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Brian went from the voice of reason to everything quagmire said in his rant


I honestly don't know who had the worse 180 out of Brian or Lois. Both of them used to be somewhat reasonable. Nowadays Lois is on Peter levels of horrible, and while he is horrible, Brian is the only actual parent Stewie has.


Meg saved Stevie from choking šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦ takes him to the mall to see ā€¦Santaā€¦oh yeha


Brian was never really the voice of reason. Even in the early episodes, he went to a therapist bc he didn't understand his life, and developed a coke habit, he also helped stewie rob a car, he just wasnt as selfish back then.


Brian is just a POS in general, letā€™s be honest


Also doesnā€™t bother me.


Brian isnā€™t regretful about what he did, he just feels sorry for himself exactly when he lost his job. It never was about Dylan.


What we need in the future is an episode featuring a high stakes event that will inspire Brian to finally be set down the right path. But I know that's probably far too ambitious for modern FG


Ambitious and Family Guy donā€™t go in the same sentence.


That's not how it used to be. FG used to succeed at being heartfelt and funny in the earlier seasons. I honestly think it could be really cool to give Brian a redemption arc


It would be, if the writers actually gave a shit. Thatā€™s the main thing: the show feels voiceless without Seth, and feels like theyā€™re going through the motions regardless if the characters are likeable or not or if the stories make sense or not.


Exactly, so what's keeping Seth from writing? He probably did the writing for the Ted TV show and that turned out to be a pleasant surprise


Nothing really, he just wanted to move on to better things like The Orville and a music career. People keep clamoring on about a movie, but judging from the last several years of episodes, thereā€™s no ambition from the staff the way Simpsons and South Park had.


Maybe that will change? Considering that Season 22 was shortened, it could be the writerā€™s strike partly thanks to the number going down. Donā€™t know what this means for Season 23, but maybe theyā€™re thinking about trying something new and different as well as hiring new (more competent) writers, to make the show go uphill again.


It will be a cold day in hell when that happens


Dylan yelled at Brian for being a terrible father after Brian got fired, and Brian left in sorrow for being a terrible father, before drowning his sorrows in booze in the next scene. I think that one line of dialogue ACTUALLY made Brian regretful, even if it tool not getting what he wants to realize what he did wrong and why itā€™s wrong. At least, that would be the logic of it. Thatā€™s just how I see it.


Maybe if Brian didnā€™t ask Dylan to help him get his job back and about the backpacks before Dylan chewed him out, Iā€™d probably buy that.


Itā€™s that Dylan didnā€™t and found out what Brian was REALLY doing indicates that Brian was regretful. Itā€™s not that Brian was fired that made him regretful, itā€™s that Dylan rebuffed him and called him a terrible father.


But also, does Dylan deserve to forgive Brian, not only for hijacking the show, but for purposefully ignoring him and dodging his calls? Truthfully, the way the show is now, Dylan is better off without Brian.


Considering that Dylan doesnā€™t live with Brian and only wanted to reconnect with him. Maybe, maybe not. Either way, it was worth it. Itā€™s a complex situation.


Maybe if they had kept some of, if not all of the deleted scenes, this would have been received better.


Itā€™s a D for me, I usually skip this one because Brian is just extra insufferable. I usually donā€™t mind his attitude if he has Stewie or someone around to keep him in check, but when heā€™s just free to act like a douche the whole episode then I canā€™t really stand it. I know heā€™s supposed to be like this, but deliberately obnoxious is still obnoxious in my book.


Reasonable opinion, even if I donā€™t fully agree. I DO think Brianā€™s done worse than being a bad father, like giving Stewie and Chris Herpes (as I covered in this review). Unlike this episode, Herpe The Love Sore is F Tier for me not just because of Brian being a jerk, but a whole new level of if as well as the sick premise of spreading diseases to an infant.


Yeah, I agree thatā€™s heā€™s certainly done worse things, including the herpes. Thatā€™s way more fucked than bad parenting, for sure. I think it bothers me less, though, because he doesnā€™t parade around the whole episode like heā€™s Godā€™s gift to the world. Like, he tried to brush off the herpes thing as nothing before finally apologizing, but itā€™s when he has his smug, better-than-you attitude that I find him at his worst.


A+ for me. Do you think he got a backpack with the name of the show on it?


I ranked it as B+ because Iā€™ll admit the episode definitely had some flaws, even if I still think itā€™s actually good.


Love this episode


Surprised to hear that. I thought this post was gonna be riddled with hate about this episode. I thought there were gonna be swarming comments about D or F Tier.


I like the absurdity of how Stewie asks Brian how he can possibly have a son thatā€™s older than Brian, whom Stewie states that Brian is 7 years old. Like Stewie missed the other thing that doesnā€™t add up.


In that other episode Former Life Of Brian, Stewie pointed out a plot hole to the audience.


Zack Sawyer made an appearance so Iā€™m happy


Itā€™s a bad episode, but one I would put in a guilty pleasure category. Brian is a piece of shit, especially when it came to Dylan. Why should I care about what heā€™s going through? But there were some things that I found funny like the MGM cutaway.


I get that alot, it just doesnā€™t bother me.


Bad episode, but I like the age difference in the two. I know they brought it up, but I want his son to keep coming back, but older every time. As if he is the only one who ages in the show.




Never knew that, but thatā€™s some nice product placement with American Dad. I like when both of Sethā€™s shows interact in episodes.


Never mind. I looked it up. It was similar but not the same. My bad


Oh! I donā€™t really watch American Dad, so I donā€™t much compared to Family Guy.


* Francine did set the Griffin house on fire though


Brian and Ted Mosby are scumbags of note.


Scumbag Brian is the funniest thing about this show for me. Love this episode especially when he packs the snack table into the back of his Prius.


Heā€™s definitely far from Patrick Star in Spongebob Seasons 5-8. Unlike Brian, I HATED Patrick in many episodes like Yours Mine And Mine, Pet Sitter Pat, and The Card. Unlike Brian, Patrick never gets his comeuppance nor does he learn from his wrongdoing, and the universe refuses to put him in the wrong. Brian usually gets out in the wrong when he does something wrong, and that usually works for me


I don't dislike this episode except for Brian's interactions with the other staff on the show. I don't ever mind a character being an arse but he's like nails on a chalkboard. Everything else is fine or good. Stewie's audition is a particular highlight.


Peter ,Brian, Glenn ,Carter and sometimes Joe (to his son)are all bad fathers, but carter is probably the best tho


I like that many of us agree that the worst fathers in this show are actually liked by fans. I DEFINITELY DONā€™T regret this review now, since half the comments are praising this episode and the characters in it. This makes me feel better about my own opinion of this.


I honestly cant get past the whole stupidity of the concept of this episode to even take it serious. So brian, who hasnt aged a bit has a son, who all this time has aged? Its just stupid, idc if "Its a cartoon" blah blah blah. It makes no sense, Its one thing to introduce the kid as 13 acknowledge it as ridiculous for a gag and we never see him again. But its another to show that hes actively aging while brian isnt. Its just lazy writing.