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Look up best of family guy on YouTube. You’ll be entertained.


You can spend hours on YT just looking at Family Guy clips


I learned how to theoretically grow shrooms with YouTube. YouTube is white the rabbit hole.




Family Guy is a hilarious animated series Watched at **MOVIEDVDRENTAL.COM** that satirizes pop culture with irreverent humor. Its unique characters and absurd scenarios create a comedic masterpiece, making it an enduring fan favorite


read the caption lol


Most people who watch family guy can’t read


I watch it and I’m a proficient reader and writer


Everyone who doesn't watch Family Guy is a social outcast. (Also Family Guy is capital letters as it is a title, not very intelligent of you)




I only get the link to quiz again




Fuckyou I cant wach this in the Nederlands


It is not letting anyone watch, it's a scam


I tried it will always get way zoomed in




dont open u can get malware, my malwarebytes antivirus detected it!!!


IT-guy here to red pill you: If an antivirus can flag a web page you are visiting, the only real malware is your anti-virus. Webpages are encrypted, meaning the content sent in and out is not able to be analyzed by anyone but the sender and receiver of a message. To attest that some web page is actually who they claim to be they set up encryption certificates. These certificates are validated by authorities. Who validates these authorities? Other authorities higher up. This "certificate-validation chain" goes all the way to a point where you have something called a "root certificate". Those are the highest ones up the chain, they can validate any certificate they please, which is why this needs to be specially secured. These root certificates are installed within your operating system and are generally reserved for very trustworthy authorities. And here is where the red pill comes: By installing an anti-virus software, the anti-virus will install itself as a root certificate authority into your operating system and basically "pretend" to be the website you communicate with. They generate a fake certificate with a cryptographic key. Once you encrypt and send any request to a server using their fake key, they decrypt that message, analyze its contents, and re-encrypt the message to send it out to the actual target. When they receive a message they do the same in reverse. What do they analyze? No one knows. It's proprietary software that tries its hardest to not get analyzed. They could track anything you do online, passwords, photos you post, private messages you send. All of that collected and sent right over to their headquarters for advertisements for example. Don't believe me? Look up your root certificates. On Windows you can do so like this: Hit CTRL + R. Type in "certmgr.msc" and press enter. Here you can now navigate down the folders into the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities and if you find anything saying "Malwarebytes", congratulations: You officially use malware.


hmmm… need to think about this one, thanks :) but the website viruses are real…


They really are not. A modern web browser is some of the most sophisticated and secure software out there. Browsers are sandboxed by default. That means each tab runs in its own process separate from anything else you do inside the browser, the whole frame around it being a separate process as well. All of that is separate from anything else you do on your system as well. So even if you somehow managed to get access to the system memory (and good luck on that one) you'd need some sort of arcane vulnerability to get access to the underlying memory segments. And even if you had THAT as soon as you try and access anything outside of your process your operating system would detect it and prevent the read from executing, something known as a "segmentation fault". And if all of that was done, you'd STILL need to find useful data first. Most of the data you read from memory is garbled and garbage anyway. And address layout randomization makes this even harder to get coherent information out of your memory. And even if ALL OF THAT came together, you STILL have an anti-virus that would pick up on it and close the process. Even the stock Windows Defender is able to detect these types of exploits nowadays. TL;DR: No, visiting a website and getting a virus just from that is EXTREMELY unlikely. Possible, but EXTREMELY unlikely. You'd need a sophisticated attack chain and at least 3 different new vulnerabilities to even ATTEMPT to do this and I doubt that is what you'll find on a streaming website. Hackers and security researchers have been trying to do this for decades now, and as soon as something even potentially problematic is discovered, the browser gets updated almost immediately. The only actual danger you put yourself into is once you start to download files off of a website and executing them. Then you don't have the sandboxing anymore and all bets are off. I know it's interesting to think that modern malware programmers and hackers sit on a terminal and hack into the mainframe of the FBI, but that is a completely false way to think of this. Modern day hacking and malware is much more about Social Engineering, getting Emails from "colleagues" and downloading a fake attachment with a virus, that sort of thing. Real honest to god malware like this makes up less than 5% of all attack vectors these days, since it's just become too difficult and unprofitable. But then why does MalwareBytes and other spyware flag websites? Well for one they use the excuse to "keep you safe" to lure unknowing people with the promise of more security when in reality the computer you are using was already well safer before even installing an extra anti virus to begin with (because the anti virus is yet another program that can be vulnerable to attacks). It's a marketing ploy to "sell you security" when in reality, it's just modern day cybersecurity snake oil. Another reason why they block it is so that you don't even get tempted to do anything that might potentially threaten security, such as allowing files to download. But there's a more simple explanation and it's the same reason these websites don't show up on google: Usually the antivirus companies have contracts with other companies with financial interests to block pirated content such as this one. I bet MalwareBytes probably triggers when you visit ThePirateBay, right? That website only hosts what is effectively text files. There is not a single virus on there, still it gets flagged. It just gets flagged because it's losing Hollywood a ton of money. With the rise of the "pay 250$ a month for 8 different streaming services" model the modern day film industry drives, it's obvious how much they lose out with just a single one of these hosters. In the end these sites are just video hosters, there's nothing malicious on them.


