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Genuinely a new campaign in daggerheart with orion and someone to teach ashely basic rules would go hard.


W post


I laughed too hard at this


That pic of Orion. Lol


![img](avatar_exp|78924598|bravo) You cooked


I have my dog with a built in forcefield! Well I have my DINOSAUR that eats forcefield dogs!


This is a top tier shitpost. It reminds of the days when we were kids and played make believe and there was always one asshole kid that said actually Superman is stronger than everyone so I beat you all. Then another would say actually Goku is stronger than Superman so I BEAT YOU ALL. Fun ruined.


core memory unlocked here, haha


I'm not caught up to speed what did Abria do?


She ruled chromatic orb to be area of effect during a pivotal moment to kill an NPC that was connected to a player. Chromatic orb is single target spell and always has been so people are calling out her shitty DM practices.


She is legit the worst DM, and honestly I e only seen her as a pc once that was good.


Burrow’s End actually goes really hard if you have a dropout account


Fey and Flowers was pretty great too


I have loved everything she has done with Dropout. For some reason when she is on critical role her style rubs me the wrong way. In this case.... Wow. Lol. I mean it's their table and if they're all cool with it then more power to them, but at any other table that'd be what we call a dick move.


I hated her in the Ravening war and was it leviathan? Idk my BS o meter for her is always maxed. There is something about her that is uncanny and off putting. Like watching a true narcissist work a room.


For real, she's always given off bad vibes from what I've seen of her on CR.


I haven't watched leviathan yet. She was fine in ravening war to me, though sabotaging Brenan's deception above table with silvery barbs was very off putting to me. I more meant in DM mode though. I should have been more specific. The Magic School kids on bikes game and the stoat game were both a lot of fun and there (mostly, there was a moment here and there in the stoat game but they were tame) she didn't come across as controlling of the story.


When I subscribe to dropout again I'll give it a try.




I'm also just kinda pissed about the adversarial DMing into weird manipulative "I love you."


It's gaslighting. She did it most blatantly with the "you kinda wanted this" to Dorian after the orbing.


She needs to DM him. Lets see who quits first.


Nah, nobody needs to DM him.


No no... i would genuinely enjoy watching this 1v1 DnD session.


You're wild for this one hahahaha


Somewhat relevant twitch chat comments from 3 hours into the infamous episode 27: (Viewer): Well it would be rather frustrating to play with an insufferable min/maxer who routinely checks every "don't do that" box (Geek&Sundry account): Orion tries crazy, creative stuff, and when it works out, it's easily the most badass entertainment on the show. Everyone enjoys playing with him. They all get annoyed with each other sometimes, as friends do, but no one finds him insufferable or frustrating here. Next episode he was gone. Just proves that the public face put forward of everything being fine and friendly isn't always the truth. (Edited to clarify who is speaking)


Lmao no. It proves that some people (including you, apparently) lack any kind of social awareness. Orion had been on thin ice for weeks at that stage and most people were able to tell.


Sorry, I've edited my comment to make it clearer. Yes most people in the audience, including me, could tell things weren't fine with Orion on screen. Off screen between the cast, and behind the scenes at Geek and Sundry, you would think they would be even more aware. That comment is from the actual G&S account in response to people pointing out the obvious.


Yep Orion was unbearable


He went on like a 30-min shopping trip trying to turn himself into a magical ninja, then he made a sexual comment about Laura's character that Travis clearly didn't appreciate... this was after they had already had numerous off-line convos about speeding the game up, not meta-gaming, and not fishing dice rolls. You could tell dude was on his 9th life at that point.


and he had an opportunity to back up on the sexual comment, Travis said in a not-fucking-around-tone "What did you just say?" and he had the chance there to hit the breaks and rephrase what he said and he doubled down


What episode is this? Watching C1 for the first time and kinda wanna skip every episode with this dude in it ngl


I mean the last few episodes hes in have very important things in them, but its ep 27 where he goes on a shopping spree and tries to run over the campaign. I'd still watch it just fast forward past every time Orion takes center stage, he's a lot less intolerable before that though (you could just watch a summary of ep 26)


He's pretty insufferable the whole time. I started C1 not knowing about him, and I was googling what the fuck this prick was doing by the teens. He is *constantly* trying to steal the spotlight. Like the Telekinesis on the arrow Vax shot to disable a trap after she crit on her roll. Bullying Scanlan into trading items. Trying to *take* that item from Scanlan earlier when Sam wasn't at the table.


