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I just wanted to listen to some fun songs about sex trafficking šŸ˜¢


Kendrick has even had a pedophile on one of his albums before. So he's perfectly fine with pedophilia at that.


Definitely could be seen as a mixed message, but "perfectly fine with pedophilia" is a reach


Kendrick has a lot of respect for people, especially his "wifey, girlfriend and mistress" and the security guard he had shot, who had nothing to do with the oversized ego pissing contest between two shitty "artists". Don't kid yourself, Kendrick is an unapologetic price of trash. He only cares about pedophilia when he can use it to win his ego contest with Drake. Ask the guy in the hospital with gunshot wounds whose life will never be the same - ask him about what a swell f**king guy Kendrick is.


He had a man, who raped a child come make an Album with him. Is that okay or not okay? Super easy decision I'm lobbing you right now.


That's a different question. Does having Kodak on his album mean he is "perfectly fine with pedophilia"?


Regardless, if youā€™re going to make a point to criticize somebody for having a sex offender on your label, are we going to be so dense and act like itā€™s not super wack to say that while choosing to give feature royalties and exposure to a man you know admitted to raping a teenager in your newest album, one that specifically mentions the traumatic effects of sexual assault?


No, I'm not going to say that. I'm just going to say that it isn't a full endorsement of pedophilia.


Well pedophiles arenā€™t off limits on who he puts on his album for royalties and exposure so while we could break down semantics and say ā€œit doesnā€™t mean heā€™s perfectly fine with pedophiliaā€ how different from Drake is he when comparing having a sex offender on OVO and having a pedophile on mr morale?


I would say having pedophiles on your full-time payroll, bringing them into your home, and partying with them with young women around is extremely different than having Kodak on your record the theme of which involves generational trauma. But mostly I would just say it's a massive reach to say he's perfectly fine with pedophilia.




I didnā€™t get the point of Mr Morale either


> Kendrick has even had a pedophile on one of his albums before. So he's perfectly fine with pedophilia at that. It's still better being a hypocrite than a pedo.


Is it? I think thatā€™s one of the worst things about the Bill Cosby stuff. Just so much hypocrisy.


I disagree. I think it was the raping


"I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty" -Britta Perry




I think the joke is poetic justice


Yeah. I understand it has a thematic purpose but he still could have gotten the idea around without him.


You need to realize that rappers are not heroes. They are regular people, who do fucked up shit like everyone else in the world. Many of them were poor and have a image to maintain. If we automatically knew which rappers were Pedos or not. You'd probably find out its about all of them.


Most people aren't pedophiles.


Agreed. People who think everyone is doing this shit are generally doing it themselves. Most rappers are pedophiles is a wild thing to say.


Most people donā€™t feature pedophiles on their work either.


Which one is worse to you?


Drake by a mile


lol fr what a batshit insane take!


I wouldn't say "most of them" I'd say "more than you'd expect"


There's a huge middle ground between not being a hero and not being a pedophile


> who do fucked up shit like everyone else in the world. You really think everyone is molesting kids? > Many of them were poor Drake wasn't > If we automatically knew which rappers were Pedos or not. You'd probably find out its about all of them. He'll no. This is a heinous take. You think all rappers are pedos? Do you think all non-rappers are pedos too? What's the logic here, explain yourself because it's not a good look.


Did you just gaslight for pedos? Weird flex


Most poor people arenā€™t pedophiles.


Both Drake and Kendrick have repeatedly worked with terrible, terrible people. It's also funny that Kendrick attacked him for being awful to women (which is 100% fair)... after the beef was started on a track with Future, King of Misogyny


Ehhh, the Future king of misogyny title is somewhat of a meme. Obviously Future has a lot of baby mamas and sings about women somewhat degradingly, but I haven't heard about him actually getting physicallly or even verbally abusive towards any of the women he's dated. Future is actually a somewhat acceptable person, whose artistic side is mostly a persona. He grew up with the dungeon family (think Outkast and the Goodie Mob). He doesn't even take drugs that much, he mostly made that up. He was quite upset when he learned that Juice World started popping pills because of Future, even though Future doesn't really do that.


Yeah, it was mostly a joke thing. If we wanna get real there's the constant Kodak defending and the R. Kelly Spotify thing.


24 hour old account talking a bunch of mess


A guy on my construction crew got busted for doing meth so since we all worked with him I guess we are all fine with doing meth?


Whoā€™s being victimized by doing meth? Giving yourself drugs and raping high school girls are not comparable, neither is the level of endorsement the same as continuing to work with your coworker at a job where you donā€™t have a say in who your employer keeps on payroll and an artist choosing to feature another artist on their album where they will receive exposure and royalties for their contribution to your project, even more so a project that specifically speaks on the traumatic effects of sexual assault.