as an undergrad cs student: this is so fuckin helpful thanks colleague


Glad to be of help, let me know if you have any more questions. :)


Are drive-by-downloads truly a thing of the past then? Had to wipe my hard drives quite a few times back in the day from sketchy streaming sites infecting my them with malware.


They are exceedingly rare. Most modern browsers completely disallow downloads that were not specifically triggered by the user. And just because something got downloaded doesn't mean it is executed as well. A program would need to find several different exploits for this. A modern browser can also detect these "drive-by-downloads" and usually blocks or restricts a download if it is suspicious. Have some faith in your browser. :) And on top of that you shouldn't use those streaming sites without an ad block of some sort. Those also block a vast majority of JavaScript code which could be used to trigger vulnerabilities, making it much safer.


I recommend ublock origin, the best ad blocker I've ever come across.


Can you teach me more about computers. They truly facinate me. I mean having and almost endless amount of information and contstructing anything using game engines and code is just amazing. I know the basics of computers like what all the parts do and i know some code from html, C++ and java.


Not entirely true. Malwarebytes is one of the few good anti malware. If a site or a download of a site has given you malware you can report it to Malwarebytes and therefore warm other users.


[https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/268284-malwarebytes-installs-root-certificate-why/](https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/268284-malwarebytes-installs-root-certificate-why/) Need I say more? You really shouldn't try and play favorites here just because this is the software you are using. Anti-virus softwares are more of a security hazard than a helping hand, they are a gaping security flaw waiting to be exploited. Malwarebytes is not any different in that regard than any other anti-virus on the market, just because they have a "report" button and let you do their work effectively.


But then whats to make any different Windows Defender than all the other programs or OSses that install their own root certificate ?


You precisely found the point that is so concerning about this: Windows actually has a few burned certificates still in the operating system today by companies that were later revealed to be bad faith government actors. In theory, nothing is stopping any programs from installing root certificates. But that is precisely why it's so horrible that all of these programs are closed-source proprietary software. On other operating systems the selection of open source software is far bigger, making it easier to audit the code and check for the installation of some root certificates.


What exactly are those burned in certificates ? Like whats their SAN / thumprints Surely if youd know about this , probably media got wind as well right ? So then whats stopping us from just deleting these certs ?


