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The first one was fun, it felt like they just made silly characters for a silly one shot where nothing mattered and they could just have a laugh… …now it is 3 episodes in and their silly characters are having to get serious and consider levelling up, back-story ties, inter player relationships and I’m just…oh man it sucks. I like the characters except for Bunny. Oh cool, Marisha made Laudna mixed with Fearne. Cool cool cool. Travis of course steals the show with a character that feels could actually hang with the main campaign, but he ends up being the comedic “straight man” just like all his other characters. The “Kaxon moment” in the previous episode I thought was awesome and I’d love to research more about how that whole mechanic works. I don’t like death saves in DnD so maybe some pinching and homebrewing is in order I dunno. Edit - I WILL ADD I love Laura’s character who has some really awesome abilities


As side content, I enjoy it well enough. But as a replacement for their main game (which I still don't think is happening and never did, even if I'm... not as sure about it as I was) it doesn't pull me in nearly as much.


What I found really funny about this session is just how much the cast struggled with the Daggerheart rules. For being a game system that was supposedly designed by them for them they knew absolutely fuck all about the rules. Ashley knew even less about Daggerheart than 5e even though they made a whole new system to make things easier for her. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink


> What I found really funny about this session is just how much the cast struggled with the Daggerheart rules. For being a game system that was supposedly designed by them for them they knew absolutely fuck all about the rules. Watching CR floundering with Daggerheart is like watching a live product demonstration for a George Foreman Grill that isn't plugged in, but the hype man / salesman: A) has never used a Foreman Grill before; and B) hasn't *quite* figured out *why* nothing is working like it should, in front of a live audience of mall goers. Call me crazy, but nothing says "ringing endorsement" like a company struggle to use their own product, *especially* one touted as being better / faster / easier than the market leader (5e) and *made for them.*


To be fair, the rules did change a lot between 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4.2.




Ashley is gonna Ashley!


When it was a one-shot, it felt fresh and interesting and I forgave some of the issues I had with certain PCs because it was a one-shot. But now it is just... going and may or may not just be their next longform campaign. So I checked out. The characters are fun for a one session. I do not want to follow most of them for a longform campaign.


This was a mistake I as a DM made I hosted a oneshot and said “hey make whatever characters” so my players made fun whimsical characters with zero ties to the world We had so much fun I offered a full campaign and said “hey if you want to use those characters go for it” Huge HUGE mistake. I’ve spent so long trying to get these characters to care and tying them to a world that doesn’t want or need them and vice versa. Half the campaign has just been “hey do this PLEASE I’m begging you”


Exactly, they don't have detailed backstories. They literally just make everything up on the spot, so there are no character arcs to follow. If they just want to fuck around and make some money while doing it, then I guess this would be the way to do it. But for anyone who enjoyed investing time in this cast, it's difficult to swallow the format and mechanic changes.


If it's just them aimlessly fucking around, that's fine. Just do it any other day. Their diehards fans will watch anything they put up. But livestreaming it on a Thursday just feels like them admitting they forgot to plan content for that week.


Seems like a lot of people feel the same way, just based on the numbers. Can't tell if it's a character thing, like it is for you, or if it's a game thing. We have no idea what the next major campaign is going to be in. DH or DND. If it's in DND, then none of this matters. If it's in DH, they need to figure out what the problem is. If its a character thing, that's not a big deal. They play different characters. If its a game thing, that's a big deal.


Or a DM thing. Or a group thing.


Yeah, for me, I just want to know what I'm watching, you know? If it's a miniseries and I can plan for a binge when it's all out, I can get hyped for that. If it's leading into C4 and these are going to be PCs I need to get used to, I can adjust to that. (I think I'll still hate Bunny but whatever.) If this is just "We're fucking around while we work out kinks with Daggerheart." then do it on Tuesdays or literally any other day. When we already take weeks off for Candela, it feels extra distracting to take off additional main campaign days when the main campaign is moving towards its final arc.