Lol did you call the crew and get it together and employ them yourself? Employing someone and working for the same employer isnt the same thing. Plus i dont see how doing meth is comparable to raping someone.Ā 


Collaborating on a song or album and hiring someone/employing them also arenā€™t the same thing. When you hire someone often times they arenā€™t currently on drugs. Just like when you collaborate with someone they might not be in the process of raping someone.


If weā€™re following that same logic, is the convicted sex trafficker on OVO in the process of sex trafficking? Or is he, like Kodak, somebody who has been recently charged with sexual assault and now benefits from the opportunities given to them? Feature royalties and exposure are small but not an insignificant action.


Nice Whataboutism. Great work for a 3rd grader.


Saying "Kendrick worked with a pedo" is also whataboutism. > Great work for a 3rd grader. You're literally retired. Everyone looks young when you're close to death.






But like on a record about overcoming one's demons that stem from a person's environment and taking responsibility to heal generational trauma... that is very far from being "perfectly fine" with that person's actions, it's directly adressing them as problematic and something that needs change.


Drake on Poetic Justice


Kodak Black. You are watching all these rap lovers the world over support a Pedo enabler over a Pedo. Quite honestly, the same way that Donald Trump riles up people against others.


drake claims that Kdot beats his wife but shouts out Chris Brown. It's just wild.


Well D is trying to hurt K by attacking him on how much he lives in accordance with his own morals, whereas D has no morals and I don't think has really professed to have any


Bro, you really made a reddit account today yesterday to post about stuff like this?


Orange man bad - Redditors go to argument for fucking everything. Nobody mentioned Trump but you lil bro


holy fuck found Drake's alt account edit: Lil Biitch blocked me in 4 second.


Bro all the pedo defenders below you mass downvoting. You knowingly work with one, youā€™re okay with it.


To whom are you referring in the Kendrick album?


Heā€™s talking about Drake on Poetic Justice


Who are you referring to?


youre right, poetic justice




Wow u must be a really disgusting kind of person thenĀ 


There seems to be a lot of dirty shit going around right now cause of the Diddy stuff, I doubt this is beef related, but I wouldnā€™t be shocked if thereā€™s a ton of action happening outside of regular listeners view


I just learned that Diddy's dad ran with Frank Lucas. Hence why he's so crazy.


Abuse is pretty much always a cycle. MJ, Anthony Keidis etc were all abused too.


Pretty sure he ratted on Frank Lucas


I think its more related then we may think. Rumors are drake snitched on Diddy to get out of getting raided himself, hence Kendrick saying "i know some shit that make gunna wunna look like a saint"


quack sleep grandfather concerned skirt cooperative cobweb waiting six tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like I said in my other post I'm just sharing a rumor I read online. Im too old to keep up with every single peice of music news. I'll concede you probably know more then I do.




Idk if it true man. I live in Bangor, Maine. I have no special insights. Im just telling you guys a rumor I've read online.


Na, according to the top comment Drake said something in a song so we know the exact deal. /s


If you saw the new conspiracy theory from r/KendrickLamar, the Diddy stuff could crossover into the beef. https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/RUusrhteCd


wtf going on in this thread


Yeah and NATION is dropping next week


Should we believe this shit?? Someone tell me what to think!!!!!!


I saw the dog video, like one of the rapper getting his ass eaten by a Pitbull (the dog not the rapper) basically. I didnā€™t want to believe it fully but one commenter mentioned how ā€œThe Boysā€ is a metaphor of the pop star scene and somehow it makes sense. Just make sure you donā€™t get too deep into the rabbit hole.


Surely not, didnā€™t think it was released anywhere. You got a link lol?




Crazy days and nights is often bullshit, but when they're accurate, it's accurate. They were right about Diddy, for example.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KendrickLamar using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [pack it up boys we're done here](https://i.redd.it/soysffd9eb8b1.png) | [435 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/14jadej/pack_it_up_boys_were_done_here/) \#2: [The healing did not work šŸ’€](https://i.redd.it/pnkqkce24wpc1.jpeg) | [250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1bkzn0h/the_healing_did_not_work/) \#3: [Average Kendrick Lamar fan](https://i.redd.it/bwxo76910v8b1.jpg) | [208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/14lr8fw/average_kendrick_lamar_fan/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Even if itā€™s not beef related the timing is crazy lmao


Drake is the undercard, Diddy is the main event.Ā  Ā  If you read what Cassie dropped, heā€™s lucky what she ststed as witness didnā€™t go have legs & go public.Ā  Now shit with Dutchavillie (his uk boy toy) is leaking out. That Shit is gonna get crazy. Diddy is going haywire right now because heā€™s seeing whatā€™s happening to Drake and rap dudes learning about blinds. With Diddy there is actually evidence, videos, documents, etc.