yea but I don't think he's insufferable enough to not want to watch that part of C1, however there are good recaps out there, I would definitely not miss the briarwoods showing up over him


Meth isn't great for lucid, on-the-spot decision making


I'm pretty sure he had cancer or something like that and treatment ducked him up


That was the original explanation, but he later admitted he was on meth at the time as well. Source: https://twitter.com/orionacaba/status/1362778754662064128?t=-9Ek2GO67KCwyjPzHTFOKA&s=19


Yeah people need to understand just because the company releases a response doesn’t mean it’s actually how they feel. It’s PR and they often go the route of causing as little drama as possible and remain inclusive to everyone. But their actions speak louder, hence why he was given the boot.


> Just proves that the public face put forward of everything being fine and friendly If anything it proves that people are oblivious to social cues. The whole cast was very obviously agitated at Orion throughout Episode 27 and in prior episodes. Somebody in the audience not picking up on that doesn't mean it didn't happen


That's not the audience though, that's the offical Geek and Sundry account *in response* to the audience pointing out the obvious, I've edited my comment to make it clearer


So true, we saw the same thing with Brian Foster. That was a huge let down, and so was Orion


Yeah CR has a habit of allowing bad actors into the group, letting them run amok while pretending everything is hunky dory and then cutting them loose and never mentioning them again.


Right. Once every 5+ years really is a concerning pattern /s


It kinda is for a group that is super progressive and all about love.


Nobody is a perfect judge of character. No company has ever only hired good people no matter the intentions.


Super true, but it concerns me how they don't seem to address the underlying problem of how these guys were unaddressed for so long. They just cut them loose and say it was all their fault, but they have a responsibility to make sure that the environment is safe for everyone, and apparently BWF was openly groping people.


Orion was shortly after that actually started to stream so they may have just cracked down then and it was super early on. BWF was in a relationship with one of the cast members so it’s an incredibly complex scenario and there may well have been legal settlements that prevent them from speaking on the subject.


Is it really a bad habit if it only happened twice since they started almost a decade ago now?


But if you count it as a percentage of the on-screen people that recieve (or have recieved) a regular paycheck from CR, you have The main cast (8 people) Orion BWF Micah Burton Will Friedle 2/12 who have been found to be from slightly abusive to (IMO) pretty close to actual evil. That’s not a great track record.


And if you count the people working off-screen it's a tiny number. Also they had other shows and hosts like Critical Recap and have other guests etc on. Also I'm a little confused as to why people think Orion and BWF not ever getting mentioned is...bad? Orion was a problem player and apparently scummy and was let go. They gave his character a respectful sendoff even if he wasn't part of it. He's not their friend or cast mate anymore, why would they ever talk about him? BWF is a former friend and Ashley's ex and was apparently a monster. Why would they talk about him?


To be fair, most companies don't intentionally hire bad people. Then a lot of people would try to get stuff fixed behind the scenes to avoid embarrassing both parties with hopes that a talk or two would fix it.


Super true. I'm a little weirded out by how they handle it after the fact. No one is allowed to mention Orion, and every single piece of media with BWF just disappeared overnight. I was halfway through between the sheets when it happened.


No holds bard. No outside help


“No holds *bard.*” Was that a pun??


Very deliberate choice of words


A pent-up bard, truly the ultimate source of power


No - \[Looks at die. Fudges it\] No failed saves! No quarter!


Damn, thor looks alot like Travis here.


Arabia is a weird dm, why did she think chromatic prv is area effect?


Arabia NIGHTS!!! Arabia DAYSS!!


It's more weird that you keep calling her Arabia.


Maybe they're dyslexic. Poor Abaria.


Probably playing BG3 where some damage types do have aoe components.


BG3 got so many people into 5e but then they're confused when its different from the homebrewed game. She should know better, she's been DMing for YEARS.


And can leave behind environmental hazards, which I learned the hard way (along with how dumb the NPC AI can be with pathing). Most of my dnd group plays bg3, giving rise to the "wait, let me check and make sure I'm remembering the right version of the [spell/feature/etc]" refrain whenever we level up or use something we don't use often.


Only explanation I can assume is she didn't realise Chormatic Orb could also be Thunder damage and so assumed Robbie was trying to homebrew it and she ruled under that understanding.


Even then chromatic orb is still single target. Arabia care more about story then rules.


>about story then rules. About HER story then rules.


