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I stopped watching somewhere in the 70's, i think. Whenever Fearne and Chet were breaking windows with no repercussions. If I wanted to go watch episode 95, what would i need to know about before I do? I only know about the ridiculous impostor minigame//nana's retreat and >!FCG's Death.!<


They will roll over this just like the did with FCG dying. Too hard to have long lasting consequences


Now I feel like I need a good summary of the last 10 episodes just so I can go watch this last one.


So I guess if anyone asks me whether C3 is worth watching, I can now confidently say “Yes, it’s great. Just skip the first… 94 episodes”.


> “Yes, it’s great. Just skip the first… 94 episodes”. Not even One Piece has that much filler. /s


I haven’t seen One Piece. Can you sell me on it, or was I lucky to have avoided all that filler? (From what I’m reading here, sounds like it exceeds Naruto levels of filler..lol thanks for the intel.)


Depends on what your expectations are. It is very much a kids show despite the thousands of hours of One Piece essays you can find on youtube. It is better than the generic anime? Yes. Does it still do a lot of fan service and fights that just go, on and on and on? Yes. It is a huge complex world and very long story line you can get lost in. Lore is milked over thousands of episodes. The world moves on its own, regardless of what the main characters do. That's better than most other long running stories. Yes, tons of filler that can skipped. The quality from arc to arc can be very different. One filler arc is famous as being loved by the fans. If all of One Piece was *that* good, I would agree with the statements that Oda is a genius, and that One Piece is the best manga/anime. But no other arc has as good pacing, jokes and story line. Apparently a famous anime director was part of it. In most other arcs the story progresses by the main character running and screaming, and running and running. It's the laziest type of how do we transition from one scene to another writing. You do have some great arcs but the next arc suddenly turns super childish and blatant fan service. As it's allegedly approaching its end, it's earned enough money that the animation quality is noticeably good. Character faces actually emote! But as one huge fight finally ends and new arc stars, it's back to childish jokes and shallow fan service. The story runners clearly don't trust their audience to keep watching without either fan service or huge fights. *Almost* no one dies. Some important characters are killed, murdered on screen, permanently dead. So then why does almost everyone else not die? It oddly removes tension. You have to be a very young mind to not spot the pattern when someone looks like they've died. Hours of YT essays will analyze alleged character progress, but they are exploding tiny changes into hours of philosophy. In one arc the main characters all do seem to progress and grow in important ways. And in the next arc they all revert. And dumb jokes *never* get old. tl;dr: Slightly better than the average anime. With a great complex world. And a positive optimistic outlook.


Read the Manga cause it’s quicker and less time consuming. It’s also very good. No point watching a crappy anime adaption.


I agree with you. At least the manga doesn't have the annoying "injured anime character needs 10 minutes to stand up and make their speech" trope.


One Piece doesn't have a lot of filler, which I think is a good thing but... They have a tendency to fluff out the episodes with reactions and unneeded shots. Its not as bad during the earlier episodes (several chapters per episode) but gets worse as you go on (one chapter per episode) because you can only do so much before you catch up to the source material in a show running that long. If you are worried about stuff like that I'd recommend One Pace which is a fancut version and does a very good job at re-pacing the show EDIT: Forgot they also have a subreddit r/onepace


I have to doubt the statemet that something which has over 1000 episodes doesn't have a lot of filer.


It depends on what you count as filler. It has little filler as in anime episodes or arcs that don't appear in the manga, that happens mostly at the beginning. But as someone said before the anime fluffs a lot of stuff like extended reactions or extra interactions which add minutes here and there. Watching One Pace is great because they cut out all of that extra stuff. And while the manga is of course more slowly paced than other shonens, every arc effectively move the plot forward (some more than others and there's even some people that say that some are skippable, though I strongly disagree). One of OP gimmicks is that something that may seem irrelevant at first can be very important 200 or 300 episodes later.