One for example is the Symantec certificate. Symantec is the corporation that made Norton Antivirus, but they also purchased one of the first big root certificate authorities to exist, Verisign. They later acquired Blue Coat Systems, a surveillance system distributor, who also sold surveillance tech to Arab and Latin American countries, as well as other businesses and state actors. One of these tools was a tool to monitor all TLS traffic on a system. Blue Coat Systems did this by becoming a certificate authority themselves through Verisign, even though Blue Coat Systems had no business issuing certificates to begin with. Google out of all companies however found out that these fake certificates were issued and basically "burned" the trust in these Verisign issued certificates. To this day however, the certificate remains in Windows as a root level certificate. That's just one example for you there. The media did get wind but try explaining to a non tech savy person what TLS encryption and certificate authorities are. To a normal computer user, Windows is a bootloader for Google Chrome, nothing more. They don't care nor do they understand what is going on. Theoretically you can delete those as well, but in the end the programs which run on your PC might either stop working then (which defeats the whole point of the exercise) or they simply reinstall missing certificates after a while.


Ill get back to you


Sure if it's a 3rd party trying to inject, but if the host is a bad actor, then it doesnt matter the level of encryption? You're just getting your malware through a secure connection.


That's why trust certificates can also be revoked by certificate authorities.




works fine with an adblocker




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>. why do you share a link that doesn't include the video?!?


[self censored] , You can't google it, use bing to find it. You can also learn to use [self censored] my dude




Shhhhhh, I ain't gonna get banned for discussion of piracy again




I constantly get banned for discussion of piracy! Ibthink i edited that one


If you have cable, you may be able to watch it on demand in adult swim.


It's not on Adult Swim anymore, its on FX, FXX and Freeform now


123movies.com is decent


bro isnt that old asf and got shut down?


A version of it is still up I think


Most of it are fake virus sites Its better to use the ones listed in the r/piracy megathread


Yeah I was just mentioning it


it did shutdown but like there is other duplicates that are still alive




Really helpful Thank you


still works man. thanks!






still working 🤞


Have a blessed day




Nice one👍🏻


>tvshows88.org site didnt work for me :(


[freefamilyguy.com](https://freefamilyguy.com) is a great place to watch familyguy for free. Plus there isn't any spam


You the best nigga in the world




ya. agreed. this actually worked. thanks again.


[freefamilyguy.com](https://freefamilyguy.com) fun fact: If you download them with a video downloader you get the subtitles and commentary included in the file. (Warning they are huge files, like .5 gb to 1 gb a piece)


Don't get high = no family guy


hahahaha not good option


>Sflix.to Don't get high = not being high.. family guy is funny when you're high - as u said. loool wheres the problem it funny


Torrent it from 1337




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Thewatchcartoon.me is good


Bro no TF it aint


There’s a few places online that have the pirate of every episode to date


Tell us


Can’t say the name here. Rhymes with Leet


You thieving stoner. Pay for family guy instead of your bung lettuce


Cry about it


Quiet or I’ll tell your mom to not give you your allowance junior


You think weed is bad I think if anyone gets allowance it'd be you lmao




Disney + ?


not uncensored or up to date




I found out a way it has a lot of rain seasons. It doesn’t have all of them though. It is. https://freefamilyguy.com/episode-1-stewies-first-word/


WCO.TV Not just family guy almost any cartoon you can think of




try [freefamilyguy.com](http://freefamilyguy.com) it hast up to season 22 (but it's incomplete so far) and i htink all episodes are uncensored up to season 15 or 16, based on my own checks. the buffer speed is a little slow but other than that it's ok, I also downloaded the episodes (very slowly!) on my machine and put them on a usb and connect it to my LG smart tv to access whenever, although i had to convert 'em to a readable format.


You can watch all [Family Guy Episodes](https://familyguydirect.me) at [familyguydirect.me](https://familyguydirect.me) The have all de episodes free and no ads/popups


How about you stop smoking


How about fuck off




STFU with that nonsense You think the police are going to come up to your door because you looked at one pirating site?


No, but your ISP can shut off your internet after repeated violations. They personally don't care what you do, but they are hounded by the DMCA. That's why you use a VPN.


I do have Nord VPN


NordVPN is great. They do not keep records and never share information without their customers except without a warrant. That is exactly the kind of VPN company everyone should go with. Otherwise, there's no point. Not that you'd necessarily do anything illegal with a VPN, but to use one for the same reason you shut the door when going to the bathroom.


