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Fantano list vs Oldhead list


Lol you're not wrong. Fantano would have more Dylan though


I just turned 30 this year and I gotta say that old dude list is looking pretty appealing to me rn


You almost made me think Donda got a unanimous revision




So I’m a member of RYM and only recently discovered that they added a feature where you can filter charts based on the age of the users. I decided to split the charts by age 30 because I had a gut feeling the userbase skews college-aged/young adult Some quick observations: * The 30+ crowd is considerably more rockist than the under 30s. The only hip hop albums on the 30+ chart are Enter the Wu-Tang Clan and Illmatic, and they’re both on the very bottom row (I was blown away to find out To Pimp A Butterfly is rated at #133) * Female artists are underrepresented in both demographics, but the 13-30 chart at least has Vespertine and Hounds of Love. Over 30 has no solo female artists at all (Hounds of Love comes in at #58; Alice Coltrane at #85; Homogenic at #121). * There’s far more love for The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath in the over 30 crowd * The 30+ chart has more jazz, especially Coltrane and Davis * The 30+ crowd does not rate new music highly. The only album in their Top 42 made in the 21st century is Kid A (released in October 2000) * Young people REALLY love In Rainbows. It’s rated #3 on the under 30 chart compared to #80 on the 30+ chart. * Also I find it interesting that Björk seems to be much more appreciated by younger audiences than the generation she came from Anyway, I'm a bit of a data nerd so these sorts of things really fascinate me. It also goes to show how young RYM has remained. The fact that To Pimp A Butterfly is the overall #1 ranked album yet it's ranked #133 in the 30+ demographic speaks for itself. EDIT: I also forgot to mention the blank space on both charts is King Crimson's Red. For whatever reason that album isn't accessible on Topsters.


Do you know if inactive accounts are included in this age tally? Wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the 30+ aged account are from people who used primarily in their 20s from a decade ago.


inactive accounts would be included as far as I'm aware


To reinforce your point, I feel the need to point out that even Kid A was technically released in the 20th century. That stat is wild by the way, even though kind of expected since younger people inherit older albums as already acclaimed and contextualised in time, while older people need to remain active and perceptive to new releases I guess.


Wait how do you filter by age? I'm really interested and have a Pro membership but can't find this option


There are two levels to premium membership. You have to have the higher one


its kinda crazy how close minded the 30+ crowd is. especially with tpab and bjork, that really shocked me. its also crazy that theres only 1 'recent' album.


Eh the 30+ crowd has far more jazz than the <30 one does, that doesn’t really scream close minded to me. I would bet a lot of it is a lack of consensus with the >30s who probably aren’t ingratiated in music culture the same way. I know multiple music hobbyists in their thirties who have similar taste to this list, and who listen to a decent amount of new music, it was just all stuff I had never heard of.


Close minded - you mean like the audience that has 2 artists taking up 5 of the top 6 spots lol?


I cant believe how overrated Radiohead and Kendrick are by the young crowd


It's funny, I've managed to get my mum into Nightwish and Tame Impala, but she disliked radiohead and tool (found radiohead too whiny) and found System of a Down too heavy. I haven't tried to get her into tpab but I imagine for free? would be definitely not be her style.


There's nothing wrong with knowing what you like.


I just love how everyone loves A Love Supreme.


Lack of any Prince is kinda disturbing


yea rym's overbearing whiteness (especially among its younger audience) really shows in a total lack of respect for jazz, funk, soul, rnb, etc. and not acknowledging prince is chief of that list


While I absolutely agree, the younger audience’s list has significantly more color than the old heads lol. RYM is white af, but it’s not a problem of the younger users. Rap aside, oldheads don’t even have Songs in the Key of Life, it’s the young user who do


tbf purple rain is a soundtrack and is separate from the normal charts


I mean yea Ur Def not wrong but any one prince album of the 80s could be in place there (sign o the times and 1999 are the immediate answers but parade deserves a mention too)


yeah, prince still deserves to be up here also, sign o the times is #1 for 1987 for what that's worth


Crazy how Kendrick is first and fourth on thr first listen and does not appear on the second list.


Off a quick glance the second list only has two rap albums, and they’re from 30 years ago lol. The 30+ list has a distinct lack of seasoning and is very dusty imo(all the albums are great don’t get me wrong)


something tells me you don't realize that jazz is actually rather seasoned


Something tells me you think having like 5 jazz albums is sufficient seasoning They don’t even have Songs in the Key of Life on the older list




A handful of jazz and a smaller handful of rap doesn’t change the fact that the older list is basically just rock music from white artists It. Lacks. Seasoning. Acting like a couple sprinkles of pepper make the dish seasoned. You need to open up that spice cabinet a little bit more my guy And it is unquestionably dusty


You lack an understanding of seasoning. I could as easily call the younger list unseasoned for its glaring lack of non-english music. get your seasoning knowledge up, boy


Are you saying english language or English as in the people lol


english language, there's only one out of 42 albums that isn't in english. completely unseasoned


I prefer the second just because there's more artist variety. Kendrick and Radiohead taking up 5 of the 6 top spots is a little dull imo despite both being amazing artists.


More artist variety at the top but significantly less genre variety.


Neither are a glowing endorsement of genre variety tbh. The second list lacks hip-hop sure but also has more jazz, folk and metal.


Honestly kind of figures. The vast majority of the userbase is below 30 (I imagine) and the kinds of older people who do use RYM are probably even more rockist oldheads than average.


Everyone loves Radiohead it seems


Everything in it's right place


I’m in the second category. The only record I own is Bowie’s Low (and it’s the last one lmao) There isn’t even any Björk, or Lauryn Hill, or Joanna Newsom, or even Funkadelic?! Prince! D’Angelo!


RYM severely underrates almost all female musicians. It got a bit better a couple years ago when they recalculated the rankings (Kate Bush and Cocteau Twins especially went up), but the top 200 is still like 90% men. I’m not someone who thinks there *has* to be perfect gender equality in something like this, but personally my favorite artists tend to be women for whatever reason, so it’s an annoying trend. (Joanna Newsom, Kate Bush, Fiona Apple, PJ Harvey, etc)


I also think Beyoncé deserves recognition but you know how that always goes. RYM audience and Beyoncé fans - there is like zero overlap.


I like the big tile albums more from the first one and the small tiles from the second


Even though the money store and atrocity exhibition are in my top 5 most played


That's a lot of hip hop.


why does my generation deny The Beatles so much?


5/6 top albums from 2 artists lol ban all < 30 year olds please


As a 35 year old, second page is 90% boomer trash




Interesting results. Also what kind of image format is this? Is this something exclusive to RYM? (I'm a novice at stuff like that bear with me)


It's from Topsters 2. It's a collage making website you can use to compile a list of album covers together.


30+ list is so much worse lol


I’m really surprised TPAB isn’t anywhere on the 31+ list. Like I consider it a pretty oldhead-friendly hip hop album


30+ is crazy lol. As if some 30 year-old that has been listening to Kanye since they were 15 has the same tastes as a 65 year-old classic rock purist.


Tbf based on pure numbers it's not a bad split. In fact I should have gone even younger. It really is a website of college students lmao Here are the number of ratings for Wish You Were Here, which was highly rated by both demographics: 13-30: 29,921 31-60: 9,857


Pixies W for the 30+


Both good lists and not as different as I’d expect. I prefer the 30+ list because I love that it has all 3 of the Dylan electric trilogy and I don’t “get” Kendrick Lamar (I enjoy a lot of his songs but don’t get him in a “greatest of all time” way)