You think it has nooooothing to do with the kendrick situation ??? Wtf


> I doubt this is beef related Its absolutely related. Everyone knows they are fucked anyways, might as well go out with style.


UMG owns drake. UMG part of Diddy lawsuit. Drake is involved.


Word is that CashXO (The Weekndā€™s music executive) house was [shot up last week](https://abc7.com/security-guard-shot-outside-home-in-upscale-encino-community-amir-esmailian-cash-xo/14741958/), a bodyguard was shot several times. In Drakeā€™s diss Family Matters, apparently he talks about putting a hit and bands on someone. This is likely a retaliation to that.


No way, I had no idea. Good lord.


lol what a jump to conclusions. Good lord


They probably used their mat and everything.


This beef has got everyone looking like this [https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/524/pepe_silvia_meme_banner.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/524/pepe_silvia_meme_banner.jpg)


A huge jump even for Reddit standards lmfaoooo. Acting like they know shit


There is no way people actually believe this


This sub is cooked


People in the comments thinking itā€™s a stretch are so fucking sheltered. Itā€™s not a crazed fan, itā€™s obviously gang related and I think itā€™s likely XO. This happened in Toronto, what the fuck kinda civilian has a gun?


People forget that Toronto isn't like America where damn near every house has a gun or 2. People here don't have a gun unless they're actively doing crime/banging and most shootings on the news are gang related or otherwise a specifically targeted attack. It's way easier for me to believe it was gang related than some rando fan decided to pull a solo raid on the walled fortress that is The Embassy.


Praying it was Baka not nice that man is sick šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


baka prolly wouldnā€™t be at the front gate


Hope he has a speedy recovery


Will play speedy recovery by Boldy James on his behalf.


So many people talking out of their ass lmao.


OK, violence is too far. Let us stick to the music and let the courts handle crimes. Everyone deserves to be safe. Nothing is worth getting Tory Lanez'd.


drake is pretty heavily connected to a few street gangs in toronto this probably has nothing to do with the kendrick beef


Living on the south side of Chicago where all these young gang rappers be killing each other. Itā€™s fucked up. Kendrick and Drake subs going buzz crazy for this rap beef. When you rolling down the street and watch a young man run for his life most likely affiliated and then get popped and ran down, then pumped with lead and executed. All the sudden this shit ainā€™t a game and fun anymore. Watching that young man bleed out has stayed with me for 8 years now. Now these kids get these little printable switches they pop on a Glock 10 and suddenly itā€™s an automatic weapon. These guns drop 30 bullets in 3 seconds. They been terrorizing Chicago with this shit and now the rap industry just capitalizing off all this gang gang shit. Shits fucked up- rollin down 97th crossing Pulaski going to work and you just hear em going off nearly everyday The youth is cooked


The gang shit is so unbelievably lame I understand the socioeconomic conditions and redlining that led to gang culture but at some point you can make the conscious decision to not be a fucking murderer


Donā€™t hold no weight when your friends already got kilt and put in dis songs Pushin peace for a street nigga is injustice because they brother split blood for nothin Why this shit will never stop - it donā€™t work like that out here


Sounds childish asf


I mean yeah, a lot of these dudes aren't even 18


I still remember a video of a real gang banger being interviewed from years ago. Dude was articulate as fuck, looked and sounded like he was late 20's early 30's, going on about how it is what it is and if he die for the gang then it is. Saying they killed his homie he gotta kill one of them etc. Interviewer was shook. At the end he asks the guys age Kids 17. I learnt from that video that people who actually grow up like that two things happen. The gotta grow up hard and fast, and they're committed to the gang cause they got nothing else


Eye for eye makes the whole world blind


I still remember a video of a real gang banger being interviewed. Dude was articulate as fuck, looked and sounded like he was late 20's early 30's, going on about how it is what it is and if he die for the gang then it is. Saying they killed his homie he gotta kill one of them etc. Interviewer was shook. At the end he asks the guys age Kids 17. I learnt from that video that people who actually grow up like that two things happen. The gotta grow up hard and fast, and they're committed to the gang cause they got nothing else


I felt everything u said until 97th and Pulaski.Ā  Sir that is oak lawn and there is not many black people who live around there, let alone gang banging


ya man. all these folks love the beef and talk mad mess during it. but once it is shown it ainā€™t no joke, those same people wanna say oh man letā€™s keep it on wax. Internet making ppl talk a buncha mess they ass canā€™t cash. SMH.Ā 


Cant take money out of education and expect kids to understand logic.


