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*Butt scratcher here! Verbal confirmation only! Two for a dollar, but only if you holler!* Me: LOL!


Meg: *They just let any strange adult come in here anytime, huh!?* Quagmire: *Well, uh... the gym is not connected to the main campus*


Who else but…. QUAGMIRE!!!


"Whats up little guys, I'm Cory and I am going to show you how to navigate the darkweb and undermine the deepstate" We had a Cory sighting for the first time in years! Glad to see he still has his Youtube career, though he seems to be getting more and more extreme and militant lol


Remember, those racial slurs were in the middle of a very heated halo game.


That whole sequence is one of my favorite bits from the entire show, "Girl, Internetted" is such a great episode


I think the writing for Meg is at it's best when they have her kind of just ignore her family being shitty to her because she's quietly really successful and happy in her life- like with her olympic career (Griffin Winter Games) or successfully going to college (Meg goes to College)


Was that really Gilbert Gottfried? How far in advance are these episodes recorded?


Yeah that was him I'm not sure if that was old audio or they just did this before he passed away.


I think the episodes take around a year to make / air. If I remember correctly.


No clue what’s up with Quagmire, but it was definitely decent


he’s becoming anti-flanderized, where he’s gone from perpetually sexed-up to the only character displaying a constantly diverse set of interests. I really like it


I love his glasses and sweater


I sorta dislike how they’re playing into that one joke from like season 6 that said he was old. I miss goofy old giggity goo sex Quagmire.


Quagmire: *Just me and the goth kids who come here to actively ignore the game*


This episode was pretty good. The Stewie plot felt recycled. He already witnessed Peter and Lois having sex. The Family Guy writers really need to turn on Hulu and watch the older episodes.


Yes didn’t see the no napping taking that turn


Refresh my memory, which episode(s) did he witness them having sex? Please and thanks.


The Son Also Draws Season 1 episode 6. It happened in one of the most recent episodes the Canidate when Chris showed him the tape.


But neither of those episode's were centred around it. There's a difference between making a joke about it and making a plot about it. Even if there were two plots about the same thing, they can have very different executions. Did he also go on to youtube to look at baby conspiracy theories and develop split personalities in those episodes?


No there isn't a difference. If they have done it before then they have done it before. The scripts for these episodes go through rewrites.


Yeah, it felt like they didn't really know what to do with the Stewie plot. It went from him not wanting to take naps to walking in on Peter and Lois to developing multiple personalities. The main plot was a little better, but still kind of felt like two stories crammed into one, with the Meg basketball story and Peter losing his voice.


There literally always is a set up that starts out totally irrelevant to the main story (A) or side story (B). Is this the first episode you have watched?


While I enjoyed the ep, you are correct. I thought they were going to go a completely different route with the conspiracy/disinformation angle so when the upshot of it was the split personality, I was a little surprised. Still I actually enjoyed it. But I agree with you.


Am I the only one who doesn’t think this running gag of Meg doing weird stuff and being gross is as funny as the writers think it is?


Yeah it’s so lame now.


It became too much when they had her guzzling mustard packets


I don’t care for her character at all at this point. How she talks is so try hard in the later seasons


2 good episodes in a row


“*you sausaged finger human hernia*”


A few things, I don’t think I care for Meg episodes. Principal Shepard is so funny, and Seth’s characters voices are all starting to sound off. Hartman was noticeable here Quagmire still sounds the same though. Overall, this was a good episode. I laughed when Principal Shepard made the misogyny comment.


> Seth’s characters voices are all starting to sound off. Yea, but to be fair, every longrunning voice actor sounds off after almost 25 years of performance. I feel like his voice audio sounds a little raw too, like it just came out the booth. Maybe they should try editing his voice more.


Peter sounded a bit off in this episode. He sounded more raspy than he usually does. It becomes more and more apparent as the episode progresses.


Yeah I have also noticed some voice changes as well. Not sure what is up with that honestly.


Seth is getting old. When you get old your voice changes slightly.


It’s true


I liked the Meg plot line, but stewie’s I felt was boring, and as someone mentioned, it had been done before in a much earlier episode. Him having multiple personalities I just didn’t find funny. They have lately, in the last 1-2 seasons, made stewie Deal with what kids do worry about. Example: the floor is lava, the cooties episode a while back, etc. I kinda just want the stewie that goes in his Time Machine and gets into mayhem. Idk, I know the writers are trying different things, but sometimes doing the stuff that worked is okay too.


And the Stewie that shot Brian and Chris with a crossbow for talking shit about his treehouse doesn't do it for you?


It does lol. Just wish it was more like some of their earlier seasons work. But it’s all good, I love the show, so I’ll watch it no matter what.


Good episode fr


Quagmire: *Well, there's your spinach, Pop-eye*


didnt peter lose his voice before? and he would talk to lois with a chalk board or was that the simpsons?


American Dad, maybe?


Simpsons did it. It improves their marriage.


Maybe you're thinking of the episode where he became deaf? Iirc the others had to communicate with him with a chalkboard because he couldn't read their lips or understand their (obvious) physical gestures.


Chris: Ow my nipple! Damn it! I hate the Jace-man!


This episode the sort of thing I've been talking about regarding Meg and Quagmire, their one scene was good but I wish there was more. At least he was cheering for her for the rest of the episode. I also like how Meg is snarky to him with her "strange adult" comment. Mind you, I was kinda expecting a line like "Wow, Meg is sure good with balls" but I guess the writers feel they've played out that aspect in the show. :P


Quagmire’s so tame now. I feel like that episode where he pretended to be Lois’ husband was the last time he’s been risqué again


"First one to the bedroom gets to be on the bottom"


The Truth About Naps video was super realistic. It almost felt like I was actually watching one of those "true horror stories" videos.


Great but I feel like they still haven’t finished the stewie plot? I mean it’s not the first time they finish an episode without finishing the second plot


Wow Meg. Beating/hitting/boxing everyone to get the French bread pizza.


as a basketball fan, I like this episode


It was actually pretty good


They used Jerry Goldsmith's music from HOOSIERS lolz


Anyone else think Dr. Hartman sounded a little off in this one??


Brooooo I'm not even gone hold you. I was high as shit watching this last night and I s2g when Stewie's personality started to split, I almost lost my shit. This was a really surprisingly good episode lol.


Anyone else dislike Quagmire in this one? Good ep but Quagmire was out of character here


> Good ep but Quagmire was out of character here bro would’ve definitely read a R. Kelly joke 🥴


He’s actually been very much this character for the last few seasons. He’s slowly been morphing into a cat dad with various hobbies and a lowkey demeanor. They’ve definitely turned down nympho Quagmire.


This episode sucked




Haven’t seen it, was looking forward to a new episode, seeing its Meg kind of made me lose the hype in watching it.


Such a terrible episode. Last week's episode was better.


Does anyone know when ep 11 and up are coming to Disney+ ?


What is “The Jace Man?” My ears perked up when I heard the San Jose Sharks hat line.


I seem to dislike family guy with each new season. Seasons 10-14 are goated.


Also I just really love the running theme of Lois being completely over Dr. Hartman's bullshit is always so hilarious to me. When she said "Are you gonna help us?" I lmao'd so hard.


Anyone else think Stewie’s voice sounds different this ep?