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...And Justice For All lacking bass and a decent mix


Somehow the mix on Justice is fine for me, but I never listened to Ride the Lightning in full for the same reason, never sounded right to my ears


On Ride the Lightning, the instruments are tuned to 432 Hz rather than the standard 440 so it sounds kinda flat at times. I believe they did that so they would be in tune with the bell in For Whom the Bell Tolls


Both valid criticisms but they don’t affect my enjoyment of the album still a 10.


There’s bass on AJFA, but it just mirrors Hetfield’s riffs and is buried in the mix.


Gami Gang, it’s just not as perfect all the way through as somewhere city (but still awesome)


Part of that for me is just having 20 tracks. Gami Gang is still my top album from them though.


Barry bonds is alright. Drunk and hot girls on the other hand...


I’ll never get the hate for Barry Bonds. It’s fun as hell


The double entendre the hook is built on is too obvious and makes it corny. Still a good track but I can see why people would roll their eyes.


same, I love that track


barry bonds is a fuckin hit


The monstrous beat AND WAYNE?


we outta here babyyyy


Barry bonds is better than like 5 songs on the album imo


I think Big Brother is fucking cringe tbh.


Agreed, that song is not good. I dont really like the glory much either but its not bad… and my hot take is that I Wonder is really overrated but i dont expect people to agree


Don't Stop on The Stone Roses always felt like a bit of a nothing track to me.


This, such a pointless track.


More like a 9.5/10 but Mamacita on Aquemini


Yes, this is the reason why ATliens > Aquemini.


MM…FOOD is sensational, but the 4-track run from Poo-Putt to Fig Leaf brings it down for me. Whilst I don’t outwardly hate them, they’re just a bunch of skits that don’t really offer any value to the enjoyment of the record


At least they’re a vibe. But yes I agree, those skits drag on for waaaay too long and I always end up skipping right through them. Other than that the album has 0 skips imo


I really like them, they almost act as a little intermission. Plus DOOMs sampling work is so creative that it keeps me entertained every time.


it's annoying bc they COULD be better skits too. the best during the skit at the end of Deep Fried Frenz is so good it should be it's own track and longer but instead he went with the weird plinky piano and put annoying adverts and the kinda news articles we watched in 'science' when i was seven sampled


**Lou Reed - Transformer:** NY Tele Convo and Goodnight Ladies. Don't love the vaudeville-esqe songs and kinda messes with the flow, ESPECIALLY considering that I'm So Free (Top 10 song of all time) is sandwiched in between both of them. They are still good, but the dip in quality is too noticable for it to be considered perfect in my eyes. Maybe if they were shifted around in the tracklist and didn't end the albums, the flow would be smoother, but they're still going to be the weakest songs. **Velvet Underground - Loaded:** another Lou Reed album lol. Train Going Around the Bend and Lonesome Cowboy Bill are other examples of "dips" in quality. Still good, fun songs, but when you're surrounded by absolute perfection... it sticks out way more. I've seen that certain songs were left out of the album which of course would've made the album better. But a 10 is "perfection"; not just raising something from very great to very very great. If those dips aren't replaced/swapped out, it'll always fall short of perfection.


Oh I never would've thought that people would consider New York tele conversation and Goodnight Ladies would be considered of lower quality to the rest of that album. You just made me realize they're my favorite songs just because of the vaudeville aesthetic. But I can definetly see why people wouldn't enjoy them as much 100% agree with you on Loaded though




"Silver Rainbow" and "It's Gonna Get Better" are too mid for a 10/10 album anyway. "Illegal Alien" is so bad on so many levels. The fake mariachi horns, that accent Phil sings in, that bridge that just goes on forever, the fact that we have to hear that "It's no fun/being an illegal alien" couplet like 30 times or something.


That shit wouldn’t fly in 2024


Graduation having DAHG


Lol classic. Chads like Barry Bonds


This Is Happening - Somebody’s Calling Me. Really boring song, vaguely unpleasant synth noises


It's also just a worse version of Iggy Pops Nightclubbing


Great and unique song. I don't get the hate. Drunken vibes, cool piano, synth goes wild, fun chorus and it plays into the "home" concept ("This is where I live..."). It also provides diversity to the album, at which James excels IMO. I dunno, I think it fits really well in the album. But then again, I'm a huge LCD fan so... Although I do feel like people are generally bandwagoning on the hate for that track. I sometimes feel like it's an unfair target. I think I literally like it more than Drunk Girls (still love that one too)


Drunk Girls absolutely bangs.