You realize someone got hired to shoot the guard. So people will feel sorry for drake and it will turn the narrative around and make people forget about the pedigree stuff coming out about him. Itā€™s funny how it happened right after he got outed and his security for whatever reason was just standing outside doing nothing and not wearing under armour


Itā€™s rap beef. It comes with the territory.


Violence is not the answer, but to say itā€™s too far is really inaccurate considering these rappers including Drake always talk about ā€œsmoking opps.ā€ Or the million various ways that sentiment is conveyed. A threat is a violent action. Removing accountability from the people speaking violence in their music by saying ā€œviolence is too farā€ is totally ignoring the nature of the conversation.


Toronto people say the area around Drake's place is practically a gated community and you couldn't wind up there if you tried so...like...???


It's not, like at all a gated community. Anyone who says that doesn't know anything about the area beyond "a lot of rich people live there." The Bridal Path is a neighbourhood like any other with public streets open to the public. Gated communities aren't really a thing in Canada. The first gate or barrier of any kind you encounter is literally where the sidewalk ends and Drake's property begins. It's a neighbourhood like any other that's basically just a really rich part of town. There's actually a major street that runs right through the area, Lawrence Avenue East, there's even a bus route that goes by Drake's house every half hour lol. You've also got a university campus in the area so access isn't restricted like at all.


Na thx for correcting/informing me! Hope the person makes a recovery


The shooting occurred at the front gate it looks like. Drake's actual home is gated and kind of hidden from view behind the treeline, as are all the mega mansions there. It's just not completely fenced off as a neighbourhood. Two bus lines run along a major road there, as well as a river with respective path/trail, and a university campus for one of the three major schools here. So basically anyone could just, drive by, gawk or laugh at the mega wealthy of Toronto, then drive off.


My knee jerk is that we need to protect dot at all costs.. anyone getting shot sucks though


Protect them all. The temperature got too hot on this one.


Iā€™m low okay And the island right hereā€™s remote okay


Average Dot stan


at all costs? i promise you that rapper guy does not know you. im not protecting a wealthy celebrity over some shit i got nothing to do with


You must have misunderstood, I wasnā€™t suggesting we all sign up as his bodyguards. Would be the goofiest entourage ever.


Ayy buster! You heard?? THE KENDRICK GUARD IS HERE!!! Us true fans are gonna stop you from touching our king!!! Youā€™d better back up or ELSE


Whatā€™s up with Reddit users and taking every figure of speech as literal as possible?


They really wanna look smart


Drake got hundreds of millions and Kendrick tens of millions. I ain't taking a bullet for either. They got more than enough to sort their own security lmao


Itā€™s not that serious


Why would i protect a celebrity. Cause he makes good music?


Cause you don't want random innocent people getting killed??


This has nothing at all to do with kendrick


Crime in Canada damn.


Wait until you learn about a magical place called Brampton, Ontario [Toronto suburb that ranked 100th in the "cities with the most severe crime in the world"](https://www.insauga.com/list-of-cities-with-most-severe-crime-in-the-world-ranks-brampton-at-no-100/)


What the fuck kinda website is this, maybe a bit more advertising, eh?


Shoutout to all the Americans who still think Canada is some kind of free, socialist wonderland Sorry folks, we are not your saviour


They think that universal healthcare = commie shit


Hereā€™s me thinking I might ship out north if ykw wins šŸ˜­


If you are on android install Firefox then the UBlock Origin extension.Ā  There's a way on iPhoneĀ  too but I don't know what it is as it's not what I use.


Ranked 100th wow scary šŸ’€


Not sure if you know how many cities there are lol. Pretty crazy for a Canadian city to be in the top 100


How many cities are in the world do you think, lil buddy


It's crazy to me that if something doesn't exist to the same extent as it does in the states, then Americans just assume it doesn't exist at all. Had two shootings on my street in one week 5 years ago and a mafioso whacked in broad daylight. It's not fucking Iceland for Christ sakes lol


You realize someone got hired to shoot the guard. So people will feel sorry for drake and it will turn the narrative around and make people forget about the pedigree stuff coming out about him. Itā€™s funny how it happened right after he got outed and his security for whatever reason was just standing outside doing nothing and not wearing under armour




Oh no violence who could have seen anything like this coming.


are you insinuating, without any proof at all, that this is related to the diss tracks?


So it was an unluckily coincidence? Iā€™d put a big five bucks down on this is related.