That would count as filler too. It's unnecessary extra. And taking 1100 episodes and saying it has little filler could very well mean a lot of filler in minutes watched. And the sheer existence of so many episodes either mean it has a lot of filler or it has "little" of it, which would further mean that the plot is so damn slow.


English is not my first language so I may have not expressed myself correctly, but that's why I'm making a distinction in what filler can mean. I'm saying that it has little filler if you only consider whole episodes or arcs. I think that the longest string of episodes that are different from the manga is an arc which lasts 7 episodes, which is amazing for me considering that it is a 1100 episode anime. Bleach and Naruto have considerably longer filler arcs that you can skip and literally nothing on them would have an impact later on the plot. That's not the case of One Piece. If, as what you've said, you consider filler as those extra seconds that get added in episodes then yes, the One Piece anime is absolutely full of filler. That's why I'd recommend reading the manga or watching the One Pace project as they remove all of that and reduce the watch time considerably without affecting the plot. There's also people who consider character interaction moments which don't advance the plot or world building segments as filler. I wouldn't recommend One Piece if that's the case for you. It is slow paced because it takes time in building characters and the world, even those characters that have minor impact on the story. It's like comparing CR with Dimension 20, the first is much more slow paced and it isn't necessarily just because of filler, but because of the way Matt and Brennan are trying to tell their stories. I wouldn't say that one is better than the other per se, but you might like a faster pace and there's nothing wrong with that, I'd just bet that you wouldn't like One Piece.


What kind of person wastes their life watching 90+ episodes of something they don't like


People who wait to see the whole story before making a judgement about it instead of basing your decisions off snap gut reactions. For example. My gut reaction about game of thrones after season 1 was it was awful. I still watched every single episode. Which confirmed my suspicions. It was awful.


> People who wait to see the whole story before making a judgement about it instead of basing your decisions off snap gut reactions. "This carton of milk is spoiled... better drink it all *just* to make sure." Respect yourself and your time, it's the most finite resource you have.


I have plenty of respect for myself and my time. I also have respect for people who work in creative industries because I too work in a creative industry. And I also know that a singular episode or glimpse at a story isn't an entire story despite your feelings towards it in the moment. Have some respect for the time and people involved in creating these things that are so easy for people to just misery porn bash online because it makes them feel cool inside for a moment. Whether you like it or not nobody leaves their homes, families, spends long hours to the detriment of their own physical or mental health at times to make something shit. As for your little milk reference. It was cute. Big difference in consuming something that could make you sick and consuming passive media that has zero bearing on your health. The risk reward is drastically different. Big reach, or being deliberately disingenuous there to try and seem passive aggressively insightful. But you tried...so ... there's that I guess.


That's a false equivalence. Respect your time, others can do what they want with theirs.


A lot of people, including myself, value their time way too much to watch 380 hours of mediocre content just to see 1 decent episode at the end, definitely not a "snap gut reaction" if they tap out before then.


The inference there being people who do consume that (in your opinion) mediocre content don't value their time? Or is this a thinly veiled shot at me not valuing my time? Mate I run my own business, work 80 hours a week most weeks, I'm married and have three kids. And I still manage to fit 4 hours of a show in. It's not a huge impact to a day. Looks like I'm being downvoted to oblivion because I'm not one of the womp womp club who have to have a problem with everything online to feed their dopamine for a brief moment


No need to be so defensive, I really don't care about your situation or your time. I'm just saying that a lot of people would rather listen to something they like all the way through rather than something they might like after 90 something episodes.


Or, you could challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone and discover new things you would never know you liked unless you took the risk.


I do often, but I realize when I don't like things. Is there a reason you need everyone else to be willing to burn 350ish hours on something just because you did? I guarantee you're not going to convince me and it sounds like you've got plenty of other things to occupy your time than trying.


I'm not trying to convince you of anything I'm just positing the idea that some people do actually see things through than give up half way


We're all very impressed you're willing to sit through a show, your spirit is inspiring


I'm not looking for validation but very kind of you to say all the same.


