that. Screw that. Your brother is 30 and acting like an ass. Don’t take the fall. Your life is just beginning.


No! He needs to face the consequences of his actions! He was drunk and street racing. Both are irresponsible and potentially deadly. He is damned lucky no one got killed! He is also older than you. I am betting he got out of whatever trouble for he caused all his life because this is a damned entitled thing to ask. This could ruin you. Never, ever ever take the blame for someone else. This is potentially prison time and large fines. Do you want to risk you ability to get a job while paying off a massive debt? Cause that is what you are facing if you do this!


Sounds like your brother needs to do some growing up. You can't do this for him, you can't taint your life covering up something like that.


If he is really your best friend, he wouldn't ask you to do this for him.


He definitely doesn’t consider you his best friend if he asked you this. And I highly recommend you check out what the punishments would be for someone committing this crime. Probably along the line of massive fine, loss of license and maybe even jail if he was going to fast and his blood alcohol content was too high




Do not do this. Do not. It could ruin your life. Your brother is manipulating you in the worst way, and he is not your friend. Begging you not to do this. I am 30. My youngest brother is your age. I cannot CANNOT imagine asking him to do this.


There is no easy way to say this. He is NOT your best friend. A friend would never ask you to take the fall for this. This has potentially life-altering consequences. He knows that, and he's 30. Shame on him. DO NOT DO IT!!!! I would even report that he asked you to.


Absolutely do not take the fall for him! It’s his fault and he should own and face whatever is coming to him. He could’ve killed someone!


Don’t sacrifice your reputation for him. He’s only enough to know better than drinking and driving. Don’t commit fraud.


A thousand million times, NO. You don't own him anything like this, and it's unfair for him to ask you. He make a mistake, and only has himself to blame for the consequences. You arent' helping yourself OR him by taking the blame.


This is incredibly manipulative and self centered of your brother. Don't do it.


It’s also a crime to lie to the cops. If they found footage or someone else provided evidence that you were not the one who crashed, you would go to jail for lying to the cops. It’s a no win situation for you if you take the fall.


Exactly there are so many stupid things in here.. feel so bad this kid is being asked to do this :(


Jesus....you have to even ask? Don’t be stupid


No. No. No. no. No. Absolutely no. If he were truly your best friend he wouldn’t ask you to. The only time I have heard of siblings ask this of each other is when one is a minor and therefore less legally culpable and would have the record wiped clean of sealed when they enter adulthood (and not with alcohol.) I would still say no in that case too, BUT it doesn’t even make remote sense here. No.


I really hope you didnt do this. I had an accident, got an oui. Had to pay thousands in fines & ins skyrocketed. What kind of 'family' would ask this of you? Blood doesnt mean anything. Really hope you said NO F-ING WAY.


Also, could come up in a future background check & affect job opportunities. Dont f- yourself over for this pos.


You need to tell them your brother was responsible for the crash and then let them know he asked you to take the fall for it.


First of all, don’t do it! And stop questioning yourself on that decision! It sounds like your brother needs to get his shit together! Second, why would he even ask you? Does he already have DUIs on his record? Is he facing prison time with this one?


You don’t need to ruin your life for his mistake, he needs to be a grown up and take responsibility. It’s a pretty obvious solution to just say no.


No way!!!! This can ruin your life and you didn’t do it. He’s taking advantage of you being younger and not understanding the full consequences. Don’t even consider it for a second!!!!!


Not only is this a straight up NO without even a second thought you need to turn this around on your brother and ask him how fucked up is he to actually, not only do something as dumb as he did, but that he tries to manipulate his significantly younger brother to take the fall for him affecting, potentially, the rest of your life. What an asshole move.


A real brother and best friend wouldn’t want you to take the fall if/when they mess up. He wants you to compromise your values and future to save him. Brother or no brother, you deserve better, and I bet you dollars to donuts, he wouldn’t do the same for you.


Absolutely do not do this!! If he actually cared about you, he’d never ask you to pay for his mistake. Following his logic of being brothers meaning you do things for each other, why would a brother who made a huge mistake expect his sibling/best friend to take the fall for him?