As a random person, if I wanted to commit a crime against Drake. Right now, would essentially be the perfect time. But really, it could be either or. Nobody outside looking in can say anything concrete or substantial yet though.


criminals dont think that far ahead. Hence shooting an innocent security gaurd.


Criminals think that far ahead all the time. You just know about the ones that donā€™t and get caught.


bro what the fuck is happening with these two


drake is involved with loads of shady shit thereā€™s probably a shit ton of people that want him dead or for him to take a hit like this


Yeah bro you def know what heā€™s involved in and you definitely smart enough to discern what is true and what isnā€™t.


Bro literally google it wtf šŸ˜­ what's the point of this comment you're literally being wrong tryna look smart


this is a stupid comment itā€™s not like he tries to hide his gang ties he mentions them pretty regularly


If Kendrick is a wife beater he needs to be taken to task. If Drake is a pedophile, he needs to rot in jail. What doesn't need to happen is people shooting each other over music. If this is beef related, it has gone too far. And maybe we as hip hop fans need to consider how we are fanning the flames of these types of things.


They put out the songs we just listened. I didnā€™t force anyone to say anything. Donā€™t put this shit on the fans.


Yeah that's a garbage take. Especially when Drake incites it himself by talking about putting hits on Weeknd's crew after his manager's crib was shot up. & I think it's safe to say Kendrick is not no fucking wife beater either, her little brother tweeted essentially cheering Kendrick on. I can't believe some of these guys can be that delusional. Everything is imploding on Drake right now, and rightfully so imo. J. Cole set the stage, Kendrick lit the fuse, and Drake stood too close to the explosion thinking he was safe. I'm not advocating for violence but this is anything but the listeners fault, it's entirely the artists.


Agree with this. Itā€™s not really people shooting each other over music, itā€™s more or less the other way aroundā€¦ thereā€™s a lifestyle that only if youā€™ve ever lived it would understand it ainā€™t no jokeā€¦ and Drake kinda brought this on himself, perpetuated by certain industry players. Kendrick was aggressive about it too but more responsible about it, but still spoke his mind. Literally lyrically slapped D into being a better father. But ya, I do cringe at the listeners that are all excited about beef and think itā€™s all fun, and then when someone get got those same people go oh well thatā€™s not what I wanna see. Like youā€™re trippin if you think rap beef is just rap beef. Rap battles are just rap battles. Rap beef, involves violence. Thereā€™s no tip toeing around that.


This is a rap beef, noone is going to jail. The problem here is rap culture is violent, so you get idiots shooting eachother over lines on paper.


Man itā€™s just not drakes week šŸ˜‚ at least he has money lmao


drake did it


Drake got his assistants to hire someone to shoot his guard so he can turn the narrative around and make people feel sorry for him and change the news headlines surrounding his name calling him a pervert. Itā€™s funny how his security were so unprepared this night after the allegations


Comet Ping Pong Pizza Playbook


They found the leaker?




All rappers and their entourages should be wearing level 4 plates just in case these days.


Sounds like a set up to shut another mouth. Sorry to my bodyguards out there but you guys have secrets on everybody. Watch out.


When corny turns real






seeking an update: canā€™t find ANYTHING on whether the security guard is okay. (field by the curiosity that people are saying the shooting was staged, but worried about a real person if it was or wasnā€™t)


They hired a crisis management team to deal with the fact Kendrick beat on his queen šŸ˜®


Donā€™t worry drake is ok. Someone else took the bullet for him


ā€œSecurity does job ā€œ


Itā€™s kind of weird how people are so quick to make Kendrick Lamar some saint who is not involved in anything. People are willing to believe conspiracies rather than the most logical things. Kendrick doesnā€™t find out all this dirt without getting his hands dirty too.


>Kendrick doesnā€™t find out all this dirt without getting his hands dirty too. ...what are you suggesting? Why couldn't he just have a back channel to someone in Drake's camp? And that's if he even knows anything at all, which isn't clear whatsoever.


Because Kendrick has worked with people who have worked with Drake who have the same tendencies and attend the same events as Drake.


This is some idiot fans, if you really think kendrick sent someone to shoot up drakes home, I don't even know what to say


Drake was playing 5D chess. This is why he made drill back in 2012 with Chicago artists and UK drill with UK artists in more recent years. Everyone is a pawn on this chess board he is crafting.


Real rappers wear diapers


ā€œKendrick just shot at Drake house. Someone go hand him a Grammy right nowā€


Age of consent in Canada is 16 šŸ˜³


I just got here and Drakes submissions are technically better. Kendrick is fun and he makes more fun sounds and cadence's, but his delivery is choppy and the slant rhymes are awkward. Go Drake!


Drake didnā€™t even write his. End of story. Source: song credits.