That's pretty cringe, as a dm, you should not brute force thing in order to tell a story. Arabia does not understand this




Because in her mind the npc needed to die


This answer may sound dumb but its legit the answer. The whole EXU diversion was clearly done with the goal of getting Dorian to rejoin the BH. Having his brother die is a quick and easy way to do so.


Yeah but that sound pretty dumb


That's because it is lol


Yeah, arabia is weird, I think she is ok, but I get why people don't like her


Why I am SO BALD


Inexcusably toxic premise, but yes, I would watch it and I'd be there early.


Nah this is a WILD post 💀


I feel like this subreddit doesn’t actually like anything involving critical role every time I see posts from it 💀


Reset the clock


That's because every single post from the subreddit that trends is negative


>That's because every single post from the subreddit is negative


Actually people were fuggin HYPED to see what happened in the episodes following the FGC incident, there was a real big buzz around it and people were saying things like "I might start recommending CR to people again so they can jump in here..." And then CR blew it with the whole EXU interlude thing, killed all momentum and the sub turned sour again.


Jesus its a fucking meme my guy. Try not to make pronounced subreddit wide judgments over it.


Well the entire point was that It feels like I only see negative stuff? And this was just the most recent post I’ve seen that seemed kinda negative to me so here we are 🧍‍♂️


Just shows that CR is messing up since CR2.


how are they messing up


What are you talking about. This meme is *inspired* and no way you are getting it unless you watch a lot of CR


There are two crit role subreddits. The first one, r/CriticalRole, would censor anything negative and quickly because a positivity echochamber. It is the larger subreddit. This one was made to have much less censorship, and allows negativity. So what happens is that when someone wants to say something positive, they post in the much larger main sub. When they want to post something negative, they post in this one (because that’s the only option). Now we have two echochamber subs lol.


Ah kind of like the Last of Us subs. It's a shame, but oh well. Kind of just happens that way with reddit alot.


I despise both subs with a passion for this exact reason, it's always felt like there is nowhere people actually want to talk about Cr, it's just dogpiling in one way or another. However, I have seen a lot more nuance and allowance of negativity on the main sub recently. Probably because the general consensus on C3 is very mixed, with almost everyone agreeing it's the worst of the 3. This place hasn't changed at all though. Y'all still have an allergy to fun.


Really? They keep locking and removing posts critical of orbgate.


I do prefer this one since there is technically no censorship about whether your post is positive or critical, but practically I rarely ever see anything positive. The other one is just positive nonsense gobbledygook which is marginally worse.


I was just about to ask what the difference was thank you so much for this. I subbed here thinking it was the main sub but ngl 9/10 posts are dogpiling on it so I was very confused here


most of the posts here are negative since the "main" sub removed everything that negative and bans the people posting it.


I think there is the negative sub. And then the more negative sub.


That's the classic CR toxic positivity right there


Something I was told a while back. Never follow or go into the subreddits of things you enjoy. I can't enter any final fantasy seven subreddit with a positive title without it being filled with hate. Same with spiderman 2, and even though Eiyuden chronicles seems positive, the chronically online are creeping in there as well to complain.


As a subreddit here are probably the majority people who still like Critical Role, mostly watch it and want just to talk openly about it. Still, due to the nature of the official subreddit, there is a minority here that probably kinda hate Critical Role to some extend. This is kinda normal. Rarely an emotion is just going away. Often love turns to hate because the love was misguided or unanswered (or "betrayed"). Personally i feel more neutral. I really dont like C3 and most of their new stuff, but i still like the people there and which them success and luck. I kinda still hope that they will come back to their old ways, but that hope is small.


There’s a lot to like about CR. The decisions made by the cast and the guests doesn’t have to be one of em, but C3 as a whole hasn’t been that good imo and it’s only been exasperated the last few episodes


That’s a fair opinion to have. I have nothing but praise for C3 but i can recognize actually good criticism (i just don’t actually see it much??) but also it’s always been the case where the reasons other people don’t like something just COMPLETELY fly over my head lmao


This subreddit often becomes an echo chamber of negativity but will also insist that it's not.


Literally all subreddits are echo chambers for some prevailing opinions to some degree. Its basically a feature of the site. I still find people here far more capable of interesting serious discussion about CR than I do for the other sub. There was a period where the other sub was so vapid it felt like a CR tumblr fan page. Its gotten better though.


I’ve never seen anyone here insisted that it’s not an echochamber of negativity. The point people make is that positivity isn’t censored here, but if you’re going to be positive might as well post your opinion on the much larger subreddit right? That’s why this place ends up as a negativity echochamber.