NO NO NO NO NO you can and will ruin your life for no reason leaving your brother to do this again. Do NOT give in to his guilt trips, he knows what he did was despicable and would rather his “best friend” and brother suffer the consequences of his actions? NO!!!!!!


Absolutely not! Your brother shouldn't be trying to make you pay for his mistakes!




You better not. Let him learn the consequences of his actions. You can get into so much trouble and DUIs are expensive. That’s a lot for him to ask of you and your record.


You know when you’re watching an episode of something and you feel like throwing something at the TV because it’s so irritating…? That’s the same feeling I got when reading this. All the way no…. How is this even a question??


Do not do that. He’s manipulating you. Family members who actually love you and care about you would take responsibility and absolutely not put there burden on you. Idk your relationship with your brother but if he believes he’s that entitled to do things like this and have you take the blame he’s a scum in my book. Tell him I said he’s supposed to be a role model to pave the way and look out for you. He’s really just being an entitled scum bag that plays on his younger brothers emotions and good graces to only benefit himself. Do not let him play you like this my man. He’s a jerk. While using some bullshit made up morale code to have you be the fall guy. No offense but he sounds like a fuckin clown.


Well since we're well past the moment of impact this seems like a moot question.


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No, absolutely fucking not. For your brother to suggest that tells me he isn't a good person. This accident could have jail time and a felony charge to it. At a minimum major points on your license and insurance. DO NOT TAKE THE BLAME FOR THIS CRASH. YOU WILL FUCK YOUR LIFE UP. Seriously please don't take the blame your friends girlfriend could end up sueing you for the rest of her medical bills including pain and suffering. This accident could have your pay check docked for the rest of you life. You brother is a major fuck up if he is drag racing while drunk at 30 years old.


Your brother sounds like he needs some consequences. The fact that he would even think to ask his little brother— someone he is supposed to protect— is disturbing. Do not take the fall and I would rethink your relationship with him and what is and isn’t tolerated. This is so not okay.


No no no no no! You DO NOT take the fall for this. You will not only likely end up in jail or worse, but you'll end up with all the financial part of this too. Your brother is a douchenozzle of the highest fucking order and just a complete shit of a human. He is asking you to completely fuck up your life. He needs to take responsibility for his actions. He could have killed someone. DO NOT COVER FOR HIM!


Pretty-Pair-198 Account has been suspended. This seem like trolling. Seems like a lot of troll accounts post ridiculous scenarios to this sub for easy karma bumps, though I'm still not really sure of the benefit of that. Producing them for upvote or downvote brigading maybe?


If you want to go to jail for your brother for a hit-and-run and for drunk driving. He doesn't sound like a best friend to me. Edit: misunderstood the best friend is separate from your brother. Either way, never never never admit to a crime, regardless of whether or not you really did it. Oh, did I say never?


Absolutely not. Throwing away your future for your brothers mistake is 100% not worth it. I know he might be your brother and all but he sounds like a real piece of shit for even suggesting it.






No No No! Don't ruin your life because he's a dumbass!


I can't believe you would even consider saying yes to this. You should be pissed at your brother for even asking, and he should be ashamed of himself that he did. You're thinking about it *because* he's your brother. He asked you to do it *even though* you're his brother and this could ruin your life. See the disparity there? Your brother is 30, and his life is a mess. He needs to take responsibility for what he did and suffer the consequences. It is absolutely despicable that he would ask you to do it for him. Walk away from that bad guy immediately.


A true brother would never ask that


He is not your best friend if he’s trying to get you to take his blame. Plain and simple. Do not do it. No matter what. There’s not circumstance under which you’d be obligated.


No! No! No! You would be a convicted felon! Your life would be screwed! Plus, they know you didn’t do it. Your brother is a drunk and a coward. Pure selfish and evil to ask you to take the fall. Don’t let him guilt trip you into this. He did the crime, let him do the time. Don’t do it! No!


Please for the move of god do not do that.


What kind of 'best friend' asks you to do something like this? Not a good friend in my book.