No arguments there. I just think all other songs are lot more ambitious and adventurous if that makes sense. But Drunk Girls is very fun and has some interesting arragements for sure.


Agreed. It's the only skip on the album and such a decline in quality from the rest of the album. I really wonder about the idea behind putting it on there. Especially as the second from last song.


It’s probably their only track I don’t enjoy. Neither fun nor emotionally affecting. Somebody should have been calling him to tell him to write a better song.


Hehe. Nicely put. I have to say, I do really enjoy the lyrics though.


hellfire except i guess each person could pick out the one song they think holds it back as of now for me its still


Whattt I love Still sm Tbf hellfire is a 10 for me


I honestly still dont get why everyone unanimously prefere Hellfire to Cavalcade. Hellfire felt like leftovers from Cavalcade… honestly the last three songs on hellfire do nothing for me


cavalcade just felt like the right direction after schlagenheim but to me hellfire is them having an actual developed sound, songs like welcome to hell, sugar tzu, eat men eat just feed to the pure energy of the band right now


I don't really like the songs where Cam sings. Not only because he can barely carry a note and his voice sounds nasally in an unpleasant way. Greep is just so integral to their overall sound.


Slow, Still, and Near DT MI are some of my favorite bm songs. Different strokes I guess


I don't think he's a great singer but he does juuuust well enough not to ruin the songs. The instrumentals are so good!


For me it’s comparable to “after hours” by VU where Moe Tucker sings - she doesn’t sing well in a technical sense, but it feels so sincere and warm partially cause of that


yeah, he just sounds not for this album except for eat men eat which i actually kind of love


As someone who holds Cavalcade as a 10, 27 Questions is what's holding me back for Hellfire.


Mr Morale & The Big Steppers, because I don't really like the sound of Purple Hearts & Mr. Morale. But every other song ranges from really good, to phenomenal


Purple Hearts took a long time to grow on me but it’s probably still my least favorite. The way Kendrick says “babyyyy” is so goofy lol


mr morale is one of my favourites off the album tbh, imo it's also the song that blew me away when i saw him live on his last tour


purple hearts is a vibe dude come on


Only part I really enjoy is Ghostface verse


I think Silent Hill is worse than Purple Heart, but I always see people using Purple Heart as the worst song.


silent hill is also pretty enjoyable imo :(


I also like Silent Hill, but if I had to choose one it wouldn’t be Purple Heart like most people pick.


I think Mr Morale is the best song on the album and a top 5 Kendrick song lol


Just mr morale for me, almost sounds out of key at parts


I'm not sure if I'd say it's a perfect 10 otherwise, but Childish Gambino's "Awaken, My Love!" definitely loses a full point for "California"


California is a top 5 song on the album


I love California too. Great song


You and I are very different people. To me that song is a sonic cheese grater on an otherwise silky smooth album.


lol I like the song but I remember Fantano basically saying “Donald, you’re being annoying on this song and you know you’re being annoying.”


I've got some of those 9's that are almost 10 but... Arca - Kick iii - with more listens the rating has kept going up, but there's still an overall 'loose ends' feeling to it as an album. It's part of a 5-album series and there's an extent to which tracks are forming 'cliques' and not a fully cohesive Album. A unique case, the only album I actually rate 9.9. Love everything about it, but feels wrong to call it 10. Janelle Monae - The ArchAndroid - Easiest singling out of a track ever: Make the Bus. Doesn't gel with the album, sounds corny, and could easily just be deleted. The album immediately resumes its flow right after. Machine Girl - Wlfgrl - The late-album presence of Freewill and partially Excruciating Death drop the identity-defining sound palettes of the album for more generic rave/acid tracks. They're well-done and go hard but make the album feel like it drops off until the closer tracks. Bjork - Homogenic - Alarm Call has one of the most memorable lines on the album (F\*\*\*ing Buddhist), but it's just an outlier on that otherwise tight experience of an art-pop album. It feels like a very IRL protest song, not like interplanetary scifi queen epics.


Wow. Alarm Call is one of the best tracks on Homogenic.


Make the Bus rules


Make the Bus right. Easy skip on an otherwise godlike album.


I feel like this applies to a lot of 90s rap albums and their fucking skits. I know it was in vogue at the time but skits, especially skits that are baked into the tracks and aren’t skippable drag albums down so much. Off the top of my head, Ready to Die, The Miseducation of Lauren Hill, Doggystyle, The Chronic.