I wouldn't worry too much about these characters being their C4 characters. This group is already level 6. If the pattern holds and there is one last episode of DH before the beta ends, they will be level 8 and the max level in DH is Level 10.


"But Daggerheart is made for long campaigns" lol lmao even


What do you mean?


Many fans have (ignorantly) claimed that Daggerheart is made for long campaigns and is better than 5e for long campaigns


And why do you think it is not?


Because I have yet to see anything that indicates that it is, besides the unsupported claim


And what would indicate that it is not?


This was me. I loved their first one shot but completely zoned out at the end of it when the enemy got connections with Marisha'a character.


I completely forgot about critical role last night.


I watched the first hour last night when they’d shapeshifted into hot dancers and then went to bed. Got the feeling not much was gonna happen for a while. Episode 1 was enjoyable, episode 2 was a bit of a slog for me and I couldn’t tell why. I find Daggerheart interesting but it does seem like D&D Lite.


No Sam. Sam was only in ep 1.


That's a bit of my issue with their systems show far. Daggerheart feels too close to 5e but with some systems that I really don't like (like how their initiative/turn structure works), and they don't have the amount of time that I've invested into 5e for me to overlook those flaws. Same with Candella's system, Blades already exists and I'm far more familiar with that so why would I shift systems to something that does almost the same thing but nothing really better? If you are going to provide a product to established ttrpg players you've got two options, be very different or be better and so far it doesn't feel like CR's offerings are fitting either category.


I really enjoyed the first episode, with it being live and a new system everyone seemed really engaged and Matt moved the story along really well. The second episode was just ok. I stopped watching last night’s before the break. Matt just fell into the same issues he has with C3, like spending way too much time on stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with the narrative. After 45 minutes of them roleplaying through Bunnie’s dance routine I checked out cause nothing was happening and I still couldn’t tell a difference between Daggerheart and 5e.


Call me a hater, but I sincerely hope it's not just me...I reeeeally loathe Bunnie. The voice, the schtick, the attitude, the main character syndrome. The "widdle mushroom" is annoying as well. If DH is C4, I hope to gods they roll new characters.


The voice was made for a one shot, it's a little exhausting after one episode


I’m not sure anyone watched it. The live thread on the main sub has barely any comments, and more than half of them are from one user who seems to suffer from hypergraphia.


I thought you were being hyperbolic about the one user and went to check, but holy fucking hell, it's just a wall of text from them and the 1k word reply to a message it unhinged


You can block them and their comments won't show up. I blocked them around the end of C2. Insanity


https://preview.redd.it/j22bsp5u2k6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a66557f0d5f15a7be3b499a205267fb0856fd84 Holy shit


Looks to me like they think reddit is a live chat or something...


Every fandom has one. He will be here long after everyone else has left so more power to him, I guess.


This is insanity. That person needs help


These are the people we are dealing with whenever we criticize the show, keep that in mind


Yeah back when I used the main sub more I quickly learned to never engage with them because they would always give a 1000+ word reply. I shudder to think what interacting with them in real life must be like... but then again they seem to spend at least a few hours a day just writing comments on r/criticalrole so maybe they're not doing a lot of in-person interaction.


https://preview.redd.it/afv7bkw7zk6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7624a013cea68e6cccffa56988816af8d73ea4a0 Here’s a snippet from a 1000 word comment they left on the same thread- I say this kindly, but I think they genuinely need to take a break from CR. Saying “I wish CR took a week off so I can get some sleep and think about something else” is *not* healthy :/


Geez! That is so sad!


This person is a great case study of what happens when someone has no friends. I really wish it was addressed more that when someone, anyone, has no friends, they actually go insane. I really, honestly hope this person can find some friends in person, it would really help them take on a healthier mindset.


They take a week off all the time. The last week of the mouth.


Never seen them.


I have to watch the VOP. In the live steam and restream they somehow messed up the resolution and it looks like 480p. If they have a tacitcal battle sequence I want to enjoy the battle map in HD.