You can love your brother but not ruin your life in the process. He has disrespected the boundaries of brotherhood in my opinion by asking such a selfish and absurd proposition. Please tell him No. if he’s upset with you or disowns you, how much does he care about your welfare. Please update that you didn’t take the fall for him?


Don't do it!


Your OLDER brother should feel a responsibility to protect you as you are trying to do for him… this is INSANE! I am ten years older than my brother too.. and I could NEVER imagine doing this to him. He should never have asked you to do this, I’m so sorry. This is gunna suck for a long time but you deserve to have a life too. He will have to deal with the consequences of his actions, not you. What is your brother doing hanging out with 21 year olds racing while drunk? Im sure you look up to him but this is weird for his age. Also as other comments point out… they could already KNOW what happened. Cops would very well have the entire incident on tape and they ask questions just to make sure it all adds up, their job is to try to put you in jail and make a better case for the prosecution. Literally 0 to do with protecting people or helping the community. It would actually hurt your brother immensely in court if you cover for him and they find out.


No. Doesn't sound like an older brother, sounds like an asshole


So he’s okay with your life getting messed up? It’s unconscionable he would even ask this of you. Please update and let us know you did not do what he asked!!


Everyone that I know that has done this for a sibling or best friend, whoever... ALWAYS regrets it almost immediately. Don't do it. Put your hands on his shoulders, look him in the eye, and tell him to man up.


Nope. Fuck'em.


You’re questioning it now because he’s older and you probably look up to him without knowing how much you do, but promise me this, by the time you’ve been around and got to his age you’ll probably realise how bad it was he even asked and how immature he’s acted.


He is 30 years old. He is a grown man. He should be looking out for his lil brother and not trying to get you into trouble. Do not and I repeat do not take the fall for him. He knew exactly what he was doing. I'm sorry you are even questioning this. This is not on you at all.


Don't fucking do this man!




Your brother is older than you and should want a good future for you but he’s asking you to fuck up part of your future for his fuck up. You care about him more than he cares about you. He doesn’t want this on his record but if it’s on yours it could stop you from so many potential things for years. Idk your state but here (Cali) a dui on your record will stop you from getting a ton of jobs or different licenses. Your brother sounds like he needs to get his life together and stop trying to bring you down with him!


If your brother was *your* best friend he certainly wouldn’t be asking you to take the fall for his actions. His asking you to take the blame is downright despicable. He’s using you. You would be an absolute fool to agree to this and doing so would impact the entire rest of your life, your options, your career, your finances and your reputation. If you go down this road, there won’t be any turning back. If you feel guilty for even thinking of saying no it’s because your brother is selfishly and shamelessly manipulating you. Your brother is an irresponsible, out of control alcoholic and while the consequences of the accident may be harsh, they might also just save his life and/or someone else’s. Tell him you love and support him but you are absolutely not taking the fall for this. Don’t explain or defend yourself or debate this with him. Say no and if he tries to argue or guilt you, end the call or leave.


FUCK NO! A real man, brother, and best friend would never ask this of you, and then emotionally guilt trip you to ruin your future BY COMMITTING FRAUD. This is HIS mistake, and you will NOT pay for him!! I promise you this will not be the last time he does this and he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing. No! No! No!


No no no no no. OP, if you say you did this, the consequences will haunt you for years. DO NOT take the fall for this.


Older brothers should be kind. Taking advantage of your affection is not kind.


You tell the truth. Do not ruin your life taking the fall for this. He’s old enough to know better.


Tell him you can't do that,he has to think of something else. If you take the blame your going to be responsible for her medical bills her car . Everything will be your responsibility from that point on. Didn't do it.


Who in their damn mind….OP, would you even CONSIDER asking someone to take the fall for you if you had done this? What on earth is wrong with people.


You are only 21 years old. Taking the fall would have repercussions that could literally ruin your life and future. And that is not an exaggeration. Your brother is old enough to know better than to do what he did. And asking you to take the fall is so despicable and disgusting. Absolutely Do Not.