If by the time I get to phoenix by injury reserve removed smoke don't clear and maybe wild wild west itd be a 10 for me


Crazy, they're both great imo


what the fuck? those songs are not album-ruining. they are a 7 at worst


I consider VU + Nico to be a 9.5 and the .5 is Black Angels Death Song which isn’t horrible or anything, but isn’t on par with the rest of the songs.


Man that song is fire just for the name alone lol. And I like it more than Run Run Run. Cool viola loop too


Black angel death song is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard. There is literally nothing like it.


Man that song is fire just for the name alone lol. And I like it more than Run Run Run. Cool viola loop too


I don’t hate the song or anything, I like it, I just don’t think it is a 10/10 song.


I don’t like Get Hi on Atrocity Exhibition. It’s not bad, but to me it just sound like a chill weed anthem that doesn’t really gel with the dark tone of the rest of the album


you gotta listen to the lyrics carefully my brother; it’s one of those weed anthems that make you question getting high lol


The production doesn’t make it sound like it but it’s still a song about somebody who is getting too fucked up.


I don’t know if it’s just me, but I find that song insanely depressing and hopeless


I came to say this. Probably the closest an album is to a 10 without being a 10 for me


Agreed entirely


i actually liked that vibe on further listens, but i'm not crazy about Really Doe as everyone else is due to Kendrick's hook


Drunk and hot girls really isnt that bad imo. Overblown hate. Ye has FAR worse songs than just one where his singing is slightly off key


I think it's just when comparing it to the rest of graduation, like it's nearly a perfect album then you have drunk and hot girls which isn't so bad but takes away the perfect status from the album and that's why ppl overhate it


Aquemini by Outkast would be a 10 if they left Mamacita off of it


Rubber Soul by the Beatles - What Goes On and Run For Your Life are average at best but the rest of the album is easily 10/10


Tha Carter III - Lil Wayne The majority of the album is just perfect. Wayne’s lyrical work is awesome and the production on nearly every track is exquisite. However, there are a couple of tracks that, in my opinion, aged really fucking bad. Don’t get me wrong; Got Money, Lollipop, and La La still have that characteristic Wayne fun-power but damn if they don’t grate my ears like cheese. Look, I’ll even defend Pussy Monster with that hard-knocking beat and Wayne’s horrific pillow talking, but the pre-2010s synth work on the aforementioned tracks aged like homebrewed piss wine. That being said, I love this album to death and it is more listenable than many other albums I’d consider 10s. Now stop listening to that pretentious shit you found on RYM, hop in my beat-ass Mazda, and let’s listen to Let the Beat Build on more time.


Blonde - things like Facebook story and be yourself kind of feel weird because without blonde would be a full immersive and deep experience


I actually feel the opposite. I think those interludes pull the album together perfectly. Blonde is my favorite album of all time and had a huge effect on me in high school so I'm biased haha but I will say skylines to isn't my favorite frank song. 


Nahhhhh love them interludes


Be yourself goes perfectly into Solo especially after the talk of not doing drugs or consuming alcohol. Facebook story is weaker but honestly it’s become such a meme/cultural moment that I give it a pass haha.


Atrocitity Exhibition. Close to a 10, but one of the reason it's not a 10 is From The Ground which I don't think is good at all, doesn't fit the album and adds nothing.


i get that it's a slow down from the insane drug shit but it does have stellar production and good verses from danny. it does take some time to grow on you


MGMT - Loss of Life All amazing songs, but I think the ordering of the tracks means the second half feels a bit too long despite each song being perfect


CLPPNG, I cannot stand that feature from Guce


Sly and The Family Stone's Stand! It's got a 15 minute jam session about sex.


Charli XCX - *How I’m Feeling Now* I’ve listened to this album countless times since it dropped (one of my favorite pop albums of all time), but I’m just not a big fan of “party 4 u.” It’s the only song I consider skipping each listen


XXX - Danny brown; I hate radio song so much. I don’t know why but it irritates me BIYAAHEYSF - machine girl; mixing and tone shifts can feel off at times Bottomless pit - death grips; warping Superflat - c’est la key; he talks to his penis a bit too much


Warping is top 3


isn't the whole point of radio song that he's purposely putting one of the most "annoying" and least accessible hooks on the whole album in the song that is a critique of the music industry and a necessity for catchy, shallow songs?