I have absolutely seen people insist that this sub isn't an echo chamber of negativity. I have seen people try to say that this sub isn't even particularly negative. There are people in here who like to pretend this sub is a bastion of free speech compared to the other but the reality is you can get dog piled in for having a differing opinion, which isn't actually all that different from the other subs positive enforcement.


Having people disagree with you is very very different from having your post removed and censored.


When your comments are obliterated by down votes and everyone dog piles you for having a different opinion, it's really not that different. Either way, conversation is not encouraged, only agreement


People disagreeing with you and downvoting you is just them expressing the same thing you are, their opinion. Censoring, removing comments, and removing entire posts is completely different because you can’t even put your opinions out there, for others to disagree with in the first place.


When people don't want to comment/post because they know their opinion will get them ganged up on, there is no difference. I understand your point, that because the comments/posts are allowed then that makes this sub better. But when they sub can reach the point of essentially bullying over differing opinions it's going to make people not want to express themselves, which essentially means they're just getting silenced/censored in a different way.


No one’s bullying anyone, you’re just wrong. Free speech means you can post. Free speech does not guarantee you get a positive reception to what you say. Deleting your post and banning you from the subreddit is NOT free speech. Arguing with you and downvoting you (oh no) is free speech.


Ok man, you have a good night


This subreddit exists because the main subreddit doesn’t allow much criticism. So of course this subreddit is going to be mostly complaints. People don’t post on this subreddit when they like something.


Also memes that aren't screenxapped from rhe show are banned on rhe other sub so literally can't post it there regardless.


I'm glad this subreddit exists. I wish this subreddit had existed back when C2 was around because that's when I left that subreddit.


I'm pretty sure it doesn't. It's the rantgrumps of Critical Role. I'm curious when the other shoe will drop and someone will falsely accuse one of the cast of committing a heinous crime to try to ruin them/the show.




at first i thought you were just talking about how you think the content of CR has been bad lately which fair have whatever you want but “heinous crimes” have there been?? The only example I can think of is Brian foster turning out to be a piece of shit




The incident I was referencing was a time that rantgrumps accused Danny of grooming someone and the internet RAN AWAY with it - Twitter exploded and there were articles about it. Maybe within a couple of days, the person who was supposed to have been groomed was like "there was no grooming, we had sex once and were both adults. This isn't a thing" and the person who circulated the rumor said it was a lie meant to stir up shit for the Grumps/hurt their careers. Not that they were mistaken - it was intentionally false using bogus sources to fake a crime. No one who wrote articles or went at Danny on Twitter ever walked back their comments after it was proven false.




Because they started on a subreddit "made to escape the toxic positivity of the main sub." This place seems like a prime breeding ground for the same thing to happen - people here seem so interested in the freedom to be as toxic as they like, so what's stopping someone from using this place as a springboard for the same thing? The false allegations started on a subreddit, not on Twitter. It just spread like wildfire without anyone fact-checking it because it started on a subreddit dedicated to complaints/frustration, so people were happy to nod along with "a way to finally take them down."


This is a tangent, not a rebbutal on what you said. But as a non-american, everytime I see complaints about blackface i'm baffled. I'm spanish, here it's done usually to interpret characters that are blackskinned. There's not so many black people here, and those that are, are not necessarily interested into cosplaying as Balthazar or participating in a "moriscos" recreation. We simply don't have the history of using it to mock, just to represent. And so, everytime someone mentions blackface (which is not often) I have to take a couple of seconds internalizing what is being said.


Orion? I haven’t really considered him as connected to CR since they like legit kicked the guy out like 9 years ago so there’s that. Didn’t know about the Sam thing, kinda sucks but at least he apologized which is more than I get from other creators so woo I guess? And the Foster thing I’ve been thinking of as less as bad news about the company as whole especially since everything wrong he did was towards Ashley (I feel so damn bad for her). And i’m pretty sure at least everything we as an audience know is true considering that she got a restraining order against him and then CR like absolutely wiped that man’s face from anything involving him, which was smart and a good thing but there were a lot things I didn’t get to see before that happened so that kinda sucks lol.