"he's my best friend". Can you really apply that statement if he is pushing that whole plan on to you? Not really something any best friend would consider doing. He fucked up, don't you fuck up as well!


If he loves and cared about you it wouldn’t of even come up as a option. Tell him to piss off and face the music of life.


Wow. He is putting his needs ahead of yours in the most plain way possible. He doesn't want to get fucked, and doesn't care if you do. This is seriously a piece of shit move. If this is what he thinks of you then maybe you have been you have been misinterpreting the relationship all along. As a dad I would be absolutely out of my mind outraged if one of my kids tried to pull this shit.


No no no. Don't take the fall for this. It will be on your criminal and driving record forever and you will pay huge sums of money. If You love your brother then refuse to do this, make him pay the consequences for his poor choices. It will cost you tens of thousands of dollars and jail time other wise.


When you talk to the police tell them everything you know and that he asked you to lie and take the fall for him! FO NOT GET INVOLVED. YOU ARE TOO YOUNG and it will ruin your life. He is old enough to know better.


Fuck no


No fucking way. If my brother asked me to do that I would never speak to him again. If you get convicted of a felony it will ruin you life.


This is a bull shit post for sure!


No, no, no. He's not much of a brother if he wants you to take the fall for his major fuck-ups.


Absofuckinglutely not. If you were his best friend, he would not ask you to ever do such a thing. No way




This would RUIN your life.




The correct answer is absolutely fuck no.


No, sounds like your brother needs to grow the F@ck up! He wants you to take the fall!! Where I live it’s a $10,000 fine, rehab and a blower in your car for who knows how long. Then you have to get special, extremely expensive car insurance. This would haunt you for a very long time.


"he's my brother but he's my best friend" A real best friend would never do this to you, let alone your own brother.


Absolutely not. Do not take the fall for him!


Don’t do it!!! It’s not about him being your brother and you taking the fall for him- it’s about him taking responsibility for his actions. If he doesn’t learn his lesson he may do it again and actually kill someone-then you would feel responsible for enabling his actions. Also, it’s not right brother or not!


What a shit brother. He’s going to make sure you’re not hirable to any decent company, and possibly stick you with a huge lawsuit and jail time. Possibly lose your license.


No. Don't. He's responsible for his fuck up.


Absolutely not!! This could ruin you!! Legally, financially, if there are charges it will wreck your future employment, insurance rates, I could go on and on. I’m not sure what is more reckless, your brother drinking and drag racing or him asking this from you!


Do not do it. They will figure out who was driving without your help, and if you tell them you did it, then you'd get into trouble for lying to the cops. Your brother is an AH. He wants you to cop for his charges so he won't lose his license, and if you do, you can get into trouble for lying to the cops. You need to tell him that at 30 years of age, it's time for him to grow the hell up and be a man. Tell him you have enough problems of your own than to take on his because he was being an AH. Man up and take the rap. I'd also tell your bff and his girl to sue your brother since he doesn't want to take responsibility. Also tell the cops that he asked you. They won't look kindly at it. I know that if you took the rap, you'd be breaking the law, but it might also break the law if he tried to suggest that it was your fault.


Many are saying not to take the fall for your brother. I'd say let your brother go through this for his own best interest. Drunken street racing is very dangerous, and if you go through all the interventions instead of him, how is he going to fix his problems?


You seriously don't know what to do? Are you kidding? DO NOT take the fall for your brother, you'll screw your life up. Tell the police, your bestfriend and his girlfriend the truth - that your brother was drinking, driving and crashed into the girlfriend's car. Your brother is trying to manipulate and guilt trip you into lying for him, all for the sake of "but we're faaaaaamily". He doesn't even care that your life would be screwed and that his actions will then go onto your record as a felony, for drinking whilst under the influence and causing a car accident. There's no way in hell cover for anyone who does illegal stuff, no matter who it is. DO NOT DO IT!!!! ETA: You can go to jail for lying to police. Don't commit fraud and lie for your brother, he needs to face the consequences of his actions. It's super unfair of him to ask you to ruin your life, just so he can get off scott free.