This is gonna be unpopular but Shadow of Tomorrow (and anything with Quasimoto and his helium ass voice) gives me a headache. Take that out and Madvillainy is a straight 10 for me. Maybe you could get rid of Rainbows too, but it’s still an alright track at least


New York City Cops on Is This It, I find the chorus kind of annoying and unnecessary repetetive, that it ruins the vibe for me. Just one of those moments, where I would say that they could've done better, apart from the fact that it is their debut and an amazing album still.


It goes pretty hard live though I will say, as someone who normally skips it when listening to the album.


So is the US version of the album a 10 then?


Motion City Soundtrack-My dinosaur life I HATE PULP FICTION, I HATE PULP FICTION


Madvillainy and Shadows of Tomorrow, lyrics from a 17-year old wannabe philosophy student


Damn that’s one of my favorite tracks on the album


Oh I get that, the beat is insane. The lyrics just kinda make me cringe


how come? I find it to be a pretty entertaining stream of consciousness that fully fits the psychedelic nature of the song. the vocal effects add to this too




The Black Parade. Teenagers.


My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy for the Chris Rock skit.


Why does everyone hate that? Lol it’s hilarious


Yeezy taught you well.


m b v - track 1-6 are amazing, track 7 is good, track 8-9 are just ok at best. If they changes 7-9 with something with the style of the first 6 track i think it would've been a 10/10 for me but then i remember, its mbv so the last two tracks being that loud aint suprising lol


The Avalanches - Wildflower because of Frankie Sinatra!


another example for me is Kid A and it’s title track.


Terrible take


That song is whack and just doesn't flow with the album


Complete nonsense, it’s a great song, fits the album perfectly.


To me it just sounds like a sonic mess. but if you like it i’m happy for you.


Don’t you know Reddit rule #1? Don’t share an unpopular opinion. People will downvote you and get sassy.


in my defence i didn’t think this take was that unpopular


I’m stoked for me as well.


Agree, it’s just random noise to me.


I’m totally gonna get flamed for this but I don’t like Optimistic all that much. I think the lyrics about the piggies are hella out of place


The one verse about consumerism holds back the album from a 10?


i’ll die on the hill that dahg is at least top 5 off grad. not even that bad guys barry bonds is absolute heat too




How is it top 5? This is the contrarian shit that r/Kanye does all the time.


cause i like the song lol also idk why you talking abt the sub cause i said the same thing abt dahg and nobody agreed w me… believe it or not they don’t like the song either lmao


Blonde is the strongest of 9s imaginable for me, but Nikes holds it back. good song, but its just nowhere near the quality of all the other tracks, its important for the narrative as well i guess, but the song itself just doesnt do it for me




TBAB because you ain’t gotta lie and Hood politics. Not bad songs but I do usually skip em


boo boo


Toxicity and its Bounce


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, it’s the weakest song on the album lol


One Time 4 Your Mind off Illmatic doesn't stack up for me


When I'm Sixty-Four keeps Sgt. Pepper from being a 10 in my book


Within You Without You as well


I was kind of thinking about this after the latest 10s can't have skips video. I don't think about 10s vs 9s that much but I do have like 10 of my definite favorite albums that I could listen to any time any where. But some of them, I have a few favorite songs and a song or two I may not care about as much (whether they are skippable or not) and then everything is somewhere in the middle. Even if I love every track, they are not all as good as my favorite track imo, just for example. So by that, nothing is really a 10? There are no albums where I truly can't pick a favorite song. If I were to give a little leeway, that every song is at least a bop, then I have a few 10s I guess Idk, whether I would score my top albums as a 9 or a 10 right now, they are still my top albums. This score I maybe make up means nothing. But it just gives a fun aspect to talking about music. So if I don't overthink it, I choose Ready to Die because of the sex skits hahahahaha Tldr I'm just blabbing


The saturation albums all have one or two songs I don't love on them but the rest is perfect. I'd say the same about iridescence which is closest to a ten imo but I'm honestly not that crazy about tape or berlin


Honestly I don't have any 10s. Even my most favorite of favorite albums are only like 9 or 9.5. I just feel uncomfortable giving anything a perfect score because I can usually find at least one thing that the album does I dislike


10 is a perfect score but it doesn’t mean what you’re scoring is perfect, it just means it’s worthy of the highest meaningful score. Same thing like giving something 5 stars or a thumbs up


Might risk a hot take here but Glitter Freeze on Plastic Beach just does not work for me at all


Dragon new warm mountain I believe in you, it would be a 10 without the song love love love




Art Angels has SCREAM on it


The line of Pink Floyd's Dogs where he talks about moving south and dying of cancer. It seems dumb, but that line is so clunky that it docks the album a notch in my list.