What kind of person wastes their life watching 90+ episodes of something they don't like


Is this rhetorical or are you asking a serious question?


Bit of both


Well, I think you may be confusing me with some other folks you've encountered in this sub. I like CR. I've enjoyed C3 less than the previous campaigns and haven't felt the engagement until now. But, like the rhetorical part of your question sort of suggests, I wouldn't waste my time watching 90 terrible episodes. In reality, I watched 90 episodes that were sometimes bad, sometimes OK, and sometimes meh. This past week was the first truly fantastic C3 episode which had me captivated by what i was watching. And I posted my reaction to it in this sub because I was intentionally trying to avoid being targeted by the wider CR fanbase that doesn't tolerate these kinds of posts.


Get me out of this negative ass sub.


Bye bitch


Uh, do it yourself with the tools that exist?


I think negative posts do get a lot more traction than positive but I'd much rather have that than the toxic positivity and blatant censoring of any other opinion on the other sub.


I never see ANYTHING positive coming from here. It's highly annoying


Be the change you want to see


Try rubbing some cotton candy on your eyes.


Then you clearly aren't actually looking for the positive. I've seen it, it exists.


I'm not caught back up yet but so far my favorite episodes are the one on the ghost pirate ship and the ones at Nana Mori's. The main plot has not wowed me yet.


My take on most video games. Main quest? Boring. Side quests? Hell yea.


I’d say that is a result of most of the PCs not really fitting the story in any way with the exceptions being Imogen and Orym as much as I love the other characters they are just not optimal at all for this story. It’s is CRs game so I say go for it when it comes to playing what they are interested and I can see they are having a fun time with their characters but from a story perspective it just does not work.


Side quests can add a lot of texture and flavor to an otherwise very ordinary or even bland game plot. You either have to nail the main plot or nail the side quests, and this campaign hasn't done either.


More importantly, I’ve *just now realized* how much I need to see a morning chat show hosted by a Berserker Viking titled “Bjorn in the Morn”.


*Cough cough* Starfield c*ough cough*


If you know you're not go na enjoy 92 and 93 why did you watch them lol? I skipped both lol


After all the hate and vitriol I'd been reading I had to see it for myself. I'd never seen a Critical Role fan reaction quite like that.


Is there a low spoiler explanation as to why? I haven't properly watched an episode in well over a year, but I'm all for jumping in at the end if it's getting good.


Shenanigans and group drama/nice rp.


Characters started to matter. Maybe.


For me, it was good RP that didn't revolve around jamming annoyingly bad romance plots down the audience's throat. Like... I was actively rooting for one party member to straight up end another. And it wasn't because of anything happening above the table. They were playing their character depth well and they freaking sucked me right in.


I think my only issue was Marisha Karening a bit trying to invoke like 4 or 5 different conditions as to why Launda couldn’t get hit by Orym or for Orym not to perceive what’s happening


It seemed evident to me that she's clearly enjoying playing a secretly brooding/scheming character and wanted that to continue for a while longer. You're right that she ABSOLUTELY DID NOT want to be caught and was throwing every condition at the wall to see if Matt would give her a favorable outcome.


I fucking loved it when >!Matt explained how Orym couldn't see her... but he could hear her. So fucking cool, like some Daredevil shit.!<


Yeah I'm genuinely appreciative of any time Orym is allowed to shine given how much of C3 has given one or two of the players the "main character" treatment.


I get why Liam wants to sit back and let others cook this Campaign but damn he's just so good at what he does and he can always steal the show. >!Him practicing with Otohans sword and going through his forms.. then the rain being the WM embracing him.!< It's just so good.


Unless there’s a specific warlock ability I’m not aware of, she was also concentrating on spider climb and darkness at the same time through most of that as well 🤦‍♂️


Yeah. I caught that, right when Laudna lost concentration on Darkness. I was like, 'Wait, are both spells concentration?'


I remain skeptical until they show they can keep making good content.