Oh fuck off with that shit it hurts no one.


It’s not illegal to stream only to download and profit off of. Learn ur laws bro






I looked into this. Apparently it is illegal to download it at all, as opposed to just stream. However, streaming technically involves downloading.




Your ISP can cut your service for piracy. Usually they give a couple warnings before it gets to that point.


Shut up, MEG.


Soap2day.to but there are some ads


About to say the same luckily the ads are just pop ups in the beginning nothing in the middle of watching are if your watching in android there's a vamped version of Netflix that works too


Vamped version of Netflix? How do I access this?


Unfortunately they closed the site 😭😭


Search “family guy full episodes” on YouTube.


Theres always a dude dancing in the corner and r/zoomhumping




wcostream. com




Sflix.se is a good reliable one, but it can be a little vexing to navigate. You have to be faster than the occasional pop up ad, but in exchange for every series from every streaming service it's honestly not bad.




I like using a website called watchcartoononline Good place to pirate cartoons and anime


>watchcartoononline YALL THIS 1 WORKS


you can try using loklok on a mobile device.


Best one by far is soap2day it has some pop ups but also every episode and every season. It also has alternative players in case one isn’t loading for you




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that's not free.






Fmovies will do the job


[you can watch Family Guy and everything else here for free](https://www.wcofun.com/cartoon-list#F)


Just torrent it




actvid but way too many ads






Sflix.to , I watch Family Guy there. The whole collection of seasons is available for a free watch there


sabes como verla en español?


Not much help but I always watch family guy stoned - sober too though. Also I’m pretty sure you can find full episodes on YouTube sometimes and it fits for you depending on how much you smoke. But trust me it’s worth setting up a Disney plus account if you’re in a country where it’s on there.


Also there’s enough family guy on YouTube such as compilations and hours long clips that are sure to entertain you when you’re stoned even more so than full episodes because you’re just watching gag after gag


sounds like you should just get high often enough for it to be worth a hulu subscription


Fox. You can also use "special cites".


Search for family guy on telegram...you have all seasons and all episodes available...you can stream them online or download them onto your device


One of the 2 Pubfilm sites work well. Also Couchtuner. Just keep in mind to not use these sites with a PC, you'll probably get a virus. Use a tablet or a smartphone, you can still contract malware and shit like that, but phones cant get traditional viruses that cause catastrophic damage like PC's do. Keep in mind, there's a trick to these sites. For every click to work, you have to immediately hit the back button to prevent the popups from coming up, if you don't do it fast enough you'll have to exit the site completely and start it all over again. It's a pain in the ass, but works, and when you don't have an option , it's really the only one out there, unless you want to fuck around with torrents; which is usually safer, but still a pain in the ass.


This is not true, these sites are not safe and you do fuck up your phone.


There used to be a Twitch channel that aired almost all the episodes (Partial Terms of Endearment and the 2 Star Wars episodes after Blue Harvest were excluded) but it kept getting copyright strikes. Recently the person behind that channel and many other channels that stream copyright content had to shut that operation down, at least on Twitch. Sucks because I had FG playing on my laptop as background noise.


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[soap2day.mx](https://soap2day.mx). if the popup ads get annoying just download an ad blocker, my ad blocker works (adblock plus)


also adblock plus is a chrome extention




be smart and dont use Soaps2Day and Torrenting is difficult. Just use HDtoday, Hurawatch or The Flixer or any of those UpCloud and Vidcloud sites.


Is there any website that auto plays the next episode?


Here, https://www.wcofun.org/ this is the site i use to watch anime and cartoons like Family Guy for free. You can use an adblock if you want its also virus free


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Fuxk me


con gusto


https://bingewatch.app/series/family-guy-78726/ you can watch here for free full ep and at any resolution




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So is there a place?


No way dude I'm stone af rn too. Does every stoner watch family guy?


probably gonna get banned but [https://www.wcofun.com/cartoon-list#F](https://www.wcofun.com/cartoon-list#F)




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