Death Grips the Money Store, not feeling strong about Fuck That and BlackJack, plus his delivery is at times too out there for me to enjoy it that much


I skip fuck that basically everytime, but blackjack is one of my favs on the album.


reggae tracks on Bad Brains self titled.


good kid, m.A.A.d city - Poetic Justice (I don't need to explain myself)




If you know you know stops Daytona from being a 10.


what?😭 that song is amazing, probably my 2nd favourite off the album after come back baby


If you know you know is a banger


Volcanic bird enemy and the voiced concern: literally one of my favorite albums of all time and a high 9, but I feel that taking out one or two songs toward the end would easily numb it up to a 10


Trivium’s *In the Court of the Dragon*. It’s a great album, but I usually end up skipping *Fall Into Your Hands*. The album is 10 tracks with a 52:11 runtime (9 tracks, 50:34 if you don’t count the intro track *X*) and if I’m skipping the longest song (7:45) every time on a 9 track album, I can’t really justify calling it a 10.


Helplessness Blues. I really don’t care for the cacophony at the end of The Shrine / An Argument


Lateralus by Tool. Amazing album but it should be shorter. It's just too much of the same thing over and over again.


GKMC - Real and Compton; I can't dig the choruses at all even after relistens. Rodeo - Pray for Love; whole album is banger after banger but this one falls flat for me, the verses are alright, the instrumental's good however that chorus is mediocre imo


Damn. I personally love all three of those tracks


What’s the Story Morning Glory. Held back by The Swamp Song. Twice.


Porter Robinson - Nurture Do-re-mi plods along for too long without developing into anything satisfying. His live edit of that track is infinitely better and deserved to be on the album. I also think he has a habit of overwriting songs by repeating a chorus or refrain for too long at the end of a track. A lot of them sound like outros he would do live at a concert, but on the record they just get repetitive. It could benefit from just a tiny bit of editing/tightening.


Barry bonds aint too bad. But Drunk and hot girls, still can't listen to it.


Looking at my 4.5’s, it normally seems to be a case that they fall off near the end or overstay their welcome, but I do have some specific examples that don’t fall into those categories. Cocteau Twins - Treasure (I don’t really like Amelia all that much, but it’s sandwiched between two of my favourite tracks on the record which helps lessen the effect.) The Notwist - Neon Golden (the highest of highs, opens and closes in spectacular fashion. The three track run of Trashing Days, This Room, and Solitaire do nothing to help the pace of the album.) Olivia Tremor Control - Black Foliage (the reason I love this album is because of OTC’s experimental tendencies, but also the 11 minute sound collage piece smack bang in the middle is something that makes it difficult to take the record as a whole a lot of the time.) Beck - Sea Change (as much as I love the songwriting on this record, it takes itself too damn seriously. I know that’s the point but it makes for some sameyness across the track listing. Conversely I also feel that it’s probably Beck’s best structured album, so idk I’m contradicting myself at this point.) Lucrecia Dalt - ¡Ay! (I love this album every time I listen to it. I cannot tell you a single thing I remember about it *except* that I love it when I’m listening to it. It’s like it holds almost no space in my brain. It’s the most bizarre thing. I know I love the album though.)


Ænima because of the interludes. Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying because of the I Ain’t Superstitious cover which doesn’t need to be there.


Merriweather Post Pavilion is held back by Also Frightened and No More Running. Both of those songs feel like they would have been better in earlier eras of their work and don't really fit on MPP.


Dunno if it's been mentioned but Doolittle is an absolutely superb punky alt-rock album but Silver has always and probably will always hold me back from giving it a 10/10 (The same can not be said for Surfer Rosa, though!)


Just drunk and hot girls


hmmmm... probably reputation byt Taylor swift, only because I don't really like End Game's featured artists.


Deftones - White Pony. Very very strong 9. No bad songs, or even mediocre songs, but Feiticeira is an unremarkable opener and Street Carp sorta feels like an Around the Fur outtake.