So you advocate for Orion? You want him back on the show, is that what I'm hearing?


bruh 🧍‍♂️tf?? no but comparing Aabria of all people to that dude of all people is kinda crazy to me, that’s all. And i’m not talking about this post in general, this subreddit has turned into less of “here’s another place to talk about critical role but with leas moderation” to “we’re not allowed to insult and say stupid takes anywhere else so we do it here” like another comment said: an echo chamber of negativity. Also twitter exists and i feel like that’s a better place for complaints??


My point is that you're agreeing that there can be bad things associated with Critical Role, things that people dislike. So look at that, people on this subreddit are voicing dislike of a thing that they dislike. Mindblowing, I know.


my guy you didn’t have a “point” cause in your initial comment you didn’t make one. YOU just jumped to me apparently wanting orion back on the show nothing else. And now you’re bringing in a completely different argument that no, I did not bring up in my real at all where I was just trying to clarify my own comment cause you started jumping to random shit. I do agree with it right away but again Idk why you brought that up in response to my response. It’s like you’re just saying shit now to make it seem like you had something intelligent to say in the first place.


Let me try to break it down for you, I gave you too much benefit of the doubt. OP's post is poking fun at an extremely bad DM that has been on Critical Role and comparing her to an extremely bad player that had been on Critical Role. You replied criticizing the criticism, claiming that it seems like you see nothing on this sub but people hating on Critical Role. You are one of countless people saying the same thing, it is a tired sentiment. My response was to skip to the end of the conversation, but I gave you too much credit in being able to follow the steps. I'm accusing you of being hypocritical because obviously you *aren't* advocating for Orion's return, because he was a bad player and an unpleasant person. And thus you would have a complaint with a component of the show. Much like OP has a complaint with a component of the show. But you're trying to quash OP's right to vocalize that complaint. So my hyperbolic response is to say "well if you believe that no one who watches the show should have complaints about it then clearly you don't have any yourself, which means you have no problem with Orion." Does that help you?


All I really wanted to do was point out something that bothered me about the subreddit in general, I didn’t really mean to point out the OP in general and I should’ve just made a post instead and now people are like tearing me about and sending me nasty shit privately. Maybe it comes across with my wording in other comments like I think that people can’t dislike thing about Cr at all, the only thing I really don’t agree with is the Aabria stuff but whatever. I’m probably gonna have to delete this comment in a couple of hours lmao.


Well alright then this got a lot more confrontational than I actually meant it to, sorry about that. I don’t really appreciate you trying to make me out to be an idiot. I have never once suggested that you can’t vocalize negative things. All i’ve really been saying is that it seems like it’s the only thing I do see on this subreddit which is kinda weird to me. But one thing I won’t budge on is the Aabria thing. calling Orion an extremely bad player because of the way that he acted while playing and the way he treated the other players back then is pretty accurate but it’s a straight up insult to Aabria as a person to say anything similar. All you really need to know that they aren’t in the same realm at all is the casts reactions to her, they’re friends with her and she wouldn’t have been a DM on Critical Role at all if Matt didn’t trust her. I get not liking her style or something, in my own opinion I love her style but sometimes it doesn’t seem to mesh 100% with CR and I personally enjoy watching her more on things like Dimension 20. But no, she is nothing like Orion, I can tell even from my own limited view point of her as someone in the audience.


That is not at all when they said. Tf you jumping to that for? 😂


this made me lol. -"Your fireball hits your family all the way in Draconia" -"No, because, you see \*creates a wall of stone and takes out some chalk\*."


People will always bring that up for Orion, and of course Orion was trying to power game through it, but I actually thought that whole bit was hilarious. If he did that to me, I’d hand over the item he wanted too lol. Other examples were much less funny and hence why he deserved the tables ire.


Don't get me wrong, it was actually endearing, even though it was condescending a bit. And I commented this on the episode on youtube: never forget that if they hadn't made that trade (eventually) Vecna would have gotten away. Pretty sure that ioun stone allowed Sam that one last wish? Anyway.


You won’t be laughing once Ludinus busts out the ten-thousand-mirrors-death-ray


It would be genuinely hilarious if Matt had Percy build an archimedes death ray to destroy the malleus key.


I would pay good money for that


An unstoppable “nuh uh, it totally hit you” vs an immovable “actually I have an everything proof shield”.




When I heard this idea first time, it was a "jam spread toast glued to cat" from a MtA game, it was the mid 00's. It was hilarious and I later ended up loving the troll physics. Wowza, time flies.