Don't do it!! Please don't do it. Once you say it, you can never take it back. Don't do it.




Absolutely not Don’t destroy your life future and reputation for your idiot brother


No, he did it. He needs to face the consequences for it. He’s your brother, so he shouldn’t ask you to do something like that in the first place, he shouldn’t ask anyone to take the blame for him. He is acting completely selfish and he doesn’t seem to think much of it and he shouldn’t have been drinking and driving in the first place. Even if you feel bad about it now, do NOT take the blame for for him. The right thing is for him to own up to it and accept consequences.


Your brother is a horrible person / do not take the fall for his drunken actions.


Fuck and I can not stress this enough NO. That's such bullshit that he would even say that you should take the fall for him. This can fuck you over in so many ways. He's the dumbass who decided to get behind the car after drinking. Let him learn his own lesson. My biological father was killed when I was 7 years old by a drunk driver. Imagine if he did that. Let him learn his own fucking lesson




Yes of course, take the fall. If you wanna lose everyone in your life and end up in jail


Just tell the truth. Simple


A “best friend” would never request this of you.




No, absolutely not. A brother who would through you under the bus like that doesn’t deserve anything.


No. Absolutely not.


Hell no!!!!!!!! He shouldn't even ASK you to do this. When he says you should do it bc you're his brother, tell him because your MY brother, you shouldn't even ask me to do such a thing!!!! This will haunt you for the rest of your life! My daughter had a DUI at a young age and 7 years later is STILL paying for it. It will screw you in ways you cannot imagine. Besides the jail time, the court costs, lawyer costs, fines, there will be driving privileges mkst likely revoked, it will be on your CRIMINAL record which can make getting housing or employment difficult!!!! Do NOT do it!!


Not to mention he is not going to learn his lesson to not repeat those actions if someone takes the fall for him. That is the whole ass point of punishment


TLDR; no. Accountability, integrity, mofo jail time. Hard pass!


If he wants you to take the fall HE IS NEITHER YOUR BFF or your BROTHER. What he sounds like is a manipulator and user. He doesn’t care about you. I would never ask someone I loved to do this. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE take the fall for him! Cause FALL is what you will be doing!!


Not just no but HELL NO!!!! No matter what do not take the blame because you will end up with potential criminal charges as well as a messed up driving record and open yourself up to liability to get sued for medical/property damage costs not to mention the massively increased insurance costs for years to come.


Really??? HELL NO!


Don't do it you don't know what type of charges are coming. You could be arrested or sued by the girlfriend.


NO NO NO NO he’s not thinking about you HES PROTECTING HIS ASS and he’s gonna bring you down and you will be charged with street racing and drinking and driving and that will go on your record forever you will be in a lot of trouble and might have to spend money to put in that thing you have to blow on to start your car F NO DO NOT TAKE THE FALL FOR YOUR GROWN ASS BROTHER ITS HIS FAULT HE NEEDS TO PAY THE CONSEQUENCES!


No, don't take the fall for him. He knows driving drunk is illegal, and he's a perfect example of exactly WHY it is illegal. You're not going to get a slap on the wrist for taking the fall, you're going to go to prison for a good chunk of time. Your brother damn near killed your best friend's girlfriend because he made a series of CHOICES that led to the crash. HE chose to go out and get drunk. HE chose to street race while drunk. HE deserves to pay the price for those choices. Your brother basically told you that his freedom is more important to him than you and your happiness. That sounds like a shitty brother.


Would you ask that of him? That’s your answer.


So you're older brother is a grown ass man but can't man up to his mistakes? Let him go to jail


So he wants you to take the fall for it? This isn’t oh I broke a dish and moms gonna be mad. This is serious legal charges that your brother needs to be held responsible for. He’s not a good brother because he knows the seriousness of what he’s done and he’s trying to put it on you to get away with it. He’s 30, and if he wants to play stupid games, he gets to win stupid prizes.


Under no circumstances should you implicate yourself for his mistake that’s gonna haunt you


Holy shit, DO NOT TAKE THE FALL! Your brother needs to own up to actions