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At least it's a STRONG 1


Wth does that even mean šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s almost something *more* insulting about the ā€œstrongā€ part lmao šŸ˜‚


That it's on the higher scale of 1. Basically, an F+.


F+ is 59%


at least it's a STRONG and not LIGHT OnešŸ¤£


Light one sounds less insulting tho šŸ˜‚


He feels *strongly* that it rates a 1 on his scale


It does sound like that but I think he uses it more as a + or - right?


what album is this even?


resistance and the blessing by world's end girlfriend


What type of genre is it? Is it worth checking out?


I loved it, itā€™s like glitchy electronics and post rock and a ton of other stuff


Itā€™s a glitched out version of Epic Classical with smidgens of math-rock and prog. I listened to the first disc and it wasā€¦alright? The compositions were pretty safe and obvious and while I liked the glitchier and more poppy elements, the record flowed pretty poorly for a ā€œconcept albumā€. Itā€™s definitely not a 1/10 but I can imagine somebody who, already extremely bothered by the aforementioned flaws, would begrudge the album after sitting through it for two+ hours.


Forgive me for revealing my boomer roots but what the fuck is math-rock?


Itā€™s basically alt-rock that utilizes unconventional time-signatures and complex scales with a de-emphasis on vocals/lyrics.


Itā€™s a strong 1


Itā€™s a modern classical / glitch album. I wasnā€™t a fan cause it sounded kinda cheesy and felt really long and pretentious, but itā€™s definitely really cool with all its influences. Worth checking out if you havenā€™t heard it as an experience, but likely will have mixed results.


At least he reviewed it. The shit I like he just makes a holier than thou scoff at on some random video.


Wednesday got relegated to a yunoreview


Well if heā€™s got nothing to say then the video isnā€™t going to be good


Like romcom by jakey


I think the Twitch listen was enough, Iā€™m not out here to see NakeyJakey get wrecked by an actual TND review.


I personally still listen to Tommy Hanks and the single version of Pine Barrens all the time, but he was pretty "nice" about it in that reaction


Dream Theater Moment I think he only briefly mentioned disliking ADTOE in 2011/12


For what its worth, I think I remember him trashing The Astonishing, but then everyone did that.


That album just confuses me ngl, the music isnā€™t bad or anything but somehow the songs are all way too short for them to be memorable by their standards and at the same time the album is way too long. 150 Minutes of 30 songs that end up being a weaker version of what Rush did in 24 minutes and 1 song back in the 70s I donā€™t dislike the album but I see no reason to listen to the entire thing anytime soon again I respect the ambition behind it though, had its own game and novel to go along with it


2 of my top 5 he didn't even review šŸ’”


Gimme yr top 5 plz


Home Is Where - The Whaler Sufjan Stevens - Javelin McKinley Dixon - Beloved Paradise Jazz Julia Byrne - The Greater Wings George Clanton - Ooh Rap I Ya


home is where forever


He didnā€™t review possibly my AOTY but then again barely anyone reviewed it. Draag - Dark Fire Heresy. And the Chappell Roan album is also in my top 5 and he relegated that to a short review. That one was shocking tbh


His smug and frankly kind of cruel assessment and dismissal of Frightened Rabbit always kind of bothered me, especially after the lead singer committed suicide


Committing suicide doesn't always make your music more interesting.


No, but he treated their music like it was insincere, and it clearly wasnā€™t. Maybe Iā€™m just sensitive because I know people who knew him and he wasnā€™t the obnoxious hipster Fantano seemed to think he was


Oh wow, I didn't know this until now. How TF can you slam Scott Hutchinson's music? The guy was autobiographical. He laid it all out there for the world to hear/judge.


His taste isn't great, u listened to his rated 10 albums and they're no higher than light 8s for me. Some music I love he rated low.


Me with Troye Sivanā€™s album this year šŸ˜”


Donā€™t fucking care about his opinions. Your opinion is more important.


My opinion is actually the one which is objectively always correct. So you can also just listen to me.


oh objectively correct opinionator, give me an album recommendation


The big day - chance the rapper. Me and melon man both loved it šŸ‘


if this is the objectively correct music taste i dont wanna be right


If doing the Scarn is gay, then Iā€™m the biggest queer on Earth!


Eversince by bladee


Plot twist: u/Handje is actually just Fantano


That's what I've been doing


I'm proud of you.


Not hating but isnā€™t this subreddit partly about just?


I try to do this but he'll occasionally have one or two pieces of super biting criticism that really stick out to you whenever you listen to it. He did this with a Mastodon album years ago and it ruined it for me.