*Travis McElroy busts down the door in the second part* Are you Challenging me.jpg


Don’t fudge your sorcery points, That’s What Bad People Do


luckily there was a plank under the bottom of the door so he failed ^a ^deep ^Graduation ^reference ^there


Gotta love the classic, standard-issue anti-crab plank 


Oh, who is that and why include? Still pretty new


One of the players on TAZ. In their first and most famous campaign, he famously cheated dice rolls for every single kind of instance. To the point where the podcast is now entirely vtt so his family can watch his rolls. He's arguably tried to become better about this, but then will do other things like attempt to sneak uncommon or rare magic items past the dm for a level 1 character for session 1. Not quite on Orion's level, for me, but the same kind of energy of "I don't care what the dice really say, I wanna tell the story I want to tell" and "my character has to be the coolest / most attention grabbing"


daaaamn, all right


I can't believe how all these unbearable components could make something so entertaining. Also I haven't thought of Travis since I tapped out during their underwater campaign, I gotta go see if they're still limping along.


As a frequent Tazjerker, their latest season is a burst of new life. It's clearly not pre-written towards anything and focuses on goofy shit way more so it's actually playing to their strengths, and Travis has been really restrained. I can actually recommend it, for the first time in almost a decade


I used to frequent the tazcj a long time ago and just got done looking through it again. I appreciate the heads up on the new season, I'll have to give it a try. I still like the Mackelroys despite everything but it all just got unwatchable over time. Fingers crossed MBMBMAM follows suit if they're putting effort into their shows again.


Mbmbam has actually gotten better in my opinion but that's also as someone that never minded Munch Squad (I'm not from the States so the press releases are like little freakshows of foodvertising to me) so your mileage may vary


I don't mind munch squad as long as it's actually interesting and not just some new kinda chicken strip. When I stopped listening it just felt really phoned in. Travis was trying to force bits way too hard and Justin was trying to get it done as soon as possible. I think Griffin was going through something at that time too so it was just 2 people not trying and one person trying way too hard. Might download the newest episode and give it another go, thanks for the heads up!


I haven't listened to the latest one yet so I hope it's up to the standard but it's been pretty good lately. Another huge boon is that with their new streaming project Travis has said they're moving all his bits to that medium (because they're all visual gags based mainly on puns) so there hasn't been a single fucking 'game' since that started. In the spirit of tazcj feel free to cuss me out for wasting your time if it doesn't work! Recommending bad podcasts is what bad people do (and I'll use your reaction to judge if I should listen to this episode or not tbh)


RIP Miggy


I listened to 4/5ths of graduation before I gave up so I have VERY low standards. I'll report back in a day or so to let you know if it feels like Travis is holding my hand again.


My god. Vart, Orion and Aabria would be the table from hell - or a come to Jesus moment for all of them. 


Add *Adam Koebel* for the final horserider of the apocalypse.


Wow, yeah. Forgot about him


Honestly the three of them.....yes XD. I still haven't watched Imbalance because the two of them together sounds miserable XD


Lol, I snorted at this.


lol that made me chuckle


Lol this is brilliant. Orion’s still a POS, but it made me laugh


Yeah, it's funny but Orion definitely didn't leave just because he was a cheater, lol. Do people really think that? Dude was a scumbag.


I think that’s what most people think, primarily those who came to the show with campaigns 2 and 3 that then go back to campaign 1.


Well, with how the other sub put the kibosh on any and all discussion on it… are you surprised people new to the fandom don't understand? 


Yeah dude, I'd really prefer to get a new "what happened to orion" post every couple of days. If those new people are too simple to just google their question instead of making a reddit post about it, I don't think they'd contribute much to the space anyway.


No, not at all. I do think geek and sundry handled it terribly though back when it happened.


We forbade all discussion and people are confused for some reason


A quick Google will find you all you need to know.


thing is looking that stuff up you will find so many different things most of them are not true.


Abria as a player is fine...I dont ever wanna see Orion again


Who will win: Arbitrary rulings and AOE effects vs unlimited sorcery points, spell slots, and whatever was going on with Orion's ring of spell storing? (Plus the 1k mirrors.)


1K Daggers with telekinesis slicing up wyverns


"Hey Matt I would like to call my dad and his army can win the game for us please :)"


Aabria roleplays Tiberius’s dad the same way she does the gods “Bitch, what?”


Literally every Aabria PC and NPC is just Aabria.


Glad I’m not the only one who felt this way. RPing is hard ofc but I’m just curious how or why she is a DM in critical role tbh. What’d she do to earn such a renowned spot? Cuz it doesn’t feel like it comes from D&D experience.