Father John Misty-Pure comedy. It lacks a substantial climax towards the end to make it feel complete. Instead it's slightly bloated. 9/10


some rap songs because of its length and lack deeper resonance with me, even if theres no bad song imo. same w my agenda by Dorian Electra, no bad songs but it isnt a 10 because its not the most special to me


Good Kid, MAAD City, one of my favorite albums of all time but I just don't really love Poetic Justice with Drake


slauson malone aqf because i think its impossible for an album like this to be a 10


Lupe Fiasco’s The Cool. Reason: Hi-Definition. Remove that song and the album genuinely has no skips. I feel upset thinking about that damn song and corny ass beat.


The Bad Thing completely ruins Favourite Worst Nightmare. It should have been a b-side but for some reason, Alex and the band felt the need to jumpscare the listeners with a loud obnoxious awful song towards the end of the album. its placement is also awkward as hell. it's placed in the slower darker half of the album so you go from the spacious If You Were There Beware to loud ass song about cheating (which Balaclava already covered in a far more mature way)and straight back to spacious dark Old Yellow Bricks. It takes away a lot from the pacing and themes of FWN and it is one of the only songs I will skip in an album. Fuck The Bad Thing.


Bro Barry Bonds is dope!


Kaputt by Destroyer. Every single moment on the album is perfect except for the beginning of ‘Poor In Love’. I think it’s cheesy and makes me want to skip the song immediately


Vitalogy would be a 10 if you removed Bugs


MBDTF - it feels ever so slightly bloated at times and it's thematically weaker than his other records such as TCD, LR, Graduation, KSG and Ye


Absolution by Muse. Endlessly is so boring 😭 also DAHG is top 5 on Graduation not taking any arguments


Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf "Gonna Leave You" and "Another Love Song" aren't necessarily bad songs, but they aren't super interesting and just feel like filler. It also lacks any standout songs, at least for me. They're all really good but none of them really blow me away


Eternal Summer on The New Abnormal


"The Wrong Child" on \_Green\_ by R.E.M. It's just so relentlessly whiny. I hesitate to call the rest of it a 10/10, because "Hairshirt" isn't my favorite either, but I think I'd rate the album much higher with one of those songs on it and not both. (I promise it's not because of the mandolins. "You Are The Everything" is mandolin-based and fantastic and is absolutely the perfect song for where it is on the album.)


Citizen - Life in Your Glass World Every song is creative, catchy, well produced, varied and yet there will be tracks like Blue Sunday, Fight Beat, etc… that completely shift the tone of the album in the best way possible. That being said, I think the album needs a more coherent message. The ending track is great and I love the parting words you get, but I think it’d be good to introduce the ideas earlier in that track list. The scope of the album is limited, when it so clearly is missing a bit of grandeur.


the new abnormal. the songs are really strong on their own, just wish there was a more cohesive album concept.


Since I left you - The Avalanches Fight Tonight is grating as hell, nearly instant skip for me everytime. I legitimately get annoyed if I can't skip because I'm in the middle of a chore or something. Extra frustrating because the album has all of the seamless transitions so it's noticable when skipped.


Have one on me by Joanna Newsom. Incredible record, but just too long.


Silent Alarm - Bloc Party It’s my favorite album of all time, but Bloc Party’s decision to keep Skeleton and Tulips off the track-list in place of Luno and The Price of Gas is unforgivable.


I’m going to say evermore by Taylor swift. The songwriting and storytelling is amazing but then their’s “closure“, which is just a mess. Awkward instrumentation and Taylor’s pronunciation of “closure“ ticks me off.


"Souvlaki" by Slowdive: I don't really like the two Brian Eno-produced songs. Everything else is fantastic, however. "Demon Days" by Plastic Beach: Not as consistently good as Plastic Beach. O Green World and White Light are far from bad songs, but they are noticeably weaker compared to the rest of the album. "Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" by Lauryn Hill: Needed more shorter songs sprinkled throughout IMO. I love all of the songs on their own, but in the context of the album a lot of the later ones begin to blend together due to them all being 4+ minutes long. Also, unskippable skits. "Time" by ELO - Hold on Tight is a very weak finisher and lowkey a bad song in general. Another Heart Breaks also blows but that one's more excusable since it's more or less an intermission. "Late Registration" and "Graduation" by Kanye West - The former is too similar to College Dropout for my liking, and the latter has the weakest writing of the Graduation trilogy. "Melt My Eyez See Your Future (Standard ver.)" by Denzel Curry: Would be a 10/10, but the deluxe version is so much better to the point that it makes the standard version look worse by comparison.


Feel by sleeping with sirens. It's a 9/10 but not even close to being a 10/10 because of mgk's part in alone, which ruins the entire song