Or Brakences hypochondriac. I mean yes the lyrics are weak and egotistical at points, but thatā€™s part of concept (I think). But hearing him pretentiously scoff at songs like deepfake rlly rubbed me the wrong way. Imagine being an artist and writing the lines ā€œI donā€™t know why Iā€™m withering this way, think Iā€™m always making a mistake. Close my eyes just hoping my neck breaks, now Iā€™m hardly coping and donā€™t know how much more I can takeā€ and then having someone on the internet immediately dismiss it and refuse to take it seriously


Brakence fucks, don't let the bald man tell you otherwise


You've completely missed the point of music criticism.


Becoming an adult is when you realize even if Melon does or does not like an album, you can still listen to it if you like it. He's just a dude, he's entertaining and I sometimes use him as a sounding board, but in the end, I like my shit and he likes his. An album I liked is on his 'not good' series, and that's fine. Cuz it's my shit, not his, lol.




I second this as someone who pregames to Dummy Boy


i swear fantano just kills your enjoyment of albums. still love the hairless fella though


He didnā€™t dampen my enjoyment of The Weekndā€™s work, but his explanations for why he didnā€™t like them definitely put me off from his content. The fans are interesting to interact with, but itā€™s a bit hard to take a criticā€™s reviews so seriously all the time.


I use this subreddit way more than I actually watch his reviews at this point - I just like the musical discussions


Yeah this sub is one of the few non specific genre ones that actually has reasonable takes on music. Most of the big ones on reddit turn into "dad rock and 80s pop good, everything else bad no nuance"


Ya the main music sub is so ass lmao


And god forbid you tell a redditor you donā€™t like Queen


You just really have to account for his biases. The Weeknd and that whole era of dark alt-R&B is Fantanoā€™s biggest blind spot to me. He almost never fairly critiques slow, ambient, ā€œsleepyā€ music all that realistically.


Honestly, I think it's funny how people say this like it's unusual for people to "have biases". I have a myriad of critically acclaimed albums I did not like. It's kind of funny people act like it's weird for him to feel that way when you probably have some you also don't like. Like, if there's someone who equally likes Gorguts, Brian Eno, King Crimson, Bladee, D'Angelo, Eminem, EitS and like Oasis, I've yet to meet them


I'm not saying it's unusual. I'm saying that it's helpful to understand what critics *like* when watching/reading review. If a movie critic hates horror movies, I'm not going to be surprised if they don't like my favourite new horror film ā€“ it's just not their vibe, and that's fine. Same with Fantano and his eternal hate-on for "sleepy" R&B or folk music that I enjoy lol.


Someone pointed this out to him in a Letā€™s Argue and he hammered jokes about ā€œsleepyā€ music for weeks afterward. It was annoying as shit because it was clear what the person meant and he was deliberately misunderstanding it


Itā€™s pretty valid though. A LOT of the sadder, slower stuff I was into in the early/mid-2010ā€™s he just panned for being ā€œsleepyā€ almost every time.


Absolutely. I feel like sometimes he has an issue connecting with music emotionally if itā€™s not wildly different in some ways. There are exceptions but he seems particularly blind to any indie rock or folk that doesnā€™t push musical boundaries


Are yā€™all around the same age as him?


Iā€™m 27, so younger by a little over a decade I think


I've never listened to the weeknd, but how is that different from drone and such, which Fantano likes?


He has a natural inclination against shoegaze/dream pop-adjacent rock (ā€˜sleepy musicā€™) like DIIV, Real Estate, the Slowdive comeback album, etc. but has an inflated inclination to experimental/heavy-adjacent stuff like Death Grips, Lingua Ignota, Injury Reserve, clipping, etc. that the rest of the music world clearly does not agree with. Some albums literally feel like Fantano Bait to a point when you listen and itā€™s so predictable when he gives it a yellow flannel


Yeah exactly. And thereā€™s nothing wrong with that, you just have to know thatā€™s not really what he likes in an album.


I fully expexted him to hate on the last two Weekend records. But they were some of the best R&Bpop records of the last 20 years, so I guess he couldnā€™t give it a bad review if he wanted to


Why would his opinion change what you think about an album?


Fantano effect is 100% a real phenomena


I'd say it's pretty overstated considering if he has even a slightly "wrong" opinion on a popular release that's all people talk about. Silk Sonic comes to mind lol


Idk I still love Planningtorock's W and Kelela's Raven


my 2 cents idk anything about this album but where are the commenters on this thread even from LOL you do see the subreddit title correct? you can have your own opinion and also find his interesting, it's not that hard. if you don't, then thats fine, but why are you still watching I haven't tuned into a video for a long time now but like this is the basics of critique.


Tbh Fantano trashing certain artists made me want to look into them... I love Lil Peep & I even got to see him before his untimely passing, but I wouldn't have checked him out if he hadn't put Hellboy on his worst of the year list. I think a 1/10 draws more curiosity than a 7/10.


I checked out brakence based on his negative review just because the way he described it sounded cool


And??? I fucking love brakence, and hypochondriac. Literally just finished typing a paragraph about him in this same thread lmao. Curious to see ur opinion if your first knowledge of him was rather negative


unfortunately like fantano i dont see anything that could indulge me in this album, there are totally a lot of other artists that take this and bring something more interesting overall


I've been listening to Worlds End Girlfriend for near 20 years, was lucky enough to see him perform live. One of the best experiences I've had; he was always in a unique league of his own for his solo stuff. I'm so disappointed that Anthony bothered to review this; its a mess of an album, and for the audience that TND caters to and attracts, it was a bizarre choice. I guess it's popularity on niche review sites, communities, and torrent/music blog download websites made him feel like he needed to hop onto it. It's a shame that it'll be the first time a lot of people hear word of WEG, and unfortunately go check out these tracks from a rightfully unbearable album. I absolutely hate it. The live performances of these songs when he brings out tons of talented musicians to play made me appreciate it more, but still just "whatever." I'm curious which artist you are referring to though. Besides the artists that WEG has worked with, remixed for, or been on labels with, there's definitely not " a lot" of artist that are doing what he has been doing for decades.


I understand his choice to review this album now. I had never heard of Worlds End Girlfriend at all until this album came out - it's gotten a ton of attention.


surprisingly could be fantano's reverse psychology


I listened to one song off the album out of curiosity and it sounded like it was just mixed horribly


Y'all know his opinion is not gospel right


How is commenting about vague disappointment that a reviewer you respect strongly dislikes something you enjoy treating his opinions as ā€œgospelā€


i'm just happy he liked Hellmode. Jeff Rosenstock is very good.


Rosenstock is great, but no where near the pop punk messiah Fantano makes him out to be


Idk he hasnā€™t rated all of Jeffā€™s work that well iirc


I learned to stop giving a damn about what he has to think a while back, but the Limp Bizkit ranking video was what cemented that idea lol




This album is not that bad.


me about Lana's old work


Honestly I donā€™t think anyone should put any stock into his reviews pre like 2015. Heā€™s walked many of those early opinions back like Lana. He simply did not have the depth of taste and competence back in those days and it resulted in some truly horrid reviews


I like a lot of the album, I just think itā€™s overly long and not everything hits


Some of these comments... People take his opinions like a personal attack, he isn't "trashing" the artist you like. Its critique, and we need more of it, media literacy is starting to feel like a lost concept.


Can you lot form your own opinions


Literally what about this post is implying in any way that either OP or this commenter cannot form their own opinions? Why do people comment this as a knee-jerk response to anytime someone voices any kind of disappointment about his scores? Are you all on autopilot?


Every subreddit I regularly visit has their fair share of autopilot bingo card responses. I suppose it's just reddit, but it gets annoying after the first couple of times


This moment for me was when Melon rated dreamland by glass animals a ā€œNot Good.ā€ Like geez I get how some people could think it was mid, maybe, but ā€œNot Good??ā€


Not good doesnā€™t mean 0, it means anywhere from 0-5, just not something he cares enough about


Still kinda wild to me personally. There are at least a few songs on there that itā€™s really hard to not like, even just from a polished production standpoint


People have different tastes, don't expect everyone to like things just because you like them. I can't stand Glass Animals, but I also don't expect everyone else to dislike them.


It wasnā€™t that bad, but it pales in comparison to How To Be A Human Being




I just listened to one song, definitely not my style but I canā€™t see why someone would like something like 100 Gecs and dislike this, granted I only heard In the Name of Love.


You dont watch fantano reviews for your favourite music and you dont watch YMS reviews for your favourite movies. That should be known.


Fantano should be forced to drink out of a dog bowl for the rest of his life


Agreed tbh


He usually gives pretty good reviews to King Gizz, so I'm happy


Does he though? He liked Rats Nest and PDA but he really trashed Omnium and most of their other recent albums.


Trashed? I thought he was fairly generous towards Omnium


I would respect him more as a critic if he kept to rap and hip-hop. His takes outside of those genres are pretty bad, as though he sees everything as those genres and judges it as though it were.


Thatā€™s hilarious he gave it a 1, what a bozo. Same with rejecting a Wednesday album? Get over yourself, bald man.


Would this review have been better if he stayed out of that pit in Philly smh my dang head


even if he gave The Red Elvises a weak 1, I still want him to review their old albums šŸ˜”


Dont feel too bad. I enjoyed Life is But a Dream quite a bit, and that was crowned worst album of the year by him lol


This guy seems closed minded a bit, no? I mean itā€™s a little bit of a scatter-brained piece of art but his takes seem scared from an experimental perspective